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33 lines (27 loc) · 1.11 KB


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33 lines (27 loc) · 1.11 KB

Money 3.0.4

* Updated #exchange to avoid floating point rounding errors
* Use :subunit_to_unit in #to_s, #to_f and #format
* Added :separator and :delimiter to Currency
* Deprecated Money#SEPARATORS and Money#DELIMITERS
* Updated the attributes of the Chilean Peso

Money 3.0.3

* Added #currency_as_string and #currency_as_string= for easier integration
with ActiveRecord/Rails

Money 3.0.2

* Added #div, #divmod, #modulo, #% and #remainder methods

Money 3.0.1

* Added #eql? method
* Updated Numeric#to_money to work with all children of Numeric
	 (BigDecimal, Integer, Fixnum, etc)

Money 3.0.0

* Version Bump due to compatibility changes with ActiveRecord. See for more


Money 2.3.0

* Currency is now represented by a Currency Object instead of a string.

Money 2.2.0

* Can now divide two Money objects by one another [#/]
* Can now convert a Money object to a float [#to_f]
* Users can now specify Seperators and Delimiters [#format]
* Support for Brazilian Real [, :BRL)]
* Migrated to Jeweler