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paweljakubas committed Nov 22, 2022
1 parent ab1a6e8 commit b9e9e91
Showing 1 changed file with 310 additions and 18 deletions.
Expand Up @@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ import Cardano.Wallet.Api.Types
, DecodeStakeAddress
, EncodeAddress (..)
, WalletStyle (..)
, insertedAt
import Cardano.Wallet.Api.Types.Transaction
( mkApiWitnessCount )
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -79,6 +80,8 @@ import Data.Maybe
( isJust )
import Data.Quantity
( Quantity (..) )
import Data.Time.Clock
( NominalDiffTime, UTCTime, addUTCTime, getCurrentTime )
import Numeric.Natural
( Natural )
import Test.Hspec
Expand All @@ -98,6 +101,7 @@ import Test.Integration.Framework.DSL
, expectErrorMessage
, expectField
, expectListField
, expectListSize
, expectResponseCode
, expectSuccess
, faucetAmt
Expand All @@ -115,9 +119,13 @@ import Test.Integration.Framework.DSL
, request
, signSharedTx
, submitSharedTxWithWid
, toQueryString
, unsafeRequest
, utcIso8601ToText
, verify
import Test.Integration.Framework.Request
( RequestException )
import Test.Integration.Framework.TestData
( errMsg403EmptyUTxO
, errMsg403Fee
Expand All @@ -134,9 +142,14 @@ import qualified Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.Types.TokenMap as TokenMap
import qualified Data.ByteArray as BA
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as HTTP

data TestCase a = TestCase
{ query :: T.Text
, assertions :: [(HTTP.Status, Either RequestException a) -> IO ()]

spec :: forall n.
( DecodeAddress n
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -666,20 +679,7 @@ spec = describe "SHARED_TRANSACTIONS" $ do
"passphrase": "cardano-wallet"

rTx <- request @(ApiConstructTransaction n) ctx
(Link.createUnsignedTransaction @'Shared wSrc) Default payload
verify rTx
[ expectSuccess
, expectResponseCode HTTP.status202
let (ApiSerialisedTransaction apiTx _) =
getFromResponse #transaction rTx
signedTx <-
signSharedTx ctx wSrc apiTx [ expectResponseCode HTTP.status202 ]
submittedTx <- submitSharedTxWithWid ctx wSrc signedTx
verify submittedTx
[ expectResponseCode HTTP.status202
realizeTx ctx wSrc payload

eventually "Wallet balance is as expected" $ do
rGet <- request @ApiWallet ctx
Expand All @@ -701,7 +701,299 @@ spec = describe "SHARED_TRANSACTIONS" $ do
, expectListField 1 (#direction . #getApiT) (`shouldBe` Incoming)

-- This scenario covers the following matrix of cases. Cases were generated
-- using one of pairwise test cases generation tools available online.
-- +---+----------+----------+------------+--------------+
-- | start | end | order | result |
-- +---+----------+----------+------------+--------------+
-- 1 | edge | edge | ascending | 2 ascending |
-- 2 | edge | edge + 1 | descending | 2 descending |
-- 3 | edge | edge - 1 | empty | 1st one |
-- 4 | edge | empty | empty | 2 descending |
-- 5 | edge + 1 | edge + 1 | empty | 2nd one |
-- 6 | edge + 1 | edge - 1 | empty | none |
-- 7 | edge + 1 | empty | ascending | 2nd one |
-- 8 | edge + 1 | edge | descending | 2nd one |
-- 9 | edge - 1 | edge - 1 | ascending | 1st one |
-- 10 | edge - 1 | empty | descending | 2 descending |
-- 11 | edge - 1 | edge | empty | 2 descending |
-- 12 | edge - 1 | edge + 1 | empty | 2 descending |
-- 13 | empty | empty | empty | 2 descending |
-- 14 | empty | edge | empty | 2 descending |
-- 15 | empty | edge + 1 | ascending | 2 ascending |
-- 16 | empty | edge - 1 | descending | 1st one |
-- 17 | t1 | t1 | empty | 1st one |
-- 18 | t2 | t2 | descending | 2nd one |
-- +---+----------+----------+------------+--------------+
it "SHARED_TRANSACTIONS_LIST_02,03x - Can limit/order results with start, end and order"
$ \ctx -> runResourceT $ do
let amt1 = minUTxOValue (_mainEra ctx)
let amt2 = 2 * amt1
(wSrc, wDest@(ApiSharedWallet (Right walDest))) <-
(,) <$> fixtureSharedWallet ctx <*> emptySharedWallet ctx

-- destination wallet
rAddr <- request @[ApiAddress n] ctx
(Link.listAddresses @'Shared walDest) Default Empty
expectResponseCode HTTP.status200 rAddr
let addrs = getFromResponse rAddr
let destAddr1 = (addrs !! 0) ^. #id
let destAddr2 = (addrs !! 1) ^. #id
let payload destination amt = Json [json|{
"payments": [{
"address": #{destination},
"amount": {
"quantity": #{amt},
"unit": "lovelace"
"passphrase": "cardano-wallet"

-- post txs
realizeTx ctx wSrc (payload destAddr1 amt1)
eventually "wDest balance is increased" $ do
wal <- getSharedWallet ctx wDest
let balanceExp =
[ expectResponseCode HTTP.status200
, expectField (traverse . #balance . #available)
(`shouldBe` Quantity amt1)
verify (fmap (view #wallet) <$> wal) balanceExp

realizeTx ctx wSrc (payload destAddr2 amt2)
eventually "wDest balance is increased again" $ do
wal <- getSharedWallet ctx wDest
let balanceExp =
[ expectResponseCode HTTP.status200
, expectField (traverse . #balance . #available)
(`shouldBe` Quantity (amt1 + amt2))
verify (fmap (view #wallet) <$> wal) balanceExp

txs <- eventually "I make sure there are exactly 2 transactions" $ do
let linkList = Link.listTransactions' @'Shared walDest
rl <- request @([ApiTransaction n]) ctx linkList Default Empty
verify rl [expectListSize 2]
pure (getFromResponse rl)

let [Just t2, Just t1] = fmap (fmap (view #time) . insertedAt) txs
let plusDelta, minusDelta :: UTCTime -> UTCTime
plusDelta = addUTCTime (toEnum 1000000000)
minusDelta = addUTCTime (toEnum (-1000000000))

let matrix :: [TestCase [ApiTransaction n]] =
[ TestCase -- 1
{ query = toQueryString
[ ("start", utcIso8601ToText t1)
, ("end", utcIso8601ToText t2)
, ("order", "ascending")
, assertions =
[ expectListSize 2
, expectListField 0 #amount (`shouldBe` Quantity amt1)
, expectListField 1 #amount (`shouldBe` Quantity amt2)
, TestCase -- 2
{ query = toQueryString
[ ("start", utcIso8601ToText t1)
, ("end", utcIso8601ToText $ plusDelta t2)
, ("order", "descending")
, assertions =
[ expectListSize 2
, expectListField 0 #amount (`shouldBe` Quantity amt2)
, expectListField 1 #amount (`shouldBe` Quantity amt1)
, TestCase -- 3
{ query = toQueryString
[ ("start", utcIso8601ToText t1)
, ("end", utcIso8601ToText $ minusDelta t2)
, assertions =
[ expectListSize 1
, expectListField 0 #amount (`shouldBe` Quantity amt1)
, TestCase -- 4
{ query = toQueryString
[ ("start", utcIso8601ToText t1) ]
, assertions =
[ expectListSize 2
, expectListField 0 #amount (`shouldBe` Quantity amt2)
, expectListField 1 #amount (`shouldBe` Quantity amt1)
, TestCase --5
{ query = toQueryString
[ ("start", utcIso8601ToText $ plusDelta t1)
, ("end", utcIso8601ToText $ plusDelta t2)
, assertions =
[ expectListSize 1
, expectListField 0 #amount (`shouldBe` Quantity amt2)
, TestCase -- 6
{ query = toQueryString
[ ("start", utcIso8601ToText $ plusDelta t1)
, ("end", utcIso8601ToText $ minusDelta t2)
, assertions =
[ expectListSize 0 ]
, TestCase -- 7
{ query = toQueryString
[ ("start", utcIso8601ToText $ plusDelta t1)
, ("order", "ascending")
, assertions =
[ expectListSize 1
, expectListField 0 #amount (`shouldBe` Quantity amt2)
, TestCase -- 8
{ query = toQueryString
[ ("order", "descending")
, ("start", utcIso8601ToText $ plusDelta t1)
, ("end", utcIso8601ToText t2)
, assertions =
[ expectListSize 1
, expectListField 0 #amount (`shouldBe` Quantity amt2)
, TestCase -- 9
{ query = toQueryString
[ ("order", "ascending")
, ("start", utcIso8601ToText $ minusDelta t1)
, ("end", utcIso8601ToText $ minusDelta t2)
, assertions =
[ expectListSize 1
, expectListField 0 #amount (`shouldBe` Quantity amt1)
, TestCase -- 10
{ query = toQueryString
[ ("order", "descending")
, ("start", utcIso8601ToText $ minusDelta t1)
, assertions =
[ expectListSize 2
, expectListField 0 #amount (`shouldBe` Quantity amt2)
, expectListField 1 #amount (`shouldBe` Quantity amt1)
, TestCase -- 11
{ query = toQueryString
[ ("start", utcIso8601ToText $ minusDelta t1)
, ("end", utcIso8601ToText t2)
, assertions =
[ expectListSize 2
, expectListField 0 #amount (`shouldBe` Quantity amt2)
, expectListField 1 #amount (`shouldBe` Quantity amt1)
, TestCase -- 12
{ query = toQueryString
[ ("start", utcIso8601ToText $ minusDelta t1)
, ("end", utcIso8601ToText $ plusDelta t2)
, assertions =
[ expectListSize 2
, expectListField 0 #amount (`shouldBe` Quantity amt2)
, expectListField 1 #amount (`shouldBe` Quantity amt1)
, TestCase -- 13
{ query = mempty
, assertions =
[ expectListSize 2
, expectListField 0 #amount (`shouldBe` Quantity amt2)
, expectListField 1 #amount (`shouldBe` Quantity amt1)
, TestCase -- 14
{ query = toQueryString
[ ("end", utcIso8601ToText t2) ]
, assertions =
[ expectListSize 2
, expectListField 0 #amount (`shouldBe` Quantity amt2)
, expectListField 1 #amount (`shouldBe` Quantity amt1)
, TestCase -- 15
{ query = toQueryString
[ ("end", utcIso8601ToText $ plusDelta t2) ]
, assertions =
[ expectListSize 2
, expectListField 0 #amount (`shouldBe` Quantity amt2)
, expectListField 1 #amount (`shouldBe` Quantity amt1)
, TestCase -- 16
{ query = toQueryString
[ ("end", utcIso8601ToText $ minusDelta t2) ]
, assertions =
[ expectListSize 1
, expectListField 0 #amount (`shouldBe` Quantity amt1)
, TestCase -- 17
{ query = toQueryString
[ ("start", utcIso8601ToText t1)
, ("end", utcIso8601ToText t1)
, assertions =
[ expectListSize 1
, expectListField 0 #amount (`shouldBe` Quantity amt1)
, TestCase -- 18
{ query = toQueryString
[ ("start", utcIso8601ToText t2)
, ("end", utcIso8601ToText t2)
, assertions =
[ expectListSize 1
, expectListField 0 #amount (`shouldBe` Quantity amt2)

let withQuery q (method, link) = (method, link <> q)

liftIO $ forM_ matrix $ \tc -> do
let link =
withQuery (query tc) $ Link.listTransactions @'Shared walDest
rf <- request @([ApiTransaction n]) ctx link Default Empty
verify rf (assertions tc)

realizeTx ctx w payload = do
rTx <- request @(ApiConstructTransaction n) ctx
(Link.createUnsignedTransaction @'Shared w) Default payload
verify rTx
[ expectSuccess
, expectResponseCode HTTP.status202
let (ApiSerialisedTransaction apiTx _) =
getFromResponse #transaction rTx
signedTx <-
signSharedTx ctx w apiTx [ expectResponseCode HTTP.status202 ]
submittedTx <- submitSharedTxWithWid ctx w signedTx
verify submittedTx
[ expectResponseCode HTTP.status202

fundSharedWallet ctx amt sharedWals = do
let wal = case NE.head sharedWals of
ApiSharedWallet (Right wal') -> wal'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -743,7 +1035,7 @@ spec = describe "SHARED_TRANSACTIONS" $ do
, expectField (traverse . #balance . #available) (`shouldBe` Quantity amt)

fixtureSharedWallet ctx = do
emptySharedWallet ctx = do
m15txt <- liftIO $ genMnemonics M15
m12txt <- liftIO $ genMnemonics M12
let (Right m15) = mkSomeMnemonic @'[ 15 ] m15txt
Expand All @@ -770,11 +1062,11 @@ spec = describe "SHARED_TRANSACTIONS" $ do
verify (fmap (swapEither . view #wallet) <$> rPost)
[ expectResponseCode HTTP.status201
let walShared@(ApiSharedWallet (Right wal)) =
getFromResponse rPost
pure $ getFromResponse rPost

fixtureSharedWallet ctx = do
walShared@(ApiSharedWallet (Right wal)) <- emptySharedWallet ctx
fundSharedWallet ctx faucetUtxoAmt (NE.fromList [walShared])

return wal

fixtureTwoPartySharedWallet ctx = do
Expand Down

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