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Explore use cases

In short, to integrate with Insolar MainNet, do the following:

  1. Create an Insolar wallet to keep the users' XNS coins. See the use cases: :ref:`Create a Wallet <create_wallet>` and :ref:`Get the Wallet's Balance <get_balance>`.
  2. Let the users deposit XNS coins to your wallet—provide them with the wallet address. See the use cases: :ref:`Deposit Funds to Exchange <deposit_funds_to_ex>` and :ref:`Deposit Coins to Exchange <deposit_coins_to_ex>`.
  3. Let the users withdraw XNS coins. They must create their own wallets on the MainNet and provide you with addresses of these wallets. See the use cases: :ref:`Create a Wallet <create_wallet>` and :ref:`Withdraw Coins from Exchange <withdraw_coins_from_ex>`.
  4. Transfer XNS coins between wallets on the MainNet. See the use case: :ref:`Transfer Coins <transfer_coins>`.
  5. Get information on transactions on the MainNet. See the corresponding API request.

To invoke APIs correctly, familiarize yourself with:

  • General API invocation sequence.
  • List of API integration use cases. Each use case describes a sequence of steps and a list of corresponding API requests used in those steps.

The requests themselves are described in detail in the Insolar's API specifications — MainNet API and Observer API.

To simplify testing, Insolar can provide a testing environment on demand.

General API invocation sequence

The general API invocation sequence is as follows:

.. uml::

   skinparam componentStyle uml2
   skinparam shadowing false

   title Invoking Insolar API

   actor "Exchange" as E
   control "insolar-api\nEndpoint" as Ins
   control "insolar-observer-api\nEndpoint" as Obs

   group insolar-api\n(wallet creation, transfers)
        E -> Ins : RPC API POST\n\t<b>node.getSeed</b>()
        activate Ins
        return <color:blue><b>seed</b></color>\n\t(used to identify individual RPC API request)

        E -> Ins : RPC API POST\n\t<b></b>(\n\t\t<color:blue><b>seed</b></color>,\n\t\tother params\n\t)
        activate Ins
        Ins -> Ins : handling\nAPI request
        return result

   group insolar-observer-api\n(reading wallet balance and other info)
        E -> Obs: REST GET\n\t<b>endpoint</b>/{params}
        activate Obs
        Obs -> Obs : handling\nAPI request
        return result


Integration use cases

Below is the list of integration use cases.

Use case: Create a wallet

To create a wallet:

  1. Generate a private/public key pair.
  2. Invoke Insolar's API:
    1. Provide the public key.
    2. Receive a reference to the new member—address on the Insolar network.

The wallet creation sequence is as follows:

.. uml::

   skinparam componentStyle uml2
   skinparam shadowing false

   title Wallet Creation

   actor "User" as U
   control "insolar-api\nEndpoint" as RPC
   entity "Insolar" as Ins

   activate U
   U -> U : generate new private/public key pair\n\t(<b>publicKey</b> used later\n\tto create & identify Insolar user)

   U -> RPC : RPC API POST\n\tnode.getSeed()
   activate RPC
   return <b>seed</b>
   U -> RPC : RPC API POST\n\tmember.create(\n\t\tsignature,\n\t\t<b>seed</b>,\n\t\t<b>publicKey</b>\n\t)
   activate RPC
   RPC -> Ins : invoke the MainNet
   activate Ins
   Ins -> Ins : create new \n\tuser & wallet
   return <b>memberReference</b>\n\t(used later to identify\n\tInsolar member & wallet)
   deactivate U


API requests used:

  • node.getSeed
  • member.create

Use case: Get the wallet balance

To view the balance, a user (exchange service or any other user) can either:

  • Use their Insolar Wallet web interface.
  • Or invoke the API using their Insolar's credentials (memberReference or publicKey).

The viewing sequence is as follows:

.. uml::

   skinparam componentStyle uml2
   skinparam shadowing false

   title Get Balance

   actor "Exchange" as E
   control "insolar-api\nEndpoint" as RPC
   control "insolar-observer-api\nEndpoint" as REST
   entity "Insolar" as Ins

   == Identifying a User (if memberReference not provided) ==
   E -> RPC : RPC API POST\n\tnode.getSeed()
   activate RPC
   return <b>seed</b>
   E -> RPC : RPC API POST\n\t<b>member.get</b>(\n\t\tsignature,\n\t\t<b>seed</b>,\n\t\t<b>publicKey</b>\n\t)
   activate RPC
   RPC -> Ins
   activate Ins
   Ins -> Ins : identify the user
   return memberReference

   == Getting Wallet Info ==
   Ins <--> REST : stay in sync
   activate Ins
   activate REST
   deactivate REST
   deactivate Ins
   E -> REST: REST GET\n\t<b>member</b>/{<b>memberReference</b>}
   activate E
   activate REST
   return {\n\tbalance,\n\tdeposits\n}
   E -> REST: REST GET\n\t<b>balance</b>/{<b>memberReference</b>}
   activate E
   activate REST
   return balance
   deactivate E


API requests used:

  • node.getSeed
  • member.get

API endpoints used:

  • GET <observer_URL>/member/{memberReference}
  • GET <observer_URL>/member/{memberReference}/balance

Use case: Transfer coins

To transfer XNS coins to another user, a user (exchange or any other) can either:

  • Use their Insolar Wallet.
  • Or invoke the API.

To transfer coins via API, provide:

  1. Sender's memberReference, so Insolar can identify the sender.
  2. toMemberReference—recipient's reference.
  3. An amount of XNS coins to transfer.


To retrieve the memberReference, invoke the relevant API and provide a public key.

The transfer sequence is as follows:

.. uml::

   skinparam componentStyle uml2
   skinparam shadowing false

   title Coin Transfer

   actor "Exchange" as E
   control "insolar-api\nEndpoint" as RPC
   entity "Insolar" as Ins

   == Identifying a User (if memberReference not provided) ==
   E -> RPC : RPC API POST\n\tnode.getSeed()
   activate RPC
   return <b>seed</b>
   E -> RPC : RPC API POST\n\t<b>member.get</b>(\n\t\tsignature,\n\t\t<b>seed</b>,\n\t\t<b>publicKey</b>\n\t)
   activate RPC
   RPC -> Ins
   activate Ins
   Ins -> Ins : identify the user
   return memberReference

   == Performing Transfer ==
   E -> RPC : RPC API POST\n\tnode.getSeed()
   activate RPC
   return <b>seed</b>
   E -> RPC : RPC API POST\n\t<b>member.transfer</b>(\n\t\tsignature,\n\t\t<b>seed</b>,\n\t\tpublicKey,\t\t\t\t// user performing the transfer\n\t\tmemberReference,\t// user performing the transfer\n\t\t<b>amount</b>,\n\t\t<b>toMemberReference</b>\t// the recipient\n\t)
   activate RPC
   RPC -> Ins
   activate Ins
   Ins -> Ins : perform transfer
   return {\n\tfee,\t// transfer's fee value\n\trequestReference\n}


API requests used:

  • node.getSeed
  • (optional) member.get
  • member.transfer

Use case: Deposit funds to an exchange

When a user deposits funds to the exchange and immediately converts them to XNS, an accompanying transfer between wallets should be performed.

This case is similar to :ref:`coin transfer <transfer_coins>`, where:

  • memberReference is the reference to the owner of the wallet the coins are withdrawn from.
  • toMemberReference is the reference to the exchange's wallet.

Use case: Deposit coins to an exchange

When a user deposits XNS coins to the exchange, an accompanying transfer between wallets should be performed.

This case is similar to :ref:`coin transfer <transfer_coins>`, where:

  • memberReference is the reference to the owner of the wallet the coins are withdrawn from.
  • toMemberReference is the reference to the exchange's wallet.

Use case: Withdraw coins from an exchange

Prerequisite: the recipient must have an Insolar's wallet created as described in :ref:`wallet creation <create_wallet>`.

This case is similar to :ref:`coin transfer <transfer_coins>`, where:

  • memberReference is the reference to the owner of the wallet the coins are withdrawn from.


    This can be either a wallet opened by the exchange for the user, or the exchange's wallet.

  • toMemberReference is the reference to the recipient.