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Inake - Pronounceable word generator tool

Inake is a tool that generates non-existent pronounced words, randomly following some pronunciation rules for the Spanish language. It is useful for generating names for new projects.

The algorithm was originally written by Javi Aibar in Java and ported to .NET in a series of live broadcasts on the IOKode's Twitch channel.

You can see the live broadcast in YouTube (Spanish)

Where does the name "Inake" come from

It was generated by this tool.

Use as .NET library

Inake uses a random number generator to determinate the letters of the words. The number generator must be an instance that implements the IOKode.Inake.RandomGenerators.IRandomGenerator interface. A default implementation is provided that makes use of the System.Random class, this implementation is the IOKode.Inake.RandomGenerators.SystemRandomGenerator class.

Simply, you must instantiate the IOKode.Inake.WordGenerator class by injecting the random number generator instance in the constructor and calling the GenerateWord method passing it by parameter number of maximum letters that the generated word will have:

var generator = new WordGenerator(new SystemRandomGenerator());
var word = generator.GenerateWord(8);

It can be installed as a NuGet package.

Install via Package Manager

Install-Package IOKode.Inake -Version 1.0.0

Install via .NET CLI

dotnet add package IOKode.Inake --version 1.0.0

Use as console application

Inake can be used as application console. Run the console application project. You can use these parameters:

  • -w, -words Number of generated words. (Default: 1)
  • -l, -letters Number of letters per word. (Default: 8)
  • -f, -fileName If set, output to file, otherwise, output to console. (Default: null)

Use a web application

You can deploy inake as ASP.NET Core 5 web application. See web project.


Pronounceable word generator utility.







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