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66 lines (52 loc) · 2.27 KB


File metadata and controls

66 lines (52 loc) · 2.27 KB

Torrent Suite Resource

Resource URL http://mytorrentserver/rundb/api/v1/torrentsuite/
Schema URL http://mytorrentserver/rundb/api/v1/torrentsuite/schema/

Resource Fields

field help text default nullable readonly blank unique type
meta_version Unicode string data. Ex: "Hello World" n/a true true true false string
---------------- -------------------------------------- ------- -------- -------- ----- ------ -------
locked Unicode string data. Ex: "Hello World" n/a true true true false boolean
---------------- -------------------------------------- ------- -------- -------- ----- ------ -------
logs Unicode string data. Ex: "Hello World" n/a true true true false boolean
---------------- -------------------------------------- ------- -------- -------- ----- ------ -------
versions Unicode string data. Ex: "Hello World" n/a true true true false string

Example Response

    "locked": false,
    "logs": false,
    "meta_version": "5.12.1",
    "versions": {
        "ion-analysis": "5.12.27-1",
        "ion-chefupdates": "5.12.3",
        "ion-dbreports": "5.12.60-1",
        "ion-docs": "5.12.1",
        "ion-gpu": "5.12.1-1",
        "ion-onetouchupdater": "5.0.2-1",
        "ion-pipeline": "5.12.17-1",
        "ion-plugins": "5.12.15-1",
        "ion-publishers": "5.12.1-1",
        "ion-referencelibrary": "2.2.0",
        "ion-rsmts": "5.12.5-1",
        "ion-sampledata": "1.2.0-1",
        "ion-torrentpy": "5.12.21-1",
        "ion-torrentr": "5.12.23-1",
        "ion-tsconfig": "5.12.23-1"

Allowed list HTTP methods

  • GET
  • PUT

Allowed detail HTTP methods
