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updated to cope with new API
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garu committed Dec 28, 2009
1 parent 349db84 commit f326b85
Showing 1 changed file with 14 additions and 80 deletions.
94 changes: 14 additions & 80 deletions t/22-command-with-args.t
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
use Test::More tests => 56;
use Test::More tests => 29;

use App::Rad::Command;

Expand All @@ -8,98 +8,32 @@ my $cmd = App::Rad::Command->new();
is($cmd->name, '', "default name should be set to ''.");
is($cmd->help, undef, "default help should not be defined");

# testing empty (global) command with arguments
# testing empty (global) command with options
$cmd = App::Rad::Command->new({
args => {
'arg1' => 'help for arg1',
'arg2' => { type => 'num' },
'arg3' => { type => 'num',
help => 'help for arg3',
opts => {
'opt1' => 'help for opt1',
'opt2' => { type => 'num' },
'opt3' => { type => 'num',
help => 'help for opt3',

is($cmd->{args}->{'arg1'}->{help}, 'help for arg1');
is($cmd->{opts}->{'opt1'}->{help}, 'help for opt1');
foreach (qw(type condition aliases to_stash required
default error_msg conflicts_with)) {
is($cmd->{args}->{'arg1'}->{$_}, undef, "type $_ should be undef on arg1");
is($cmd->{opts}->{'opt1'}->{$_}, undef, "type $_ should be undef on opt1");

is($cmd->{args}->{'arg2'}->{type}, 'num');
is($cmd->{opts}->{'opt2'}->{type}, 'num');
foreach (qw(help condition aliases to_stash required
default error_msg conflicts_with)) {
is($cmd->{args}->{'arg2'}->{$_}, undef, "type $_ should be undef on arg2");
is($cmd->{opts}->{'opt2'}->{$_}, undef, "type $_ should be undef on opt2");

is($cmd->{args}->{'arg3'}->{type}, 'num');
is($cmd->{args}->{'arg3'}->{help}, 'help for arg3');
is($cmd->{opts}->{'opt3'}->{type}, 'num');
is($cmd->{opts}->{'opt3'}->{help}, 'help for opt3');
foreach (qw(condition aliases to_stash required
default error_msg conflicts_with)) {
is($cmd->{args}->{'arg3'}->{$_}, undef, "type $_ should be undef on arg3");
is($cmd->{opts}->{'opt3'}->{$_}, undef, "type $_ should be undef on opt3");

# okay, no more new commands, let's just use the API
# to test further arguments
ok(defined $cmd->{args}->{'arg4'}, 'arg4 argument should be defined');
foreach (qw(help condition aliases to_stash required
type default error_msg conflicts_with)) {
is($cmd->{args}->{'arg4'}->{$_}, undef, "type $_ should be undef on arg4");

## invalid argument settings
eval {
$cmd->set_arg('arg5', { type => 1});
ok(defined $@, 'error should be raised on invalid type definition');
ok(!defined $cmd->{args}->{'arg5'}, 'arg5 argument should NOT be defined (invalid type)');

eval {
$cmd->set_arg('arg5', { help => \'this is a help text reference'});
ok(defined $@, 'error should be raised on invalid help definition');
ok(!defined $cmd->{args}->{'arg5'}, 'arg5 argument should NOT be defined (invalid help)');

eval {
$cmd->set_arg('arg5', { condition => 'invalid' });
ok(defined $@, 'error should be raised on invalid condition definition');
ok(!defined $cmd->{args}->{'arg5'}, 'arg5 argument should NOT be defined (invalid condition)');

eval {
$cmd->set_arg('arg5', { aliases => \'whatever' });
ok(defined $@, 'error should be raised on invalid aliases definition');
ok(!defined $cmd->{args}->{'arg5'}, 'arg5 argument should NOT be defined (invalid aliases)');

eval {
$cmd->set_arg('arg5', { to_stash => \'whatever' });
ok(defined $@, 'error should be raised on invalid to_stash definition');
ok(!defined $cmd->{args}->{'arg5'}, 'arg5 argument should NOT be defined (invalid to_stash)');

eval {
$cmd->set_arg('arg5', { error_msg => \1 });
ok(defined $@, 'error should be raised on invalid error_msg');
ok(!defined $cmd->{args}->{'arg5'}, 'arg5 argument should NOT be defined (invalid error_msg)');

eval {
$cmd->set_arg('arg5', { conflicts_with => \'whatever' });
ok(defined $@, 'error should be raised on invalid conflicts_with');
ok(!defined $cmd->{args}->{'arg5'}, 'arg5 argument should NOT be defined (invalid conflicts_with)');

eval {
$cmd->set_arg('arg5', { typo => 1 });
ok(defined $@, 'error should be raised on invalid attribute');
ok(!defined $cmd->{args}->{'arg5'}, 'arg5 argument should NOT be defined (invalid attribute)');

#we set this test to last as it is the only one that, under eval,
# will not croak and leave 'arg5' defined
eval {
$cmd->set_arg('arg5', { required => 1, default => 'something' });
ok(defined $@, 'error should be raised when required and default are used at the same time');

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