# # To create the conda environment: # $ conda env create -f interpret_cpu.yaml # To update the conda environment: # $ conda env update -f interpret_cpu.yaml # To register the conda environment in Jupyter: # $ conda activate interpret_cpu # $ python -m ipykernel install --user --name interpret_cpu --display-name "Python (interpret_cpu)" # name: interpret_cpu channels: - defaults - conda-forge - pytorch dependencies: - python==3.8.5 - pip>=19.1.1 - ipykernel>=4.6.1 - jupyter>=1.0.0 - matplotlib>=2.2.2 - numpy>=1.13.3 - pandas>=0.24.2 - pytest>=3.6.4 - pytorch-cpu>=1.0.0 - scipy>=1.0.0 - tensorflow==1.12.0 - h5py>=2.8.0 - tensorflow-hub==0.5.0 - py-xgboost<=0.80 - dask[dataframe]==1.2.2 - pip: - azureml-sdk[automl,notebooks,contrib,explain]==1.0.57 - cached-property==1.5.1 - papermill>=1.0.1 - nteract-scrapbook>=0.2.1 - pytorch-pretrained-bert>=0.6 - tqdm==4.31.1 - scikit-learn>=0.19.0,<=0.20.3 - nltk>=3.4 - interpret-community>= - pre-commit>=1.20.0 - spacy>=2.2.3 - transformers==2.4.1 - pydantic==1.4