The purpose of this code is mainly educational. It is the implementation of unsupervised learning technique called: Large Scale Spectral Clustering with Landmark-Based Representation
Quick example of how to use the code:
# Pkg.add("MNIST")
using MNIST;
Include the code and load the datasets.
# reading dataset (60k objects)
data, labels = MNIST.traindata(); # using testdata() instead will return smaller (10k objects) dataset
# normalizing it
data = (data .- mean(data,2)) / std(data .- mean(data,2));
Now, to perform clustering run the following:
LSCMnistResult = LSCClustering(data, 10, 350, :Kmeans, 5, 0.5);
nmiValue = normalizedMutualInformation(getPartitionSet(LSCMnistResult .assignments, 10) , getPartitionSet(labels + 1 ,10), 60000);
Please visit for details (+ to see some experiments)