TartanHacks21: Spot Your Mood!
App Demo
https://youtu.be/UaUhAYyHwYQ \
for running authentication:
in command line:
pip install spotipy
pip install flask
pip install flask_bootsrap
pip install flask_wtf
export FLASK_APP=app_host.py
flask run
open it on
for cloud stuff:
Need to install cloud stuff beforehand
pip3 install google-cloud-storage google-cloud-language
Need to export some gcloud variables so
source .gcloud_setup
Note: gcloud pricing is tied to Winston's credit card so don't go crazy on the sentiment testing lol.
It won't actually charge me until we hit like 5k requests, and even then it's only like $1 per 1k requests.
But just something to keep in mind.
For spotify-test.py, need to export some spotify credentials first, so run
source setup_spotify_environment.sh