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Peter Foot edited this page Apr 15, 2018 · 4 revisions

32feet support for macOS includes two levels:-

Low-level Classic Bluetooth access is provided via the IOBluetooth framework in the OS. Xamarin.Mac doesn't provide a mapping for this API so we have created a binding library which exposes this API to Xamarin. The latest version can be downloaded from NuGet.

UI elements such as the device picker dialog are implemented in the IOBluetoothUI framework. This too is available from NuGet.

Xamarin Mac supports OSX 10.7 and greater and our binding libraries ship with the same compatibility but we'll only actively test them with the current stable release of macOS (currently macOS High Sierra 10.13).

The high-level 32feet API uses the IOBluetooth package and will automatically add it as a dependency for macOS projects.

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