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Releases: insin/react-router-active-component


10 Jul 17:06
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Updated for React Router 2.x.

Replaced linkClassName prop with a linkProps object, to provide any number of additional props when rendering a <Link/>.

Fixed unknown props warning with React 15.2.x.

React Router is no longer required from the top-level, that was preventing recuding the size of this dependency yb only importing what you need in your apps.

As a result, a globals UMD build is no longer provided.


01 Jan 02:44
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Updated for React Router 2.x.

Replaced linkClassName prop with a linkProps object, to provide any number of additional props when rendering a <Link/>.


30 Dec 20:26
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Updated to React 0.14 and React Router 1.0.3.

Changed global variable exported from the UMD build from createActiveComponent to reactRouterActiveComponent

Switched to nwb for development tooling.

Update use of context for React Router 1.0.x [adamcharnock]

Added an onlyActiveOnIndex prop to match <Link>'s API [adamcharnock]


03 Apr 19:05
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Updated to React 0.13 and React Router 0.13.

Added an activeStyle prop for the created component, as per <Link> in React Router 0.13.

A style prop will be passed to the wrapped component when the configured route is active and an activeStyle prop has been given..

Added a linkClassName option when creating the component and as a prop for the created component. The option sets the default value for the prop. When provided, this will always be used when rendering a <Link>.