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File metadata and controls

508 lines (356 loc) · 14 KB
Learn how you can use MLEM to easily manage and deploy models

Get Started

For this guide, we will need a Python environment with the following python packages installed: pandas, scikit-learn and mlem[fastapi]. Additionally, we'll require docker to be installed on your machine to showcase building and deploying a containerized model servers.

⚙️ Expand for detailed setup instructions

Let's create a separate folder and an isolated virtual environment to cleanly install all the requirements we need:

$ mkdir mlem-get-started
$ cd mlem-get-started
$ python3 -m venv .venv
$ source .venv/bin/activate
$ pip install pandas scikit-learn mlem[fastapi]
  • We'll use docker later on to package and serve a model locally. To install docker, please refer to the official installation guide.
  • In the last section of the guide, we will mention additional pip packages which will be needed per our deployment type (e.g. mlem[kubernetes] to deploy on a Kubernetes cluster).

That's it, it's that simple! You're ready to MLEM.

Saving models

To unlock MLEM's power, we need to capture model metadata that is not usually captured when models are saved.

Let's say we want to save a model to the path models/rf. This is usually done with a framework helpers like, or better yet, libraries like pickle or joblib.

Here's a typical example of training code

Consider the following

from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
import joblib

# load data
data, y = load_iris(return_X_y=True, as_frame=True)

# instantiate and train model
rf = RandomForestClassifier(
), y)

# save to file
joblib.dump(rf, "models/rf")

Here We loaded a well-known Iris flower dataset with scikit-learn and trained a simple classifier. Note that scikit-learn is just an example of many MLEM supported ML frameworks ( full list here). Finally, we used joblib to serialize it to file, so executing the script will dump the model to ./models/rf.

MLEM can analyze the code (or model files), and extract extra metadata which will become very useful when using the model.

We can either save the model with MLEM to begin with, or use MLEM to import existing model file and save the metadata as a side effect.

Just replace the line saving the model with a call to

from mlem.api import save

# instead of joblib.dump(rf, "models/rf")
save(rf, "models/rf", sample_data=df)

The sample_data argument will prove useful later when serving the model. MLEM uses it to infer the data schema of the payload automatically!

You can use mlem.api.import_object() to "import" the object from Python code, which would create the the rf.mlem metadata file:

from mlem.api import import_object

model = import_object(path="models/rf", target="models/rf.mlem", type_="pickle")

or just use mlem import from your terminal for the same effect:

$ mlem import models/rf models/rf.mlem --type pickle

Learn more about importing models in the importing guide.

Alongside the model binary models/rf, MLEM added the metadata file models/rf.mlem. We refer to this as a "Codification" of the model.

$ tree models/
├── rf
└── rf.mlem

Actually, this is all also true for other types of objects, like datasets!

Getting Model Predictions

Using your model is now natural. You can either load and natively call the model object in your Python code anywhere, or use MLEM CLI for batch scoring against any dataset. Let's try our model out:

Let's load the model we saved earlier using mlem.api.load() and predict some probabilities.

Try creating and running this simple script:

from mlem.api import load

model = load("models/rf")  # RandomForestClassifier
features = [
    "sepal length (cm)",
    "sepal width (cm)",
    "petal length (cm)",
    "petal width (cm)",
df = pd.DataFrame([[0, 1, 2, 3]], columns=features)
y_pred = model.predict_proba(df)


The loaded object is fully functioning, and as expected, we get:

$ python
[[0.47 0.24 0.29]]

Use MLEM CLI to apply any local dataset against any model for prediction or batch scoring.

Let's create an example dataset file, we'll go with a csv format:

$ cat <<EOF > new_data.csv
sepal length (cm),sepal width (cm),petal length (cm),petal width (cm)

Next, simply run mlem apply to apply this dataset against our model's predict_proba method:

$ mlem apply models/rf new_data.csv \
    --method predict_proba \
    --import \
    --import-type "pandas[csv]"

And we get our expected probabilities as output:

⏳️ Importing object from new_data.csv
⏳️ Loading model from models/rf.mlem
🍏 Applying `predict_proba` method...
[[0.47, 0.24, 0.29], [0.03, 0.1, 0.87]]

This is very handy to get quick feedback about a model without writing any code.

Learn more about the CLI options used

  • The --method/-m flag tells MLEM to invoke the predict_proba method and return the class probabilities, instead of the default predict.
  • The --import/-i flag tells MLEM to import the data on the fly.
  • The --import-type / --it flag, helps MLEM understand the data format. Here, it's pandas[csv] - a csv file that should be read with Pandas. For that to work, your data should be in a format that is supported by MLEM import. You can learn more about specifying these arguments on mlem apply page.

Alternatively, you could save the dataset itself using MLEM to use mlem apply on it.

Ok, we saw how easy working with models is, both via API and CLI. However, MLEM really shines when you need to package and deploy your models! (⌐■_■)

Serving models locally

MLEM can serve any model for you using different server implementations like FastAPI, RabbitMQ or Streamlit. Let's check out how it works with FastAPI since using it for serving is very common.

To launch a FastAPI model server locally, simply run:

$ mlem serve fastapi --model models/rf

🤩 The server is now running, serving your model, and listening on for HTTP requests.

Making requests

While the model server is running, you can use your browser to open the Swagger UI at http://localhost:8080/docs and check out OpenAPI spec and query examples.

MLEM can also generate a client code object to query/infer the model server.

Check out the serving guide to learn more.

Deploying models in production

💪 Now, let's take model serving a step further.

MLEM lets you easily package and deploy your models to a variety of platforms like Docker, Heroku, Sagemaker and Kubernetes. This way, you don't have to deal with the DevOps and implementation details of the servers and deployments.

Security Notice: Be careful when exposing resources / servers on a public network. For any production use case make sure you have proper authentication and authorization layers set up (not covered in this guide). The examples below assume no sensitive code, data or infra are involved for the sake of simplicity.

Let's take a look at a few examples:

Python requirements

pip install mlem[docker]

Deploying a Docker container

With one simple command, you can package your model+server into a Docker image, and run it in a container:

$ mlem deployment run docker_container docker_app.mlem \
    --model models/rf \
    --image_name mlem-rf-server \
    --server fastapi

The container is now running your model server, and you can open https://localhost:8080/docs in a browser, or query the model with curl / mlem apply-remote.

The above command will create a mlem-rf-server:latest Docker image, which can now be pushed to any container registry for publishing and distribution.

You can run mlem build if you only want to build the Docker image. Check out the docker deployment guide for more details.

Removing the deployment

To remove the deployment, simply run:

mlem deployment remove docker_app.mlem

Python requirements

pip install mlem[heroku]

Deploying a Heroku app

To create applications on the Heroku platform you need a Heroku API key.

⚙️ working with the Heroku API key

To obtain a Heruko API key:

  • Go to
  • Sign up or login with an existing account
  • Go to account settings by clicking your profile picture on the main page
  • Find the API Key section, and reveal an existing key or re-generate it

After obtaining the key, you can either set the HEROKU_API_KEY environment variable or use Heroku CLI and run heroku login.

To allow MLEM to push the Docker image built to the Heroku Docker Registry, you'll also need to execute heroku container:login.

After getting authorized with Heroku, we can run the deployment command:

$ mlem deployment run heroku heroku_app.mlem \
  --model models/rf \
  --app_name {your-name}-mlem-get-started-app

Making requests

Your application is now live on Heroku! You can browse to this deployed example and see the same OpenAPI docs UI as you would see in your local or docker deployments. To learn how to easily send requests to your model with MLEM, refer to the deployment guide.

Removing the deployment

To remove the deployment, simply run:

mlem deployment remove heroku_app.mlem

Python requirements

pip install mlem[kubernetes]

Deploying on a Kubernetes cluster

If you have a K8s cluster available and properly configured (see prerequisites), MLEM will deploy your model to the cluster with a single command. This includes the following key steps:

  • building a Docker image
  • pushing it to the configured docker registry (this example uses dockerhub)
  • creating the appropriate K8s resources to spin up your server on the cluster using the pushed image

Before running the MLEM command to deploy, we'll first have to docker login to the container registry to allow pushing the image there:

$ docker login{username}
Username: ******
Password: ******
Login Succeeded

Great, we're ready to deploy the app:

$ mlem deployment run kubernetes k8s_app.mlem \
  --model models/rf \
  --registry remote \{username} \
  --image_name mlem-rf-server \
  --namespace mlem

That's it! We're already up and running, check it out:

$ kubectl -n mlem get all
NAME                                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/mlem-rf-server-6c9945bcdf-rh9fc   1/1     Running   0          71s

NAME                     TYPE       CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
service/mlem-rf-server   NodePort   <none>        8080:32701/TCP   71s

NAME                             READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/mlem-rf-server   1/1     1            1           71s

NAME                                        DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/mlem-rf-server-6c9945bcdf   1         1         1       71s

To expose your model server for external requests, MLEM creates a NodePort service by default. You can use other service types using the --service_type option.

If you're running a local K8s cluster (e.g. Docker Desktop) for example, you'd be able to access the cluster network from your localhost interface, and your app would be available on http://localhost:31103, as seen in the service/mlem-rf-server resource above.

Removing the deployment

To remove the deployment, simply run:

mlem deployment remove k8s_app.mlem

For any of the deployments above, mlem deployment run will create 2 auxiliary files:

  • {deployment}.mlem - A deployment spec (or declaration). Reusing this app declaration you can, for example, re-deploy the same application with a different model.

  • {deployment}.mlem.state - A state file containing more information about the deployment, including which MLEM model we used, and the URL of the deployment. You can learn more about state files in the deploying guide.

🙌 Congratulations! You've made it through and got a model server deployed!! Thank you for checking out MLEM!

What's next?

Please go to Use Cases if you want to see high-level scenarios MLEM can cover, or to the User Guide to see more details and examples on how to use specific features of MLEM.

If you have any questions or suggestions for us, please reach out in Discord or create a new GitHub issue in our repo.