Tools for quantum circuit synthesis, compilation and optimization. Optimal Circuit Layout Synthesis and CNOT (Re)Synthesis, based on Classical Planning, SAT, and QBF Solving
This tool provides two synthesis options Layout Synthesis and CNOT (Re)Synthesis.
For choosing Layout Synthesis use the subcommand 'layout'. For help use the following command:
./ layout --help
For Layout Synthesis, this tool takes a quantum circuit in OPENQASM 2.0 format and the coupling graph of a physical quantum platform. The output is an optimal mapping of the circuit onto the platform, preserving the gates and their dependencies, respecting the coupling graph, and minimizing the number of SWAP operations (with or without using ancillary qubits). We employ two main approaches, classical planning (v1.0) and SAT-solver based parallel plans (v2.0). For a description of available solvers and optimization criteria, see
For detailed instructions on installation, usage, and additional options, refer to layout synthesis readme page.
Q-Synth works by transforming a circuit + platform to a classical planning problem (v1.0) or a SAT problem (v2.0), and solving it with an external solver. The solution is translated back to reconstruct the optimally mapped quantum layout.
For example, the following command maps an input_circuit to platform and returns mapped output_circuit:
./ layout -p [platform] [input_circuit] [output_circuit]
For choosing CNOT Synthesis use the subcommand 'cnot'. For help use the following command:
./ cnot --help
For CNOT Synthesis, this tool takes a quantum circuit in OPENQASM 2.0 format and an optional coupling graph of a physical quantum platform. The output is a resynthesized circuit in which all CNOT slices are replaced by optimal equivalent sub-circuits. More details on different synthesis combinations are available in cnot synthesis readme page.
For detailed instructions on installation, usage, and additional options, refer to cnot synthesis readme page.
Q-Synth works by encoding each CNOT sub-circuit to a classical planning problem, a SAT problem, or a QBF problem, and solving it with an external solver. The solution is translated back to reconstruct the optimal sub-circuit.
For example, the following command resynthesizes an input_circuit to (optinal) platform and returns the optimized output_circuit:
./ cnot -p [platform] [input_circuit] [output_circuit]
Please refer to this publication for classical-planning based layout synthesis:
I. Shaik, J. van de Pol, Optimal Layout Synthesis for Quantum Circuits as Classical Planning. In: Proc. IEEE/ACM IC on Computer-Aided Design, (ICCAD'23), San Francisco, California, USA, 2023.
author = {Irfansha Shaik and Jaco van de Pol},
title = {Optimal Layout Synthesis for Quantum Circuits as Classical Planning},
booktitle = {{ICCAD'23}},
address = {{San Diego, California, USA}},
organization = {{IEEE/ACM}},
year = {2023}
Please refer to this publication for SAT based layout synthesis:
I. Shaik, J. van de Pol, Optimal layout synthesis for deep quantum circuits on NISQ processors with 100+ qubits. In: CoRR, abs/2403.11598, 2024. arXiv:2403.11598. Accepted at SAT-2024.
author = {Irfansha Shaik and Jaco van de Pol},
title = {Optimal Layout Synthesis for Deep Quantum Circuits on {NISQ} Processors with 100+ Qubits},
booktitle = {27th International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability
Testing, {SAT} 2024, August 21-24, 2024, Pune, India},
series = {LIPIcs},
publisher = {Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum f{\"{u}}r Informatik},
year = {2024}
Please refer to this publication for CNOT synthesis:
I. Shaik, J. van de Pol, Optimal Layout-Aware CNOT Circuit Synthesis with Qubit Permutation. In: Proc. 27th European Conference on Aritfical Intelligence, (ECAI'24), Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 2024.
author = {Irfansha Shaik and Jaco van de Pol},
title = {Optimal Layout-Aware CNOT Circuit Synthesis with Qubit Permutation},
booktitle = {{ECAI'24}},
address = {{Santiago de Compostela, Spain}},
publisher = {IOS Press},
year = {2024}
The input should only contain unary gates and binary CNOT gates.
The script is tested on Linux. The script is partially tested on Mac OS
(C) CC-BY Irfansha Shaik, Jaco van de Pol, Aarhus University, 2023, 2024