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82 lines (53 loc) · 2.28 KB

File metadata and controls

82 lines (53 loc) · 2.28 KB


This page lists the main headline changes that make up each release of docket. It is intended as a useful reference to the development history of the project, but is by no means an exhaustive list of all changes.


  • Improved tokenisation for the search index. Prevents some trivial tokens from ending up in the search index when they shouldn't have been.


  • Add javascript search. A json search index is built when the site is rendred. Javascript on the frontend uses progressive enhancement to inject a search box.
  • Documentation improvements.


  • Enable more of pulldown-cmark's Markdown extensions.
  • Support for highlighting code using syntect or hl-js.


  • Added a feature watch which uses file system notifications to watch for changes in the source folder and re-build the site when it is changed. This allows users to opt-out of the notify crate dependency if the feature isn't needed.
  • Added a feature par_render which uses Rayon to render pages in parallel. This allows users to opt-out of the Rayon dependency if the feature isn't needed.


  • Upgraded to Pulldown-cmark 0.4. This version is a major change to the way Pulldown parses markdown and should provide some performance improvements on larger files.
  • Docket now has a working CI configuration!


  • Generated HTML has a charset meta tag. This should fix rendering of non-ASCII characters.


  • Parallel rendering of pages with Rayon.


  • Rust 2018 support.


  • Fixup to generated OTC to prevent an unnecessary redirect. Previously links were missing a trailing /. This causes a re-direct to the directory with the trailing / before the page is rendered.


  • File watcher support with the -w, and --watch flags (#2)


  • Sort pages by name. The prefix is droped. This allows adding 01- and similar numeric prefixes to pages to change their order within the generated site.


  • Add a --version flag to print out the version of docket.
  • Improved rendering of code blocks
  • Stop rendering the style inline in each page. Reduces page bloat.


  • Support mobile browsers with the viewport meta tag.


  • Initial "usable" version.