diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 7a26e1a6d..686589ae2 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -7,3 +7,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/fetch-player-dependencies.cr b/scripts/fetch-player-dependencies.cr
index 813e4ce4e..097d61a7f 100755
--- a/scripts/fetch-player-dependencies.cr
+++ b/scripts/fetch-player-dependencies.cr
@@ -1,145 +1,277 @@
require "http"
require "yaml"
+require "file_utils"
require "digest/sha1"
require "option_parser"
require "colorize"
-# Taken from https://crystal-lang.org/api/1.1.1/OptionParser.html
-minified = false
-OptionParser.parse do |parser|
- parser.banner = "Usage: Fetch VideoJS dependencies [arguments]"
- parser.on("-m", "--minified", "Use minified versions of VideoJS dependencies (performance and bandwidth benefit)") { minified = true }
- parser.on("-h", "--help", "Show this help") do
- puts parser
- exit
- end
+# Represents an "install_instruction" section specified per dependency in `videojs-dependencies.yml`
+# This is used to modify the download logic for dependencies that are packaged differently.
+struct InstallInstruction
+ include YAML::Serializable
- parser.invalid_option do |flag|
- STDERR.puts "ERROR: #{flag} is not a valid option."
- STDERR.puts parser
- exit(1)
- end
+ property js_path : String? = nil
+ property css_path : String? = nil
+ property download_as : String? = nil
+ property no_styling : Bool = false
-required_dependencies = File.open("videojs-dependencies.yml") do |file|
- YAML.parse(file).as_h
+# Object representing a dependency specified within `videojs-dependencies.yml`
+class ConfigDependency
+ include YAML::Serializable
-def update_versions_yaml(required_dependencies, minified, dep_name)
- File.open("assets/videojs/#{dep_name}/versions.yml", "w") do |io|
- YAML.build(io) do |builder|
- builder.mapping do
- # Versions
- builder.scalar "version"
- builder.scalar "#{required_dependencies[dep_name]["version"]}"
+ property version : String
+ property shasum : String
- builder.scalar "minified"
- builder.scalar minified
- end
+ property install_instructions : InstallInstruction? = nil
+ # Checks if the current dependency needs to be installed/updated
+ def fetch?(name : String)
+ path = "assets/videojs/#{name}"
+ # Check for missing dependency files
+ #
+ # Does the directory exist?
+ # Does the Javascript file exist?
+ # Does the CSS file exist?
+ if !Dir.exists?(path)
+ Dir.mkdir(path)
+ return true
+ elsif !(File.exists?("#{path}/#{name}.js") || File.exists?("#{path}/versions.yml"))
+ return true
+ elsif !(self.install_instructions.try &.no_styling) && !File.exists?("#{path}/#{name}.css")
+ return true
- end
-# The first step is to check which dependencies we'll need to install.
-# If the version we have requested in `videojs-dependencies.yml` is the
-# same as what we've installed, we shouldn't do anything. Likewise, if it's
-# different or the requested dependency just isn't present, then it needs to be
-# installed.
-# Since we can't know when videojs-youtube-annotations is updated, we'll just always fetch
-# a new copy each time.
-dependencies_to_install = [] of String
-required_dependencies.keys.each do |dep|
- dep = dep.to_s
- path = "assets/videojs/#{dep}"
- # Check for missing dependencies
- if !Dir.exists?(path)
- Dir.mkdir(path)
- dependencies_to_install << dep
- else
- config = File.open("#{path}/versions.yml") do |file|
+ # Check if we need to update the dependency
+ versions = File.open("#{path}/versions.yml") do |file|
- if config["version"].as_s != required_dependencies[dep]["version"].as_s || config["minified"].as_bool != minified
- `rm -rf #{path}/*.js #{path}/*.css`
- dependencies_to_install << dep
+ if versions["version"].as_s != self.version || versions["minified"].as_bool != CONFIG.minified
+ # Clear directory
+ {"*.js", "*.css"}.each do |file_types|
+ Dir.glob("#{path}/#{file_types}").each do |file_path|
+ File.delete(file_path)
+ end
+ end
+ return true
+ return false
-# Now we begin the fun part of installing the dependencies.
-# But first we'll setup a temp directory to store the plugins
-tmp_dir_path = "#{Dir.tempdir}/invidious-videojs-dep-install"
-Dir.mkdir(tmp_dir_path) if !Dir.exists? tmp_dir_path
+# Object representing the `videojs-dependencies.yml` file
+class PlayerDependenciesConfig
+ include YAML::Serializable
-channel = Channel(String | Exception).new
+ property version : String
+ property registry_url : String
+ property cache_directory : String
+ property dependencies : Hash(YAML::Any, ConfigDependency)
-dependencies_to_install.each do |dep|
- spawn do
- dep_name = dep
- download_path = "#{tmp_dir_path}/#{dep}"
- dest_path = "assets/videojs/#{dep}"
+ def get_dependencies_to_fetch
+ return self.dependencies.select { |name, config| config.fetch?(name.as_s) }
+ end
- HTTP::Client.get("https://registry.npmjs.org/#{dep}/-/#{dep}-#{required_dependencies[dep]["version"]}.tgz") do |response|
- Dir.mkdir(download_path)
- data = response.body_io.gets_to_end
- File.write("#{download_path}/package.tgz", data)
+# Runtime Dependency config for easy access to all the variables
+class Config
+ property minified : Bool
+ property skip_checksum : Bool
+ property clear_cache : Bool
+ property dependency_config : PlayerDependenciesConfig
+ def initialize(path : String)
+ @minified = false
+ @skip_checksum = false
+ @clear_cache = false
- # https://github.com/iv-org/invidious/pull/2397#issuecomment-922375908
- if `sha1sum #{download_path}/package.tgz`.split(" ")[0] != required_dependencies[dep]["shasum"]
- raise Exception.new("Checksum for '#{dep}' failed")
+ @dependency_config = PlayerDependenciesConfig.from_yaml(File.read(path))
+ end
+ # Less verbose way to access @dependency_config.registry_url
+ def registry_url
+ return @dependency_config.registry_url
+ end
+ # Less verbose way to access @dependency_config.cache_directory
+ def cache_directory
+ return @dependency_config.cache_directory
+ end
+# Object representing a player dependency
+class Dependency
+ @config : ConfigDependency
+ def initialize(@config : ConfigDependency, @dependency : String)
+ @download_path = "#{CONFIG.cache_directory}/#{@dependency}"
+ @destination_path = "assets/videojs/#{@dependency}"
+ end
+ private def validate_checksum(io)
+ return if CONFIG.skip_checksum
+ digest = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(io)
+ if digest != @config.shasum
+ raise IO::Error.new("Checksum for '#{@dependency}' failed. \"#{digest}\" does not match configured \"#{@config.shasum}\"")
+ end
+ end
+ # Requests and downloads a specific dependency from NPM
+ #
+ # Validates a cached tarball if it already exists.
+ private def request_dependency
+ downloaded_package_path = "#{@download_path}/package.tgz"
+ # Create a download directory for the dependency if it does not already exist
+ if Dir.exists?(@download_path)
+ # Validate checksum of existing cached tarball
+ # Fetches a new one when the checksum fails.
+ if File.exists?(downloaded_package_path)
+ begin
+ return self.validate_checksum(File.open(downloaded_package_path))
+ rescue IO::Error
+ end
+ else
+ Dir.mkdir(@download_path)
- # Unless we install an external dependency, crystal provides no way of extracting a tarball.
- # Thus we'll go ahead and call a system command.
- `tar -vzxf '#{download_path}/package.tgz' -C '#{download_path}'`
- raise "Extraction for #{dep} failed" if !$?.success?
+ HTTP::Client.get("#{CONFIG.registry_url}/#{@dependency}/-/#{@dependency}-#{@config.version}.tgz") do |response|
+ data = response.body_io.gets_to_end
+ File.write(downloaded_package_path, data)
+ self.validate_checksum(data)
+ end
+ end
+ # Moves a VideoJS dependency file of the given extension from extracted tarball to Invidious directory
+ private def move_file(full_target_path, extension)
+ minified_target_path = sprintf(full_target_path, {"file_extension": ".min.#{extension}"})
+ if CONFIG.minified && File.exists?(minified_target_path)
+ target_path = minified_target_path
+ else
+ target_path = sprintf(full_target_path, {"file_extension": ".#{extension}"})
+ end
- # Would use File.rename in the following steps but for some reason it just doesn't work here.
- # Video.js itself is structured slightly differently
- dep = "video" if dep == "video.js"
+ if download_as = @config.install_instructions.try &.download_as
+ destination_path = "#{@destination_path}/#{sprintf(download_as, {"file_extension": ".#{extension}"})}"
+ else
+ destination_path = @destination_path
+ end
- # This dep nests everything under an additional JS or CSS folder
- if dep == "silvermine-videojs-quality-selector"
- js_path = "js/"
+ FileUtils.cp(target_path, destination_path)
+ end
- # It also stores their quality selector as `quality-selector.css`
- `mv #{download_path}/package/dist/css/quality-selector.css #{dest_path}/quality-selector.css`
+ # Fetch path of where a VideoJS dependency is located in the extracted tarball
+ private def fetch_path(is_css)
+ if is_css
+ raw_target_path = @config.install_instructions.try &.css_path
- js_path = ""
+ raw_target_path = @config.install_instructions.try &.js_path
- # Would use File.rename but for some reason it just doesn't work here.
- if minified && File.exists?("#{download_path}/package/dist/#{js_path}#{dep}.min.js")
- `mv #{download_path}/package/dist/#{js_path}#{dep}.min.js #{dest_path}/#{dep}.js`
+ if raw_target_path
+ return "#{@download_path}/package/#{raw_target_path}"
- `mv #{download_path}/package/dist/#{js_path}#{dep}.js #{dest_path}/#{dep}.js`
+ return "#{@download_path}/package/dist/#{@dependency}%{file_extension}"
+ end
- # Fetch CSS which isn't guaranteed to exist
- #
- # Also, video JS changes structure here once again...
- dep = "video-js" if dep == "video"
+ # Wrapper around `#move_file` to move the dependency's JS file
+ private def move_js_file
+ return self.move_file(self.fetch_path(is_css: false), "js")
+ end
- # VideoJS marker uses a dot on the CSS files.
- dep = "videojs.markers" if dep == "videojs-markers"
+ # Wrapper around `#move_file` to move the dependency's CSS file
+ #
+ # Does nothing with the CSS file does not exist.
+ private def move_css_file
+ path = self.fetch_path(is_css: true)
- if File.exists?("#{download_path}/package/dist/#{dep}.css")
- if minified && File.exists?("#{download_path}/package/dist/#{dep}.min.css")
- `mv #{download_path}/package/dist/#{dep}.min.css #{dest_path}/#{dep}.css`
- else
- `mv #{download_path}/package/dist/#{dep}.css #{dest_path}/#{dep}.css`
+ if File.exists?(sprintf(path, {"file_extension": ".css"}))
+ return move_file(path, "css")
+ end
+ end
+ # Updates the dependency's versions.yml with the current fetched version and its minified status
+ private def update_versions_yaml
+ File.open("#{@destination_path}/versions.yml", "w") do |io|
+ YAML.build(io) do |builder|
+ builder.mapping do
+ # Versions
+ builder.scalar "version"
+ builder.scalar "#{@config.version}"
+ builder.scalar "minified"
+ builder.scalar CONFIG.minified
+ end
+ end
+ # Installs a VideoJS dependency into Invidious
+ def install
+ self.request_dependency
+ # Crystal's stdlib provides no way of extracting a tarball
+ `tar -vzxf '#{@download_path}/package.tgz' -C '#{@download_path}'`
+ raise "Extraction for #{@dependency} failed" if !$?.success?
+ self.move_js_file
+ self.move_css_file
+ self.update_versions_yaml
+ end
- # Update/create versions file for the dependency
- update_versions_yaml(required_dependencies, minified, dep_name)
+CONFIG = Config.new("videojs-dependencies.yml")
- channel.send(dep_name)
+# Hacky solution to get separated arguments when called from invidious.cr
+if ARGV.size == 1
+ parser_args = [] of String
+ ARGV[0].split(",") { |str| parser_args << str.strip }
+ parser_args = ARGV
+# Taken from https://crystal-lang.org/api/1.1.1/OptionParser.html
+OptionParser.parse(parser_args) do |parser|
+ parser.banner = "Usage: Fetch VideoJS dependencies [arguments]"
+ parser.on("-m", "--minified", "Use minified versions of VideoJS dependencies (performance and bandwidth benefit)") { CONFIG.minified = true }
+ parser.on("--skip-checksum", "Skips the checksum validation of downloaded files") { CONFIG.skip_checksum = true }
+ parser.on("--clear-cache", "Clears the cache and re-downloads all dependency files") { CONFIG.clear_cache = true }
+ parser.on("-h", "--help", "Show this help") do
+ puts parser
+ exit
+ end
+ parser.invalid_option do |flag|
+ STDERR.puts "ERROR: #{flag} is not a valid option."
+ STDERR.puts parser
+ exit(1)
+ end
+# Create cache directory
+Dir.mkdir(CONFIG.cache_directory) if !Dir.exists? CONFIG.cache_directory
+dependencies_to_install = CONFIG.dependency_config.get_dependencies_to_fetch
+channel = Channel(String | Exception).new
+dependencies_to_install.each do |dep_name, dependency_config|
+ spawn do
+ dependency = Dependency.new(dependency_config, dep_name.as_s)
+ dependency.install
+ channel.send(dep_name.as_s)
rescue ex
@@ -161,4 +293,6 @@ else
# Cleanup
-`rm -rf #{tmp_dir_path}`
+if CONFIG.clear_cache
+ FileUtils.rm_r("#{CONFIG.cache_directory}")
diff --git a/src/invidious.cr b/src/invidious.cr
index c8cac80ec..3e02dde33 100644
--- a/src/invidious.cr
+++ b/src/invidious.cr
@@ -144,12 +144,26 @@ Invidious::Database.check_integrity(CONFIG)
# Running the script by itself would show some colorful feedback while this doesn't.
# Perhaps we should just move the script to runtime in order to get that feedback?
- {% puts "\nChecking player dependencies, this may take more than 20 minutes... If it is stuck, check your internet connection.\n" %}
- {% if flag?(:minified_player_dependencies) %}
- {% puts run("../scripts/fetch-player-dependencies.cr", "--minified").stringify %}
- {% else %}
- {% puts run("../scripts/fetch-player-dependencies.cr").stringify %}
+ {% fetch_script_arguments = [] of StringLiteral %}
+ {%
+ potential_arguments = {
+ {:minified_player_dependencies, "--minified"},
+ {:skip_player_dependencies_checksum, "--skip-checksum"},
+ {:clear_player_dependencies_cache, "--clear-cache"},
+ }
+ %}
+ {% for potential_argument in potential_arguments %}
+ {% flag_, script_argument = potential_argument %}
+ {% if flag?(flag_) %}
+ {% fetch_script_arguments << script_argument.id %}
+ {% end %}
{% end %}
+ {% puts "\nChecking player dependencies, this may take more than 20 minutes... If it is stuck, check your internet connection.\n" %}
+ {% puts run("../scripts/fetch-player-dependencies.cr", fetch_script_arguments.splat).stringify %}
{% puts "\nDone checking player dependencies, now compiling Invidious...\n" %}
{% end %}
diff --git a/src/invidious/views/components/player_sources.ecr b/src/invidious/views/components/player_sources.ecr
index 9af3899c4..4d4543f40 100644
--- a/src/invidious/views/components/player_sources.ecr
+++ b/src/invidious/views/components/player_sources.ecr
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
diff --git a/videojs-dependencies.yml b/videojs-dependencies.yml
index e9ccc9dde..38f4cff38 100644
--- a/videojs-dependencies.yml
+++ b/videojs-dependencies.yml
@@ -1,54 +1,80 @@
-# Due to a 'video append of' error (see #3011), we're stuck on 7.12.1.
- version: 7.12.1
- shasum: 1d12eeb1f52e3679e8e4c987d9b9eb37e2247fa2
- version: 2.1.0
- shasum: 046e9e21ed01043f512b83a1916001d552457083
- version: 1.1.6
- shasum: 073aadbea0106ba6c98d6b611094dbf8554ffa1f
- version: 1.0.1
- shasum: d7f8d804253fd587813271f8db308a22b9f7df34
- version: 0.6.1
- shasum: 0e146c4c481cbee0729cb5e162e558b455562cd0
- version: 2.1.4
- shasum: 5a103b25374dbb753eb87960d8360c2e8f39cc05
- version: 3.2.1
- shasum: 0a3024b981387b9d21c058c829760a72c14b8ceb
- version: 1.8.0
- shasum: 7f2f07f760d8a329c615acd316e49da6ee8edd34
- version: 0.0.13
- shasum: d1e7d47f4ed80bb52f5fc4f4bad4bfc871f5970f
-# We're using iv-org's fork of videojs-quality-selector,
-# which isn't published on NPM, and doesn't have any
-# easy way of fetching the compiled variant.
-# silvermine-videojs-quality-selector:
-# version: 1.1.2
-# shasum: 94033ff9ee52ba6da1263b97c9a74d5b3dfdf711
-# Ditto. Although this extension contains the complied variant in its git repo,
-# it lacks any sort of versioning. As such, the script will ignore it.
-# videojs-youtube-annotations:
-# github: https://github.com/afrmtbl/videojs-youtube-annotations
+version: 1
+registry_url: "https://registry.npmjs.org"
+# Dependencies are stored as /package.tgz
+cache_directory: "./invidious-videojs-dep-install"
+ #Due to a 'video append of' error (see #3011), we're stuck on 7.12.1.
+ video.js:
+ version: 7.12.1
+ shasum: 1d12eeb1f52e3679e8e4c987d9b9eb37e2247fa2
+ install_instructions:
+ js_path: "dist/video%{file_extension}"
+ css_path: "dist/video-js%{file_extension}"
+ # Normalize names to simplify File.exists? check
+ download_as: "video.js%{file_extension}"
+ videojs-contrib-quality-levels:
+ version: 2.1.0
+ shasum: 046e9e21ed01043f512b83a1916001d552457083
+ install_instructions:
+ no_styling: true
+ videojs-http-source-selector:
+ version: 1.1.6
+ shasum: 073aadbea0106ba6c98d6b611094dbf8554ffa1f
+ videojs-markers:
+ version: 1.0.1
+ shasum: d7f8d804253fd587813271f8db308a22b9f7df34
+ install_instructions:
+ css_path: "dist/videojs.markers%{file_extension}"
+ download_as: "videojs-markers%{file_extension}"
+ videojs-mobile-ui:
+ version: 0.6.1
+ shasum: 0e146c4c481cbee0729cb5e162e558b455562cd0
+ videojs-overlay:
+ version: 2.1.4
+ shasum: 5a103b25374dbb753eb87960d8360c2e8f39cc05
+ videojs-share:
+ version: 3.2.1
+ shasum: 0a3024b981387b9d21c058c829760a72c14b8ceb
+ videojs-vr:
+ version: 1.8.0
+ shasum: 7f2f07f760d8a329c615acd316e49da6ee8edd34
+ videojs-vtt-thumbnails:
+ version: 0.0.13
+ shasum: d1e7d47f4ed80bb52f5fc4f4bad4bfc871f5970f
+ # We're using iv-org's fork of videojs-quality-selector,
+ # which isn't published on NPM, and doesn't have any
+ # easy way of fetching the compiled variant.
+ # silvermine-videojs-quality-selector:
+ # version: 1.1.2
+ # shasum: 94033ff9ee52ba6da1263b97c9a74d5b3dfdf711
+ # install_instructions:
+ # js_path: "dist/js/silvermine-videojs-quality-selector%{file_extension}"
+ # css_path: "dist/css/quality-selector%{file_extension}"
+ # download_as: silvermine-videojs-quality-selector%{file_extension}
+ # Ditto. Although this extension contains the complied variant in its git repo,
+ # it lacks any sort of versioning. As such, the script will ignore it.
+ #
+ # videojs-youtube-annotations:
+ # github: https://github.com/afrmtbl/videojs-youtube-annotations