The code contained in this repository corresponds to the SOTE model, as described in Kramer & Mau (2020). Click here for the corresponding article in Water Resources Research.
In order to run the code, execute
Input parameters are as follows:
- Irrigation water salinity (Cirr, mmol_c/L)
- Irrigation water sodicity fraction (Eirr, nondimensional)
- Initial soil solution salinity (C_init, mmol_c/L)
- Initial soil sodicity fraction (E_init, nondimensional)
- Initial relative soil water content (s_init, nondimensional)
- Soil depth (depth, mm)
- Rain water salinity (Crain, mmol_c/L)
- Rain water sodicity fraction (Erain, nondimensional)
- Probably of rain (rain_prob, 1/day)
- Mean rainfall depth (mean_height, mm)
- Rainy season length (days)
- Minimum evapotranspiration rate (ET_w, mm)
- Time step (dt, day)
- Simulation length (years, integer)
- Rainfall season length (days, days)
- Ratio of Irrigation to ET: (ET_ratio, integer)
- Number of simulations (runs, integer)
Full citation to article: