MapDiffBot-DMM generates DMM files showing the changes in a map via GitHub's Checks API, in a convenient format with easily locatable changes.
Features integration with FastDMM2 for easy in-browser full diff viewing.
Diffs can be generated directly (without using GitHub) by directly calling with files as arguments.
Example (run from a directory above the repo, with the repo folder named MapDiffBot-DMM, because python is a terrible language for modular code):
python -m MapDiffBot-DMM.diff old.dmm new.dmm diff.dmm
Name | Description | Default |
app-id |
The App ID of your Github app. Listed under "About" | N/A |
app-key-path |
This is the path to the file containing the private key for your app. Generate one and then put it in the repo folder. | "private_key.pem" |
host |
Base URL to direct map downloads to (if host-dmms is enabled, it should point to this server). |
N/A |
dmm-url |
URL path to direct map downloads to (appended to host, starts with /). Also used to listen for requests if host-dmms is enabled. |
"/map-diff" |
webhook-path |
URL path to listen for webhook requests on (start with /) | "/webhook" |
webhook-secret |
Optional, webhook secret used to sign/verify requests are from GitHub, if you created one | N/A |
fastdmm-host |
Host for FastDMM links, in case you want to use a fork. | "" |
host-dmms |
If this server should host the DMM files from the folder it saves to and serve them. | "dmms/" |
dmm-save-path |
Filesystem location to save DMM files to. | true |
banned-repos |
List of repo paths that are not processed (format: "Owner/RepoName") | [] |
threads-network |
Threads dedicated to downloading maps (needs to be limited due to GitHub API usage) | 7 |
threads-fileio |
Threads dedicated to performing diffs and writing files. | 20 |
use-gzip |
Enables writing DMMs to gzipped files. Webservers can be configured to serve these directly, saving local storage and bandwith. Note that the builtin file server does not support this option. | false |
: Port to listen to webhook requests on.
: Enables Flask's debug mode.
: Enables Flask's threading - you definitely want this, as it allows multiple requests to be processed asynchronously.
Go to GitHub App settings, create an app.
Add the following permissions:
- Checks: Read and write
- Contents: Read-only
- Pull requests: Read-only
Create a webhook redirecting to webhook-url
on your server, with the following event subscriptions:
- Pull request
Create a client secret, save it to the server's filesystem, and set app-key
to the path to the file.
Copy the App ID and put it into app-id
Optionally, create a webhook secret, put it into webhook-secret
There are many options for deploying Flask applications, pick any from Flask's deployment guide.
Do note that due to how this is written, it won't work without an accessible local filesystem. Depending on your deployment, you may want to disable host-dmms
, as many webservers can easily serve a folder as downloads with little configuration.
For use with mod_wsgi
, a mapdiffbot-dmm.wsgi
is included.
Also note that python is picky about module folder names, you should rename the folder of the downloaded copy of this repo to mapdiffbotdmm
# Install python and wsgi
sudo apt install python3 python3-pip libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3
# Enable wsgi for apache2
sudo a2enmod wsgi
# Create system user and /srv/mdb directory
sudo useradd -m -r -d /srv/mdb -s /usr/sbin/nologin wsgi-mdb
sudo git clone -C /srv/mdb/mapdiffbotdmm
# Install required packages
sudo pip install -r /srv/mdb/mapdiffbotdmm/requirements.txt
# Set directory permissions and ownership
sudo chmod 750 /srv/mdb
sudo chown wsgi-mdb:wsgi-mdb /srv/mdb
sudo mkdir /var/www/dmms
sudo chmod 755 /var/www/dmms
sudo chown wsgi-mdb:wsgi-mdb /var/www/dmms
This assumes you already have a working SSL configuration, otherwise, just use HTTP and change the virtual host to *:80
<VirtualHost *:80>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on
RewriteRule ^/?(.*) https://%{SERVER_NAME}/$1 [R,L]
<VirtualHost *:443>
WSGIDaemonProcess MapDiffBot-DMM user=wsgi-mdb group=wsgi-mdb threads=5
WSGIScriptAlias / /srv/mdb/mapdiffbot-dmm.wsgi
AddHandler default-handler dmm
<FilesMatch "\.dmm$">
Header set Content-Disposition attachment
<Location /*>
Require all denied
<Location /map-diff>
Require all granted
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
<Location /webhook>
Require all granted
<Directory /srv/mdb>
WSGIProcessGroup MapDiffBot-DMM
WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
Require all granted
Alias /map-diff/ /var/www/dmms/
<Directory /var/www/dmms>
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
Require all granted
Options -Indexes
ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/mdb_error.log
LogLevel info
CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/mdb_access.log combined
sudo a2ensite mdb
sudo systemctl restart apache2
sudo tail /var/log/apache2/error.log
sudo tail /var/log/apache2/mdb_error.log
sudo chmod 750 /srv/mdb
sudo chown wsgi-mdb:wsgi-mdb /srv/mdb
rwxr-x--- wsgi-mdb wsgi-mdb
Your GH application privkey here
import sys
import logging
sys.path.insert(0, "/srv/mdb")
from mapdiffbotdmm.server import app as application
"name": "MapDiffBot-DMM",
"app-id": "Your GH application ID here",
"app-key-path": "/srv/mdb/priv_key.pem",
"host": "",
"dmm-url": "/map-diff",
"webhook-path": "/webhook",
"webhook-secret": "Your GH application webhook secret here",
"fastdmm-host": "",
"dmm-save-path": "/var/www/dmms/",
"host-dmms": false,
"banned-repos": [],
"threads-network": 7,
"threads-fileio": 20,
"use-gzip": false,
"debug": false,
"threaded": true,
"port": 5000
sudo chmod 755 /var/www/dmms
sudo chown wsgi-mdb:wsgi-mdb /var/www/dmms
rwxr-xr-x wsgi-mdb wsgi-mdb
Enable use-gzip
in config.json
Then, in mdb.conf
, add the following (use existing blocks, just add the contents):
<Directory /var/www/dmms>
AddEncoding gzip gz
ForceType text/plain
Options +Multiviews -Indexes
SetEnv force-no-vary
Header set Cache-Control "private"
Change the FilesMatch block to this:
<FilesMatch "\.(dmm|dmm\.gz)$">
Header set Content-Disposition attachment
Compress your existing DMM files:
find /var/www/dmms/ -type f \( -name '*.dmm' \)
-exec gzip {} \;