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ISTEX VIEW is an HTML5 visualisation of the ISTEX ressources exposed by the ISTEX API. Each page is an HTMLized version of the PDF enhanced by contextual interactivities (ex: showing refbib details when mouse over).

ISTEX VIEW is also an HTML5 visualisation over the ISTEX OpenURL feature. It is a human friendly interface over the OpenURL showing human readable messagesinstead of a raw JSON message returned by the ISTEX API OpenURL endpoint.

(work in progress)


config.json contains options you can modify to change istex-view behavior:

  • istexApiUrl: this is the root URL of the ISTEX API, default value is (it can be changed to test ISTEX API developement or integration versions)
  • openUrlFTRedirectTo: this is how the OpenURL stuff should redirect users. Possible values are:
    • api-with-ezproxy-auth: means the user will be redirected to the raw PDF hosted by the ISTEX API but with optional ezproxy stuff around the URL (default value since istex-view is in beta status)
    • api: means the user will be redirected to the raw PDF hosted by the ISTEX API but without any ezproxy stuff around the URL (will activate the fede auth if IP is not enabled)
    • view: means the user will be redirected to the istex-view HTML5 enhanced version of the PDF


Open a terminal and run istex-view:

git clone
cd istex-view
make install
make run-debug

Then web server ready for debugging is available at: http://localhost:45445


make run-prod

It will run the docker image istex/istex-view:2.5.4 using this production ready docker-compose.yml.

The web server ready for production is then available at http://<server ip>:45445/

Last step is to map the http://<server ip>:45445/ address to

How to for developers

How to generate a new istex-view version ?

Just use npm stuff. Ex: npm version patch

How to upgrade libraries ?

  • To check if a new version is available: bower list
  • To upgrade: bower update