diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 5ff741e..4b10944 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ description of all options and their defaults, see | `source` | `./_bibliography` | Indicates where your bibliographies are stored. | | `bibliography` | `references.bib` | Indicates the name of your default bibliography. For best results, please ensure that your bibliography is encoded as ASCII or UTF-8. A string that contains a `*` will be passed to `Dir::glob`, so `**/*.bib{,tex}` will find all files named `*.bib` and `*.bibtex` under `source`. | | `use_raw_bibtex_entry` | `true` | When `true`, disables parsing of Liquid tags embedded in the Bibtex fields. This option provides a way to circumvent the problem that (the conflicting syntax of) the double braces functionality of BibTex is accidentally parsed by Liquid, while it was intended to keep the exact capitalization style. | -| `allow_locale_overrides` | `false` | When `true`, allows the `language` entry in the BibTex to override the `locale` setting for individual entries. When the language is missing it will revert back to `locale`. The language value should be encoded in two-letter [ISO 639-1](https://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/php/code_list.php) standard. Ex. English = 'en', Spanish = 'es'. | +| `allow_locale_overrides` | `false` | When `true`, allows the `language` entry in the BibTex to override the `locale` setting for individual entries. When the language is missing it will revert back to `locale`. The language value should be encoded using the two-letter [ISO 639-1](https://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/php/code_list.php) standard. Ex. English = 'en', Spanish = 'es'. | | `sort_by` | `none` | Specifies if and how bibliography entries are sorted. Entries can be sorted on multiple fields, by using a list of keys, e.g. `year,month`. Ordering can be specified per sort level, e.g. `order: descending,ascending` will sort the years descending, but per year the months are ascending. If there are more sort keys than order directives, the last order entry is used for the remaining keys. | | `order` | `ascending` | Specifies order bibliography entries are sorted in. Can be `ascending` or descending. Ordering can be specified per sort level, e.g. `descending,ascending` will sort in descending on the first key then ascending order on the second key. If there are more sort keys than order directives, the last order entry is used for the remaining keys. | | `group_by` | `none` | Specifies how bibliography items are grouped. Grouping can be multi-level, e.g. `type, year` groups entries per publication type, and within those groups per year. |