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Add generator for constant UTXO set
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abailly-iohk committed Sep 15, 2021
1 parent 76d0215 commit 2127aba
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Showing 5 changed files with 169 additions and 24 deletions.
46 changes: 36 additions & 10 deletions hydra-node/src/Hydra/Ledger/Cardano.hs
Expand Up @@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (posixSecondsToUTCTime)
import GHC.Records (getField)
import Hydra.Ledger (Balance (..), Ledger (..), Tx (..), ValidationError (ValidationError))
import Hydra.Party (Party (Party), vkey)
import Shelley.Spec.Ledger.API (Wdrl (Wdrl), unWdrl, _maxTxSize)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -165,9 +166,6 @@ genKeyPair = do
sk <- fromJust . rawDeserialiseSignKeyDSIGN . fromList <$> vectorOf 64 arbitrary
pure $ Cardano.KeyPair (Cardano.VKey (deriveVerKeyDSIGN sk)) sk

size :: Utxo CardanoTx -> Int
size = length . Cardano.unUTxO

-- Construct a simple transaction which spends a UTXO, to the given address,
-- signed by the given key.
mkSimpleCardanoTx ::
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -532,6 +530,12 @@ instance FromJSONKey Cardano.AssetName where
Left e -> fail $ "decoding base16: " <> show e
Right bytes -> pure $ Cardano.AssetName bytes

genOutput :: Cardano.VKey 'Cardano.Payment StandardCrypto -> Gen TxOut
genOutput vk =
-- NOTE: Scaling a bit the generator to get non-trivial outputs with some
-- funds, and not just a few lovelaces.
Cardano.TxOut (mkVkAddress vk) <$> scale (* 8) arbitrary

--- Certificates
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -582,14 +586,33 @@ genUtxoFor :: Cardano.VKey 'Cardano.Payment StandardCrypto -> Gen (Utxo CardanoT
genUtxoFor vk = do
n <- arbitrary `suchThat` (> 0)
inputs <- vectorOf n arbitrary
outputs <- vectorOf n genOutput
outputs <- vectorOf n (genOutput vk)
pure $ Cardano.UTxO $ Map.fromList $ zip inputs outputs
genOutput :: Gen TxOut
genOutput =
-- NOTE: Scaling a bit the generator to get non-trivial outputs with some
-- funds, and not just a few lovelaces.
Cardano.TxOut (mkVkAddress vk) <$> scale (* 8) arbitrary

-- | Generate a single UTXO owned by 'vk'.
genOneUtxoFor :: Cardano.VKey 'Cardano.Payment StandardCrypto -> Gen (Utxo CardanoTx)
genOneUtxoFor vk = do
input <- arbitrary
-- NOTE(AB): calling this generator while running a property will yield larger and larger
-- values (quikcheck increases the 'size' parameter upon success) up to the point they are
-- too large to fit in a transaction and validation fails in the ledger
output <- scale (const 1) $ genOutput vk
pure $ Cardano.UTxO $ Map.singleton input output

size :: Utxo CardanoTx -> Int
size = length . Cardano.unUTxO

utxoToList :: Utxo CardanoTx -> [(TxIn, TxOut)]
utxoToList = Map.toList . Cardano.unUTxO

utxoValue :: Utxo CardanoTx -> Cardano.Value StandardCrypto
utxoValue = mconcat . map (getField @"value") . Map.elems . Cardano.unUTxO

utxoFromTx :: CardanoTx -> Utxo CardanoTx
utxoFromTx CardanoTx{id, body = (Cardano.TxBody _ outputs _ _ _ _ _ _ _)} =
let txOuts = toList outputs
txIns = map (Cardano.TxIn id) [0 .. fromIntegral (length txOuts)]
in Cardano.UTxO $ Map.fromList $ zip txIns txOuts

-- Witnesses
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -759,6 +782,9 @@ getAddress :: Party -> CardanoAddress
getAddress =
mkVkAddress . vKey . getCredentials

verificationKey :: Cardano.KeyPair r crypto -> Cardano.VKey r crypto
verificationKey = Cardano.vKey

-- | Generate a Utxo set for a given party "out of thin air".
faucetUtxo :: Party -> Map TxIn TxOut
faucetUtxo party@Party{vkey} =
Expand Down
16 changes: 2 additions & 14 deletions local-cluster/bench/Bench/EndToEnd.hs
Expand Up @@ -32,8 +32,9 @@ import Data.Scientific (Scientific)
import Data.Set ((\\))
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Time (nominalDiffTimeToSeconds)
import Hydra.Generator (Dataset (..))
import Hydra.Ledger (Tx, TxId, Utxo, txId)
import Hydra.Ledger.Cardano (CardanoTx, genFixedSizeSequenceOfValidTransactions, genUtxo)
import Hydra.Ledger.Cardano (CardanoTx)
import Hydra.Logging (showLogsOnFailure)
import Hydra.Party (deriveParty, generateKey)
import HydraNode (
Expand All @@ -50,7 +51,6 @@ import HydraNode (
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import Test.QuickCheck (generate)
import Text.Printf (printf)

aliceSk, bobSk, carolSk :: SignKeyDSIGN MockDSIGN
Expand All @@ -63,18 +63,6 @@ aliceVk = deriveVerKeyDSIGN aliceSk
bobVk = deriveVerKeyDSIGN bobSk
carolVk = deriveVerKeyDSIGN carolSk

data Dataset = Dataset
{ initialUtxo :: Utxo CardanoTx
, transactionsSequence :: [CardanoTx]
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, ToJSON, FromJSON)

generateDataset :: Int -> IO Dataset
generateDataset sequenceLength = do
initialUtxo <- generate genUtxo
transactionsSequence <- generate $ genFixedSizeSequenceOfValidTransactions sequenceLength initialUtxo
pure Dataset{initialUtxo, transactionsSequence}

data Event = Event
{ submittedAt :: UTCTime
, validAt :: Maybe UTCTime
Expand Down
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions local-cluster/local-cluster.cabal
Expand Up @@ -73,14 +73,17 @@ library

, aeson
, async
, base >=4.7 && <5
, bytestring
, cardano-api
, cardano-crypto-class
, containers
, contra-tracer
, directory
, filepath
Expand All @@ -93,6 +96,7 @@ library
, iohk-monitoring
, network
, process
, QuickCheck
, random-shuffle
, retry
, say
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -126,6 +130,7 @@ test-suite integration

Expand All @@ -144,10 +149,12 @@ test-suite integration
, lens
, lens-aeson
, local-cluster
, QuickCheck
, regex-tdfa
, say
, strict-containers
, temporary
, text

hspec-discover:hspec-discover -any, hydra-node:hydra-node -any,
Expand Down
70 changes: 70 additions & 0 deletions local-cluster/src/Hydra/Generator.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}

module Hydra.Generator where

import Hydra.Prelude hiding (size)

import Control.Monad (foldM)
import qualified Data.List as List
import Hydra.Ledger (Utxo)
import Hydra.Ledger.Cardano (
import Test.QuickCheck (Gen, generate)
import Test.QuickCheck.Gen (Gen (MkGen))
import Test.QuickCheck.Random (mkQCGen)

-- | A 'Dataset' that can be run for testing purpose.
-- The 'transactionSequence' is guaranteed to be applicable, in sequence, to the 'initialUtxo'
-- set.
data Dataset = Dataset
{ initialUtxo :: Utxo CardanoTx
, transactionsSequence :: [CardanoTx]
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, ToJSON, FromJSON)

-- | Generate an arbitrary UTXO set and a sequence of transactions for this set.
generateDataset :: Int -> IO Dataset
generateDataset sequenceLength = do
initialUtxo <- generate genUtxo
transactionsSequence <- generate $ genFixedSizeSequenceOfValidTransactions sequenceLength initialUtxo
pure Dataset{initialUtxo, transactionsSequence}

-- | Generate a 'Dataset' which does not grow the UTXO set over time.
generateConstantUtxoDataset :: Int -> IO Dataset
generateConstantUtxoDataset = generate . genConstantUtxoDataset

genConstantUtxoDataset :: Int -> Gen Dataset
genConstantUtxoDataset len = do
keyPair <- genKeyPair
initialUtxo <- genOneUtxoFor (verificationKey keyPair)

transactionsSequence <- reverse . thrd <$> foldM generateOneTransfer (initialUtxo, keyPair, []) [1 .. len]
pure $ Dataset{initialUtxo, transactionsSequence}
thrd (_, _, c) = c
generateOneTransfer (utxo, keyPair, txs) _ = do
recipient <- genKeyPair
let txin = List.head $ utxoToList utxo
tx = mkSimpleCardanoTx txin (mkVkAddress (verificationKey recipient), utxoValue utxo) keyPair
utxo' = utxoFromTx tx
pure $ (utxo', recipient, tx : txs)

mkCredentials :: Int -> CardanoKeyPair
mkCredentials = generateWith genKeyPair

generateWith :: Gen a -> Int -> a
generateWith (MkGen runGen) seed =
runGen (mkQCGen seed) 30
54 changes: 54 additions & 0 deletions local-cluster/test/Test/GeneratorSpec.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-deprecations #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}

module Test.GeneratorSpec where

import Hydra.Prelude
import Test.Hydra.Prelude

import Data.Aeson (eitherDecode, encode)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import Data.Text (unpack)
import Hydra.Generator (Dataset (..), genConstantUtxoDataset)
import Hydra.Ledger (Utxo, applyTransactions)
import Hydra.Ledger.Cardano as Ledger
import Test.QuickCheck (Positive (Positive), Property, counterexample, forAll)

spec :: Spec
spec = parallel $ do
prop "compute values from UTXO set" prop_computeValueFromUtxo
prop "generates a Dataset that keeps UTXO constant" prop_keepsUtxoConstant
it "correctly applies generated dataset" $ do
let result = eitherDecode sample
case result of
Left err -> failure $ show err
Right Dataset{initialUtxo, transactionsSequence} -> do
let finalUtxo = foldl' apply initialUtxo transactionsSequence

Ledger.size finalUtxo `shouldBe` Ledger.size initialUtxo

sample :: LBS.ByteString
sample = "{\"initialUtxo\":{\"03170a2e7597b7b7e3d84c05391d139a62b157e78786d8c082f29dcf4c111314#355\":{\"address\":\"addr_test1vp5thrqjwutvmyuv7z29m4d89m920hx0esa4k62v3sn69vq6wd4s9\",\"value\":{\"lovelace\":1}}},\"transactionsSequence\":[{\"witnesses\":{\"scripts\":{},\"keys\":[\"820082582081822e271db8f620bd5114ea5ab6230893f2a4023dcbc22af4534dc57aaa6c57584013c7f57c39b2496c4f1394cb72f9e2dd8c1c09cbf91002c0084a9444430b7cf531e2e9faf412a8a7eed984d8af2df06aa4cd0d78127ca753bb827f9a313cbb03\"]},\"body\":{\"outputs\":[{\"address\":\"addr_test1vzfngrkamuwyl4l7c0a7hmvgw6c8n23cpxgvte0a9jrnvts47xzsz\",\"value\":{\"lovelace\":1}}],\"mint\":{\"lovelace\":0},\"auxiliaryDataHash\":null,\"withdrawals\":[],\"certificates\":[],\"fees\":0,\"inputs\":[\"03170a2e7597b7b7e3d84c05391d139a62b157e78786d8c082f29dcf4c111314#355\"],\"validity\":{\"notBefore\":null,\"notAfter\":null}},\"id\":\"45d2b14e693c054e5263c9cd21fb7425c71fec21d800dff55e26e0ede4257ef0\",\"auxiliaryData\":null},{\"witnesses\":{\"scripts\":{},\"keys\":[\"8200825820639edbce929ccafb73bc1bdf9b9cc909895c91a92607c245a36008d989a8194a584043ffeb945ed3d01a2119b7b0ddaeab60b9b8c6c7eb068542ac6c274ae8519fc4c48b7e642120618b926ae74f599c9aeba64d274a41ed0fd6a5ce355a4ebeab0d\"]},\"body\":{\"outputs\":[{\"address\":\"addr_test1vr8x79xestxpf6zr9699h6wcp9gdlrs3mf0fgrznz4akylgzvg0ra\",\"value\":{\"lovelace\":1}}],\"mint\":{\"lovelace\":0},\"auxiliaryDataHash\":null,\"withdrawals\":[],\"certificates\":[],\"fees\":0,\"inputs\":[\"45d2b14e693c054e5263c9cd21fb7425c71fec21d800dff55e26e0ede4257ef0#0\"],\"validity\":{\"notBefore\":null,\"notAfter\":null}},\"id\":\"0f454f74df9f83e5b604570d87b1c44d9aeb3ed745dbc560242568d193ac5620\",\"auxiliaryData\":null}]}"

prop_computeValueFromUtxo :: Property
prop_computeValueFromUtxo =
forAll genUtxo $ \utxo ->
utxoValue utxo /= mempty

prop_keepsUtxoConstant :: Property
prop_keepsUtxoConstant =
forAll arbitrary $ \(Positive n) ->
forAll (genConstantUtxoDataset n) $ \Dataset{initialUtxo, transactionsSequence} ->
let finalUtxo = foldl' apply initialUtxo transactionsSequence
in Ledger.size finalUtxo == Ledger.size initialUtxo
& counterexample ("\ntransactions: " <> jsonString transactionsSequence)
& counterexample ("\nutxo: " <> jsonString initialUtxo)

apply :: Utxo CardanoTx -> CardanoTx -> Utxo CardanoTx
apply utxo tx =
case applyTransactions Ledger.cardanoLedger utxo [tx] of
Left err -> error $ "invalid generated data set" <> show err
Right finalUtxo -> finalUtxo

jsonString :: ToJSON a => a -> String
jsonString = unpack . decodeUtf8 . encode

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