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Preprocess dataset in char-level
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ozgurozdemir committed Mar 30, 2019
1 parent fadd5f9 commit 9bc355b
Showing 1 changed file with 59 additions and 0 deletions.
59 changes: 59 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
import re, os
from tqdm import tqdm
import codecs
import sys

def preprocess_dataset(use_vocab=False, use_lower=False, use_blacklist=False,
blacklist_file='blacklist.txt', blacklist_threshold=100):

if not os.path.exists('./dataset'):

vocab = {}

def add_to_vocab(string):
for char in string:
if char in vocab: vocab[char] += 1
else: vocab[char] = 1

def preprocess_paper(raw_text):
output = ''
raw_text = raw_text.split('\n')

# Find lines start with % which means comment in laTex, replace them lines with newlines
raw_text = ['\n' if i is '' else i for i in raw_text if len(re.findall('^\s{0,}%', i)) == 0]

for line in raw_text:
if use_lower: line = line.lower()
if use_vocab: add_to_vocab(line)
output += (line + '\n')

if use_vocab: return output, vocab
else: return output

# Creating blacklist that contains items lower than threshold and write it in RegEx format
# There can be needed manual replacements for non-english characters
def create_blacklist(vocab):
blacklist = [i for i in vocab if vocab[i] < blacklist_threshold]
with open(out_file, 'wb') as file:

for file_name in tqdm(os.listdir('dataset_generation/papers'),ascii=True):
with open('dataset_generation/papers/%s' % file_name, 'rb') as file:
paper_text ='utf-8', 'ignore')

if use_vocab: (output, vocab) = preprocess_paper(paper_text)
else: output = preprocess_paper(paper_text)

with open('dataset/%s' % file_name, 'wb') as file:

print('>>Char based dataset is created...')
if use_vocab: return vocab

def read_blacklist(file_name):
with open(file_name, 'rb') as file:
blacklist ='utf-8').split('|')
return blacklist

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