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Merge #1865
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1865: withdrawals as part of the coin selection r=KtorZ a=KtorZ

# Issue Number

<!-- Put here a reference to the issue this PR relates to and which requirements it tackles -->


# Overview

<!-- Detail in a few bullet points the work accomplished in this PR -->

- 12b28f7
  📍 **take withdrawals into account, one level earlier, during the coin selection**
  Still to be done:

    - Make sure it's correctly done in the largest-first algorithm
    - Add some test scenario that show the influence of the withdrawal

- 547b130
  📍 **unit-test the newly introduced 'proportionallyTo'**
  Getting this one wrong would be quite bad :s

- 975f726
  📍 **add unit tests showing how withdrawal impacts the random coin selection**

> 💡 NOTE
> I've chosen not to treat the withdrawal as a single _input_, but more as a "money pot" that is proportionally distributed amongst change output, so that it contributes to every output, based on their size. This is to avoid having a small output consuming the entire withdrawal for itself. Note sure if I'll keep the approach in the end, I'll have the night to think about it.

# Comments

<!-- Additional comments or screenshots to attach if any -->

- [ ] TODO: take into account the withdrawal when doing largest-first (and testing it)
- [ ] TODO: echo the error message change on "ErrInputsDepleted" to integration tests relying on that message.

Don't forget to:

 ✓ Self-review your changes to make sure nothing unexpected slipped through
 ✓ Assign yourself to the PR
 ✓ Assign one or several reviewer(s)
 ✓ Once created, link this PR to its corresponding ticket
 ✓ Assign the PR to a corresponding milestone
 ✓ Acknowledge any changes required to the Wiki

Co-authored-by: KtorZ <>
  • Loading branch information
iohk-bors[bot] and KtorZ committed Jul 8, 2020
2 parents 5ab49b4 + a2596bc commit 8bc9f18
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Showing 16 changed files with 375 additions and 499 deletions.
Expand Up @@ -79,7 +79,6 @@ import Test.Integration.Framework.DSL
, fixtureRandomWallet
, fixtureRandomWalletAddrs
, fixtureRandomWalletMws
, fixtureRandomWalletWith
, getFromResponse
, icarusAddresses
, json
Expand All @@ -93,9 +92,7 @@ import Test.Integration.Framework.Request
( RequestException )
import Test.Integration.Framework.TestData
( errMsg403Fee
, errMsg403InputsDepleted
, errMsg403NotEnoughMoney_
, errMsg403UTxO
, errMsg403WrongPass
, errMsg404NoWallet
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -137,12 +134,9 @@ spec = do
, fixtureRandomWalletAddrs @n

scenario_TRANS_CREATE_02x @n

-- TRANS_CREATE_03 requires actually being able to compute exact fees, which
-- is not really possible w/ cardano-node. So, skipping.

scenario_TRANS_CREATE_04a @n
scenario_TRANS_CREATE_04b @n
scenario_TRANS_CREATE_04c @n
scenario_TRANS_CREATE_04d @n
Expand All @@ -158,7 +152,6 @@ spec = do
, icarusAddresses @n . entropyToMnemonic <$> genEntropy

scenario_TRANS_ESTIMATE_04a @n
scenario_TRANS_ESTIMATE_04b @n
scenario_TRANS_ESTIMATE_04c @n

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -294,50 +287,6 @@ scenario_TRANS_ESTIMATE_01_02 fixtureSource fixtures = it title $ \ctx -> do
title = "TRANS_ESTIMATE_01/02 - " ++ show (length fixtures) ++ " recipient(s)"

:: forall (n :: NetworkDiscriminant) t.
( DecodeAddress n
, EncodeAddress n
, PaymentAddress n ByronKey
=> SpecWith (Context t)
scenario_TRANS_CREATE_02x = it title $ \ctx -> do
(wSrc, payments) <- fixtureSingleUTxO @n ctx

r <- postByronTransaction @n ctx wSrc payments fixturePassphrase

verify r
[ expectResponseCode HTTP.status403
, expectErrorMessage errMsg403UTxO
title = "TRANS_CREATE_02x - Multi-output failure w/ single UTxO"

:: forall (n :: NetworkDiscriminant) t.
( DecodeAddress n
, EncodeAddress n
, PaymentAddress n ByronKey
=> SpecWith (Context t)
scenario_TRANS_CREATE_04a = it title $ \ctx -> do
(wSrc, payments) <- fixtureErrInputsDepleted @n ctx

r <- postByronTransaction @n ctx wSrc payments fixturePassphrase

verify r
[ expectResponseCode HTTP.status403
, expectErrorMessage errMsg403InputsDepleted
title = "TRANS_CREATE_04 - Error shown when ErrInputsDepleted encountered"

:: forall (n :: NetworkDiscriminant) t.
( DecodeAddress n
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -404,28 +353,6 @@ scenario_TRANS_CREATE_04d = it title $ \ctx -> do
title = "TRANS_CREATE_04 - Wrong password"

:: forall (n :: NetworkDiscriminant) t.
( DecodeAddress n
, EncodeAddress n
, PaymentAddress n ByronKey
=> SpecWith (Context t)
scenario_TRANS_ESTIMATE_04a = it title $ \ctx -> do
(wSrc, payments) <- fixtureErrInputsDepleted @n ctx

r <- estimateByronTransaction ctx wSrc payments

verify r
[ expectResponseCode HTTP.status403
, expectErrorMessage errMsg403InputsDepleted
title = "TRANS_ESTIMATE_04 - Error shown when ErrInputsDepleted encountered"

:: forall (n :: NetworkDiscriminant) t.
( DecodeAddress n
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -814,45 +741,6 @@ scenario_TRANS_REG_1670 fixture = it title $ \ctx -> do
-- More Elaborated Fixtures

-- | Returns a source wallet and a list of payments.
-- NOTE: Random or Icarus wallets can be used interchangeably here.
:: forall (n :: NetworkDiscriminant) t.
( DecodeAddress n
, EncodeAddress n
, PaymentAddress n ByronKey
=> Context t
-> IO (ApiByronWallet, [Aeson.Value])
fixtureSingleUTxO ctx = do
wSrc <- fixtureRandomWalletWith @n ctx [1_000_000]
addrs <- randomAddresses @n . entropyToMnemonic <$> genEntropy
let payments =
[ mkPayment @n (head addrs) 100_000
, mkPayment @n (head addrs) 100_000
pure (wSrc, payments)

-- | Returns a source wallet and a list of payments. If submitted, the payments
-- should result in an error 403.
-- NOTE: Random or Icarus wallets can be used interchangeably here.
:: forall (n :: NetworkDiscriminant) t.
( DecodeAddress n
, EncodeAddress n
, PaymentAddress n ByronKey
=> Context t
-> IO (ApiByronWallet, [Aeson.Value])
fixtureErrInputsDepleted ctx = do
wSrc <- fixtureRandomWalletWith @n ctx [12_000_000, 20_000_000, 17_000_000]
addrs <- randomAddresses @n . entropyToMnemonic <$> genEntropy
let amnts = [40_000_000, 22, 22] :: [Natural]
let payments = flip map (zip addrs amnts) $ uncurry (mkPayment @n)
pure (wSrc, payments)

-- | Returns a source wallet and a list of payments.
-- NOTE: Random or Icarus wallets can be used interchangeably here.
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -101,10 +101,8 @@ import Test.Integration.Framework.TestData
( cmdOk
, errMsg400StartTimeLaterThanEndTime
, errMsg403Fee
, errMsg403InputsDepleted
, errMsg403NoPendingAnymore
, errMsg403NotEnoughMoney_
, errMsg403UTxO
, errMsg403WrongPass
, errMsg404CannotFindTx
, errMsg404NoWallet
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -146,12 +144,9 @@ spec = describe "BYRON_TXS_CLI" $ do
, fixtureRandomWalletAddrs @n

scenario_TRANS_CREATE_02x @n

-- TRANS_CREATE_03 requires actually being able to compute exact fees, which
-- is not really possible w/ cardano-node. So, skipping.

scenario_TRANS_CREATE_04a @n
scenario_TRANS_CREATE_04b @n
scenario_TRANS_CREATE_04c @n
scenario_TRANS_CREATE_04d @n
Expand All @@ -167,7 +162,6 @@ spec = describe "BYRON_TXS_CLI" $ do
, icarusAddresses @n . entropyToMnemonic <$> genEntropy

scenario_TRANS_ESTIMATE_04a @n
scenario_TRANS_ESTIMATE_04b @n
scenario_TRANS_ESTIMATE_04c @n

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -613,53 +607,6 @@ scenario_TRANS_ESTIMATE_01_02 fixtureSource fixtures = it title $ \ctx -> do
title = "CLI_TRANS_ESTIMATE_01/02 - " ++ show (length fixtures) ++ " recipient(s)"

:: forall (n :: NetworkDiscriminant) t.
( DecodeAddress n
, EncodeAddress n
, PaymentAddress n ByronKey
, KnownCommand t
=> SpecWith (Context t)
scenario_TRANS_CREATE_02x = it title $ \ctx -> do
(wSrc, payments) <- fixtureSingleUTxO @n ctx

let args = T.unpack <$> ((wSrc ^. walletId) : payments)
(c, out, err) <- postTransactionViaCLI @t ctx (T.unpack fixturePassphrase) args

T.unpack err `shouldContain` errMsg403UTxO
c `shouldBe` ExitFailure 1
out `shouldBe` mempty

title = "CLI_TRANS_CREATE_02x - Multi-output failure w/ single UTxO"

:: forall (n :: NetworkDiscriminant) t.
( DecodeAddress n
, EncodeAddress n
, PaymentAddress n ByronKey
, KnownCommand t
=> SpecWith (Context t)
scenario_TRANS_CREATE_04a = it title $ \ctx -> do
(wSrc, payments) <- fixtureErrInputsDepleted @n ctx

let args = T.unpack <$> ((wSrc ^. walletId) : payments)
(c, out, err) <- postTransactionViaCLI @t ctx (T.unpack fixturePassphrase) args

T.unpack err `shouldContain` errMsg403InputsDepleted
c `shouldBe` ExitFailure 1
out `shouldBe` mempty
title = "CLI_TRANS_CREATE_04 - Error shown when ErrInputsDepleted encountered"

:: forall (n :: NetworkDiscriminant) t.
( DecodeAddress n
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -729,29 +676,6 @@ scenario_TRANS_CREATE_04d = it title $ \ctx -> do
title = "CLI_TRANS_CREATE_04 - Wrong password"

:: forall (n :: NetworkDiscriminant) t.
( DecodeAddress n
, EncodeAddress n
, PaymentAddress n ByronKey
, KnownCommand t
=> SpecWith (Context t)
scenario_TRANS_ESTIMATE_04a = it title $ \ctx -> do
(wSrc, payments) <- fixtureErrInputsDepleted @n ctx

let args = T.unpack <$> ((wSrc ^. walletId) : payments)
(Exit c, Stdout out, Stderr err) <- postTransactionFeeViaCLI @t ctx args

err `shouldContain` errMsg403InputsDepleted
c `shouldBe` ExitFailure 1
out `shouldBe` mempty
title = "CLI_TRANS_ESTIMATE_04 - Error shown when ErrInputsDepleted encountered"

:: forall (n :: NetworkDiscriminant) t.
( DecodeAddress n
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -835,47 +759,6 @@ scenario_TRANS_CREATE_07 = it title $ \ctx -> do
-- More Elaborated Fixtures

-- | Returns a source wallet and a list of payments.
-- NOTE: Random or Icarus wallets can be used interchangeably here.
:: forall (n :: NetworkDiscriminant) t.
( DecodeAddress n
, EncodeAddress n
, PaymentAddress n ByronKey
=> Context t
-> IO (ApiByronWallet, [Text])
fixtureSingleUTxO ctx = do
wSrc <- fixtureRandomWalletWith @n ctx [1_000_000]
addrs <- randomAddresses @n . entropyToMnemonic <$> genEntropy
let addrStr = encodeAddress @n (head addrs)
let payments =
[ "--payment", "100000@" <> addrStr
, "--payment", "100000@" <> addrStr
pure (wSrc, payments)

-- | Returns a source wallet and a list of payments. If submitted, the payments
-- should result in an error 403.
-- NOTE: Random or Icarus wallets can be used interchangeably here.
:: forall (n :: NetworkDiscriminant) t.
( DecodeAddress n
, EncodeAddress n
, PaymentAddress n ByronKey
=> Context t
-> IO (ApiByronWallet, [Text])
fixtureErrInputsDepleted ctx = do
wSrc <- fixtureRandomWalletWith @n ctx [12_000_000, 20_000_000, 17_000_000]
addrs <- randomAddresses @n . entropyToMnemonic <$> genEntropy
-- let addrStrs = encodeAddress @n <$> (addrs)
let amnts = [40_000_000, 22, 22] :: [Natural]
let payments = flip map (zip addrs amnts) $ uncurry (mkPaymentCmd @n)
pure (wSrc, join payments)

-- | Returns a source wallet and a list of payments.
-- NOTE: Random or Icarus wallets can be used interchangeably here.
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ genSelection = do
genSelectionFor :: NonEmpty TxOut -> Gen CoinSelection
genSelectionFor outs = do
utxo <- vectorOf (NE.length outs * 3) genCoin >>= genUTxO @n @k
case runIdentity $ runExceptT $ largestFirst opts outs utxo of
case runIdentity $ runExceptT $ largestFirst opts outs (Quantity 0) utxo of
Left _ -> genSelectionFor outs
Right (s,_) -> return s

Expand Down
11 changes: 3 additions & 8 deletions lib/core-integration/src/Test/Integration/Framework/TestData.hs
Expand Up @@ -49,7 +49,6 @@ module Test.Integration.Framework.TestData
, errMsg403NotAByronWallet
, errMsg403NotEnoughMoney
, errMsg403NotEnoughMoney_
, errMsg403UTxO
, errMsg403WrongPass
, errMsg403NoPendingAnymore
, errMsg404NoSuchPool
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -285,8 +284,9 @@ errMsg403NotAByronWallet =

errMsg403NotEnoughMoney_ :: String
errMsg403NotEnoughMoney_ =
"I can't process this payment because there's \
\not enough UTxO available in the wallet."
"I cannot select enough UTxO from your wallet to construct an adequate \
\transaction. Try sending a smaller amount or increasing the number of \
\available UTxO."

errMsg403NotEnoughMoney :: Int -> Int -> String
errMsg403NotEnoughMoney has needs = "I can't process this payment because there's\
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -332,11 +332,6 @@ _errMsg403InpsOrOutsExceeded (maxNumInps, maxNumOuts) =
\ more than " ++ show maxNumInps ++ " or the number of outputs\
\ exceeds " ++ show maxNumOuts ++ "."

errMsg403UTxO :: String
errMsg403UTxO = "When creating new transactions, I'm not able to re-use the\
\ same UTxO for different outputs. Here, I only have 1\
\ available, but there are 2 outputs."

errMsg403WrongPass :: String
errMsg403WrongPass = "The given encryption passphrase doesn't match the one\
\ I use to encrypt the root private key of the given wallet"
Expand Down

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