--------- beginning of main W/pvu (26891): Job(ItemChangesService:applyChangeIntents#0.29703) Label updated, but no existing count corresponding to label to apply the deltas to. D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): handleBatteryUpdate V/HeadsetService( 4939): HeadsetService - Received Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED D/HeadsetStateMachine( 4939): Disconnected process message: 10 W/pvu (26891): Job(ItemChangesService:applyChangeIntents#0.29710) Label updated, but no existing count corresponding to label to apply the deltas to. D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen E/Diag_Lib( 1603): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 2 W/pvu (26891): Job(ItemChangesService:applyChangeIntents#0.29716) Label updated, but no existing count corresponding to label to apply the deltas to. W/pvu (26891): Job(ItemChangesService:applyChangeIntents#0.29723) Label updated, but no existing count corresponding to label to apply the deltas to. D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen W/pvu (26891): Job(ItemChangesService:applyChangeIntents#0.29736) Label updated, but no existing count corresponding to label to apply the deltas to. W/pvu (26891): Job(ItemChangesService:applyChangeIntents#0.29742) Label updated, but no existing count corresponding to label to apply the deltas to. E/Diag_Lib( 1609): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 2 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen W/pvu (26891): Job(ItemChangesService:applyChangeIntents#0.29753) Label updated, but no existing count corresponding to label to apply the deltas to. W/pvu (26891): Job(ItemChangesService:applyChangeIntents#0.29762) Label updated, but no existing count corresponding to label to apply the deltas to. D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen E/SMD ( 1592): smd_init start E/SMD ( 1592): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): handleBatteryUpdate V/HeadsetService( 4939): HeadsetService - Received Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED D/HeadsetStateMachine( 4939): Disconnected process message: 10 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen E/SMD ( 1592): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 W/pvu (26891): Job(ItemChangesService:applyChangeIntents#0.29769) Label updated, but no existing count corresponding to label to apply the deltas to. D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen E/SMD ( 1592): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 E/Diag_Lib( 1613): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 2 E/SMD ( 1592): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 W/pvu (26891): Job(ItemChangesService:applyChangeIntents#0.29782) Label updated, but no existing count corresponding to label to apply the deltas to. D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen I/Finsky ( 9600): [17317] com.google.android.finsky.bp.am.run(6): Stats for Executor: Db-user_languages_store com.google.android.finsky.bp.an@118499ed[Running, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 1] E/SMD ( 1592): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 W/pvu (26891): Job(ItemChangesService:applyChangeIntents#0.29787) Label updated, but no existing count corresponding to label to apply the deltas to. W/pvu (26891): Job(ItemChangesService:applyChangeIntents#0.29792) Label updated, but no existing count corresponding to label to apply the deltas to. D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=1 D/InputReader( 864): !@notifyKey(172), action=0 D/InputManager-JNI( 864): !@interceptKeyBeforeQueueing(172), action=0 E/SMD ( 1592): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/InputManager-JNI( 864): !@handleInterceptActions(172), action=0, wmActions=1 D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=0 D/InputReader( 864): !@notifyKey(172), action=1 D/InputManager-JNI( 864): !@interceptKeyBeforeQueueing(172), action=1 D/InputManager-JNI( 864): !@handleInterceptActions(172), action=1, wmActions=1 D/PhoneStatusBar( 1122): animateCollapse(): mExpandedVisible=false flags=0 D/StatusBar-Window( 1122): fnf=true sanc=false, kni=false, sbf=false D/CoverUI ( 1122): applyFocusableFlag() : Remove SAMSUNG_FLAG_SVIEW_COVER D/CordovaActivity( 1097): Paused the activity. D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001iconType:101 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenIconStyle1 pointerType: 10001iconType:1 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenCustomIcon IconType is same.1 D/CordovaWebViewImpl( 1097): >>> loadUrl(javascript:cordova.plugins.backgroundMode._isActive=true;cordova.plugins.backgroundMode.fireEvent('activate',null);cordova.plugins.backgroundMode.onactivate(null);) V/WindowOrientationListener( 864): mSContextAutoRotationListener.getProposedRotation, mbResultFaceDectection: false V/WindowOrientationListener( 864): mSContextAutoRotationListener.getProposedRotation, Rotation: 0 V/WindowOrientationListener( 864): mSContextAutoRotationListener.getProposedRotation, mbResultFaceDectection: false V/WindowOrientationListener( 864): mSContextAutoRotationListener.getProposedRotation, Rotation: 0 D/WallpaperManagerService( 864): getWallpaperData : 0 D/PanelView( 1122): mClearAll.setVisibility - mIsFullyOpened : false isShade : true mHasNotification : true mIsUpwardFling : false mQsFullyExpanded : true isShadeLocked : false mClearAllVisible : false E/Zygote ( 1625): MountEmulatedStorage() E/Zygote ( 1625): v2 I/SELinux ( 1625): Function: selinux_compare_spd_ram, SPD-policy is existed. and_ver=SEPF_SC-04E_5.0.1-1 ver=51 I/SELinux ( 1625): Function: selinux_compare_spd_ram , priority [1] , priority version is VE=SEPF_SC-04E_5.0.1-1_0051 E/SELinux ( 1625): [DEBUG] get_category: variable seinfo: platform sensitivity: NULL, cateogry: NULL D/ResourcesManager( 1122): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/jp.mrstepup.mrstepapp-1/base.apk D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001iconType:101 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenIconStyle1 pointerType: 10001iconType:1 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenCustomIcon IconType is same.1 D/ResourcesManager( 1625): creating new AssetManager and set to /system/priv-app/SecSettings/SecSettings.apk D/KnoxNotification( 1122): ----- inflateViews : modified publicViewLocal ----- D/WallpaperManager( 1431): SEC_PRODUCT_FEATURE_COMMON_SUPPORT_TEXTURE_COMPRESSION is true D/WallpaperManagerService( 864): getWallpaperData : 0 D/WallpaperManager( 1431): SEC_PRODUCT_FEATURE_COMMON_SUPPORT_TEXTURE_COMPRESSION is true D/KnoxNotification( 1122): ----- inflateViews : modified KnoxViewLocal ----- D/PersonaManager( 1122): PersonaID is invalid or persona doesn't exists. : 0 D/InputMethodManagerService( 864): windowGainedFocus mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled-false W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): updateCMASText( show = false ) W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/PanelView( 1122): There is/are notification(s) D/PanelView( 1122): kidsfalse mQsExpansionEnabled:true D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): updateCMASText( show = false ) W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/PanelView( 1122): There is/are notification(s) W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): updateCMASText( show = false ) W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/PanelView( 1122): There is/are notification(s) D/PanelView( 1122): kidsfalse mQsExpansionEnabled:true D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): updateCMASText( show = false ) D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/com.android.vending-2/base.apk D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/jp.creafons.cyfons-1/base.apk W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for jp.creafons.cyfons: Resource ID #0x0 D/PanelView( 1122): mClearAll.setVisibility - mIsFullyOpened : false isShade : true mHasNotification : true mIsUpwardFling : false mQsFullyExpanded : true isShadeLocked : false mClearAllVisible : false D/PanelView( 1122): mClearAll.setVisibility - mIsFullyOpened : false isShade : true mHasNotification : true mIsUpwardFling : false mQsFullyExpanded : true isShadeLocked : false mClearAllVisible : false D/MySettingsProvider( 1625): DatabaseHelper(Context context):DATABASE_VERSION=1 E/SQLiteLog( 1625): (283) recovered 9 frames from WAL file /data/data/com.android.settings/databases/mysettings.db-wal D/MySettingsProvider( 1625): onCreate():(mDB == null)? false:true =true D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /system/app/SBrowser/SBrowser.apk W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for com.sec.android.app.sbrowser: Resource ID #0x0 E/Zygote ( 1646): MountEmulatedStorage() E/Zygote ( 1646): v2 I/SELinux ( 1646): Function: selinux_compare_spd_ram, SPD-policy is existed. and_ver=SEPF_SC-04E_5.0.1-1 ver=51 I/SELinux ( 1646): Function: selinux_compare_spd_ram , priority [1] , priority version is VE=SEPF_SC-04E_5.0.1-1_0051 E/SELinux ( 1646): [DEBUG] get_category: variable seinfo: jpncategorynavi sensitivity: NULL, cateogry: NULL I/Timeline( 1431): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@34951678 time:167030831 E/SMD ( 1592): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/ResourcesManager( 1646): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/jp.ne.docomo.smt.contents_search_widget-1/base.apk E/Zygote ( 1665): MountEmulatedStorage() E/Zygote ( 1665): v2 I/SELinux ( 1665): Function: selinux_compare_spd_ram, SPD-policy is existed. and_ver=SEPF_SC-04E_5.0.1-1 ver=51 I/SELinux ( 1665): Function: selinux_compare_spd_ram , priority [1] , priority version is VE=SEPF_SC-04E_5.0.1-1_0051 E/SELinux ( 1665): [DEBUG] get_category: variable seinfo: jpnnttdocomo sensitivity: NULL, cateogry: NULL D/OpenGLRenderer(32351): Render dirty regions requested: true D/ResourcesManager( 1665): creating new AssetManager and set to /system/priv-app/DcmCloudMailer/DcmCloudMailer.apk W/ResourceType( 1665): ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 1, previously 1632 I/Adreno-EGL(32351): : EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: () I/Adreno-EGL(32351): OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: E031.25.03.06 I/Adreno-EGL(32351): Build Date: 01/24/15 Sat I/Adreno-EGL(32351): Local Branch: AF11_RB1_AU15 I/Adreno-EGL(32351): Remote Branch: I/Adreno-EGL(32351): Local Patches: I/Adreno-EGL(32351): Reconstruct Branch: W/xbn (26891): Job 'ItemsSyncControlService:sync' did not complete within 00:30.0000 (mm:ss.ms). W/xbn (26891): ybs: Job 'ItemsSyncControlService:sync' did not complete within 00:30.0000 (mm:ss.ms). W/xbn (26891): at yax.call(Unknown Source) W/xbn (26891): at xzu.b(SourceFile:1) W/xbn (26891): at xzv.a(Unknown Source) W/xbn (26891): at xzu.a(SourceFile:2) W/xbn (26891): at xzc.run(SourceFile) W/xbn (26891): at wsb.run(Unknown Source) W/xbn (26891): at xwk.call(Unknown Source) W/xbn (26891): at xzm.a(Unknown Source) W/xbn (26891): at aaaz.a(SourceFile:2) W/xbn (26891): at aaay.run(SourceFile:6) W/xbn (26891): at aacn.run(SourceFile) W/xbn (26891): at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:422) W/xbn (26891): at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237) W/xbn (26891): at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.access$201(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:152) W/xbn (26891): at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.run(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:265) W/xbn (26891): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1112) W/xbn (26891): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:587) W/xbn (26891): at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:818) I/OpenGLRenderer(32351): Initialized EGL, version 1.4 W/xbn (26891): Job 'executeSyncTaskOnExecutionGuard' did not complete within 00:30.0000 (mm:ss.ms). W/xbn (26891): ybs: Job 'executeSyncTaskOnExecutionGuard' did not complete within 00:30.0000 (mm:ss.ms). W/xbn (26891): at yax.call(Unknown Source) W/xbn (26891): at xzu.b(SourceFile:1) W/xbn (26891): at xzv.a(Unknown Source) W/xbn (26891): at xzu.a(SourceFile:2) W/xbn (26891): at xzc.run(SourceFile) W/xbn (26891): at wsb.run(Unknown Source) W/xbn (26891): at xwk.call(Unknown Source) W/xbn (26891): at xzm.a(Unknown Source) W/xbn (26891): at aaaz.a(SourceFile:2) W/xbn (26891): at aaay.run(SourceFile:6) W/xbn (26891): at aacn.run(SourceFile) W/xbn (26891): at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:422) W/xbn (26891): at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237) W/xbn (26891): at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.access$201(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:152) W/xbn (26891): at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.run(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:265) W/xbn (26891): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1112) W/xbn (26891): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:587) W/xbn (26891): at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:818) W/xxn (26891): [go/unknown-location] executesOrExecutesNext W/xxn (26891): xyi: executesOrExecutesNext W/xxn (26891): at xyg.run(Unknown Source) W/xxn (26891): at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:422) W/xxn (26891): at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237) W/xxn (26891): at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.access$201(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:152) W/xxn (26891): at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.run(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:265) W/xxn (26891): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1112) W/xxn (26891): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:587) W/xxn (26891): at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:818) D/OpenGLRenderer(32351): Enabling debug mode 0 I/Timeline( 864): Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{286e7e93 u0 com.nttdocomo.android.paletteui/.HomeApp t447} time:167031198 D/CordovaActivity( 1097): Stopped the activity. D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=1 D/InputReader( 864): !@notifyKey(172), action=0 D/InputManager-JNI( 864): !@interceptKeyBeforeQueueing(172), action=0 D/InputManager-JNI( 864): !@handleInterceptActions(172), action=0, wmActions=1 W/linker ( 1665): libdk.so.1.0.13_3 has text relocations. This is wasting memory and prevents security hardening. Please fix. D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/InputDispatcher( 864): set entryflags to AKEY_EVENT_FLAG_LONG_PRESS E/Zygote ( 1722): MountEmulatedStorage() E/Zygote ( 1722): v2 I/SELinux ( 1722): Function: selinux_compare_spd_ram, SPD-policy is existed. and_ver=SEPF_SC-04E_5.0.1-1 ver=51 I/SELinux ( 1722): Function: selinux_compare_spd_ram , priority [1] , priority version is VE=SEPF_SC-04E_5.0.1-1_0051 E/SELinux ( 1722): [DEBUG] get_category: variable seinfo: jpntoruca sensitivity: NULL, cateogry: NULL V/Vibrator( 864): Called vibrateImmVibe(int, MagnitudeType) API - PUID: 1000, PackageName: android V/Vibrator( 864): vibrateImmVibe - PUID: 1000, PackageName: android, type: 9, mag: 8000 E/SMD ( 1592): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/ResourcesManager( 1722): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/com.nttdocomo.android.toruca-1/base.apk V/ApplicationPolicy( 864): isApplicationStateBlocked userId 0 pkgname com.android.systemui D/ResourcesManager( 864): creating new AssetManager and set to /system/priv-app/SystemUI/SystemUI.apk W/pvu (26891): Job(ItemChangesService:applyChangeIntents#0.29798) Label updated, but no existing count corresponding to label to apply the deltas to. E/Zygote ( 1745): MountEmulatedStorage() E/Zygote ( 1745): v2 D/PhoneStatusBar( 1122): animateCollapse(): mExpandedVisible=false flags=2 D/StatusBar-Window( 1122): fnf=true sanc=false, kni=false, sbf=false D/CoverUI ( 1122): applyFocusableFlag() : Remove SAMSUNG_FLAG_SVIEW_COVER D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001iconType:101 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenIconStyle1 pointerType: 10001iconType:1 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenCustomIcon IconType is same.1 I/SELinux ( 1745): Function: selinux_compare_spd_ram, SPD-policy is existed. and_ver=SEPF_SC-04E_5.0.1-1 ver=51 I/SELinux ( 1745): Function: selinux_compare_spd_ram , priority [1] , priority version is VE=SEPF_SC-04E_5.0.1-1_0051 E/SELinux ( 1745): [DEBUG] get_category: variable seinfo: platform sensitivity: NULL, cateogry: NULL V/WindowOrientationListener( 864): mSContextAutoRotationListener.getProposedRotation, mbResultFaceDectection: false V/WindowOrientationListener( 864): mSContextAutoRotationListener.getProposedRotation, Rotation: 0 V/WindowOrientationListener( 864): mSContextAutoRotationListener.getProposedRotation, mbResultFaceDectection: false V/WindowOrientationListener( 864): mSContextAutoRotationListener.getProposedRotation, Rotation: 0 D/ResourcesManager( 1745): creating new AssetManager and set to /system/priv-app/SystemUI/SystemUI.apk D/PanelView( 1122): mClearAll.setVisibility - mIsFullyOpened : false isShade : true mHasNotification : true mIsUpwardFling : false mQsFullyExpanded : true isShadeLocked : false mClearAllVisible : false E/Diag_Lib( 1778): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 2 W/ResourceType( 1745): For resource 0x7f030004, entry index(4) is beyond type entryCount(2) W/ResourceType( 1745): Failure getting entry for 0x7f030004 (t=2 e=4) (error -75) I/art ( 864): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 52449(2MB) AllocSpace objects, 11(2MB) LOS objects, 23% free, 50MB/66MB, paused 3.417ms total 221.771ms D/ResourcesManager( 1745): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/com.adobe.phonegap.app-1/base.apk D/StautsBar-RecentsTaskLoader( 1745): getTaskStack id: 273 label:PhoneGap D/ResourcesManager( 1745): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/com.pecojapan.PECOapp-1/base.apk D/StautsBar-RecentsTaskLoader( 1745): getTaskStack id: 371 label:PECO D/ResourcesManager( 1745): creating new AssetManager and set to /system/priv-app/SecSettings/SecSettings.apk D/StautsBar-RecentsTaskLoader( 1745): getTaskStack id: 442 label:設定 D/ResourcesManager( 1745): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/com.oishigohan.community-1/base.apk W/ResourceType( 1745): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1745): Failure retrieving resources for com.oishigohan.community: Resource ID #0x0 V/Recents_RecentsTaskLoader( 1745): Loaded bitmap for task 459 isPrivate? false PrivateSetting:false V/SystemServicesProxy( 1745): Loaded bitmap for task 459 isPrivate? false PrivateSetting:false D/StautsBar-RecentsTaskLoader( 1745): getTaskStack id: 459 label:oishi-gohan D/ResourcesManager( 1745): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/com.google.android.gm-1/base.apk W/ResourceType( 1745): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1745): Failure retrieving resources for com.google.android.gm: Resource ID #0x0 V/Recents_RecentsTaskLoader( 1745): Loaded bitmap for task 464 isPrivate? false PrivateSetting:false V/SystemServicesProxy( 1745): Loaded bitmap for task 464 isPrivate? false PrivateSetting:false D/StautsBar-RecentsTaskLoader( 1745): getTaskStack id: 464 label:Gmail D/ResourcesManager( 1745): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/com.automattic.simplenote-2/base.apk W/xbn (26891): Job 'ItemsSyncControlService:sync' did not complete within 00:30.0000 (mm:ss.ms). W/xbn (26891): ybs: Job 'ItemsSyncControlService:sync' did not complete within 00:30.0000 (mm:ss.ms). W/xbn (26891): at yax.call(Unknown Source) W/xbn (26891): at xzu.b(SourceFile:1) W/xbn (26891): at xzv.a(Unknown Source) W/xbn (26891): at xzu.a(SourceFile:2) W/xbn (26891): at xzc.run(SourceFile) W/xbn (26891): at wsb.run(Unknown Source) W/xbn (26891): at xwk.call(Unknown Source) W/xbn (26891): at xzm.a(Unknown Source) W/xbn (26891): at aaaz.a(SourceFile:2) W/xbn (26891): at aaay.run(SourceFile:6) W/xbn (26891): at aacn.run(SourceFile) W/xbn (26891): at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:422) W/xbn (26891): at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237) W/xbn (26891): at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.access$201(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:152) W/xbn (26891): at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.run(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:265) W/xbn (26891): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1112) W/xbn (26891): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:587) W/xbn (26891): at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:818) W/xxn (26891): [go/unknown-location] executesOrExecutesNext W/xxn (26891): xyi: executesOrExecutesNext W/xxn (26891): at xyg.run(Unknown Source) W/xxn (26891): at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:422) W/xxn (26891): at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237) W/xxn (26891): at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.access$201(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:152) W/xxn (26891): at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.run(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:265) W/xxn (26891): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1112) W/xxn (26891): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:587) W/xxn (26891): at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:818) W/xbn (26891): Job 'executeSyncTaskOnExecutionGuard' did not complete within 00:30.0000 (mm:ss.ms). W/xbn (26891): ybs: Job 'executeSyncTaskOnExecutionGuard' did not complete within 00:30.0000 (mm:ss.ms). W/xbn (26891): at yax.call(Unknown Source) W/xbn (26891): at xzu.b(SourceFile:1) W/xbn (26891): at xzv.a(Unknown Source) W/xbn (26891): at xzu.a(SourceFile:2) W/xbn (26891): at xzc.run(SourceFile) W/xbn (26891): at wsb.run(Unknown Source) W/xbn (26891): at xwk.call(Unknown Source) W/xbn (26891): at xzm.a(Unknown Source) W/xbn (26891): at aaaz.a(SourceFile:2) W/xbn (26891): at aaay.run(SourceFile:6) W/xbn (26891): at aacn.run(SourceFile) W/xbn (26891): at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:422) W/xbn (26891): at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237) W/xbn (26891): at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.access$201(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:152) W/xbn (26891): at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.run(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:265) W/xbn (26891): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1112) W/xbn (26891): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:587) W/xbn (26891): at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:818) W/ResourceType( 1745): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1745): Failure retrieving resources for com.automattic.simplenote: Resource ID #0x0 V/Recents_RecentsTaskLoader( 1745): Loaded bitmap for task 469 isPrivate? false PrivateSetting:false V/SystemServicesProxy( 1745): Loaded bitmap for task 469 isPrivate? false PrivateSetting:false W/pvu (26891): Job(ItemChangesService:applyChangeIntents#0.29805) Label updated, but no existing count corresponding to label to apply the deltas to. D/StautsBar-RecentsTaskLoader( 1745): getTaskStack id: 469 label:Simplenote D/ResourcesManager( 1745): creating new AssetManager and set to /system/app/SBrowser/SBrowser.apk W/ResourceType( 1745): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1745): Failure retrieving resources for com.sec.android.app.sbrowser: Resource ID #0x0 V/Recents_RecentsTaskLoader( 1745): Loaded bitmap for task 467 isPrivate? false PrivateSetting:false V/SystemServicesProxy( 1745): Loaded bitmap for task 467 isPrivate? false PrivateSetting:false D/StautsBar-RecentsTaskLoader( 1745): getTaskStack id: 467 label:ブラウザ D/ResourcesManager( 1745): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/com.android.vending-2/base.apk W/ResourceType( 1745): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1745): Failure retrieving resources for com.android.vending: Resource ID #0x0 V/Recents_RecentsTaskLoader( 1745): Loaded bitmap for task 468 isPrivate? false PrivateSetting:false V/SystemServicesProxy( 1745): Loaded bitmap for task 468 isPrivate? false PrivateSetting:false D/StautsBar-RecentsTaskLoader( 1745): getTaskStack id: 468 label:Google Play D/ResourcesManager( 1745): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/jp.mrstepup.mrstepapp-1/base.apk W/ResourceType( 1745): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1745): Failure retrieving resources for jp.mrstepup.mrstepapp: Resource ID #0x0 V/Recents_RecentsTaskLoader( 1745): Loaded bitmap for task 474 isPrivate? false PrivateSetting:false V/SystemServicesProxy( 1745): Loaded bitmap for task 474 isPrivate? false PrivateSetting:false D/StautsBar-RecentsTaskLoader( 1745): getTaskStack id: 474 label:Ukaras D/SecContentProvider2( 864): uri = 13 selection = isTaskManagerAllowed D/SecContentProvider2( 864): mCursor = null W/OpenGLRenderer( 1745): can't set property, no Caches instance D/Activity( 1745): performCreate Call secproduct feature valuefalse D/Activity( 1745): performCreate Call debug elastic valuetrue D/OpenGLRenderer( 1745): Render dirty regions requested: true D/ResourcesManager( 1745): creating new AssetManager and set to /system/priv-app/SecSettings/SecSettings.apk W/ResourceType( 1745): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001iconType:101 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenIconStyle1 pointerType: 10001iconType:1 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenCustomIcon IconType is same.1 W/PackageManager( 1745): Failure retrieving resources for com.android.settings: Resource ID #0x0 I/Adreno-EGL( 1745): : EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: () I/Adreno-EGL( 1745): OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: E031.25.03.06 I/Adreno-EGL( 1745): Build Date: 01/24/15 Sat I/Adreno-EGL( 1745): Local Branch: AF11_RB1_AU15 I/Adreno-EGL( 1745): Remote Branch: I/Adreno-EGL( 1745): Local Patches: I/Adreno-EGL( 1745): Reconstruct Branch: I/OpenGLRenderer( 1745): Initialized EGL, version 1.4 D/OpenGLRenderer( 1745): Enabling debug mode 0 V/SystemServicesProxy( 1745): Loaded bitmap for task 442 isPrivate? false PrivateSetting:false E/SMD ( 1592): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/InputMethodManagerService( 864): windowGainedFocus mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled-false I/ActivityManager( 864): Displayed Component not be shown by security: +1s106ms D/PhoneStatusBar( 1122): animateCollapse(): mExpandedVisible=false flags=0 D/StatusBar-Window( 1122): fnf=true sanc=false, kni=false, sbf=false D/CoverUI ( 1122): applyFocusableFlag() : Remove SAMSUNG_FLAG_SVIEW_COVER D/PhoneStatusBar( 1122): notifyRecentPanelVisiblity false I/Timeline( 1745): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@213749b5 time:167033049 D/PanelView( 1122): mClearAll.setVisibility - mIsFullyOpened : false isShade : true mHasNotification : true mIsUpwardFling : false mQsFullyExpanded : true isShadeLocked : false mClearAllVisible : false D/PanelView( 1122): mClearAll.setVisibility - mIsFullyOpened : false isShade : true mHasNotification : true mIsUpwardFling : false mQsFullyExpanded : true isShadeLocked : false mClearAllVisible : false I/Timeline( 864): Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{312601fe u0 com.android.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity t475} time:167033178 D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=0 D/InputReader( 864): !@notifyKey(172), action=1 D/InputManager-JNI( 864): !@interceptKeyBeforeQueueing(172), action=1 D/InputManager-JNI( 864): !@handleInterceptActions(172), action=1, wmActions=1 D/PanelView( 1122): mClearAll.setVisibility - mIsFullyOpened : false isShade : true mHasNotification : true mIsUpwardFling : false mQsFullyExpanded : true isShadeLocked : false mClearAllVisible : false W/pvu (26891): Job(ItemChangesService:applyChangeIntents#0.29811) Label updated, but no existing count corresponding to label to apply the deltas to. D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen E/SMD ( 1592): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 W/xbn (26891): Job 'ItemsSyncControlService:sync' did not complete within 00:30.0000 (mm:ss.ms). W/xbn (26891): ybs: Job 'ItemsSyncControlService:sync' did not complete within 00:30.0000 (mm:ss.ms). W/xbn (26891): at yax.call(Unknown Source) W/xbn (26891): at xzu.b(SourceFile:1) W/xbn (26891): at xzv.a(Unknown Source) W/xbn (26891): at xzu.a(SourceFile:2) W/xbn (26891): at xzc.run(SourceFile) W/xbn (26891): at wsb.run(Unknown Source) W/xbn (26891): at xwk.call(Unknown Source) W/xbn (26891): at xzm.a(Unknown Source) W/xbn (26891): at aaaz.a(SourceFile:2) W/xbn (26891): at aaay.run(SourceFile:6) W/xbn (26891): at aacn.run(SourceFile) W/xbn (26891): at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:422) W/xbn (26891): at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237) W/xbn (26891): at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.access$201(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:152) W/xbn (26891): at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.run(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:265) W/xbn (26891): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1112) W/xbn (26891): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:587) W/xbn (26891): at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:818) E/SMD ( 1592): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=1 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.176 ] when=167034910749000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1745): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1293): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 D/ViewRootImpl( 1745): ViewPostImeInputStage ACTION_DOWN D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=0 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=167035034376000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1745): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1293): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 I/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getAudioPolicyConfig: situation=1;device=0 I/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getSituationVolume: isBTConnected:0 isHeadConnected:0 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): deviceInt = 0, situationInt = 1, situationVolume = 0.800000 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() device 2, stream 1, samplingRate 0, format 0, channelMask 0, flags 3 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputsForDevice device 0002 -> 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() returns output 2 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() device 2, stream 1, samplingRate 0, format 0, channelMask 0, flags 3 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputsForDevice device 0002 -> 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() returns output 2 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputForAttr() usage=13, content=4, tag= flags=00000000 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputForAttr() device 2, samplingRate 48000, format 1, channelMask 1, flags 4 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputsForDevice device 0002 -> 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() returns output 2 E/AudioTrack( 864): AudioTrack::set : Exit V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): startOutput() output 2, stream 1, session 186 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): changeRefCount() stream 1, count 1 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getNewOutputDevice() selected device 2 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() output 2 device 0002 delayMs 0 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() prevDevice 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() setting same device 0002 or null device for output 2 D/ALSADevice( 310): route: devices 0x2 in mode 0 V/ALSADevice( 310): switchDevice: device 0x2 mode:0 V/ALSADevice( 310): getUCMDevice for output device: devices:2 is input device:0 V/ALSADevice( 310): getUCMDevice for input device: devices:0 is input device:1 D/ALSADevice( 310): No valid input device: 0 V/ALSADevice( 310): switchDevice,rxDev:Speaker, txDev:(null), curRxDev:Speaker, curTxDev:Main Mic D/alsa_ucm( 310): snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0xb3418510 identifier _enadev value Speaker D/ALSADevice( 310): switchDevice: mCurTxUCMDevivce Main Mic mCurRxDevDevice Speaker inCallDevSwitch = 0 V/ALSADevice( 310): switchDevice Done D/alsa_ucm( 310): snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0xb3418510 identifier _verb value HiFi D/alsa_ucm( 310): Set mixer controls for Speaker enable 1 D/alsa_ucm( 310): acdb_id 15 cap 1 enable 1 D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 15, path = 0 D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> send_adm_topology D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TOPOLOGY_ID D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> send_asm_topology D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_STREAM_TOPOLOGY_ID D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> send_audtable D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TABLE D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> send_audvoltable D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_GAIN_DEP_VOLTBL_STEP_COPP E/ACDB-LOADER( 310): Error: ACDB AudProc vol returned = -8 D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_VOL_CAL D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> send_afe_cal D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> send_hw_delay : acdb_id = 15 path = 0 D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_DEVICE_PROPERTY_SIZE D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> ACDB_AVSYNC_INFO: ACDB_CMD_GET_DEVICE_PROPERTY D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): send_hw_delay id = 15 delay_num_entries = 1 result = 0 D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: SLIM_0_RX Channels, value: Two D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: RX5 MIX1 INP1, value: RX1 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): releaseOutput() 2 D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: RX5 MIX1 INP2, value: RX2 D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: RX6 DSM MUX, value: DSM_INV D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting multi value: LINEOUT2 Volume D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting multi value: LINEOUT4 Volume D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting multi value: RX5 Digital Volume D/alsa_ucm( 310): Set mixer controls for HiFi enable 1 D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: SLIMBUS_0_RX Audio Mixer MultiMedia1, value: 1 D/ALSADevice( 310): close: handle 0xb3457380 h 0x0 D/ALSADevice( 310): open: handle 0xb3457380, format 0x2 V/ALSADevice( 310): Music case D/ALSADevice( 310): Device value returned is hw:0,0 V/ALSADevice( 310): flags 0, devName hw:0,0 V/ALSADevice( 310): pcm_open returned fd 41 D/ALSADevice( 310): handle->format: 0x2 D/ALSADevice( 310): setHardwareParams: reqBuffSize 2048 channels 2 sampleRate 48000 D/ALSADevice( 310): setHardwareParams: buffer_size 16384, period_size 2048, period_cnt 8 W/pvu (26891): Job(ItemChangesService:applyChangeIntents#0.29817) Label updated, but no existing count corresponding to label to apply the deltas to. V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): stopOutput() output 2, stream 1, session 186 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): changeRefCount() stream 1, count 0 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() output 2 device 0000 delayMs 192 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() prevDevice 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() setting same device 0000 or null device for output 2 W/xbn (26891): Job 'ItemsSyncControlService:sync' did not complete within 00:30.0000 (mm:ss.ms). W/xbn (26891): ybs: Job 'ItemsSyncControlService:sync' did not complete within 00:30.0000 (mm:ss.ms). W/xbn (26891): at yax.call(Unknown Source) W/xbn (26891): at xzu.b(SourceFile:1) W/xbn (26891): at xzv.a(Unknown Source) W/xbn (26891): at xzu.a(SourceFile:2) W/xbn (26891): at xzc.run(SourceFile) W/xbn (26891): at wsb.run(Unknown Source) W/xbn (26891): at xwk.call(Unknown Source) W/xbn (26891): at xzm.a(Unknown Source) W/xbn (26891): at aaaz.a(SourceFile:2) W/xbn (26891): at aaay.run(SourceFile:6) W/xbn (26891): at aacn.run(SourceFile) W/xbn (26891): at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:422) W/xbn (26891): at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237) W/xbn (26891): at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.access$201(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:152) W/xbn (26891): at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.run(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:265) W/xbn (26891): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1112) W/xbn (26891): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:587) W/xbn (26891): at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:818) D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): handleBatteryUpdate V/HeadsetService( 4939): HeadsetService - Received Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED D/HeadsetStateMachine( 4939): Disconnected process message: 10 V/ApplicationPolicy( 864): isApplicationStateBlocked userId 0 pkgname jp.mrstepup.mrstepapp D/CordovaActivity( 1097): CordovaActivity.onDestroy() D/CordovaWebViewImpl( 1097): >>> loadUrl(javascript:cordova.plugins.backgroundMode._isActive=false;cordova.plugins.backgroundMode.fireEvent('deactivate',null);cordova.plugins.backgroundMode.ondeactivate(null);) D/CordovaPurchase( 1097): Destroying helper. D/CordovaWebViewImpl( 1097): >>> loadUrl(about:blank) W/cr_AwContents( 1097): WebView.destroy() called while WebView is still attached to window. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): updateCMASText( show = false ) W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/PanelView( 1122): There is/are notification(s) D/PanelView( 1122): kidsfalse mQsExpansionEnabled:true D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): updateCMASText( show = false ) W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/PanelView( 1122): There is/are notification(s) W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): updateCMASText( show = false ) W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/PanelView( 1122): There is/are notification(s) D/PanelView( 1122): kidsfalse mQsExpansionEnabled:true D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): updateCMASText( show = false ) W/cr_AwContents( 1097): Application attempted to call on a destroyed WebView W/cr_AwContents( 1097): java.lang.Throwable W/cr_AwContents( 1097): at org.chromium.android_webview.AwContents.f(PG:337) W/cr_AwContents( 1097): at org.chromium.android_webview.AwContents.a(PG:311) W/cr_AwContents( 1097): at org.chromium.android_webview.AwContents.q(PG:572) W/cr_AwContents( 1097): at zT.loadingStateChanged(PG:159) W/cr_AwContents( 1097): at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native Method) W/cr_AwContents( 1097): at android.os.MessageQueue.next(MessageQueue.java:143) W/cr_AwContents( 1097): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:130) W/cr_AwContents( 1097): at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5951) W/cr_AwContents( 1097): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) W/cr_AwContents( 1097): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:372) W/cr_AwContents( 1097): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:1399) W/cr_AwContents( 1097): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1194) D/ConnectivityManager.CallbackHandler( 1097): CM callback handler got msg 524296 D/PanelView( 1122): mClearAll.setVisibility - mIsFullyOpened : false isShade : true mHasNotification : true mIsUpwardFling : false mQsFullyExpanded : true isShadeLocked : false mClearAllVisible : false D/PanelView( 1122): mClearAll.setVisibility - mIsFullyOpened : false isShade : true mHasNotification : true mIsUpwardFling : false mQsFullyExpanded : true isShadeLocked : false mClearAllVisible : false W/pvu (26891): Job(ItemChangesService:applyChangeIntents#0.29824) Label updated, but no existing count corresponding to label to apply the deltas to. E/SMD ( 1592): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 W/xbn (26891): Job 'ItemsSyncControlService:sync' did not complete within 00:30.0000 (mm:ss.ms). W/xbn (26891): ybs: Job 'ItemsSyncControlService:sync' did not complete within 00:30.0000 (mm:ss.ms). W/xbn (26891): at yax.call(Unknown Source) W/xbn (26891): at xzu.b(SourceFile:1) W/xbn (26891): at xzv.a(Unknown Source) W/xbn (26891): at xzu.a(SourceFile:2) W/xbn (26891): at xzc.run(SourceFile) W/xbn (26891): at wsb.run(Unknown Source) W/xbn (26891): at xwk.call(Unknown Source) W/xbn (26891): at xzm.a(Unknown Source) W/xbn (26891): at aaaz.a(SourceFile:2) W/xbn (26891): at aaay.run(SourceFile:6) W/xbn (26891): at aacn.run(SourceFile) W/xbn (26891): at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:422) W/xbn (26891): at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237) W/xbn (26891): at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.access$201(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:152) W/xbn (26891): at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.run(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:265) W/xbn (26891): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1112) W/xbn (26891): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:587) W/xbn (26891): at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:818) E/SMD ( 1592): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=1 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.177 ] when=167036862989000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1745): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1293): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 D/ViewRootImpl( 1745): ViewPostImeInputStage ACTION_DOWN D/ResourcesManager( 1745): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/com.pecojapan.PECOapp-1/base.apk W/ResourceType( 1745): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1745): Failure retrieving resources for com.pecojapan.PECOapp: Resource ID #0x0 V/SystemServicesProxy( 1745): Loaded bitmap for task 371 isPrivate? false PrivateSetting:false D/ResourcesManager( 1745): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/com.adobe.phonegap.app-1/base.apk W/ResourceType( 1745): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1745): Failure retrieving resources for com.adobe.phonegap.app: Resource ID #0x0 V/SystemServicesProxy( 1745): Loaded bitmap for task 273 isPrivate? false PrivateSetting:false D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=0 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=167037340956000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1745): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1293): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 E/Diag_Lib( 1857): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 2 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen E/SMD ( 1592): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=1 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.178 ] when=167037859602000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1745): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1293): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 D/ViewRootImpl( 1745): ViewPostImeInputStage ACTION_DOWN W/xbn (26891): Job 'ItemsSyncControlService:sync' did not complete within 00:30.0000 (mm:ss.ms). W/xbn (26891): ybs: Job 'ItemsSyncControlService:sync' did not complete within 00:30.0000 (mm:ss.ms). W/xbn (26891): at yax.call(Unknown Source) W/xbn (26891): at xzu.b(SourceFile:1) W/xbn (26891): at xzv.a(Unknown Source) W/xbn (26891): at xzu.a(SourceFile:2) W/xbn (26891): at xzc.run(SourceFile) W/xbn (26891): at wsb.run(Unknown Source) W/xbn (26891): at xwk.call(Unknown Source) W/xbn (26891): at xzm.a(Unknown Source) W/xbn (26891): at aaaz.a(SourceFile:2) W/xbn (26891): at aaay.run(SourceFile:6) W/xbn (26891): at aacn.run(SourceFile) W/xbn (26891): at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:422) W/xbn (26891): at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237) W/xbn (26891): at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.access$201(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:152) W/xbn (26891): at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.run(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:265) W/xbn (26891): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1112) W/xbn (26891): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:587) W/xbn (26891): at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:818) D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=0 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=167038052565000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1745): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1293): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 I/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getAudioPolicyConfig: situation=1;device=0 I/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getSituationVolume: isBTConnected:0 isHeadConnected:0 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): deviceInt = 0, situationInt = 1, situationVolume = 0.800000 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() device 2, stream 1, samplingRate 0, format 0, channelMask 0, flags 3 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputsForDevice device 0002 -> 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() returns output 2 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() device 2, stream 1, samplingRate 0, format 0, channelMask 0, flags 3 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputsForDevice device 0002 -> 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() returns output 2 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputForAttr() usage=13, content=4, tag= flags=00000000 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputForAttr() device 2, samplingRate 48000, format 1, channelMask 1, flags 4 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputsForDevice device 0002 -> 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() returns output 2 E/AudioTrack( 864): AudioTrack::set : Exit V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): startOutput() output 2, stream 1, session 187 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): changeRefCount() stream 1, count 1 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getNewOutputDevice() selected device 2 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() output 2 device 0002 delayMs 0 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() prevDevice 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() setting same device 0002 or null device for output 2 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): releaseOutput() 2 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): stopOutput() output 2, stream 1, session 187 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): changeRefCount() stream 1, count 0 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() output 2 device 0000 delayMs 192 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() prevDevice 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() setting same device 0000 or null device for output 2 V/ApplicationPolicy( 864): isApplicationStateBlocked userId 0 pkgname com.google.android.gm W/Gmail (26891): GmailRV:ThreadListAdapter destroyed W/Gmail (26891): GmailRV:ThreadListAdapter.swapCursor: Attempt to set null cursor, sivs=0, SIV{} W/pvu (26891): Job(ItemChangesService:applyChangeIntents#0.29835) Label updated, but no existing count corresponding to label to apply the deltas to. D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen W/Gmail (26891): Gmail:AbstractActivityController: Set cursor to null D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=1 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.179 ] when=167038698530000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1745): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1293): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 D/ViewRootImpl( 1745): ViewPostImeInputStage ACTION_DOWN E/SMD ( 1592): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=0 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=167039273176000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1745): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1293): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 E/SMD ( 1592): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=1 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.180 ] when=167039871809000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1745): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1293): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 D/ViewRootImpl( 1745): ViewPostImeInputStage ACTION_DOWN D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=0 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=167040027388000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1745): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1293): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 I/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getAudioPolicyConfig: situation=1;device=0 I/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getSituationVolume: isBTConnected:0 isHeadConnected:0 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): deviceInt = 0, situationInt = 1, situationVolume = 0.800000 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() device 2, stream 1, samplingRate 0, format 0, channelMask 0, flags 3 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputsForDevice device 0002 -> 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() returns output 2 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() device 2, stream 1, samplingRate 0, format 0, channelMask 0, flags 3 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputsForDevice device 0002 -> 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() returns output 2 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputForAttr() usage=13, content=4, tag= flags=00000000 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputForAttr() device 2, samplingRate 48000, format 1, channelMask 1, flags 4 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputsForDevice device 0002 -> 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() returns output 2 E/AudioTrack( 864): AudioTrack::set : Exit V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): startOutput() output 2, stream 1, session 188 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): changeRefCount() stream 1, count 1 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getNewOutputDevice() selected device 2 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() output 2 device 0002 delayMs 0 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() prevDevice 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() setting same device 0002 or null device for output 2 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): releaseOutput() 2 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): stopOutput() output 2, stream 1, session 188 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): changeRefCount() stream 1, count 0 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() output 2 device 0000 delayMs 192 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() prevDevice 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() setting same device 0000 or null device for output 2 V/ApplicationPolicy( 864): isApplicationStateBlocked userId 0 pkgname com.oishigohan.community D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=1 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.181 ] when=167040513960000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1745): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1293): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 D/ViewRootImpl( 1745): ViewPostImeInputStage ACTION_DOWN D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen E/SMD ( 1592): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=0 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=167041028608000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1745): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1293): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 E/SMD ( 1592): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 E/Diag_Lib( 1903): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 2 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen E/SMD ( 1592): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=1 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.182 ] when=167043044905000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1745): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1293): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 D/ViewRootImpl( 1745): ViewPostImeInputStage ACTION_DOWN D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=0 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=167043189680000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1745): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1293): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 I/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getAudioPolicyConfig: situation=1;device=0 I/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getSituationVolume: isBTConnected:0 isHeadConnected:0 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): deviceInt = 0, situationInt = 1, situationVolume = 0.800000 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() device 2, stream 1, samplingRate 0, format 0, channelMask 0, flags 3 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputsForDevice device 0002 -> 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() returns output 2 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() device 2, stream 1, samplingRate 0, format 0, channelMask 0, flags 3 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputsForDevice device 0002 -> 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() returns output 2 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputForAttr() usage=13, content=4, tag= flags=00000000 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputForAttr() device 2, samplingRate 48000, format 1, channelMask 1, flags 4 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputsForDevice device 0002 -> 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() returns output 2 E/AudioTrack( 864): AudioTrack::set : Exit V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): startOutput() output 2, stream 1, session 189 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): changeRefCount() stream 1, count 1 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getNewOutputDevice() selected device 2 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() output 2 device 0002 delayMs 0 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() prevDevice 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() setting same device 0002 or null device for output 2 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): releaseOutput() 2 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): stopOutput() output 2, stream 1, session 189 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): changeRefCount() stream 1, count 0 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() output 2 device 0000 delayMs 192 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() prevDevice 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() setting same device 0000 or null device for output 2 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen E/SMD ( 1592): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=1 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.183 ] when=167044195204000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1745): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 D/ViewRootImpl( 1745): ViewPostImeInputStage ACTION_DOWN I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1293): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=0 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=167044254377000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1745): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1293): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 I/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getAudioPolicyConfig: situation=1;device=0 I/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getSituationVolume: isBTConnected:0 isHeadConnected:0 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): deviceInt = 0, situationInt = 1, situationVolume = 0.800000 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() device 2, stream 1, samplingRate 0, format 0, channelMask 0, flags 3 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputsForDevice device 0002 -> 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() returns output 2 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() device 2, stream 1, samplingRate 0, format 0, channelMask 0, flags 3 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputsForDevice device 0002 -> 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() returns output 2 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputForAttr() usage=13, content=4, tag= flags=00000000 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputForAttr() device 2, samplingRate 48000, format 1, channelMask 1, flags 4 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputsForDevice device 0002 -> 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() returns output 2 E/AudioTrack( 864): AudioTrack::set : Exit V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): startOutput() output 2, stream 1, session 190 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): changeRefCount() stream 1, count 1 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getNewOutputDevice() selected device 2 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() output 2 device 0002 delayMs 0 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() prevDevice 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() setting same device 0002 or null device for output 2 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): releaseOutput() 2 D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=1 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.184 ] when=167044405165000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1745): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1293): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 D/ViewRootImpl( 1745): ViewPostImeInputStage ACTION_DOWN D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=0 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=167044501417000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1745): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1293): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): stopOutput() output 2, stream 1, session 190 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): changeRefCount() stream 1, count 0 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() output 2 device 0000 delayMs 192 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() prevDevice 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() setting same device 0000 or null device for output 2 E/SMD ( 1592): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=1 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.185 ] when=167045308027000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1745): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1293): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 D/ViewRootImpl( 1745): ViewPostImeInputStage ACTION_DOWN D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=0 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=167045495802000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1745): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1293): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): handleBatteryUpdate V/HeadsetService( 4939): HeadsetService - Received Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED D/HeadsetStateMachine( 4939): Disconnected process message: 10 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=1 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.186 ] when=167045764936000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1745): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1293): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 D/ViewRootImpl( 1745): ViewPostImeInputStage ACTION_DOWN E/SMD ( 1592): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=0 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=167045892988000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1745): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1293): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=1 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.187 ] when=167046218519000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1745): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1293): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 D/ViewRootImpl( 1745): ViewPostImeInputStage ACTION_DOWN --------- beginning of system D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=38/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.36415625 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=4/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.78124315 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=12/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.64094836 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=23/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.50065356 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=39/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.36035877 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=4/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.7789063 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=12/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.6386115 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=24/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.4983167 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=39/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.35802191 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=4/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.7765693 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=12/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.6362745 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=24/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.49597973 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=39/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.35568494 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=4/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.77481663 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=12/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.63452184 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=24/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.49422705 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=40/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.35393226 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=4/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.77247965 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=12/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.63218486 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=24/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.49189007 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=40/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.35159528 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=5/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.7683899 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=13/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.6280951 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=25/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.4878003 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=40/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.3475055 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=5/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.76459205 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=13/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.62429726 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=25/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.48400247 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=41/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.34370768 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=5/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.75991774 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=13/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.61962295 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=26/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.47932816 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=41/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.33903337 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=5/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.7537823 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=14/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.6134875 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=26/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.4731927 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=42/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.3328979 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=6/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.7479384 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=14/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.6076436 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=27/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.4673488 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=43/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.32705402 D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=6/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.74326277 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=15/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.602968 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=27/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.4626732 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=44/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.3223784 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=6/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.73887885 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=15/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.59858406 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=28/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.45828927 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=44/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.31799448 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=6/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.73420197 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=15/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.5939072 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=28/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.4536124 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=45/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.3133176 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=7/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.7280622 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=16/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.5877674 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=29/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.44747263 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=46/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.30717784 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=7/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.7198724 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=16/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.5795776 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=30/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.43928283 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=47/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.29898804 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=8/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.70962685 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=17/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.56933206 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=31/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.42903727 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=48/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.28874248 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=8/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.70024675 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=18/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.55995196 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=32/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.41965717 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=49/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.27936238 D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=0 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=167046754713000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1745): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1293): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=9/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.6927594 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=19/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.5524646 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=33/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.41216978 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=50/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.271875 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=9/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.68286353 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=20/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.54256874 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=34/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.40227395 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=52/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.26197916 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=10/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.67244685 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=21/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.53215206 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=35/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.3918573 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=53/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.2515625 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=10/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.6620302 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=21/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.5217354 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=36/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.3814406 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=55/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.24114582 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=11/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.65942603 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=22/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.51913124 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=37/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.37883645 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=55/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.23854166 E/SMD ( 1592): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=11/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.65994686 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=22/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.51965207 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=36/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.37935728 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=55/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.23906249 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=11/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.66098857 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=22/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.5206938 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=36/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.38039896 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=55/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.24010417 D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=10/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.66255105 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=21/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.52225626 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=36/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.38196146 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=55/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.24166667 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=10/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.6630719 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=21/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.5227771 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=36/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.3824823 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=55/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.2421875 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=10/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.6635927 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=21/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.5232979 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=36/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.38300312 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=55/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.24270833 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtyfalse D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=1 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.188 ] when=167047252089000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1745): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1293): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 D/ViewRootImpl( 1745): ViewPostImeInputStage ACTION_DOWN D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=11/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.65812224 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=22/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.51782745 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=37/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.37753266 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=55/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.23723787 D/ALSADevice( 310): standby: handle 0xb3457380 h 0x0 V/ALSADevice( 310): standby handle h 0xb3479900 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=11/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.64888924 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=23/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.50859445 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=38/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.36829966 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=57/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.22800487 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=12/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.6437934 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=23/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.5034986 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=38/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.36320382 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=57/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.22290903 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=12/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.6394564 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=24/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.49916163 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=39/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.35886684 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=58/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.21857205 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=12/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.63559544 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=24/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.49530068 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=39/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.3550059 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=59/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.2147111 D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=0 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=167047509047000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1745): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1293): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=13/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.63199157 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=24/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.49169677 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=40/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.35140198 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=59/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.2111072 E/Diag_Lib( 1958): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 2 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_RecentsActivity( 1745): onTaskStackUpperBounds is getting called : isUpperBounds =true D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=13/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.6295547 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=25/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.4892599 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=40/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.3489651 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=60/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.20867032 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=12/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.6374131 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=24/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.4971183 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=39/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.3568235 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=58/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.21652871 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=12/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.643172 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=23/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.50287724 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=39/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.36258245 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=58/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.22228765 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=11/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.6475875 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=23/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.5072927 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=38/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.3669979 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=57/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.2267031 D/alsa_ucm( 310): snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0xb3418510 identifier _verb value Inactive D/alsa_ucm( 310): Set mixer controls for HiFi enable 0 D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: SLIMBUS_0_RX Audio Mixer MultiMedia1, value: 0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 V/ALSADevice( 310): Number of modifiers 0 V/ALSADevice( 310): usecase_type is 0 D/alsa_ucm( 310): snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0xb3418510 identifier _disdev value Main Mic D/alsa_ucm( 310): disdev: device Main Mic not enabled, no need to disable D/alsa_ucm( 310): snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0xb3418510 identifier _disdev value Speaker D/alsa_ucm( 310): Set mixer controls for Speaker enable 0 D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: RX5 MIX1 INP1, value: ZERO D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: RX5 MIX1 INP2, value: ZERO D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: LINEOUT2 Volume, value: 0 D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: LINEOUT4 Volume, value: 0 D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: RX5 Digital Volume, value: 0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=11/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.6509782 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=22/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.5106834 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=38/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.37038863 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=56/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.23009384 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=11/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.65393054 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=22/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.51363575 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=37/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.37334096 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=56/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.23304617 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=11/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.6562227 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=22/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.5159279 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=37/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.37563312 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=56/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.23533833 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=11/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.6582583 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=22/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.5179635 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=37/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.37766874 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=55/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.23737395 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=11/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.6598374 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=22/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.51954263 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=36/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.37924784 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=55/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.23895305 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=11/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.6610284 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=22/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.5207336 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=36/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.38043883 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=55/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.24014404 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=10/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.6619774 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=21/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.5216826 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=36/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.38138786 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=55/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.24109307 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=10/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.66264856 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=21/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.52235377 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=36/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.38205895 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=55/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.24176416 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=10/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.66305876 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=21/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.52276397 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=36/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.38246918 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=55/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.24217439 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=10/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.6632738 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=21/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.522979 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=36/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.38268426 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=55/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.24238947 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=10/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.66332674 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=21/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.52303195 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=36/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.38273716 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=55/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.24244237 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtyfalse E/SMD ( 1592): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=1 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.189 ] when=167047866377000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1745): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1293): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 D/ViewRootImpl( 1745): ViewPostImeInputStage ACTION_DOWN D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=10/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.66946125 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=21/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.52916646 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=35/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.38887167 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=54/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.24857688 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=10/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.676472 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=20/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.5361772 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=35/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.39588243 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=53/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.25558764 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=9/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.6814378 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=20/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.541143 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=34/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.4008482 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=52/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.26055342 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=9/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.6864035 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=19/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.5461087 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=33/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.40581393 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=51/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.26551914 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=9/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.68990874 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=19/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.54961395 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=33/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.40931916 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=51/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.26902437 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=9/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.6919535 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=19/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.5516587 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=33/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.4113639 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=51/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.2710691 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=9/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.6928297 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=19/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.55253494 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=33/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.41224015 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=50/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.27194536 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=9/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.6934139 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=19/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.5531191 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=33/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.41282433 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=50/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.27252954 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=9/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.69370604 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=19/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.55341125 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=33/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.41311646 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=50/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.27282166 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=8/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.6942902 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=19/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.55399543 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=32/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.41370064 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=50/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.27340585 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=8/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.69458234 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=19/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.55428755 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=32/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.41399276 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=50/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.27369797 I/Finsky ( 9600): [17317] com.google.android.finsky.bp.am.run(6): Stats for Executor: BlockingExecutor com.google.android.finsky.bp.an@1e43750d[Running, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 6] I/Finsky ( 9600): [17317] com.google.android.finsky.bp.am.run(6): Stats for Executor: LightweightExecutor com.google.android.finsky.bp.an@570fcc2[Running, pool size = 3, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 46] I/Finsky ( 9600): [17317] com.google.android.finsky.bp.am.run(6): Stats for Executor: bgExecutor com.google.android.finsky.bp.an@3e2aead3[Running, pool size = 4, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 16] D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=8/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.6948744 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=19/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.5545796 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=32/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.41428483 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=50/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.27399004 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=8/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.6948744 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=19/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.5545796 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=32/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.41428483 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=50/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.27399004 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=8/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.69516647 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=19/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.5548717 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=32/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.4145769 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=50/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.2742821 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=8/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.69516647 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=19/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.5548717 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=32/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.4145769 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=50/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.2742821 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=0 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=167048273726000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1745): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1293): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=8/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.6948744 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=19/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.5545796 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=32/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.41428483 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=50/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.27399004 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=8/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.6948744 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=19/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.5545796 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=32/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.41428483 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=50/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.27399004 I/Finsky ( 9600): [17317] com.google.android.finsky.bp.am.run(6): Stats for Executor: Db-xternal_referrer_status.db com.google.android.finsky.bp.an@3e047610[Running, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 5] I/Finsky ( 9600): [17317] com.google.android.finsky.bp.am.run(6): Stats for Executor: Db-split_install_service com.google.android.finsky.bp.an@243f5509[Running, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 2] I/Finsky ( 9600): [17317] com.google.android.finsky.bp.am.run(6): Stats for Executor: StorageAwareDownloadServiceManagerSpaceChecker com.google.android.finsky.bp.an@8d6230e[Running, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 0] D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen I/Finsky ( 9600): [17317] com.google.android.finsky.bp.am.run(6): Stats for Executor: Db-scheduler com.google.android.finsky.bp.an@2caf612f[Running, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 46] I/Finsky ( 9600): [17317] com.google.android.finsky.bp.am.run(6): Stats for Executor: Db-frosting.db com.google.android.finsky.bp.an@fa2e33c[Running, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 4] I/Finsky ( 9600): [17317] com.google.android.finsky.bp.am.run(6): Stats for Executor: Db-notification_cache com.google.android.finsky.bp.an@5ff38c5[Running, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 7] I/Finsky ( 9600): [17317] com.google.android.finsky.bp.am.run(6): Stats for Executor: Db-install_service com.google.android.finsky.bp.an@3e55621a[Running, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 0] E/SMD ( 1592): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen E/SMD ( 1592): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 V/AlarmManager( 864): waitForAlarm result :8 V/AlarmManager( 864): waitForAlarm result :8 I/Finsky ( 9600): [1] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.JobSchedulerEngine$PhoneskyJobSchedulerJobService.onStartJob(8): onJobSchedulerWakeup with jobId 9005 I/Finsky ( 9600): [1] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.ae.a(41): Scheduling fallback in 43199994 (absolute: 218744310) I/Finsky ( 9600): [1] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.ae.a(41): Scheduling fallback in 64799995 (absolute: 240344317) D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] I/Finsky ( 9600): [1] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.JobSchedulerEngine$PhoneskyJobSchedulerJobService.onStartJob(8): onJobSchedulerWakeup with jobId 9007 I/Finsky ( 9600): [1] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.ae.a(41): Scheduling fallback in 43199994 (absolute: 218744334) I/Finsky ( 9600): [1] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.ae.a(41): Scheduling fallback in 64799994 (absolute: 240344340) W/Finsky ( 9600): [1] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.JobSchedulerEngine$PhoneskyJobSchedulerJobService.onStartJob(19): onJobSchedulerWakeup while already running D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] I/Finsky ( 9600): [1] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.am.handleMessage(16): DeviceState: DeviceState{currentTime=1542001358167, isCharging=true, isIdle=false, netAny=true, netNotRoaming=true, netUnmetered=true} I/Finsky ( 9600): [1] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.bp.a(81): Jobs in database: 1-1337 16-16161616 26-1414141414 I/Finsky ( 9600): [1] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.ah.a(59): Running job: 16-16161616 I/Finsky ( 9600): [1] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.ah.a(105): RunningQueue size: 1, PendingQueue size: 0 I/Finsky ( 9600): [1] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.ah.a(116): Running queue: 16-16161616 I/Finsky ( 9600): [17468] com.google.android.finsky.flushlogs.f.a(9): Flushing event logs for [r4qB2C-7FRkaBMxEARrfp2mMutc] I/Finsky ( 9600): [17468] com.google.android.finsky.flushlogs.f.a(9): Flushing event logs for [9WgYf698v1W1ebsL_XcqovomTRQ] I/Finsky ( 9600): [17468] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.bm.b(8): jobFinished: 16-16161616. TimeElapsed: 28ms I/Finsky ( 9600): [1] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.ah.a(139): Job 16-16161616 finished I/Finsky ( 9600): [1] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.ah.a(105): RunningQueue size: 0, PendingQueue size: 0 I/Finsky ( 9600): [1] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.am.handleMessage(42): Executor finished D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] I/Finsky ( 9600): [1] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.JobSchedulerEngine$PhoneskyJobSchedulerJobService.onStartJob(8): onJobSchedulerWakeup with jobId 9005 V/AlarmManager( 864): waitForAlarm result :8 I/Finsky ( 9600): [1] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.ae.a(41): Scheduling fallback in 43199983 (absolute: 218744422) I/Finsky ( 9600): [1] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.ae.a(41): Scheduling fallback in 64799989 (absolute: 240344441) D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] I/Finsky ( 9600): [1] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.bp.a(81): Jobs in database: 1-1337 26-1414141414 I/Finsky ( 9600): [1] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.ci.run(4): JobExecutor already running, not rescheduling I/Finsky ( 9600): [1] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.am.handleMessage(16): DeviceState: DeviceState{currentTime=1542001358270, isCharging=true, isIdle=false, netAny=true, netNotRoaming=true, netUnmetered=true} I/Finsky ( 9600): [1] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.bp.a(81): Jobs in database: 1-1337 26-1414141414 I/Finsky ( 9600): [1] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.ah.a(105): RunningQueue size: 0, PendingQueue size: 0 I/Finsky ( 9600): [1] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.am.handleMessage(42): Executor finished D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] I/Finsky ( 9600): [1] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.bp.a(81): Jobs in database: 1-1337 26-1414141414 I/Finsky ( 9600): [1] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.l.a(70): ConstraintMapping: 1-1337, -> L: 37784444ms, D: 124184444ms, C: false, I: false, N: 1 D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] I/Finsky ( 9600): [1] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.l.a(70): ConstraintMapping: 26-1414141414, -> L: 40862596ms, D: 41762596ms, C: false, I: false, N: 0 I/Finsky ( 9600): [1] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.JobSchedulerEngine.a(108): Cancelling existing job with id: 9000 D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=1 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.190 ] when=167050569197000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1745): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1293): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 D/ViewRootImpl( 1745): ViewPostImeInputStage ACTION_DOWN I/Finsky ( 9600): [1] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.JobSchedulerEngine.a(108): Cancelling existing job with id: 9006 I/Finsky ( 9600): [1] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.JobSchedulerEngine.a(47): Scheduling job Id: 9001, L: 37784444, D: 124184444, C: false, I: false, N: 1 I/Finsky ( 9600): [1] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.JobSchedulerEngine.a(47): Scheduling job Id: 9002, L: 40862596, D: 41762596, C: false, I: false, N: 0 I/Finsky ( 9600): [1] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.JobSchedulerEngine.a(47): Scheduling job Id: 9003, L: 37784444, D: 124184444, C: false, I: false, N: 1 I/Finsky ( 9600): [1] com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.JobSchedulerEngine.a(47): Scheduling job Id: 9004, L: 40862596, D: 41762596, C: false, I: false, N: 0 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen E/SMD ( 1592): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/SBrowserWebkitTimers(12419): ContentViewStatics.setWebKitSharedTimersSuspended(true) I/chromium(12419): [INFO:content_view_statics.cc(71)] SuspendWebKitSharedTimers: Send IPC [host ID = 5] I/chromium(13491): [INFO:webkitplatformsupport_impl.cc(905)] WebKitPlatformSupportImpl::SuspendSharedTimer(): shared_timer_suspended_ = 1 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): animateFooterVisibility is called D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtyfalse D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen E/SMD ( 1592): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=0 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=167052475782000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1745): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1293): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 E/Diag_Lib( 2012): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 2 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): animateFooterVisibility is called D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtyfalse E/SMD ( 1592): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] E/SMD ( 1592): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/SSRM:n ( 864): SIOP:: AP = 400, CUR = 460 E/SMD ( 1592): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 I/Finsky ( 9600): [17317] com.google.android.finsky.bp.am.run(6): Stats for Executor: Db-scheduler_logging_store.db com.google.android.finsky.bp.an@85ae14b[Running, pool size = 1, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 18] V/AlarmManager( 864): waitForAlarm result :8 E/SMD ( 1592): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 E/Watchdog( 864): !@Sync 5567 E/SMD ( 1592): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] E/Diag_Lib( 2037): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 2 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen E/SMD ( 1592): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen E/SMD ( 1592): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 V/AlarmManager( 864): waitForAlarm result :4 D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/BatteryService( 864): !@BatteryListener : batteryPropertiesChanged! D/BatteryService( 864): level:100, scale:100, status:2, health:2, present:true, voltage: 4336, temperature: 288, technology: Li-ion, AC powered:false, USB powered:true, Wireless powered:false, icon:17303687, invalid charger:0 D/BatteryService( 864): online:4, current avg:460, charge type:1, power sharing:false, high voltage charger:false, capacity:280000, current_now:460 D/BatteryService( 864): Sending ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED. D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): handleBatteryUpdate I/MotionRecognitionService( 864): Plugged I/MotionRecognitionService( 864): setPowerConnected = true V/HeadsetService( 4939): HeadsetService - Received Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED D/HeadsetStateMachine( 4939): Disconnected process message: 10 D/STATUSBAR-PhoneStatusBar( 1122): mBrightnessEnablebySettings = true mBrightnessEnablebyBattery = true mBrightnessEnablebyDisableFlag = true mPmsBrightnessEnablebySettings = true D/BatteryMeterView( 1122): ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : level:100 status:2 health:2 D/BatteryMeterView( 1122): ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : level:100 status:2 health:2 D/BatteryMeterView( 1122): ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : level:100 status:2 health:2 D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/CalendarSyncAdapter( 450): Found 0 events marked dirty & lastSynced D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] I/Finsky ( 9600): [17317] com.google.android.finsky.bp.am.run(6): Stats for Executor: Db-verify_apps.db com.google.android.finsky.bp.an@a58f728[Running, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 1] I/Finsky ( 9600): [17317] com.google.android.finsky.bp.am.run(6): Stats for Executor: InstallQueueDatabaseManager com.google.android.finsky.bp.an@141f9c41[Running, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 37] D/CalendarSyncAdapter( 450): Found 0 events marked dirty & lastSynced D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] E/SMD ( 1592): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 V/AlarmManager( 864): waitForAlarm result :8 E/SMD ( 1592): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 E/SMD ( 1592): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 E/Diag_Lib( 2047): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 2 E/SMD ( 1592): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 E/SMD ( 1592): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/SSRM:n ( 864): SIOP:: AP = 390, CUR = 460 E/SMD ( 1592): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 V/AlarmManager( 864): waitForAlarm result :8 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen E/SMD ( 1592): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen E/SMD ( 1592): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] E/Diag_Lib( 2049): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 2 E/SMD ( 1592): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 E/SMD ( 1592): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/BatteryService( 864): !@BatteryListener : batteryPropertiesChanged! D/BatteryService( 864): level:100, scale:100, status:2, health:2, present:true, voltage: 4338, temperature: 288, technology: Li-ion, AC powered:false, USB powered:true, Wireless powered:false, icon:17303687, invalid charger:0 D/BatteryService( 864): online:4, current avg:460, charge type:1, power sharing:false, high voltage charger:false, capacity:280000, current_now:460 D/BatteryService( 864): Sending ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED. D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): handleBatteryUpdate I/MotionRecognitionService( 864): Plugged I/MotionRecognitionService( 864): setPowerConnected = true D/STATUSBAR-PhoneStatusBar( 1122): mBrightnessEnablebySettings = true mBrightnessEnablebyBattery = true mBrightnessEnablebyDisableFlag = true mPmsBrightnessEnablebySettings = true V/HeadsetService( 4939): HeadsetService - Received Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED D/HeadsetStateMachine( 4939): Disconnected process message: 10 D/BatteryMeterView( 1122): ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : level:100 status:2 health:2 D/BatteryMeterView( 1122): ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : level:100 status:2 health:2 D/BatteryMeterView( 1122): ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : level:100 status:2 health:2 E/SMD ( 1592): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 V/AlarmManager( 864): waitForAlarm result :8 E/SMD ( 1592): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 99 99 -120 -160 -120 -1 -1 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 -1 2147483647 0x0 gsm|lte level=0 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" E/SMD ( 1592): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 V/AlarmManager( 864): waitForAlarm result :8 D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): received broadcast android.intent.action.TIME_TICK D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): handleTimeUpdate D/DateView( 1122): regionalDateFormat = 3333/11/22 isRTLlanguage = false returnDateFormat = MMMMd日(E) D/DateView( 1122): regionalDateFormat = 3333/11/22 isRTLlanguage = false returnDateFormat = MMMMd日(E) D/KeyguardEffectViewController( 1122): onReceive action : android.intent.action.TIME_TICK I/KeyguardEffectViewController( 1122): *** don't update sliding image *** D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> U:1282 [0:0] cDayONight() ::: sunrise is null D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> U:1298 [0:0] cDayONight() ::: sunset is null D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> WCS:90 [0:0] action:androidintentactionTIME_TICK D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> WDS:73 [0:0] Act : widgetappapweathernewsjpdaemonactionCHANGE_ICON_OF_DAEMON, run:true D/comsamsunglog( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> ==================================================================================================================== D/comsamsunglog( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> daemonapp [Version : 150818761249 ] [ 1 ] D/comsamsunglog( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> Header set to : ===> "daemonapp" <=== D/comsamsunglog( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> ==================================================================================================================== D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> WDS:1389 [0:0] PakNme size = 0 D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> WDS:123 [0:0] SerStus:false,TmpS:1,AtRfr:3, checkCurrent: 0 D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> WDS:767 [0:0] ====ACTION_SEC_CHANGE_ICON_OF_DAEMON=== D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> U:1282 [0:0] cDayONight() ::: sunrise is null D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> U:1298 [0:0] cDayONight() ::: sunset is null D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> WDS:771 [0:0] checkDay:true, UtilgetIsDay():false E/Diag_Lib( 2057): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 2 E/SMD ( 1592): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 E/SMD ( 1592): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/SSRM:n ( 864): SIOP:: AP = 380, CUR = 460 E/SMD ( 1592): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 V/AlarmManager( 864): waitForAlarm result :8 D/PowerManagerService( 864): [s] UserActivityState : 1 -> 2 D/DisplayPowerController( 864): getFinalBrightness : 10 -> 10 D/DisplayPowerController( 864): animation target = 10, rate=2000 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1) MAdj:(0, (0, 255))) D/PowerManagerService( 864): [s] DisplayPowerCallbacks : onStateChanged() D/lights ( 864): lcd : 221 + D/lights ( 864): lcd : 221 - D/lights ( 864): lcd : 187 + D/lights ( 864): lcd : 187 - D/lights ( 864): lcd : 121 + D/lights ( 864): lcd : 121 - D/lights ( 864): lcd : 54 + D/DisplayPowerController( 864): getFinalBrightness : 10 -> 10 D/DisplayPowerController( 864): animation target = 10, rate=2000 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1) MAdj:(0, (0, 255))) D/lights ( 864): lcd : 54 - D/lights ( 864): lcd : 10 + D/lights ( 864): lcd : 10 - D/DisplayPowerController( 864): getFinalBrightness : 10 -> 10 D/DisplayPowerController( 864): animation target = 10, rate=2000 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1) MAdj:(0, (0, 255))) D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] E/Diag_Lib( 2061): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 2 D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 99 99 -120 -160 -120 -1 -1 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 -1 2147483647 0x0 gsm|lte level=0 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/BatteryService( 864): !@BatteryListener : batteryPropertiesChanged! V/AlarmManager( 864): waitForAlarm result :8 D/InputManager-JNI( 864): setDeviceInteractive: 0 D/PowerManagerService( 864): [s] UserActivityState : 2 -> 4 I/PowerManagerService( 864): !@[ps] Screen__Off - 46 : timeout (0x4) (2) I/PowerManagerService( 864): Going to sleep due to screen timeout (uid 1000)... D/PowerManagerService( 864): [PWL] sb acquire: PowerManagerService.Broadcasts D/PowerManagerService( 864): SecHardwareInterface.setBatteryADC : false D/PowerManagerService( 864): handleSandman : startDream() E/PowerManagerService( 864): handleSandman : startDreaming, but isDreaming false I/PowerManagerService( 864): Sleeping (uid 1000)... D/PowerManagerService( 864): [s] UserActivityState : 4 -> 0 D/PowerManagerService( 864): [input device light] setInputDeviceLightOn is called : 0 D/PowerManagerService( 864): [input device light] handleInputDeviceLightOff E/InputManager-JNI( 864): sysfs_write : Error opening /sys/class/input/event21/device/enabled: 0 E/InputManager-JNI( 864): sysfs_write : Error opening /sys/class/input/event3/device/enabled: 0 D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1122): onScreenTurnedOff(3) I/KeyguardEffectViewController( 1122): *** KeyguardEffectView getInstanceIfExists *** D/KeyguardEffectViewController( 1122): changeWallpaperByScreenOff() D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1122): notifyScreenOffLocked D/Recents_RecentsActivity( 1745): onPause is getting called D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1122): timeout : 5000 V/ActivityThread( 1745): updateVisibility : ActivityRecord{5ff38c5 token=android.os.BinderProxy@213749b5 {com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity}} show : true D/Recents_RecentsActivity( 1745): onStop is getting called D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1122): setting alarm to turn off keyguard, seq = 47 D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1122): handleNotifyScreenOff D/VolumePanel( 1122): onScreenTurnedOff() D/VolumePanel( 1122): mCoverBroadcastReceiver : call onDismissSafeVolumeWarning() #1 D/VolumePanel( 1122): mCoverBroadcastReceiver: Screen OFF end D/DisplayPowerController( 864): ColorFade: onAnimationStart D/DisplayPowerController( 864): getFinalBrightness : 255 -> 0 D/DisplayPowerController( 864): animation target = 0, rate=2000 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1) MAdj:(0, (0, 255))) D/lights ( 864): lcd : 0 + D/DisplayPowerController( 864): getFinalBrightness : 255 -> 0 D/DisplayPowerController( 864): animation target = 0, rate=2000 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1) MAdj:(0, (0, 255))) D/lights ( 864): lcd : 0 - D/LightsService( 864): [api] [SvcLED] setFlashing :: id = 3, color = 0, mode = 10, onMS = 0, offMS = 0, (uid: 1000 pid: 864) D/LightsService( 864): [SvcLED] setSvcLedStateLocked:: SvcLEDState : 0x0 -> 0x10 | SvcLED(id=3) set On E/LightSensor( 864): Light old sensor_state 0, new sensor_state : 128 en : 1 D/SensorManager( 864): registerListener :: 6, CM3323 RGB Sensor, 200000, 0, D/BatteryService( 864): turn on LED for charging I/CAE ( 864): handleMessage(CaPowerManager.java:182) - AP_SLEEP I/CAE ( 864): updateApPowerStatus(SensorHubParserProvider.java:421) - AP_SLEEP I/CAE ( 864): sendCmdToSensorHub(SensorHubCommManager.java:144) - -76, 13, -46, 0, D/SensorHubManager( 864): SendSensorHubData: send data = -76, 13, -46, 0 D/Sensorhubs( 314): sendContextData: -76, 13, -46, 0 I/CAE ( 864): sendCmdToSensorHub(SensorHubCommManager.java:144) - -63, 14, 5, 43, 10, D/SensorHubManager( 864): SendSensorHubData: send data = -63, 14, 5, 43, 10 D/Sensorhubs( 314): sendContextData: -63, 14, 5, 43, 10 W/ContextImpl( 864): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:1699 com.android.server.accessibility.AccessibilityManagerService$DirectAccessBrocastReceiver.onReceive:401 android.app.LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args.run:923 android.os.Handler.handleCallback:739 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:95 E/ActivityManager( 864): checkUser: useridlist=null, currentuser=0 E/ActivityManager( 864): checkUser: useridlist=null, currentuser=0 E/ActivityManager( 864): checkUser: useridlist=null, currentuser=0 E/ActivityManager( 864): checkUser: useridlist=null, currentuser=0 E/Zygote ( 2082): MountEmulatedStorage() E/Zygote ( 2082): v2 I/libpersona( 2082): KNOX_SDCARD checking this for 1000 I/libpersona( 2082): KNOX_SDCARD not a persona I/SELinux ( 2082): Function: selinux_compare_spd_ram, SPD-policy is existed. and_ver=SEPF_SC-04E_5.0.1-1 ver=51 I/SELinux ( 2082): Function: selinux_compare_spd_ram , priority [1] , priority version is VE=SEPF_SC-04E_5.0.1-1_0051 E/SELinux ( 2082): [DEBUG] get_category: variable seinfo: platform sensitivity: NULL, cateogry: NULL I/ActivityManager( 864): Start proc com.android.settings for broadcast com.android.settings/.accessibility.directaccess.DirectAccessReceiver: pid=2082 uid=1000 gids={41000, 9997, 3003, 1028, 1015, 1007, 3001, 1023, 2001, 1024, 3002, 1001} abi=armeabi-v7a D/MotionRecognitionService( 864): mReceiver.onReceive : ACTION_SCREEN_OFF D/SContextService( 864): .unregisterCallback : 1, client= D/SContextService( 864): unregisterCallback() : Listener = android.hardware.scontext.SContextService$Listener@118ac969, Service = Flip Cover Action, used = 1 D/NotificationService( 864): ACTION_SCREEN_OFF D/LightsService( 864): [api] [SvcLED] turnOff:: id = 4 (uid: 1000 pid: 864) D/LightsService( 864): [SvcLED] setSvcLedStateLocked:: SvcLEDState : 0x10 -> 0x10 | SvcLED(id=4) set Off E/native ( 864): do suspend true D/SurfaceFlinger( 280): Set power mode=0, type=0 flinger=0xb6962000 D/DisplayPowerState( 864): !@ ColorFade entry D/DisplayPowerController( 864): ColorFade: onAnimationEnd D/DisplayPowerController( 864): getFinalBrightness : 0 -> 0 D/DisplayPowerController( 864): animation target = 0, rate=0 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1) MAdj:(0, (0, 255))) D/DisplayPowerController( 864): getFinalBrightness : 0 -> 0 D/DisplayPowerController( 864): animation target = 0, rate=0 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1) MAdj:(0, (0, 255))) D/DisplayPowerController( 864): getFinalBrightness : 0 -> 0 D/DisplayPowerController( 864): animation target = 0, rate=0 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1) MAdj:(0, (0, 255))) D/PowerManagerService( 864): [s] DisplayPowerCallbacks : onStateChanged() D/PowerManagerService( 864): [PWL] sb release: PowerManagerService.Display I/DisplayManagerService( 864): Display device changed: DisplayDeviceInfo{"内蔵スクリーン": 1080 x 1920, 60.0 fps, supportedRefreshRates [60.0], density 480, 442.451 x 439.351 dpi, appVsyncOff 0, presDeadline 17666667, touch INTERNAL, rotation 0, type BUILT_IN, state OFF, FLAG_DEFAULT_DISPLAY, FLAG_ROTATES_WITH_CONTENT, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS} V/AudioHardwareALSA( 310): setParameters() screen_state=off W/CAE ( 864): unregisterCallback(ContextAwareService.java:199) - [unregi 01] Mutex is locked for FLIP_COVER_ACTION D/qdhwcomposer( 280): hwc_blank: Blanking display: 0 V/CAE ( 864): stop(ContextProvider.java:149) V/CAE ( 864): clear(FlipCoverActionRunner.java:126) V/CAE ( 864): disable(FlipCoverActionRunner.java:115) I/CAE ( 864): sendCmdToSensorHub(SensorHubCommManager.java:144) - -78, 14, 0, 0, D/SensorHubManager( 864): SendSensorHubData: send data = -78, 14, 0, 0 D/Sensorhubs( 314): sendContextData: -78, 14, 0, 0 D/CAE ( 864): getFaultDetectionResult(FlipCoverActionRunner.java:139) - true I/CAE ( 864): notifyCmdProcessResultObserver(ContextProvider.java:617) - CheckResult = 0, Cause = Success I/SecExternalDisplayIntents_Java( 864): Intent Recieved .. -android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFFBroadCast Map value - 18 D/ResourcesManager( 2082): creating new AssetManager and set to /system/priv-app/SecSettings/SecSettings.apk V/ActivityManager( 864): Display changed displayId=0 I/BackgroundCompactionService( 864): Schedule Type1 BGCompaction W/ResourcesManager( 2082): Asset path '/system/framework/sec_platform_library.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 2082): Asset path '/system/framework/smatlib.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 2082): Asset path '/system/framework/sechardware.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 2082): Asset path '/system/framework/com.google.android.maps.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 2082): Asset path '/system/framework/twframework.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 2082): Asset path '/system/framework/com.broadcom.bt.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. D/IpRemoteDisplayController( 864): intent received android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF D/IpRemoteDisplayController( 864): Bridge Server is not available D/GpsLocationProvider( 864): receive broadcast intent, action: android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF D/CAE ( 864): doCommendProcess(ContextAwareService.java:314) - complete notify the operation result. I/CAE ( 864): displayUsedCountForService(ContextAwareService.java:406) - totalCnt = 0, serviceCount = 0, subCollectionCount = 0 D/CAE ( 864): showListenerList(ContextAwareService.java:247) - ===== Context Aware Service List ===== W/CAE ( 864): unregisterCallback(ContextAwareService.java:234) - [unregi 02] Mutex is unlocked for FLIP_COVER_ACTION D/SContextService( 864): removeSContextService() : service = Flip Cover Action D/SContextService( 864): ===== SContext Service List ===== D/SContextManager( 864): .unregisterListener : listener = com.samsung.android.motion.MotionRecognitionFlipCover$1@f0e15bb E/MotionRecognitionService( 864): handler : SCREEN_OFF end E/Diag_Lib( 2098): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 2 D/NfcService( 1390): call the applyRouting D/MySettingsProvider( 2082): DatabaseHelper(Context context):DATABASE_VERSION=1 E/SQLiteLog( 2082): (283) recovered 9 frames from WAL file /data/data/com.android.settings/databases/mysettings.db-wal D/MySettingsProvider( 2082): onCreate():(mDB == null)? false:true =true D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getNetworkInfo(networkType - 1) :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/SSRM:n ( 864): SIOP:: AP = 380, CUR = 460 D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 99 99 -120 -160 -120 -1 -1 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 -1 2147483647 0x0 gsm|lte level=0 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/LightsService( 864): [SvcLED] onSensorChanged::light value = 81 E/LightSensor( 864): Light old sensor_state 128, new sensor_state : 0 en : 0 D/SensorManager( 864): unregisterListener :: D/lights ( 864): led_pattern : 1 + D/qdhwcomposer( 280): hwc_blank: Done blanking display: 0 D/SurfaceControl( 864): Excessive delay in setPowerMode(): 268ms D/lights ( 864): led_pattern : 1 - D/MISC PowerHAL( 864): sysfs_write +: /sys/class/power_supply/battery/lcd: 0 D/MISC PowerHAL( 864): sysfs_write -: /sys/class/power_supply/battery/lcd: 0 D/PowerManagerService( 864): !@[s] blankAllDisplays() : blankAllDisplaysFromPowerManage D/LightsService( 864): [SvcLED] setSvcLedLightLocked :: priority changed! SvcLED(id=4) OUT; SvcLED(id=3) IN D/PowerManagerService( 864): Excessive delay in mPhotonicModulator.requestDisplayState(mRequestingState): 288ms I/PowerManagerService( 864): [PWL] Off : 0s ago I/PowerManagerService( 864): [PWL] PowerManagerService.Broadcasts: ref count=1 I/StatusBarKeyguardViewManager( 1122): StatusBarKeyguardManager.BroadcastReceiver.onReceive(): mascot is exist D/Recents_RecentsActivity( 1745): dismissRecentsToHome is getting called animated=false D/PhoneStatusBar( 1122): notifyRecentPanelVisiblity false D/Recents_RecentsActivity( 1745): dismissRecentsToHomeRaw is getting called animated=false W/ActivityManager( 864): mDVFSHelper.acquire() V/WindowOrientationListener( 864): mSContextAutoRotationListener.getProposedRotation, mbResultFaceDectection: false V/WindowOrientationListener( 864): mSContextAutoRotationListener.getProposedRotation, Rotation: 0 V/WindowOrientationListener( 864): mSContextAutoRotationListener.getProposedRotation, mbResultFaceDectection: false V/WindowOrientationListener( 864): mSContextAutoRotationListener.getProposedRotation, Rotation: 0 V/WindowManager( 864): rotationForOrientationLw(orient=1, last=0); user=0 USER_ROTATION_LOCKED sensorRotation=0 mLidState=-1 mDockMode=0 mHdmiPlugged=false V/ActivityManager( 864): Display changed displayId=0 W/ContextImpl( 864): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:1699 com.android.internal.policy.impl.PhoneWindowManager.notifyToSSRM:5625 com.android.internal.policy.impl.PhoneWindowManager.access$600:192 com.android.internal.policy.impl.PhoneWindowManager$PolicyHandler.handleMessage:807 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:102 D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001iconType:101 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenIconStyle1 pointerType: 10001iconType:1 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenCustomIcon IconType is same.1 D/WallpaperManagerService( 864): getWallpaperData : 0 D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getNetworkInfo(networkType - 1) :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/SSRM:a ( 864): DeviceInfo:: 000000000000 D/SSRM:a ( 864): SettingsAirViewInfo:: 001000000 D/PowerManagerService( 864): [PWL] sb release: PowerManagerService.Broadcasts V/ActivityThread( 1745): updateVisibility : ActivityRecord{5ff38c5 token=android.os.BinderProxy@213749b5 {com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity}} show : false D/SSRM:a ( 864): DeviceInfo:: 000000000000 D/SSRM:a ( 864): SettingsAirViewInfo:: 001000000 D/StatusBarManagerService( 864): manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=WindowManager.LayoutParams D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001iconType:101 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenIconStyle1 pointerType: 10001iconType:1 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenCustomIcon IconType is same.1 D/WallpaperManager( 1431): SEC_PRODUCT_FEATURE_COMMON_SUPPORT_TEXTURE_COMPRESSION is true D/WallpaperManagerService( 864): getWallpaperData : 0 D/WallpaperManager( 1431): SEC_PRODUCT_FEATURE_COMMON_SUPPORT_TEXTURE_COMPRESSION is true D/InputMethodManagerService( 864): windowGainedFocus mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled-false V/ActivityThread( 1431): updateVisibility : ActivityRecord{2c3048b6 token=android.os.BinderProxy@34951678 {com.nttdocomo.android.paletteui/com.nttdocomo.android.paletteui.HomeApp}} show : true W/ContextImpl( 864): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:1699 com.android.server.InputMethodManagerService$6.run:2727 java.lang.Thread.run:818 D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/com.adobe.phonegap.app-1/base.apk D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/tw.mobileapp.qrcode.banner-2/base.apk D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/com.google.android.gm-1/base.apk W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for com.google.android.gm: Resource ID #0x0 D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/jp.naver.line.android-2/base.apk W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/com.google.android.maps.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/com.facebook.orca-1/base.apk W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for com.facebook.orca: Resource ID #0x0 W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/com.google.android.maps.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/com.automattic.simplenote-2/base.apk W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/multiwindow.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/com.oishigohan.community-1/base.apk D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/com.pecojapan.PECOapp-1/base.apk D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/com.android.vending-2/base.apk W/ActivityManager( 864): mDVFSHelper.release() D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/jp.creafons.cyfons-1/base.apk W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for jp.creafons.cyfons: Resource ID #0x0 D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/jp.kinarino.kinarinoapp-1/base.apk D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /system/priv-app/StoreApp/StoreApp.apk W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for com.nttdocomo.android.store: Resource ID #0x0 D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /system/priv-app/MmbApp/MmbApp.apk D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=1 D/InputReader( 864): !@notifyKey(172), action=0 D/InputManager-JNI( 864): !@interceptKeyBeforeQueueing(172), action=0 E/SamsungWindowManager( 864): mCoreNumLockHelper.acquire D/InputManager-JNI( 864): !@handleInterceptActions(172), action=0, wmActions=0 D/InputManager-JNI( 864): Disable repeat for home key when device wake up V/KeyguardServiceDelegate( 864): onScreenTurnedOn(showListener = com.android.internal.policy.impl.PhoneWindowManager$2@33ded154) D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1122): onScreenTurnedOn, seq = 48 D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1122): notifyScreenOnLocked D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1122): handleNotifyScreenOn D/CustomFrequencyManagerService( 864): acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1350000 uid : 1000 pid : 864 pkgName : WAKEUP_BOOSTER@33 D/PowerManagerService( 864): [api] [s] wakeUpWithReason (uid: 1000 pid: 864) eventTime = 167083950 event = 1 I/PowerManagerService( 864): !@[ps] Screen__On - 47 : wakeUpWithReason: 1 (uid: 1000 pid: 864) I/PowerManagerService( 864): Waking up from sleep (uid 1000)... D/PowerManagerService( 864): [PWL] sb acquire: PowerManagerService.Broadcasts D/PowerManagerService( 864): [s] UserActivityState : 0 -> 1 D/PowerManagerService( 864): [PWL] sb acquire: PowerManagerService.Display I/DisplayPowerController( 864): Blocking screen on until initial contents have been drawn. D/DisplayPowerController( 864): getFinalBrightness : 255 -> 255 D/DisplayPowerController( 864): animation target = 255, rate=2000 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1) MAdj:(0, (0, 255))) D/PowerManagerService( 864): !@[s] unblankAllDisplays() : unblankAllDisplaysFromPowerManager D/StatusBarKeyguardViewManager( 1122): onScreenTurnedOn() V/KeyguardServiceDelegate( 864): **** SHOWN CALLED **** W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbServiceLibrary.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. D/DisplayPowerController( 864): [api] WindowManagerPolicy.ScreenOnListener : Received onScreenOn(). D/StatusBarKeyguardViewManager( 1122): callback.onShown() I/DisplayPowerController( 864): Unblocked screen on after 10 ms D/DisplayPowerState( 864): !@ ColorFade exit D/DisplayPowerController( 864): getFinalBrightness : 255 -> 255 D/DisplayPowerController( 864): animation target = 255, rate=2000 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1) MAdj:(0, (0, 255))) D/DisplayPowerController( 864): getFinalBrightness : 255 -> 255 D/DisplayPowerController( 864): animation target = 255, rate=2000 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1) MAdj:(0, (0, 255))) W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbFcMp4Mw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbStCtlMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbSeMngMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbFcBrowMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbScSecClkMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbPoServiceSp.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbFcIndivdMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbFcContMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbFcPgInfoMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for jp.co.mmbi.app: Resource ID #0x0 W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbMoInfoMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbFcMfestMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbStBmlMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /system/app/MobileFeliCaMenuApp/MobileFeliCaMenuApp.apk W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for com.felicanetworks.mfm: Resource ID #0x0 D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /system/priv-app/SecSettings/SecSettings.apk W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/sec_platform_library.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/smatlib.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/sechardware.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/com.google.android.maps.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/twframework.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/com.broadcom.bt.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /system/priv-app/dmenu/dmenu.apk W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for com.nttdocomo.android.docomo_market: Resource ID #0x0 D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /system/priv-app/DcmCloudMailer/DcmCloudMailer.apk W/ResourceType( 1431): ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 1, previously 1632 W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for jp.co.nttdocomo.carriermail: Resource ID #0x0 D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /system/app/SBrowser/SBrowser.apk W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for com.sec.android.app.sbrowser: Resource ID #0x0 W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/secsmartcard.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/twframework.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/secvision.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=0 D/InputReader( 864): !@notifyKey(172), action=1 D/InputManager-JNI( 864): !@interceptKeyBeforeQueueing(172), action=1 D/InputManager-JNI( 864): !@handleInterceptActions(172), action=1, wmActions=0 D/PowerManagerService-JNI( 864): Excessive delay in autosuspend_disable() while turning screen on: 340ms D/MISC PowerHAL( 864): sysfs_write +: /sys/class/power_supply/battery/lcd: 1 D/MISC PowerHAL( 864): sysfs_write -: /sys/class/power_supply/battery/lcd: 1 I/QCOM PowerHAL( 864): Perflock released. D/PowerManagerService( 864): Excessive delay in nativeSetAutoSuspend(false): 341ms D/PowerManagerService( 864): [s] DisplayPowerCallbacks : onStateChanged() D/PowerManagerService( 864): SecHardwareInterface.setBatteryADC : true D/lights ( 864): button : 1 + D/lights ( 864): button : 1 - D/lights ( 864): lcd : 255 + D/lights ( 864): lcd : 255 - D/PowerManagerService( 864): [input device light] setInputDeviceLightOn is called : 1 D/PowerManagerService( 864): [input device light] handleInputDeviceLightOn D/DisplayPowerController( 864): getFinalBrightness : 255 -> 255 D/DisplayPowerController( 864): animation target = 255, rate=2000 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1) MAdj:(0, (0, 255))) D/SurfaceFlinger( 280): Set power mode=2, type=0 flinger=0xb6962000 D/qdhwcomposer( 280): hwc_blank: Unblanking display: 0 D/qdhwcomposer( 280): hwc_blank: Done unblanking display: 0 D/DisplayPowerController( 864): getFinalBrightness : 255 -> 255 D/DisplayPowerController( 864): animation target = 255, rate=2000 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1) MAdj:(0, (0, 255))) D/PowerManagerService( 864): Excessive delay in mPhotonicModulator.requestDisplayState(mRequestingState): 363ms I/DisplayManagerService( 864): Display device changed: DisplayDeviceInfo{"内蔵スクリーン": 1080 x 1920, 60.0 fps, supportedRefreshRates [60.0], density 480, 442.451 x 439.351 dpi, appVsyncOff 0, presDeadline 17666667, touch INTERNAL, rotation 0, type BUILT_IN, state ON, FLAG_DEFAULT_DISPLAY, FLAG_ROTATES_WITH_CONTENT, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS} I/ActivityManager( 864): Activity reported stop, but no longer stopping: ActivityRecord{286e7e93 u0 com.nttdocomo.android.paletteui/.HomeApp t447} D/InputManager-JNI( 864): setDeviceInteractive: 1 I/Timeline( 864): Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{286e7e93 u0 com.nttdocomo.android.paletteui/.HomeApp t447} time:167084349 E/InputManager-JNI( 864): sysfs_write : Error opening /sys/class/input/event21/device/enabled: 1 E/InputManager-JNI( 864): sysfs_write : Error opening /sys/class/input/event3/device/enabled: 1 V/ActivityManager( 864): Display changed displayId=0 W/IInputConnectionWrapper( 1431): showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection E/ActivityThread( 864): Failed to find provider info for com.samsung.android.sm.lowpowercontext E/ActivityThread( 864): Failed to find provider info for com.samsung.android.sm.lowpowercontext E/ActivityThread( 864): Failed to find provider info for com.samsung.android.sm.lowpowercontext W/ContextImpl( 864): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:1699 a.B.a:-1 a.B.a:-1 a.D.run:-1 android.os.Handler.handleCallback:739 D/lights ( 864): led_pattern : 0 + D/lights ( 864): led_pattern : 0 - D/LightsService( 864): [api] [SvcLED] turnOff:: id = 3 (uid: 1000 pid: 864) D/LightsService( 864): [SvcLED] setSvcLedStateLocked:: SvcLEDState : 0x10 -> 0x0 | SvcLED(id=3) set Off D/BatteryService( 864): turn off LED D/LightsService( 864): [SvcLED] Lux failed to be updated in 700ms. -> handleForcedSvcLEDTasK D/LightsService( 864): [SvcLED] setSvcLedLightLocked :: Current SvcLED(id=3) maintains its priority right I/CAE ( 864): handleMessage(CaPowerManager.java:188) - AP_WAKEUP I/CAE ( 864): updateApPowerStatus(SensorHubParserProvider.java:421) - AP_WAKEUP D/WallpaperManagerService( 864): getWallpaperData : 0 I/CAE ( 864): sendCmdToSensorHub(SensorHubCommManager.java:144) - -76, 13, -47, 0, D/SensorHubManager( 864): SendSensorHubData: send data = -76, 13, -47, 0 D/Sensorhubs( 314): sendContextData: -76, 13, -47, 0 D/InputMethodManagerService( 864): [HARDWARE_KEYBOARD] (refreshImeWindowVisibilityLocked) mImeWindowVis= 0 inputVisible = falsehaveHardKeyboard = false hardKeyShown = false D/SContextService( 864): .registerCallback : 1, client= E/SContext.CaeProvider( 864): setProperty() : attribute is null! D/SContextService( 864): sendAttribute() : service = Flip Cover Action W/CAE ( 864): registerCallback(ContextAwareService.java:137) - [regi 01] Mutex is locked for FLIP_COVER_ACTION V/CAE ( 864): start(ContextProvider.java:126) V/CAE ( 864): clear(FlipCoverActionRunner.java:126) V/CAE ( 864): enable(FlipCoverActionRunner.java:102) I/CAE ( 864): sendCmdToSensorHub(SensorHubCommManager.java:144) - -79, 14, 0, 0, D/SensorHubManager( 864): SendSensorHubData: send data = -79, 14, 0, 0 D/Sensorhubs( 314): sendContextData: -79, 14, 0, 0 D/MotionRecognitionService( 864): mReceiver.onReceive : ACTION_SCREEN_ON D/NotificationService( 864): ACTION_SCREEN_ON D/LightsService( 864): [api] [SvcLED] turnOff:: id = 4 (uid: 1000 pid: 864) D/LightsService( 864): [SvcLED] setSvcLedStateLocked:: SvcLEDState : 0x0 -> 0x0 | SvcLED(id=4) set Off D/LightsService( 864): [SvcLED] Lux failed to be updated in 700ms. -> handleForcedSvcLEDTasK D/LightsService( 864): [SvcLED] setSvcLedLightLocked :: Current SvcLED(id=3) maintains its priority right D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/jp.mrstepup.mrstepapp-1/base.apk V/AudioHardwareALSA( 310): setParameters() screen_state=on D/CAE ( 864): getFaultDetectionResult(FlipCoverActionRunner.java:139) - true I/CAE ( 864): notifyCmdProcessResultObserver(ContextProvider.java:617) - CheckResult = 0, Cause = Success I/SecExternalDisplayIntents_Java( 864): Intent Recieved .. -android.intent.action.SCREEN_ONBroadCast Map value - 19 E/native ( 864): do suspend false I/wpa_supplicant(30131): wlan0: Setting scan request: 0 sec 0 usec I/wpa_supplicant(30131): P2P: Current p2p state = IDLE D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/IpRemoteDisplayController( 864): intent received android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON D/IpRemoteDisplayController( 864): Bridge Server is not available I/wpa_supplicant(30131): Scan requested (ret=0) - scan timeout 30 seconds D/GpsLocationProvider( 864): receive broadcast intent, action: android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/WallpaperManager( 1431): SEC_PRODUCT_FEATURE_COMMON_SUPPORT_TEXTURE_COMPRESSION is true D/WallpaperManagerService( 864): getWallpaperData : 0 D/WallpaperManager( 1431): SEC_PRODUCT_FEATURE_COMMON_SUPPORT_TEXTURE_COMPRESSION is true I/NfcService( 1390): When receiving ACTION_SCREEN_ON, S view cover is already opened. So screenState is ON_UNLOCKED by isKeyguardLocked() D/NfcService( 1390): call the applyRouting D/CAE ( 864): doCommendProcess(ContextAwareService.java:314) - complete notify the operation result. I/CAE ( 864): displayUsedCountForService(ContextAwareService.java:406) - totalCnt = 1, serviceCount = 1, subCollectionCount = 0 D/CAE ( 864): showListenerList(ContextAwareService.java:247) - ===== Context Aware Service List ===== I/CAE ( 864): showListenerList(ContextAwareService.java:256) - Listener : com.samsung.android.contextaware.manager.ContextAwareService$Listener@ec4a2a5, Service : FLIP_COVER_ACTION(1) W/CAE ( 864): registerCallback(ContextAwareService.java:173) - [regi 02] Mutex is unlocked for FLIP_COVER_ACTION D/SContextService( 864): addSContextService() : service = Flip Cover Action D/SContextService( 864): ===== SContext Service List ===== D/SContextService( 864): Listener : android.hardware.scontext.SContextService$Listener@23e5b67a, Service : Flip Cover Action D/SContextManager( 864): .registerListener : listener = com.samsung.android.motion.MotionRecognitionFlipCover$1@f0e15bb, service=Flip Cover Action E/MotionRecognitionService( 864): handler : SCREEN_ON end D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 99 99 -120 -160 -120 -1 -1 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 -1 2147483647 0x0 gsm|lte level=0 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 99 99 -120 -160 -120 -1 -1 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 -1 2147483647 0x0 gsm|lte level=0 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" I/Timeline( 1431): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@34951678 time:167084570 I/Timeline( 1431): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@34951678 time:167084571 D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getNetworkInfo(networkType - 1) :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/SSRM:n ( 864): SIOP:: AP = 380, CUR = 460 D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> WDS:73 [0:0] Act : comsamsungssrmSCREEN_ON, run:true D/comsamsunglog( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> ==================================================================================================================== D/comsamsunglog( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> daemonapp [Version : 150818761249 ] [ 1 ] D/comsamsunglog( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> Header set to : ===> "daemonapp" <=== D/comsamsunglog( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> ==================================================================================================================== D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> WDS:1389 [0:0] PakNme size = 0 W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for com.google.android.gm: Resource ID #0x0 D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> WDS:123 [0:0] SerStus:false,TmpS:1,AtRfr:3, checkCurrent: 0 D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> WDS:713 [0:0] ==> Act: SCREEN_ON or COVER_OPEN <== W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for com.facebook.orca: Resource ID #0x0 D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> WDS:716 [0:0] [ASO][AUTOREFRESHKEY] --> 3 D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> WDS:717 [0:0] [ASO][NUT] = 01/01/2014 03:05 午後 D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> WDS:718 [0:0] [ASO][CT] = 11/12/2018 02:43 午後 D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> WDS:1389 [0:0] PakNme size = 0 D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/com.android.vending-2/base.apk D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/jp.creafons.cyfons-1/base.apk W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for jp.creafons.cyfons: Resource ID #0x0 E/ActivityThread(32351): Failed to find provider info for com.nttdocomo.android.dhome.mascotdrawrectprovider D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/jp.kinarino.kinarinoapp-1/base.apk D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /system/priv-app/StoreApp/StoreApp.apk W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for com.nttdocomo.android.store: Resource ID #0x0 D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /system/priv-app/MmbApp/MmbApp.apk W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for jp.co.mmbi.app: Resource ID #0x0 W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbServiceLibrary.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbFcMp4Mw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbStCtlMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbSeMngMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbFcBrowMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbScSecClkMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbPoServiceSp.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbFcIndivdMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbFcContMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbFcPgInfoMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbMoInfoMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbFcMfestMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbStBmlMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /system/app/MobileFeliCaMenuApp/MobileFeliCaMenuApp.apk W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for com.felicanetworks.mfm: Resource ID #0x0 D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /system/priv-app/SecSettings/SecSettings.apk W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/sec_platform_library.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/smatlib.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/sechardware.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/com.google.android.maps.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/twframework.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/com.broadcom.bt.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /system/priv-app/dmenu/dmenu.apk W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for com.nttdocomo.android.docomo_market: Resource ID #0x0 D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /system/priv-app/DcmCloudMailer/DcmCloudMailer.apk W/ResourceType( 1431): ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 1, previously 1632 W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for jp.co.nttdocomo.carriermail: Resource ID #0x0 D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /system/app/SBrowser/SBrowser.apk W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for com.sec.android.app.sbrowser: Resource ID #0x0 W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/secsmartcard.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/twframework.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/secvision.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. I/StatusBarKeyguardViewManager( 1122): StatusBarKeyguardManager.BroadcastReceiver.onReceive(): mascot is exist D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> U:1282 [0:0] cDayONight() ::: sunrise is null D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> U:1298 [0:0] cDayONight() ::: sunset is null D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> WCS:90 [0:0] action:androidintentactionSCREEN_ON D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> WDS:73 [0:0] Act : widgetappapweathernewsjpdaemonactionCHANGE_ICON_OF_DAEMON, run:true D/comsamsunglog( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> ==================================================================================================================== D/comsamsunglog( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> daemonapp [Version : 150818761249 ] [ 1 ] D/comsamsunglog( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> Header set to : ===> "daemonapp" <=== D/comsamsunglog( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> ==================================================================================================================== D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> WDS:1389 [0:0] PakNme size = 0 D/PowerManagerService( 864): [PWL] sb release: PowerManagerService.Broadcasts D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> WDS:123 [0:0] SerStus:false,TmpS:1,AtRfr:3, checkCurrent: 0 D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> WDS:767 [0:0] ====ACTION_SEC_CHANGE_ICON_OF_DAEMON=== D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> U:1282 [0:0] cDayONight() ::: sunrise is null D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> U:1298 [0:0] cDayONight() ::: sunset is null D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> WDS:771 [0:0] checkDay:true, UtilgetIsDay():false E/SMD ( 2060): smd_init start E/SMD ( 2060): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/CustomFrequencyManagerService( 864): releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1350000 uid : 1000 pid : 864 tag : WAKEUP_BOOSTER@33 D/Sensorhubs( 314): readContextData: 1, 1, 14, 0 D/SensorHubManager( 864): onGetSensorHubDataLocked: library(4) = 1, 1, 14, 0 D/CAE ( 864): onGetSensorHubData(SensorHubParserProvider.java:87) - onGetSensorHubData Event [event buffer len :4], AP_WAKEUP I/CAE ( 864): parse(SensorHubParserProvider.java:166) - buffer size = 4 I/CAE ( 864): parse(SensorHubParserProvider.java:177) - 1, 1, 14, 0, D/CAE ( 864): display(ContextProvider.java:365) - ================= FLIP_COVER_ACTION ================= I/CAE ( 864): display(ContextProvider.java:381) - Action=[0] D/SContextService( 864): updateSContext() : event = Flip Cover Action D/InputReader( 864): setFlipCoverTouchEnabled/clearCoverOpen/adjustTouch: 1,1, 0 D/MotionRecognitionService( 864): [ FLIP_COVER_ACTION_OPEN ] D/MotionRecognitionService( 864): setFlipCoverTouchEnabled to true D/SSRM:a ( 864): DeviceInfo:: 000000000000 D/SSRM:a ( 864): SettingsAirViewInfo:: 001000000 D/lights ( 864): button : 0 + D/lights ( 864): button : 0 - D/PowerManagerService( 864): [input device light] handleInputDeviceLightOff V/AlarmManager( 864): waitForAlarm result :8 E/SMD ( 2060): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 E/Watchdog( 864): !@Sync 5568 D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=1 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.191 ] when=167086284224000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1122): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (32351): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 D/ViewRootImpl(32351): ViewPostImeInputStage ACTION_DOWN D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=0 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=167086761946000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (32351): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 E/SMD ( 2060): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] V/AlarmManager( 864): waitForAlarm result :4 D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1122): received DELAYED_KEYGUARD_ACTION with seq = 47, mDelayedShowingSequence = 48 E/Diag_Lib( 2157): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 2 E/SMD ( 2060): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=1 D/InputReader( 864): !@notifyKey(172), action=0 D/InputManager-JNI( 864): !@interceptKeyBeforeQueueing(172), action=0 D/InputManager-JNI( 864): !@handleInterceptActions(172), action=0, wmActions=1 D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRinging()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRunningAndDeregi()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): Not exist call session I/wpa_supplicant(30131): nl80211: Received scan results (16 BSSes) D/WifiP2pService( 864): InactiveState{ what=147461 } D/WifiP2pService( 864): P2pEnabledState{ what=147461 } D/WifiP2pService( 864): DefaultState{ what=147461 } D/InputDispatcher( 864): set entryflags to AKEY_EVENT_FLAG_LONG_PRESS D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRinging()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRunningAndDeregi()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): Not exist call session V/Vibrator( 864): Called vibrateImmVibe(int, MagnitudeType) API - PUID: 1000, PackageName: android V/Vibrator( 864): vibrateImmVibe - PUID: 1000, PackageName: android, type: 9, mag: 8000 D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRinging()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRunningAndDeregi()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): Not exist call session V/VibratorService( 864): hasVibrator - useVibetonz: true D/VibratorService( 864): Turning vibrator off - ImmVibe. V/VibratorService( 864): vibrateImmVibe - package: android, type: 9, magnitude: 8000 V/Scroll/Pause Worker( 864): onReceive: android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS W/ContextImpl( 864): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:1699 com.android.server.accessibility.AccessibilityManagerService$DirectAccessBrocastReceiver.onReceive:401 android.app.LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args.run:923 android.os.Handler.handleCallback:739 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:95 D/Recents_AlternateRecentsComponent( 1122): onToggleRecents is getting called D/Recents_AlternateRecentsComponent( 1122): toggleRecentsActivity is getting called D/Recents_AlternateRecentsComponent( 1122): isRecentsTopMost is getting called D/Recents_AlternateRecentsComponent( 1122): startRecentsActivity with arg is getting called D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRinging()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRunningAndDeregi()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): Not exist call session D/Recents_AlternateRecentsComponent( 1122): getHomeTransitionActivityOptions is getting called D/Recents_AlternateRecentsComponent( 1122): startAlternateRecentsActivity with arg is getting called I/Finsky ( 9600): [17317] com.google.android.finsky.bp.am.run(6): Stats for Executor: Db-user_languages_store com.google.android.finsky.bp.an@118499ed[Running, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 1] D/CustomFrequencyManagerService( 864): acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1350000 uid : 1000 pid : 864 pkgName : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER@7 W/ActivityManager( 864): mDVFSHelper.acquire() D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRinging()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRunningAndDeregi()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): Not exist call session V/WindowOrientationListener( 864): mSContextAutoRotationListener.getProposedRotation, mbResultFaceDectection: false V/WindowOrientationListener( 864): mSContextAutoRotationListener.getProposedRotation, Rotation: 0 V/WindowOrientationListener( 864): mSContextAutoRotationListener.getProposedRotation, mbResultFaceDectection: false V/WindowOrientationListener( 864): mSContextAutoRotationListener.getProposedRotation, Rotation: 0 V/WindowManager( 864): rotationForOrientationLw(orient=-1, last=0); user=0 USER_ROTATION_LOCKED sensorRotation=0 mLidState=-1 mDockMode=0 mHdmiPlugged=false V/ActivityManager( 864): Display changed displayId=0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001iconType:101 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenIconStyle1 pointerType: 10001iconType:1 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenCustomIcon IconType is same.1 D/PhoneStatusBar( 1122): animateCollapse(): mExpandedVisible=false flags=2 D/StatusBar-Window( 1122): fnf=true sanc=false, kni=false, sbf=false D/CoverUI ( 1122): applyFocusableFlag() : Remove SAMSUNG_FLAG_SVIEW_COVER D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 99 99 -120 -160 -120 -1 -1 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 -1 2147483647 0x0 gsm|lte level=0 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRinging()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRunningAndDeregi()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): Not exist call session D/HotspotTile( 1122): onReceive : android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS D/AirplaneModeTile( 1122): onReceive : android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS D/Recents_RecentsActivity( 1745): onStart is getting called D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getNetworkInfo(networkType - 1) :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/SSRM:a ( 864): DeviceInfo:: 000000000000 D/SSRM:a ( 864): SettingsAirViewInfo:: 001000000 D/PackageManager( 864): findPreferredActivity: No PreferredActivities set D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001iconType:101 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenIconStyle1 pointerType: 10001iconType:1 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenCustomIcon IconType is same.1 D/Recents_RecentsActivity( 1745): onResume is getting called D/StatusBarManagerService( 864): manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=WindowManager.LayoutParams V/ActivityThread( 1431): updateVisibility : ActivityRecord{2c3048b6 token=android.os.BinderProxy@34951678 {com.nttdocomo.android.paletteui/com.nttdocomo.android.paletteui.HomeApp}} show : false D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRinging()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRunningAndDeregi()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): Not exist call session E/SMD ( 2060): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/PanelView( 1122): mClearAll.setVisibility - mIsFullyOpened : false isShade : true mHasNotification : true mIsUpwardFling : false mQsFullyExpanded : true isShadeLocked : false mClearAllVisible : false D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRinging()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRunningAndDeregi()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): Not exist call session V/Recents_RecentsTaskLoader( 1745): Loaded bitmap for task 273 isPrivate? false PrivateSetting:false D/StautsBar-RecentsTaskLoader( 1745): getTaskStack id: 273 label:PhoneGap D/Recents_RecentsActivity( 1745): onPause is getting called D/Recents_RecentsActivity( 1745): onNewIntent is getting called D/Recents_RecentsActivity( 1745): updateRecentsTasks is getting called D/Recents_RecentsTaskLoader( 1745): getTaskStack is getting called V/Recents_RecentsTaskLoader( 1745): Loaded bitmap for task 469 isPrivate? false PrivateSetting:false D/StautsBar-RecentsTaskLoader( 1745): getTaskStack id: 469 label:Simplenote V/Recents_RecentsTaskLoader( 1745): Loaded bitmap for task 467 isPrivate? false PrivateSetting:false D/StautsBar-RecentsTaskLoader( 1745): getTaskStack id: 467 label:ブラウザ V/Recents_RecentsTaskLoader( 1745): Loaded bitmap for task 468 isPrivate? false PrivateSetting:false D/StautsBar-RecentsTaskLoader( 1745): getTaskStack id: 468 label:Google Play D/SecContentProvider2( 864): uri = 13 selection = isTaskManagerAllowed D/SecContentProvider2( 864): mCursor = null D/PackageManager( 864): findPreferredActivity: No PreferredActivities set D/InputMethodManagerService( 864): windowGainedFocus mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled-false D/PackageManager( 864): findPreferredActivity: No PreferredActivities set D/Recents_RecentsActivity( 1745): onResume is getting called W/ContextImpl( 864): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:1699 com.android.server.InputMethodManagerService$6.run:2727 java.lang.Thread.run:818 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): onMeasure is getting called D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): computeRects is called 1080windowWidth1920taskStackBoundsRect(0, 0 - 1080, 1776) D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateMinMaxScroll is getting called D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=96/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.0 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): getDim is called mDim=96 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=96/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskViewHeader( 1745): onFinishInflate D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): onFinishInflate D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): onTaskBound is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): animateFooterVisibility is called D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): prepareViewToLeavePool TaskView=com.android.systemui.recents.views.TaskView{2dd42ec3 VFE..... ......I. 0,0-0,0}isNewViewtrue D/Recents_RecentsTaskLoader( 1745): loadTaskData is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): onTaskDataLoaded is getting called D/Recents_TaskViewHeader( 1745): rebindToTask task=Task (468): com.android.vending [com.android.systemui.recents.model.Task@3e55621a] D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=4/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.795 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=96/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.0 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): getDim is called mDim=96 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=96/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskViewHeader( 1745): onFinishInflate V/AlarmManager( 864): waitForAlarm result :4 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): onFinishInflate D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): onTaskBound is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): animateFooterVisibility is called D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRinging()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRunningAndDeregi()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): Not exist call session D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): prepareViewToLeavePool TaskView=com.android.systemui.recents.views.TaskView{740f41f VFE..... ......I. 0,0-0,0}isNewViewtrue D/Recents_RecentsTaskLoader( 1745): loadTaskData is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): onTaskDataLoaded is getting called D/Recents_TaskViewHeader( 1745): rebindToTask task=Task (467): com.sec.android.app.sbrowser [com.android.systemui.recents.model.Task@17698340] D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=11/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.6547052 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=96/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.0 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): getDim is called mDim=96 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=96/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskViewHeader( 1745): onFinishInflate D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): onFinishInflate D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): onTaskBound is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): animateFooterVisibility is called D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): prepareViewToLeavePool TaskView=com.android.systemui.recents.views.TaskView{19f8dd35 VFE..... ......I. 0,0-0,0}isNewViewtrue D/Recents_RecentsTaskLoader( 1745): loadTaskData is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): onTaskDataLoaded is getting called D/Recents_TaskViewHeader( 1745): rebindToTask task=Task (469): com.automattic.simplenote [com.android.systemui.recents.model.Task@1003936c] D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=22/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.51441044 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=96/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.0 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): getDim is called mDim=96 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=96/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskViewHeader( 1745): onFinishInflate D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): onFinishInflate D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): onTaskBound is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): animateFooterVisibility is called D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): prepareViewToLeavePool TaskView=com.android.systemui.recents.views.TaskView{158ab33b VFE..... ......I. 0,0-0,0}isNewViewtrue D/Recents_RecentsTaskLoader( 1745): loadTaskData is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): onTaskDataLoaded is getting called D/Recents_TaskViewHeader( 1745): rebindToTask task=Task (273): com.adobe.phonegap.app [com.android.systemui.recents.model.Task@2e5a85ca] D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=37/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.37411565 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): onLayout is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): prepareEnterRecentsAnimation is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): getDim is called mDim=4 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=4/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): prepareEnterRecentsAnimation is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): getDim is called mDim=11 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=11/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): prepareEnterRecentsAnimation is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): getDim is called mDim=22 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=22/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): prepareEnterRecentsAnimation is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): getDim is called mDim=37 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=37/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtyfalse D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRinging()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRunningAndDeregi()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): Not exist call session I/Timeline( 1745): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@213749b5 time:167089060 I/art ( 864): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 86538(4MB) AllocSpace objects, 24(1664KB) LOS objects, 24% free, 49MB/65MB, paused 7.263ms total 189.971ms D/PhoneStatusBar( 1122): animateCollapse(): mExpandedVisible=false flags=0 D/StatusBar-Window( 1122): fnf=true sanc=false, kni=false, sbf=false D/CoverUI ( 1122): applyFocusableFlag() : Remove SAMSUNG_FLAG_SVIEW_COVER W/ContextImpl( 864): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:1699 com.android.internal.policy.impl.PhoneWindowManager.notifyToSSRM:5625 com.android.internal.policy.impl.PhoneWindowManager.access$600:192 com.android.internal.policy.impl.PhoneWindowManager$PolicyHandler.handleMessage:807 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:102 D/SSRM:a ( 864): DeviceInfo:: 000000000000 D/SSRM:a ( 864): SettingsAirViewInfo:: 001000000 D/Recents_AlternateRecentsComponent( 1122): onAnimationStarted is getting called D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): startEnterRecentsAnimation is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): startEnterRecentsAnimation is called D/Recents_AlternateRecentsComponent( 1122): isRecentsTopMost is getting called D/Recents_AlternateRecentsComponent( 1122): onHideRecents is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): animateFooterVisibility is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): startEnterRecentsAnimation is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): animateFooterVisibility is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): startEnterRecentsAnimation is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): animateFooterVisibility is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): startEnterRecentsAnimation is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): animateFooterVisibility is called D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getNetworkInfo(networkType - 1) :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/PhoneStatusBar( 1122): notifyRecentPanelVisiblity false D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRinging()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRunningAndDeregi()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): Not exist call session D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRinging()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRunningAndDeregi()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): Not exist call session D/PanelView( 1122): mClearAll.setVisibility - mIsFullyOpened : false isShade : true mHasNotification : true mIsUpwardFling : false mQsFullyExpanded : true isShadeLocked : false mClearAllVisible : false D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRinging()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRunningAndDeregi()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): Not exist call session I/Timeline( 864): Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{312601fe u0 com.android.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity t475} time:167089255 D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRinging()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRunningAndDeregi()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): Not exist call session D/CustomFrequencyManagerService( 864): acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1350000 uid : 1000 pid : 864 pkgName : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER@11 D/CustomFrequencyManagerService( 864): releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1350000 uid : 1000 pid : 864 tag : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER@7 W/ActivityManager( 864): mDVFSHelper.release() D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getNetworkInfo(networkType - 1) :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=0 D/InputReader( 864): !@notifyKey(172), action=1 D/InputManager-JNI( 864): !@interceptKeyBeforeQueueing(172), action=1 D/InputManager-JNI( 864): !@handleInterceptActions(172), action=1, wmActions=1 D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRinging()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRunningAndDeregi()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): Not exist call session D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRinging()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRunningAndDeregi()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): Not exist call session D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtyfalse D/PanelView( 1122): mClearAll.setVisibility - mIsFullyOpened : false isShade : true mHasNotification : true mIsUpwardFling : false mQsFullyExpanded : true isShadeLocked : false mClearAllVisible : false D/CustomFrequencyManagerService( 864): releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1350000 uid : 1000 pid : 864 tag : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER@11 V/AlarmManager( 864): waitForAlarm result :8 D/BatteryService( 864): !@BatteryListener : batteryPropertiesChanged! D/BatteryService( 864): level:100, scale:100, status:5, health:2, present:true, voltage: 4285, temperature: 289, technology: Li-ion, AC powered:false, USB powered:true, Wireless powered:false, icon:17303687, invalid charger:0 D/BatteryService( 864): online:4, current avg:460, charge type:1, power sharing:false, high voltage charger:false, capacity:280000, current_now:460 D/BatteryService( 864): Sending ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED. I/MotionRecognitionService( 864): Plugged I/MotionRecognitionService( 864): setPowerConnected = true D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): handleBatteryUpdate W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. V/HeadsetService( 4939): HeadsetService - Received Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED D/HeadsetStateMachine( 4939): Disconnected process message: 10 W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/SecContentProvider2( 864): uri = 14 selection = getSealedState D/SecContentProvider2( 864): mCursor = null D/ApplicationPolicy( 864): isStatusBarNotificationAllowedAsUser: packageName = com.android.systemui,userId = -2 V/ApplicationPolicy( 864): isApplicationStateBlocked userId -2 pkgname com.android.systemui D/ResourcesManager( 1257): creating new AssetManager and set to /system/priv-app/SystemUI/SystemUI.apk D/WindowManager( 864): showStatusBarByNotification() mOpenByNotification=true D/PowerManagerService( 864): [api] acquire WakeLock flags=0x10000006 tag=PowerUI.Notification uid=10081 pid=1122 D/STATUSBAR-PhoneStatusBar( 1122): mBrightnessEnablebySettings = true mBrightnessEnablebyBattery = true mBrightnessEnablebyDisableFlag = true mPmsBrightnessEnablebySettings = true W/ResourcesManager( 1257): Asset path '/system/framework/secvisualeffect.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. D/BatteryMeterView( 1122): ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : level:100 status:5 health:2 D/BatteryMeterView( 1122): ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : level:100 status:5 health:2 D/BatteryMeterView( 1122): ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : level:100 status:5 health:2 D/KnoxNotification( 1122): ----- inflateViews : modified publicViewLocal ----- D/KnoxNotification( 1122): ----- inflateViews : modified KnoxViewLocal ----- D/PersonaManager( 1122): PersonaID is invalid or persona doesn't exists. : 0 D/PhoneStatusBar( 1122): tick(): knoxCustomManager = android.app.enterprise.knoxcustom.KnoxCustomManager@322c06c5 I/PhoneStatusBar( 1122): Icon Only W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. I/StatusBar( 1122): Icon Only D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): updateCMASText( show = false ) W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/PanelView( 1122): There is/are notification(s) D/PanelView( 1122): kidsfalse mQsExpansionEnabled:true D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): updateCMASText( show = false ) W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/PanelView( 1122): There is/are notification(s) I/PhoneStatusBar( 1122): Icon Only W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. I/StatusBar( 1122): Icon Only D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): updateCMASText( show = false ) W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/PanelView( 1122): There is/are notification(s) D/PanelView( 1122): kidsfalse mQsExpansionEnabled:true D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): updateCMASText( show = false ) D/BatteryMeterView( 1122): onDraw batteryColor : -1 D/PanelView( 1122): mClearAll.setVisibility - mIsFullyOpened : false isShade : true mHasNotification : true mIsUpwardFling : false mQsFullyExpanded : true isShadeLocked : false mClearAllVisible : false E/SMD ( 2060): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=1 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.192 ] when=167090154615000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1745): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1293): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 D/ViewRootImpl( 1745): ViewPostImeInputStage ACTION_DOWN D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=4/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.782148 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=12/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.6418532 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=23/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.5015584 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=39/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.36126363 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=5/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.76841956 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=13/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.6281248 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=25/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.48782998 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=40/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.3475352 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=5/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.75439906 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=14/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.6141043 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=26/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.47380948 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=42/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.3335147 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=6/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.7409628 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=15/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.600668 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=27/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.46037322 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=44/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.32007843 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=7/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.7286946 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=16/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.5883998 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=29/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.44810504 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=45/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.30781025 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=7/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.71817887 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=17/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.5778841 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=30/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.4375893 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=47/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.2972945 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=8/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.7091234 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=17/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.5688286 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=31/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.4285338 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=48/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.288239 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=8/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.7000674 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=18/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.5597726 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=32/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.41947782 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=49/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.27918303 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=9/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.6901342 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=19/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.54983944 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=33/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.40954465 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=51/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.26924986 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=9/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.68078405 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=20/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.54048926 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=34/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.40019447 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=52/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.25989968 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=10/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.67143184 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=21/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.53113705 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=35/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.39084226 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=53/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.25054747 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=10/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.6617001 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=21/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.52140534 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=36/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.38111058 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=55/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.24081579 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=11/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.65419734 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=22/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.51390254 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=37/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.37360775 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=56/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.23331296 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=11/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.6480427 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=23/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.5077479 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=38/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.36745313 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=57/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.22715834 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=0 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=167090471449000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1745): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1293): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=12/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.64339745 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=23/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.50310266 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=38/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.36280787 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=58/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.22251308 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_RecentsActivity( 1745): onTaskStackUpperBounds is getting called : isUpperBounds =true D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=12/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.643172 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=23/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.50287724 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=39/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.36258247 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=58/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.22228768 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=11/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.64786184 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=23/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.50756705 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=38/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.36727226 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=57/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.22697747 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=11/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.65129864 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=22/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.51100385 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=38/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.3707091 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=56/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.2304143 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=11/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.65393376 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=22/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.513639 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=37/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.37334418 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=56/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.2330494 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=11/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.65595734 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=22/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.51566255 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=37/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.37536773 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=56/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.23507294 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=11/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.65771925 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=22/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.51742446 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=37/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.37712964 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=55/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.23683485 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=11/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.6590872 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=22/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.5187924 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=37/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.37849757 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=55/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.23820278 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=11/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.660302 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=22/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.5200072 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=36/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.3797124 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=55/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.23941761 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=11/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.6612444 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=22/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.5209496 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=36/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.38065478 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=55/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.24035999 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=10/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.6619551 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=21/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.5216603 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=36/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.38136554 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=55/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.24107075 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=10/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.6625215 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=21/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.5222267 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=36/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.3819319 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=55/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.24163711 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=10/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.662922 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=21/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.52262723 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=36/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.3823324 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=55/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.24203762 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=10/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.6631668 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=21/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.52287203 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=36/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.38257724 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=55/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.24228245 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=10/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.66329515 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=21/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.52300036 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=36/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.3827056 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=55/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.24241081 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=10/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.66332674 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=21/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.52303195 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=36/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.38273716 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=55/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.24244237 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtyfalse D/FactoryTest( 864): User mode D/StatusBarManagerService( 864): manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=WindowManager.LayoutParams D/StatusBarManagerService( 864): manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=WindowManager.LayoutParams D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=1 D/InputReader( 864): !@notifyKey(172), action=0 D/InputManager-JNI( 864): !@interceptKeyBeforeQueueing(172), action=0 D/InputManager-JNI( 864): !@handleInterceptActions(172), action=0, wmActions=1 D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRinging()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRunningAndDeregi()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): Not exist call session E/SMD ( 2060): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=0 D/InputReader( 864): !@notifyKey(172), action=1 D/InputManager-JNI( 864): !@interceptKeyBeforeQueueing(172), action=1 D/InputManager-JNI( 864): !@handleInterceptActions(172), action=1, wmActions=1 D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRinging()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRunningAndDeregi()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): Not exist call session I/WindowManager( 864): startDockOrHome V/Scroll/Pause Worker( 864): onReceive: android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS W/ContextImpl( 864): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:1699 com.android.server.accessibility.AccessibilityManagerService$DirectAccessBrocastReceiver.onReceive:401 android.app.LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args.run:923 android.os.Handler.handleCallback:739 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:95 D/PowerManagerService( 864): [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 1000 pid: 864) eventTime = 167091333 D/PhoneStatusBar( 1122): animateCollapse(): mExpandedVisible=false flags=0 D/StatusBar-Window( 1122): fnf=true sanc=false, kni=false, sbf=false D/CoverUI ( 1122): applyFocusableFlag() : Remove SAMSUNG_FLAG_SVIEW_COVER D/HotspotTile( 1122): onReceive : android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS D/AirplaneModeTile( 1122): onReceive : android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS D/CustomFrequencyManagerService( 864): acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1350000 uid : 1000 pid : 864 pkgName : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER@7 W/ActivityManager( 864): mDVFSHelper.acquire() D/Recents_RecentsActivity( 1745): onPause is getting called D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001iconType:101 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenIconStyle1 pointerType: 10001iconType:1 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenCustomIcon IconType is same.1 D/Recents_AlternateRecentsComponent( 1122): isRecentsTopMost is getting called V/WindowOrientationListener( 864): mSContextAutoRotationListener.getProposedRotation, mbResultFaceDectection: false V/WindowOrientationListener( 864): mSContextAutoRotationListener.getProposedRotation, Rotation: 0 V/WindowOrientationListener( 864): mSContextAutoRotationListener.getProposedRotation, mbResultFaceDectection: false V/WindowManager( 864): rotationForOrientationLw(orient=1, last=0); user=0 USER_ROTATION_LOCKED sensorRotation=0 mLidState=-1 mDockMode=0 mHdmiPlugged=false V/WindowOrientationListener( 864): mSContextAutoRotationListener.getProposedRotation, Rotation: 0 W/ContextImpl( 864): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:1699 com.android.internal.policy.impl.PhoneWindowManager.notifyToSSRM:5625 com.android.internal.policy.impl.PhoneWindowManager.access$600:192 com.android.internal.policy.impl.PhoneWindowManager$PolicyHandler.handleMessage:807 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:102 D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getNetworkInfo(networkType - 1) :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/SSRM:a ( 864): DeviceInfo:: 000000000000 D/SSRM:a ( 864): SettingsAirViewInfo:: 001000000 D/WallpaperManagerService( 864): getWallpaperData : 0 D/SSRM:a ( 864): DeviceInfo:: 000000000000 D/SSRM:a ( 864): SettingsAirViewInfo:: 001000000 D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getNetworkInfo(networkType - 1) :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/PanelView( 1122): mClearAll.setVisibility - mIsFullyOpened : false isShade : true mHasNotification : true mIsUpwardFling : false mQsFullyExpanded : true isShadeLocked : false mClearAllVisible : false D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001iconType:101 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenIconStyle1 pointerType: 10001iconType:1 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenCustomIcon IconType is same.1 D/StatusBarManagerService( 864): manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=WindowManager.LayoutParams D/InputMethodManagerService( 864): windowGainedFocus mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled-false W/ContextImpl( 864): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:1699 com.android.server.InputMethodManagerService$6.run:2727 java.lang.Thread.run:818 D/WallpaperManager( 1431): SEC_PRODUCT_FEATURE_COMMON_SUPPORT_TEXTURE_COMPRESSION is true D/WallpaperManagerService( 864): getWallpaperData : 0 D/WallpaperManager( 1431): SEC_PRODUCT_FEATURE_COMMON_SUPPORT_TEXTURE_COMPRESSION is true D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/jp.creafons.cyfons-1/base.apk W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for jp.creafons.cyfons: Resource ID #0x0 W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for com.sec.android.app.sbrowser: Resource ID #0x0 D/CustomFrequencyManagerService( 864): releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1350000 uid : 1000 pid : 864 tag : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER@7 W/ActivityManager( 864): mDVFSHelper.release() D/CustomFrequencyManagerService( 864): acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1350000 uid : 1000 pid : 864 pkgName : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER@11 I/Timeline( 1431): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@34951678 time:167091906 E/SMD ( 2060): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/CustomFrequencyManagerService( 864): releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1350000 uid : 1000 pid : 864 tag : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER@11 I/Timeline( 864): Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{286e7e93 u0 com.nttdocomo.android.paletteui/.HomeApp t447} time:167092179 D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/com.adobe.phonegap.app-1/base.apk D/Recents_RecentsActivity( 1745): onStop is getting called V/ActivityThread( 1745): updateVisibility : ActivityRecord{5ff38c5 token=android.os.BinderProxy@213749b5 {com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity}} show : false D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/tw.mobileapp.qrcode.banner-2/base.apk D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/com.google.android.gm-1/base.apk W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for com.google.android.gm: Resource ID #0x0 D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/jp.naver.line.android-2/base.apk W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/com.google.android.maps.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/com.facebook.orca-1/base.apk W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for com.facebook.orca: Resource ID #0x0 W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/com.google.android.maps.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/com.automattic.simplenote-2/base.apk W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/multiwindow.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/com.oishigohan.community-1/base.apk D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/com.pecojapan.PECOapp-1/base.apk D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/jp.mrstepup.mrstepapp-1/base.apk W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for com.nttdocomo.android.store: Resource ID #0x0 E/Diag_Lib( 2243): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 2 W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for jp.co.mmbi.app: Resource ID #0x0 W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for com.felicanetworks.mfm: Resource ID #0x0 W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for com.nttdocomo.android.docomo_market: Resource ID #0x0 W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for jp.co.nttdocomo.carriermail: Resource ID #0x0 W/ProcessCpuTracker( 864): Skipping unknown process pid 2238 W/ProcessCpuTracker( 864): Skipping unknown process pid 2241 V/AlarmManager( 864): waitForAlarm result :8 E/SMD ( 2060): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 E/SMD ( 2060): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/SSRM:n ( 864): SIOP:: AP = 390, CUR = 460 V/AlarmManager( 864): waitForAlarm result :8 E/SMD ( 2060): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 V/AlarmManager( 864): waitForAlarm result :8 I/BackgroundCompactionService( 864): onStart. jobID=801 I/BackgroundCompactionService( 864): onStart done. jobID=801 E/SMD ( 2060): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 E/SMD ( 2060): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] E/Diag_Lib( 2272): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 2 E/SMD ( 2060): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen W/art (24598): Suspending all threads took: 42.022ms E/SMD ( 2060): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen V/AlarmManager( 864): waitForAlarm result :8 D/BatteryService( 864): !@BatteryListener : batteryPropertiesChanged! D/BatteryService( 864): level:100, scale:100, status:5, health:2, present:true, voltage: 4337, temperature: 290, technology: Li-ion, AC powered:false, USB powered:true, Wireless powered:false, icon:17303687, invalid charger:0 D/BatteryService( 864): online:4, current avg:460, charge type:1, power sharing:false, high voltage charger:false, capacity:280000, current_now:460 D/BatteryService( 864): Sending ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED. I/MotionRecognitionService( 864): Plugged I/MotionRecognitionService( 864): setPowerConnected = true D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): handleBatteryUpdate D/STATUSBAR-PhoneStatusBar( 1122): mBrightnessEnablebySettings = true mBrightnessEnablebyBattery = true mBrightnessEnablebyDisableFlag = true mPmsBrightnessEnablebySettings = true V/HeadsetService( 4939): HeadsetService - Received Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED D/HeadsetStateMachine( 4939): Disconnected process message: 10 D/BatteryMeterView( 1122): ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : level:100 status:5 health:2 D/BatteryMeterView( 1122): ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : level:100 status:5 health:2 D/BatteryMeterView( 1122): ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : level:100 status:5 health:2 E/SMD ( 2060): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 I/CastDatabase(15588): Saving the database E/SMD ( 2060): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 I/SQLiteCastStore(15588): [CastNetworkInfo] saved: 0, skipped: 0, [CastDeviceInfo]: saved 0, skipped 0, Paired Guest Mode DeviceInfo] saved: 0, skipped: 0. [ProbedNetworks]: saved 0, skipped: 0, [ProbedSocketAddress]: saved 0, skipped: 0 E/SMD ( 2060): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 E/Diag_Lib( 2335): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 2 E/SMD ( 2060): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 E/SMD ( 2060): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 99 99 -120 -160 -120 -1 -1 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 -1 2147483647 0x0 gsm|lte level=0 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/SSRM:n ( 864): SIOP:: AP = 390, CUR = 460 V/AlarmManager( 864): waitForAlarm result :8 E/SMD ( 2060): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/Sensorhubs( 314): readContextData: 1, 1, 14, 1 D/SensorHubManager( 864): onGetSensorHubDataLocked: library(4) = 1, 1, 14, 1 D/CAE ( 864): onGetSensorHubData(SensorHubParserProvider.java:87) - onGetSensorHubData Event [event buffer len :4], AP_WAKEUP I/CAE ( 864): parse(SensorHubParserProvider.java:166) - buffer size = 4 I/CAE ( 864): parse(SensorHubParserProvider.java:177) - 1, 1, 14, 1, D/CAE ( 864): display(ContextProvider.java:365) - ================= FLIP_COVER_ACTION ================= I/CAE ( 864): display(ContextProvider.java:381) - Action=[1] D/SContextService( 864): updateSContext() : event = Flip Cover Action D/InputReader( 864): setFlipCoverTouchEnabled/clearCoverOpen/adjustTouch: 0,1, 0 D/MotionRecognitionService( 864): [ FLIP_COVER_ACTION_CLOSE ] D/MotionRecognitionService( 864): setFlipCoverTouchEnabled to false E/SMD ( 2060): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/Sensorhubs( 314): readContextData: 1, 1, 14, 0 D/SensorHubManager( 864): onGetSensorHubDataLocked: library(4) = 1, 1, 14, 0 D/CAE ( 864): onGetSensorHubData(SensorHubParserProvider.java:87) - onGetSensorHubData Event [event buffer len :4], AP_WAKEUP I/CAE ( 864): parse(SensorHubParserProvider.java:166) - buffer size = 4 I/CAE ( 864): parse(SensorHubParserProvider.java:177) - 1, 1, 14, 0, D/CAE ( 864): display(ContextProvider.java:365) - ================= FLIP_COVER_ACTION ================= I/CAE ( 864): display(ContextProvider.java:381) - Action=[0] D/SContextService( 864): updateSContext() : event = Flip Cover Action D/MotionRecognitionService( 864): [ FLIP_COVER_ACTION_OPEN ] D/InputReader( 864): setFlipCoverTouchEnabled/clearCoverOpen/adjustTouch: 1,1, 0 D/MotionRecognitionService( 864): setFlipCoverTouchEnabled to true D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 99 99 -120 -160 -120 -1 -1 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 -1 2147483647 0x0 gsm|lte level=0 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" E/SMD ( 2060): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] E/Diag_Lib( 2349): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 2 E/SMD ( 2060): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=1 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.193 ] when=167108000441000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1122): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1431): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1293): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 D/ViewRootImpl( 1431): ViewPostImeInputStage ACTION_DOWN D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=0 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=167108070173000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1431): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1293): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 I/Timeline( 1431): Timeline: Activity_launch_request id:jp.mrstepup.mrstepapp time:167108082 V/ApplicationPolicy( 864): isApplicationStateBlocked userId 0 pkgname jp.mrstepup.mrstepapp D/CustomFrequencyManagerService( 864): acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1350000 uid : 1000 pid : 864 pkgName : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER@7 W/ActivityManager( 864): mDVFSHelper.acquire() D/FocusedStackFrame( 864): Set to : 0 V/WindowOrientationListener( 864): mSContextAutoRotationListener.getProposedRotation, mbResultFaceDectection: false V/WindowOrientationListener( 864): mSContextAutoRotationListener.getProposedRotation, Rotation: 0 V/WindowOrientationListener( 864): mSContextAutoRotationListener.getProposedRotation, mbResultFaceDectection: false V/WindowOrientationListener( 864): mSContextAutoRotationListener.getProposedRotation, Rotation: 0 I/Finsky ( 9600): [17317] com.google.android.finsky.bp.am.run(6): Stats for Executor: BlockingExecutor com.google.android.finsky.bp.an@1e43750d[Running, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 6] I/Finsky ( 9600): [17317] com.google.android.finsky.bp.am.run(6): Stats for Executor: LightweightExecutor com.google.android.finsky.bp.an@570fcc2[Running, pool size = 3, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 46] V/WindowManager( 864): rotationForOrientationLw(orient=-1, last=0); user=0 USER_ROTATION_LOCKED sensorRotation=0 mLidState=-1 mDockMode=0 mHdmiPlugged=false I/Finsky ( 9600): [17317] com.google.android.finsky.bp.am.run(6): Stats for Executor: bgExecutor com.google.android.finsky.bp.an@3e2aead3[Running, pool size = 4, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 16] D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001iconType:101 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenIconStyle1 pointerType: 10001iconType:1 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenCustomIcon IconType is same.1 D/StatusBarManagerService( 864): manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=WindowManager.LayoutParams D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getNetworkInfo(networkType - 1) :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/SSRM:a ( 864): DeviceInfo:: 000000000000 D/SSRM:a ( 864): SettingsAirViewInfo:: 001000000 I/CordovaLog( 1097): Changing log level to DEBUG(3) I/CordovaActivity( 1097): Apache Cordova native platform version 7.0.0 is starting D/CordovaActivity( 1097): CordovaActivity.onCreate() D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/ConnectivityManager.CallbackHandler( 1097): CM callback handler got msg 524290 D/ConnectivityService( 864): listenForNetwork for NetworkRequest [ id=163, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ] D/ConnectivityService( 864): handleRegisterNetworkRequest checking NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 506] D/ConnectivityService( 864): apparently satisfied. currentScore=60 D/ConnectivityService( 864): sending notification AVAILABLE for NetworkRequest [ id=163, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ] D/ConnectivityService( 864): handleRegisterNetworkRequest checking NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI_P2P () - 501] D/SystemWebViewEngine( 1097): CordovaWebView is running on device made by: samsung D/PluginManager( 1097): init() D/Whitelist( 1097): Failed to add origin *://*youtube.com D/FileUtils( 1097): Unrecognized extra filesystem identifier: assets D/CordovaWebViewImpl( 1097): >>> loadUrl(file:///android_asset/www/index.html) D/Activity( 1097): performCreate Call secproduct feature valuefalse D/Activity( 1097): performCreate Call debug elastic valuetrue D/CordovaActivity( 1097): Started the activity. D/CordovaActivity( 1097): Resumed the activity. D/CordovaWebViewImpl( 1097): onPageDidNavigate(file:///android_asset/www/index.html) D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001iconType:101 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenIconStyle1 pointerType: 10001iconType:1 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenCustomIcon IconType is same.1 I/Finsky ( 9600): [17317] com.google.android.finsky.bp.am.run(6): Stats for Executor: Db-xternal_referrer_status.db com.google.android.finsky.bp.an@3e047610[Running, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 5] I/Finsky ( 9600): [17317] com.google.android.finsky.bp.am.run(6): Stats for Executor: Db-split_install_service com.google.android.finsky.bp.an@243f5509[Running, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 2] I/Finsky ( 9600): [17317] com.google.android.finsky.bp.am.run(6): Stats for Executor: StorageAwareDownloadServiceManagerSpaceChecker com.google.android.finsky.bp.an@8d6230e[Running, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 0] D/EnterpriseController( 302): mIsMarkChainAdded is 0 mIsBlockChainAdded is 0 netId is 0 D/Netd ( 302): getNetworkForDns: using netid 506 for uid 10261 D/InputMethodManagerService( 864): windowGainedFocus mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled-false W/ContextImpl( 864): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:1699 com.android.server.InputMethodManagerService$6.run:2727 java.lang.Thread.run:818 I/ActivityManager( 864): Displayed Component not be shown by security: +286ms D/CustomFrequencyManagerService( 864): releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1350000 uid : 1000 pid : 864 tag : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER@7 I/Timeline( 864): Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{54fe701 u0 jp.mrstepup.mrstepapp/.Ukaras t476} time:167108470 D/CustomFrequencyManagerService( 864): acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1350000 uid : 1000 pid : 864 pkgName : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER@11 W/ActivityManager( 864): mDVFSHelper.release() I/Timeline( 1097): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@217049a9 time:167108542 V/ActivityThread( 1431): updateVisibility : ActivityRecord{2c3048b6 token=android.os.BinderProxy@34951678 {com.nttdocomo.android.paletteui/com.nttdocomo.android.paletteui.HomeApp}} show : false I/Finsky ( 9600): [17317] com.google.android.finsky.bp.am.run(6): Stats for Executor: Db-scheduler com.google.android.finsky.bp.an@2caf612f[Running, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 52] I/Finsky ( 9600): [17317] com.google.android.finsky.bp.am.run(6): Stats for Executor: Db-frosting.db com.google.android.finsky.bp.an@fa2e33c[Running, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 4] I/Finsky ( 9600): [17317] com.google.android.finsky.bp.am.run(6): Stats for Executor: Db-notification_cache com.google.android.finsky.bp.an@5ff38c5[Running, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 7] D/CustomFrequencyManagerService( 864): releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1350000 uid : 1000 pid : 864 tag : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER@11 I/Finsky ( 9600): [17317] com.google.android.finsky.bp.am.run(6): Stats for Executor: Db-install_service com.google.android.finsky.bp.an@3e55621a[Running, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 0] E/SMD ( 2060): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 99 99 -120 -160 -120 -1 -1 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 -1 2147483647 0x0 gsm|lte level=0 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/JsMessageQueue( 1097): Set native->JS mode to EvalBridgeMode D/PowerManagerService( 864): [api] release WakeLock flags=0x10000006 tag=PowerUI.Notification uid=10081 pid=1122 (0x0) V/AlarmManager( 864): waitForAlarm result :8 E/SMD ( 2060): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/BatteryService( 864): !@BatteryListener : batteryPropertiesChanged! D/BatteryService( 864): level:100, scale:100, status:2, health:2, present:true, voltage: 1080, temperature: 290, technology: Li-ion, AC powered:false, USB powered:true, Wireless powered:false, icon:17303687, invalid charger:0 D/BatteryService( 864): online:4, current avg:460, charge type:1, power sharing:false, high voltage charger:false, capacity:280000, current_now:460 D/BatteryService( 864): Sending ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED. D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED I/MotionRecognitionService( 864): Plugged I/MotionRecognitionService( 864): setPowerConnected = true D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): handleBatteryUpdate I/PowerUI.Notification( 1122): dismissing full battery notification D/PowerUI.Notification( 1122): updateNotificationSEC : No notification D/LightsService( 864): [api] [SvcLED] turnOff:: id = 4 (uid: 1000 pid: 864) D/LightsService( 864): [SvcLED] setSvcLedStateLocked:: SvcLEDState : 0x0 -> 0x0 | SvcLED(id=4) set Off D/LightsService( 864): [SvcLED] Lux failed to be updated in 700ms. -> handleForcedSvcLEDTasK D/LightsService( 864): [SvcLED] setSvcLedLightLocked :: Current SvcLED(id=3) maintains its priority right W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. V/HeadsetService( 4939): HeadsetService - Received Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED D/HeadsetStateMachine( 4939): Disconnected process message: 10 W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): https://unpkg.com/onsenui@2.10.5/js/onsenui.min.js: Line 2 : Uncaught Error: The custom element being constructed was not registered with `customElements`. I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "Uncaught Error: The custom element being constructed was not registered with `customElements`.", source: https://unpkg.com/onsenui@2.10.5/js/onsenui.min.js (2) W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): updateCMASText( show = false ) W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/PanelView( 1122): There is/are notification(s) D/PanelView( 1122): kidsfalse mQsExpansionEnabled:true D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): updateCMASText( show = false ) W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/PanelView( 1122): There is/are notification(s) D/STATUSBAR-PhoneStatusBar( 1122): mBrightnessEnablebySettings = true mBrightnessEnablebyBattery = true mBrightnessEnablebyDisableFlag = true mPmsBrightnessEnablebySettings = true D/BatteryMeterView( 1122): ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : level:100 status:2 health:2 D/BatteryMeterView( 1122): ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : level:100 status:2 health:2 D/BatteryMeterView( 1122): ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : level:100 status:2 health:2 W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): updateCMASText( show = false ) D/EnterpriseController( 302): mIsMarkChainAdded is 0 mIsBlockChainAdded is 0 netId is 0 D/Netd ( 302): getNetworkForDns: using netid 506 for uid 10261 W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/PanelView( 1122): There is/are notification(s) D/PanelView( 1122): kidsfalse mQsExpansionEnabled:true D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): updateCMASText( show = false ) D/BatteryMeterView( 1122): onDraw batteryColor : -1 D/PanelView( 1122): mClearAll.setVisibility - mIsFullyOpened : false isShade : true mHasNotification : true mIsUpwardFling : false mQsFullyExpanded : true isShadeLocked : false mClearAllVisible : false E/SMD ( 2060): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/BadgeProvider(32604): sendNotify entered. [uri] : content://com.sec.badge/apps?notify=true D/BadgeProvider(32604): sendNotify, [notify] : true D/BadgeProvider(32604): update, [uri] : content://com.sec.badge/apps?notify=true D/BadgeProvider(32604): update, [BadgeCount] : badgecount=0 D/BadgeProvider(32604): update, [UpdateCount] : 1 D/BadgeProvider(32604): sendNotify entered. [uri] : content://com.sec.badge/apps?notify=true D/BadgeProvider(32604): sendNotify, [notify] : true D/BadgeProvider(32604): update, [uri] : content://com.sec.badge/apps?notify=true D/BadgeProvider(32604): update, [BadgeCount] : badgecount=0 D/BadgeProvider(32604): update, [UpdateCount] : 1 D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 78 : Received Device Ready Event I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(78)] "Received Device Ready Event", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (78) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 82 : e6O1lXjW-tc:APA91bHccy6Lm4ngLFPefBgNsxD9DGqf3hTlultAoXiiM8WcZ7o_ERdQL-TUoGVPq-7xvB9FvsN_nTuM7pfvPGJA5dwUeXmSPYdQDOx4i1e250rL6AyfqyhQYRoTCGKB41wpUbZ2IdFN I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(82)] "e6O1lXjW-tc:APA91bHccy6Lm4ngLFPefBgNsxD9DGqf3hTlultAoXiiM8WcZ7o_ERdQL-TUoGVPq-7xvB9FvsN_nTuM7pfvPGJA5dwUeXmSPYdQDOx4i1e250rL6AyfqyhQYRoTCGKB41wpUbZ2IdFN", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (82) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 95 : UUID: 3610a81780144d72 I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(95)] "UUID: 3610a81780144d72", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (95) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 96 : model: SC-04E I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(96)] "model: SC-04E", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (96) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 97 : platform: Android I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(97)] "platform: Android", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (97) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 98 : version: 5.0.1 I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(98)] "version: 5.0.1", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (98) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 117 : calling setup push I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(117)] "calling setup push", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (117) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 152 : calling push init I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(152)] "calling push init", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (152) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 121 : calling badge_init I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(121)] "calling badge_init", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (121) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 450 : get_key : login_state I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(450)] "get_key : login_state", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (450) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 451 : get_data : null I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(451)] "get_data : null", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (451) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 450 : get_key : login_user_id I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(450)] "get_key : login_user_id", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (450) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 451 : get_data : 3268 I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(451)] "get_data : 3268", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (451) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 125 : calling purchase initializeStore I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(125)] "calling purchase initializeStore", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (125) D/CordovaWebViewImpl( 1097): onPageFinished(file:///android_asset/www/index.html) D/StatusBarManagerService( 864): manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=WindowManager.LayoutParams D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001iconType:101 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenIconStyle1 pointerType: 10001iconType:1 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenCustomIcon IconType is same.1 D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 99 99 -120 -160 -120 -1 -1 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 -1 2147483647 0x0 gsm|lte level=0 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" E/SMD ( 2060): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 E/Diag_Lib( 2443): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 2 E/SMD ( 2060): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen E/SMD ( 2060): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=1 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.194 ] when=167113995955000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1122): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1097): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 D/ViewRootImpl( 1097): ViewPostImeInputStage ACTION_DOWN D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=0 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=167114044203000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1097): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 I/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getAudioPolicyConfig: situation=1;device=0 I/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getSituationVolume: isBTConnected:0 isHeadConnected:0 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): deviceInt = 0, situationInt = 1, situationVolume = 0.800000 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() device 2, stream 1, samplingRate 0, format 0, channelMask 0, flags 3 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputsForDevice device 0002 -> 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() returns output 2 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() device 2, stream 1, samplingRate 0, format 0, channelMask 0, flags 3 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputsForDevice device 0002 -> 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() returns output 2 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputForAttr() usage=13, content=4, tag= flags=00000000 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputForAttr() device 2, samplingRate 48000, format 1, channelMask 1, flags 4 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputsForDevice device 0002 -> 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() returns output 2 E/AudioTrack( 864): AudioTrack::set : Exit V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): startOutput() output 2, stream 1, session 191 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): changeRefCount() stream 1, count 1 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getNewOutputDevice() selected device 2 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() output 2 device 0002 delayMs 0 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() prevDevice 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() setting same device 0002 or null device for output 2 D/ALSADevice( 310): route: devices 0x2 in mode 0 V/ALSADevice( 310): switchDevice: device 0x2 mode:0 V/ALSADevice( 310): getUCMDevice for output device: devices:2 is input device:0 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): releaseOutput() 2 V/ALSADevice( 310): getUCMDevice for input device: devices:0 is input device:1 D/ALSADevice( 310): No valid input device: 0 V/ALSADevice( 310): switchDevice,rxDev:Speaker, txDev:(null), curRxDev:Speaker, curTxDev:Main Mic D/alsa_ucm( 310): snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0xb3418510 identifier _enadev value Speaker D/ALSADevice( 310): switchDevice: mCurTxUCMDevivce Main Mic mCurRxDevDevice Speaker inCallDevSwitch = 0 V/ALSADevice( 310): switchDevice Done D/alsa_ucm( 310): snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0xb3418510 identifier _verb value HiFi D/alsa_ucm( 310): Set mixer controls for Speaker enable 1 D/alsa_ucm( 310): acdb_id 15 cap 1 enable 1 D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 15, path = 0 D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> send_adm_topology D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TOPOLOGY_ID D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> send_asm_topology D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_STREAM_TOPOLOGY_ID D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> send_audtable D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TABLE D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> send_audvoltable D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_GAIN_DEP_VOLTBL_STEP_COPP E/ACDB-LOADER( 310): Error: ACDB AudProc vol returned = -8 D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_VOL_CAL D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> send_afe_cal D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> send_hw_delay : acdb_id = 15 path = 0 D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_DEVICE_PROPERTY_SIZE D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> ACDB_AVSYNC_INFO: ACDB_CMD_GET_DEVICE_PROPERTY D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): send_hw_delay id = 15 delay_num_entries = 1 result = 0 D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: SLIM_0_RX Channels, value: Two D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: RX5 MIX1 INP1, value: RX1 D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/plugins/cc.fovea.cordova.purchase/www/store-android.js: Line 1513 : [store.js] DEBUG: store.queries !! '1 registered' D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: RX5 MIX1 INP2, value: RX2 D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: RX6 DSM MUX, value: DSM_INV D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting multi value: LINEOUT2 Volume D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting multi value: LINEOUT4 Volume D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting multi value: RX5 Digital Volume I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(1513)] "[store.js] DEBUG: store.queries !! '1 registered'", source: file:///android_asset/www/plugins/cc.fovea.cordova.purchase/www/store-android.js (1513) D/alsa_ucm( 310): Set mixer controls for HiFi enable 1 D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: SLIMBUS_0_RX Audio Mixer MultiMedia1, value: 1 D/ALSADevice( 310): close: handle 0xb3457380 h 0x0 D/ALSADevice( 310): open: handle 0xb3457380, format 0x2 V/ALSADevice( 310): Music case D/ALSADevice( 310): Device value returned is hw:0,0 V/ALSADevice( 310): flags 0, devName hw:0,0 V/ALSADevice( 310): pcm_open returned fd 43 D/ALSADevice( 310): handle->format: 0x2 D/ALSADevice( 310): setHardwareParams: reqBuffSize 2048 channels 2 sampleRate 48000 D/ALSADevice( 310): setHardwareParams: buffer_size 16384, period_size 2048, period_cnt 8 D/CordovaPurchase( 1097): Num SKUs Found: 1 D/CordovaPurchase( 1097): Product SKU Added: 1 D/CordovaPurchase( 1097): init start W/ResourceType( 1097): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 E/PluginManager( 1097): Uncaught exception from plugin E/PluginManager( 1097): android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: String resource ID #0x0 E/PluginManager( 1097): at android.content.res.Resources.getText(Resources.java:1334) E/PluginManager( 1097): at android.content.res.Resources.getString(Resources.java:1428) E/PluginManager( 1097): at android.content.Context.getString(Context.java:382) E/PluginManager( 1097): at com.smartmobilesoftware.inappbilling.InAppBillingPlugin.getPublicKey(InAppBillingPlugin.java:156) E/PluginManager( 1097): at com.smartmobilesoftware.inappbilling.InAppBillingPlugin.init(InAppBillingPlugin.java:164) E/PluginManager( 1097): at com.smartmobilesoftware.inappbilling.InAppBillingPlugin.execute(InAppBillingPlugin.java:67) E/PluginManager( 1097): at org.apache.cordova.CordovaPlugin.execute(CordovaPlugin.java:98) E/PluginManager( 1097): at org.apache.cordova.PluginManager.exec(PluginManager.java:132) E/PluginManager( 1097): at org.apache.cordova.CordovaBridge.jsExec(CordovaBridge.java:59) E/PluginManager( 1097): at org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemExposedJsApi.exec(SystemExposedJsApi.java:41) E/PluginManager( 1097): at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native Method) E/PluginManager( 1097): at android.os.MessageQueue.next(MessageQueue.java:143) E/PluginManager( 1097): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:130) E/PluginManager( 1097): at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:61) D/StatusBarManagerService( 864): manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=WindowManager.LayoutParams D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001iconType:101 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenIconStyle1 pointerType: 10001iconType:1 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenCustomIcon IconType is same.1 I/App ( 1097): WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/plugins/cc.fovea.cordova.purchase/www/store-android.js: Line 1513 : [store.js] DEBUG: store.queries !! 'payed content registered' I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(1513)] "[store.js] DEBUG: store.queries !! 'payed content registered'", source: file:///android_asset/www/plugins/cc.fovea.cordova.purchase/www/store-android.js (1513) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/plugins/cc.fovea.cordova.purchase/www/store-android.js: Line 1513 : [store.js] DEBUG: store.queries !! 'paid subscription registered' I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(1513)] "[store.js] DEBUG: store.queries !! 'paid subscription registered'", source: file:///android_asset/www/plugins/cc.fovea.cordova.purchase/www/store-android.js (1513) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/plugins/cc.fovea.cordova.purchase/www/store-android.js: Line 1513 : [store.js] DEBUG: store.queries !! 'subscription registered' I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(1513)] "[store.js] DEBUG: store.queries !! 'subscription registered'", source: file:///android_asset/www/plugins/cc.fovea.cordova.purchase/www/store-android.js (1513) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/plugins/cc.fovea.cordova.purchase/www/store-android.js: Line 1513 : [store.js] DEBUG: store.queries !! 'registered' I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(1513)] "[store.js] DEBUG: store.queries !! 'registered'", source: file:///android_asset/www/plugins/cc.fovea.cordova.purchase/www/store-android.js (1513) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/plugins/cc.fovea.cordova.purchase/www/store-android.js: Line 1513 : [store.js] DEBUG: store.queries !! '1 updated' I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(1513)] "[store.js] DEBUG: store.queries !! '1 updated'", source: file:///android_asset/www/plugins/cc.fovea.cordova.purchase/www/store-android.js (1513) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/plugins/cc.fovea.cordova.purchase/www/store-android.js: Line 1513 : [store.js] DEBUG: store.queries !! 'payed content updated' I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(1513)] "[store.js] DEBUG: store.queries !! 'payed content updated'", source: file:///android_asset/www/plugins/cc.fovea.cordova.purchase/www/store-android.js (1513) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/plugins/cc.fovea.cordova.purchase/www/store-android.js: Line 1513 : [store.js] DEBUG: store.queries !! 'paid subscription updated' I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(1513)] "[store.js] DEBUG: store.queries !! 'paid subscription updated'", source: file:///android_asset/www/plugins/cc.fovea.cordova.purchase/www/store-android.js (1513) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/plugins/cc.fovea.cordova.purchase/www/store-android.js: Line 1513 : [store.js] DEBUG: store.queries !! 'subscription updated' I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(1513)] "[store.js] DEBUG: store.queries !! 'subscription updated'", source: file:///android_asset/www/plugins/cc.fovea.cordova.purchase/www/store-android.js (1513) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/plugins/cc.fovea.cordova.purchase/www/store-android.js: Line 1513 : [store.js] DEBUG: store.queries !! 'updated' I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(1513)] "[store.js] DEBUG: store.queries !! 'updated'", source: file:///android_asset/www/plugins/cc.fovea.cordova.purchase/www/store-android.js (1513) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/plugins/cc.fovea.cordova.purchase/www/store-android.js: Line 1513 : [store.js] DEBUG: store.trigger -> triggering action refreshed I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(1513)] "[store.js] DEBUG: store.trigger -> triggering action refreshed", source: file:///android_asset/www/plugins/cc.fovea.cordova.purchase/www/store-android.js (1513) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/plugins/cc.fovea.cordova.purchase/www/store-android.js: Line 1513 : [store.js] DEBUG: queries !! 'refreshed' I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(1513)] "[store.js] DEBUG: queries !! 'refreshed'", source: file:///android_asset/www/plugins/cc.fovea.cordova.purchase/www/store-android.js (1513) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/plugins/cc.fovea.cordova.purchase/www/store-android.js: Line 2040 : InAppBilling[js]: setup ok I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(2040)] "InAppBilling[js]: setup ok", source: file:///android_asset/www/plugins/cc.fovea.cordova.purchase/www/store-android.js (2040) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/plugins/cc.fovea.cordova.purchase/www/store-android.js: Line 2040 : InAppBilling[js]: load ["1"] I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(2040)] "InAppBilling[js]: load ["1"]", source: file:///android_asset/www/plugins/cc.fovea.cordova.purchase/www/store-android.js (2040) D/InputMethodManagerService( 864): windowGainedFocus mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled-false E/ViewRootImpl( 1097): sendUserActionEvent() mView == null D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js: Line 74 : login_check I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(74)] "login_check", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js (74) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 450 : get_key : login_state I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(450)] "get_key : login_state", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (450) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 451 : get_data : null I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(451)] "get_data : null", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (451) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 450 : get_key : login_user_id I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(450)] "get_key : login_user_id", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (450) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 451 : get_data : 3268 I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(451)] "get_data : 3268", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (451) W/InputMethodManagerService( 864): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@1dddedc7 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@2bc9e4ad D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 450 : get_key : login_pay_id I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(450)] "get_key : login_pay_id", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (450) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 451 : get_data : null I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(451)] "get_data : null", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (451) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 450 : get_key : login_email I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(450)] "get_key : login_email", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (450) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 451 : get_data : null I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(451)] "get_data : null", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (451) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 450 : get_key : login_password I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(450)] "get_key : login_password", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (450) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 451 : get_data : null I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(451)] "get_data : null", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (451) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js: Line 97 : ------------ I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(97)] "------------", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js (97) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js: Line 98 : login_check I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(98)] "login_check", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js (98) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js: Line 99 : login I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(99)] "login", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js (99) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js: Line 100 : login_state : 0 I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(100)] "login_state : 0", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js (100) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js: Line 101 : login_user_id : 3268 I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(101)] "login_user_id : 3268", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js (101) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js: Line 102 : login_pay_id : 1 I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(102)] "login_pay_id : 1", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js (102) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js: Line 103 : email : null I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(103)] "email : null", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js (103) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js: Line 104 : password : null I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(104)] "password : null", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js (104) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js: Line 105 : uuid : 3610a81780144d72 I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(105)] "uuid : 3610a81780144d72", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js (105) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js: Line 106 : model : SC-04E I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(106)] "model : SC-04E", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js (106) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js: Line 107 : platform : Android I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(107)] "platform : Android", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js (107) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js: Line 108 : version : 5.0.1 I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(108)] "version : 5.0.1", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js (108) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js: Line 109 : device_id : e6O1lXjW-tc:APA91bHccy6Lm4ngLFPefBgNsxD9DGqf3hTlultAoXiiM8WcZ7o_ERdQL-TUoGVPq-7xvB9FvsN_nTuM7pfvPGJA5dwUeXmSPYdQDOx4i1e250rL6AyfqyhQYRoTCGKB41wpUbZ2IdFN I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(109)] "device_id : e6O1lXjW-tc:APA91bHccy6Lm4ngLFPefBgNsxD9DGqf3hTlultAoXiiM8WcZ7o_ERdQL-TUoGVPq-7xvB9FvsN_nTuM7pfvPGJA5dwUeXmSPYdQDOx4i1e250rL6AyfqyhQYRoTCGKB41wpUbZ2IdFN", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js (109) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js: Line 110 : ------------ I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(110)] "------------", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js (110) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js: Line 25 : set_nav_tabs I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(25)] "set_nav_tabs", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js (25) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/jquery-1.8.2.min.js: Line 2 : Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience. For more help, check https://xhr.spec.whatwg.org/. I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience. For more help, check https://xhr.spec.whatwg.org/.", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/jquery-1.8.2.min.js (2) D/EnterpriseController( 302): mIsMarkChainAdded is 0 mIsBlockChainAdded is 0 netId is 0 D/Netd ( 302): getNetworkForDns: using netid 506 for uid 10261 D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js: Line 345 : data.start I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(345)] "data.start", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js (345) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js: Line 346 : [object Object] I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(346)] "[object Object]", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js (346) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js: Line 355 : __subject_data I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(355)] "__subject_data", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js (355) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js: Line 356 : [object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object] I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(356)] "[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js (356) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js: Line 30 : disp_study I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(30)] "disp_study", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js (30) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/study.js: Line 67 : updatePosts : refresh I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(67)] "updatePosts : refresh", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/study.js (67) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/study.js: Line 68 : subject_id : 9 I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(68)] "subject_id : 9", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/study.js (68) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/study.js: Line 231 : 9 I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(231)] "9", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/study.js (231) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/study.js: Line 232 : 10 I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(232)] "10", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/study.js (232) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/study.js: Line 233 : 0 I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(233)] "0", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/study.js (233) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/study.js: Line 234 : 0 I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(234)] "0", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/study.js (234) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/study.js: Line 22 : __init_study_position : 0 I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(22)] "__init_study_position : 0", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/study.js (22) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/mypage.js: Line 217 : disp_mypage I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(217)] "disp_mypage", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/mypage.js (217) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/mypage.js: Line 218 : login_user_id : 3268 I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(218)] "login_user_id : 3268", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/mypage.js (218) D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001iconType:101 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenIconStyle1 pointerType: 10001iconType:1 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenCustomIcon IconType is same.1 D/StatusBarManagerService( 864): manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=WindowManager.LayoutParams V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): stopOutput() output 2, stream 1, session 191 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): changeRefCount() stream 1, count 0 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() output 2 device 0000 delayMs 192 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() prevDevice 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() setting same device 0000 or null device for output 2 D/SSRM:n ( 864): SIOP:: AP = 410, CUR = 460 V/AlarmManager( 864): waitForAlarm result :8 E/SMD ( 2060): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=1 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.195 ] when=167115210218000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1122): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1097): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 D/ViewRootImpl( 1097): ViewPostImeInputStage ACTION_DOWN D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=0 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=167115290754000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1097): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 I/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getAudioPolicyConfig: situation=1;device=0 I/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getSituationVolume: isBTConnected:0 isHeadConnected:0 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): deviceInt = 0, situationInt = 1, situationVolume = 0.800000 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() device 2, stream 1, samplingRate 0, format 0, channelMask 0, flags 3 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputsForDevice device 0002 -> 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() returns output 2 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() device 2, stream 1, samplingRate 0, format 0, channelMask 0, flags 3 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputsForDevice device 0002 -> 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() returns output 2 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputForAttr() usage=13, content=4, tag= flags=00000000 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputForAttr() device 2, samplingRate 48000, format 1, channelMask 1, flags 4 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputsForDevice device 0002 -> 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() returns output 2 E/AudioTrack( 864): AudioTrack::set : Exit V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): startOutput() output 2, stream 1, session 192 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): changeRefCount() stream 1, count 1 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getNewOutputDevice() selected device 2 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() output 2 device 0002 delayMs 0 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() prevDevice 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() setting same device 0002 or null device for output 2 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): releaseOutput() 2 I/Finsky ( 9600): [17317] com.google.android.finsky.bp.am.run(6): Stats for Executor: Db-scheduler_logging_store.db com.google.android.finsky.bp.an@85ae14b[Running, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 18] D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001iconType:101 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenIconStyle1 pointerType: 10001iconType:1 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenCustomIcon IconType is same.1 D/StatusBarManagerService( 864): manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=WindowManager.LayoutParams D/InputMethodManagerService( 864): windowGainedFocus mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled-false E/ViewRootImpl( 1097): sendUserActionEvent() mView == null W/InputMethodManagerService( 864): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@3fc19f63 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@2bc9e4ad D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/study.js: Line 140 : data.post refresh I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(140)] "data.post refresh", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/study.js (140) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/study.js: Line 141 : I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(141)] "", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/study.js (141) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/study.js: Line 142 : 9 I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(142)] "9", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/study.js (142) V/Push_Plugin( 1097): execute: action=init V/Push_Plugin( 1097): execute: data=[{"android":{"senderID":"109445866568"},"browser":{},"ios":{"sound":true,"vibration":true,"badge":true},"windows":{}}] V/Push_Plugin( 1097): execute: jo={"senderID":"109445866568"} V/Push_Plugin( 1097): execute: senderID=109445866568 V/Push_Plugin( 1097): onRegistered: {"registrationId":"e6O1lXjW-tc:APA91bHccy6Lm4ngLFPefBgNsxD9DGqf3hTlultAoXiiM8WcZ7o_ERdQL-TUoGVPq-7xvB9FvsN_nTuM7pfvPGJA5dwUeXmSPYdQDOx4i1e250rL6AyfqyhQYRoTCGKB41wpUbZ2IdFN"} D/Push_Plugin( 1097): no icon option D/Push_Plugin( 1097): no iconColor option D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 411 : onFileSystemSuccess I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(411)] "onFileSystemSuccess", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (411) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 412 : persistent I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(412)] "persistent", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (412) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 169 : registration event: e6O1lXjW-tc:APA91bHccy6Lm4ngLFPefBgNsxD9DGqf3hTlultAoXiiM8WcZ7o_ERdQL-TUoGVPq-7xvB9FvsN_nTuM7pfvPGJA5dwUeXmSPYdQDOx4i1e250rL6AyfqyhQYRoTCGKB41wpUbZ2IdFN I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(169)] "registration event: e6O1lXjW-tc:APA91bHccy6Lm4ngLFPefBgNsxD9DGqf3hTlultAoXiiM8WcZ7o_ERdQL-TUoGVPq-7xvB9FvsN_nTuM7pfvPGJA5dwUeXmSPYdQDOx4i1e250rL6AyfqyhQYRoTCGKB41wpUbZ2IdFN", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (169) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 175 : oldRegId : e6O1lXjW-tc:APA91bHccy6Lm4ngLFPefBgNsxD9DGqf3hTlultAoXiiM8WcZ7o_ERdQL-TUoGVPq-7xvB9FvsN_nTuM7pfvPGJA5dwUeXmSPYdQDOx4i1e250rL6AyfqyhQYRoTCGKB41wpUbZ2IdFN I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(175)] "oldRegId : e6O1lXjW-tc:APA91bHccy6Lm4ngLFPefBgNsxD9DGqf3hTlultAoXiiM8WcZ7o_ERdQL-TUoGVPq-7xvB9FvsN_nTuM7pfvPGJA5dwUeXmSPYdQDOx4i1e250rL6AyfqyhQYRoTCGKB41wpUbZ2IdFN", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (175) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 309 : post_device_info I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(309)] "post_device_info", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (309) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 450 : get_key : login_state I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(450)] "get_key : login_state", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (450) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 451 : get_data : null I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(451)] "get_data : null", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (451) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 450 : get_key : login_user_id I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(450)] "get_key : login_user_id", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (450) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 451 : get_data : 3268 I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(451)] "get_data : 3268", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (451) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 450 : get_key : login_pay_id I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(450)] "get_key : login_pay_id", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (450) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 451 : get_data : null I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(451)] "get_data : null", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (451) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 450 : get_key : login_email I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(450)] "get_key : login_email", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (450) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 451 : get_data : null I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(451)] "get_data : null", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (451) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 450 : get_key : login_password I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(450)] "get_key : login_password", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (450) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 451 : get_data : null I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(451)] "get_data : null", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (451) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 343 : ------------ I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(343)] "------------", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (343) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 344 : post_device_info I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(344)] "post_device_info", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (344) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 345 : login_state : 0 I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(345)] "login_state : 0", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (345) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 346 : login_user_id : 3268 I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(346)] "login_user_id : 3268", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (346) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 347 : login_pay_id : 1 I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(347)] "login_pay_id : 1", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (347) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 348 : email : null I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(348)] "email : null", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (348) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 349 : password : null I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(349)] "password : null", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (349) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 350 : app_version : 1.1.24 I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(350)] "app_version : 1.1.24", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (350) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 351 : uuid : 3610a81780144d72 I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(351)] "uuid : 3610a81780144d72", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (351) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 352 : model : SC-04E I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(352)] "model : SC-04E", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (352) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 353 : platform : Android I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(353)] "platform : Android", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (353) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 354 : version : 5.0.1 I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(354)] "version : 5.0.1", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (354) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 355 : device_id : e6O1lXjW-tc:APA91bHccy6Lm4ngLFPefBgNsxD9DGqf3hTlultAoXiiM8WcZ7o_ERdQL-TUoGVPq-7xvB9FvsN_nTuM7pfvPGJA5dwUeXmSPYdQDOx4i1e250rL6AyfqyhQYRoTCGKB41wpUbZ2IdFN I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(355)] "device_id : e6O1lXjW-tc:APA91bHccy6Lm4ngLFPefBgNsxD9DGqf3hTlultAoXiiM8WcZ7o_ERdQL-TUoGVPq-7xvB9FvsN_nTuM7pfvPGJA5dwUeXmSPYdQDOx4i1e250rL6AyfqyhQYRoTCGKB41wpUbZ2IdFN", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (355) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 356 : ------------ I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(356)] "------------", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (356) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 378 : success post device_id I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(378)] "success post device_id", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (378) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 434 : set_key : login_user_id I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(434)] "set_key : login_user_id", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (434) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 435 : set_data : 3268 I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(435)] "set_data : 3268", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (435) V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): stopOutput() output 2, stream 1, session 192 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): changeRefCount() stream 1, count 0 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() output 2 device 0000 delayMs 192 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() prevDevice 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() setting same device 0000 or null device for output 2 E/Watchdog( 864): !@Sync 5569 E/SMD ( 2060): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 E/SMD ( 2060): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] E/Diag_Lib( 2481): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 2 E/SMD ( 2060): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/ALSADevice( 310): standby: handle 0xb3457380 h 0x0 V/ALSADevice( 310): standby handle h 0xb3479900 D/alsa_ucm( 310): snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0xb3418510 identifier _verb value Inactive D/alsa_ucm( 310): Set mixer controls for HiFi enable 0 D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: SLIMBUS_0_RX Audio Mixer MultiMedia1, value: 0 V/ALSADevice( 310): Number of modifiers 0 V/ALSADevice( 310): usecase_type is 0 D/alsa_ucm( 310): snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0xb3418510 identifier _disdev value Main Mic D/alsa_ucm( 310): disdev: device Main Mic not enabled, no need to disable D/alsa_ucm( 310): snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0xb3418510 identifier _disdev value Speaker D/alsa_ucm( 310): Set mixer controls for Speaker enable 0 D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: RX5 MIX1 INP1, value: ZERO D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: RX5 MIX1 INP2, value: ZERO D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: LINEOUT2 Volume, value: 0 D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: LINEOUT4 Volume, value: 0 D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: RX5 Digital Volume, value: 0 E/SMD ( 2060): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen I/Finsky ( 9600): [17317] com.google.android.finsky.bp.am.run(6): Stats for Executor: Db-verify_apps.db com.google.android.finsky.bp.an@a58f728[Running, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 1] I/Finsky ( 9600): [17317] com.google.android.finsky.bp.am.run(6): Stats for Executor: InstallQueueDatabaseManager com.google.android.finsky.bp.an@141f9c41[Running, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 37] D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 99 99 -120 -160 -120 -1 -1 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 -1 2147483647 0x0 gsm|lte level=0 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" E/SMD ( 2060): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 V/AlarmManager( 864): waitForAlarm result :8 D/BatteryService( 864): !@BatteryListener : batteryPropertiesChanged! D/BatteryService( 864): level:100, scale:100, status:2, health:2, present:true, voltage: 4277, temperature: 291, technology: Li-ion, AC powered:false, USB powered:true, Wireless powered:false, icon:17303687, invalid charger:0 D/BatteryService( 864): online:4, current avg:460, charge type:1, power sharing:false, high voltage charger:false, capacity:280000, current_now:460 D/BatteryService( 864): Sending ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED. D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED I/MotionRecognitionService( 864): Plugged I/MotionRecognitionService( 864): setPowerConnected = true D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): handleBatteryUpdate D/STATUSBAR-PhoneStatusBar( 1122): mBrightnessEnablebySettings = true mBrightnessEnablebyBattery = true mBrightnessEnablebyDisableFlag = true mPmsBrightnessEnablebySettings = true V/HeadsetService( 4939): HeadsetService - Received Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED D/HeadsetStateMachine( 4939): Disconnected process message: 10 D/BatteryMeterView( 1122): ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : level:100 status:2 health:2 D/BatteryMeterView( 1122): ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : level:100 status:2 health:2 D/BatteryMeterView( 1122): ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : level:100 status:2 health:2 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen E/SMD ( 2060): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen E/SMD ( 2060): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/TimaService( 864): TIMA: TimaService scheduler is intialized. D/TimaService( 864): TimaServiceHandler.handleMessage what =1 D/TimaService( 864): TIMA: checkEvent, operation: 50000 subject: 10000 D/ ( 864): TIMA: tima-pkm-check event req_len=8632,resp_len=4104! D/ ( 864): TIMA: tima-pkm-check event call to open backend shared_mem_len=8632! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_backend_open--int8_t TIMA_backend_open(void**, appID, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_backend_open--int8_t QCOM_backend_open(void**, appID, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/QSEECOMAPI: ( 864): App is already loaded QSEE and app id = 3 D/ ( 864): TIMA: tima-pkm--TZAPPS is already loaded! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 E/Diag_Lib( 2512): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 2 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 E/SMD ( 2060): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 E/SMD ( 2060): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=512! D/ ( 864): TAL: TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel--int8_t TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command--int8_t QCOM_send_command(TIMA_handle_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, uint32_t) D/ ( 864): rsp_len = 1008 rcvd_data_len = 1040, self_calculate_len=1040 D/ ( 864): TIMA: QCOM_send_command result--0 D/ ( 864): TIMA_PKM_measure_kernel returns with resp..ret=0! D/ ( 864): TIMA: final string =TIMA_STATUS=0;MSG=Kernel Verification Success;! D/TimaService( 864): TIMA MEASUREMENT Result: TIMA_STATUS=0;MSG=Kernel Verification Success; D/TimaService( 864): TIMA MEASUREMENT success status: TIMA_STATUS=0;MSG=Kernel Verification Success; D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 99 99 -120 -160 -120 -1 -1 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 -1 2147483647 0x0 gsm|lte level=0 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/SSRM:n ( 864): SIOP:: AP = 400, CUR = 460 E/SMD ( 2060): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 V/AlarmManager( 864): waitForAlarm result :8 E/SMD ( 2060): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 E/SMD ( 2060): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] E/Diag_Lib( 2525): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 2 E/SMD ( 2060): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 E/SMD ( 2060): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 I/GCM (15588): Message from 745476177629 D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] E/ActivityManager( 864): checkUser: useridlist=null, currentuser=0 E/ActivityManager( 864): checkUser: useridlist=null, currentuser=0 E/ActivityManager( 864): checkUser: useridlist=null, currentuser=0 E/ActivityManager( 864): checkUser: useridlist=null, currentuser=0 E/Zygote ( 2531): MountEmulatedStorage() E/Zygote ( 2531): v2 E/SMD ( 2060): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 I/SELinux ( 2531): Function: selinux_compare_spd_ram, SPD-policy is existed. and_ver=SEPF_SC-04E_5.0.1-1 ver=51 I/libpersona( 2531): KNOX_SDCARD checking this for 10145 I/libpersona( 2531): KNOX_SDCARD not a persona I/ActivityManager( 864): Start proc com.google.android.gm for service com.google.android.gm/.provider.MailSyncAdapterService: pid=2531 uid=10145 gids={50145, 9997, 3003, 1028, 1015} abi=armeabi-v7a I/SELinux ( 2531): Function: selinux_compare_spd_ram , priority [1] , priority version is VE=SEPF_SC-04E_5.0.1-1_0051 E/SELinux ( 2531): [DEBUG] get_category: variable seinfo: untrusted sensitivity: NULL, cateogry: NULL I/art ( 322): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 8714(370KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 39% free, 15MB/25MB, paused 457us total 17.791ms I/art ( 322): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 5(160B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 39% free, 15MB/25MB, paused 366us total 11.840ms I/art ( 322): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 5(160B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 39% free, 15MB/25MB, paused 366us total 11.657ms D/ResourcesManager( 2531): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/com.google.android.gm-1/base.apk V/AlarmManager( 864): waitForAlarm result :8 D/BatteryService( 864): !@BatteryListener : batteryPropertiesChanged! D/BatteryService( 864): level:100, scale:100, status:2, health:2, present:true, voltage: 4213, temperature: 291, technology: Li-ion, AC powered:false, USB powered:true, Wireless powered:false, icon:17303687, invalid charger:0 D/BatteryService( 864): online:4, current avg:460, charge type:1, power sharing:false, high voltage charger:false, capacity:280000, current_now:460 D/BatteryService( 864): Sending ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED. I/MotionRecognitionService( 864): Plugged I/MotionRecognitionService( 864): setPowerConnected = true D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): handleBatteryUpdate V/HeadsetService( 4939): HeadsetService - Received Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED D/HeadsetStateMachine( 4939): Disconnected process message: 10 D/STATUSBAR-PhoneStatusBar( 1122): mBrightnessEnablebySettings = true mBrightnessEnablebyBattery = true mBrightnessEnablebyDisableFlag = true mPmsBrightnessEnablebySettings = true D/BatteryMeterView( 1122): ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : level:100 status:2 health:2 D/BatteryMeterView( 1122): ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : level:100 status:2 health:2 D/BatteryMeterView( 1122): ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : level:100 status:2 health:2 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=1 D/InputReader( 864): !@notifyKey(172), action=0 D/InputManager-JNI( 864): !@interceptKeyBeforeQueueing(172), action=0 D/InputManager-JNI( 864): !@handleInterceptActions(172), action=0, wmActions=1 D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRinging()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRunningAndDeregi()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): Not exist call session W/art ( 2531): Verification of void fzq.onCreate() took 106.445ms D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=0 D/InputReader( 864): !@notifyKey(172), action=1 D/InputManager-JNI( 864): !@interceptKeyBeforeQueueing(172), action=1 D/InputManager-JNI( 864): !@handleInterceptActions(172), action=1, wmActions=1 D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRinging()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRunningAndDeregi()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): Not exist call session I/WindowManager( 864): startDockOrHome D/PowerManagerService( 864): [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 1000 pid: 864) eventTime = 167130761 V/Scroll/Pause Worker( 864): onReceive: android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS W/ContextImpl( 864): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:1699 com.android.server.accessibility.AccessibilityManagerService$DirectAccessBrocastReceiver.onReceive:401 android.app.LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args.run:923 android.os.Handler.handleCallback:739 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:95 D/HotspotTile( 1122): onReceive : android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS D/AirplaneModeTile( 1122): onReceive : android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS D/PhoneStatusBar( 1122): animateCollapse(): mExpandedVisible=false flags=0 D/StatusBar-Window( 1122): fnf=true sanc=false, kni=false, sbf=false D/CoverUI ( 1122): applyFocusableFlag() : Remove SAMSUNG_FLAG_SVIEW_COVER W/PrimesInit( 2531): Primes instant initialization D/Recents_AlternateRecentsComponent( 1122): isRecentsTopMost is getting called D/CustomFrequencyManagerService( 864): acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1350000 uid : 1000 pid : 864 pkgName : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER@7 W/ActivityManager( 864): mDVFSHelper.acquire() D/FocusedStackFrame( 864): Set to : 0 W/Primes ( 2531): background initialization D/CordovaActivity( 1097): Paused the activity. D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001iconType:101 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenIconStyle1 pointerType: 10001iconType:1 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenCustomIcon IconType is same.1 D/CordovaWebViewImpl( 1097): >>> loadUrl(javascript:cordova.plugins.backgroundMode._isActive=true;cordova.plugins.backgroundMode.fireEvent('activate',null);cordova.plugins.backgroundMode.onactivate(null);) V/WindowOrientationListener( 864): mSContextAutoRotationListener.getProposedRotation, mbResultFaceDectection: false V/WindowOrientationListener( 864): mSContextAutoRotationListener.getProposedRotation, Rotation: 0 V/WindowOrientationListener( 864): mSContextAutoRotationListener.getProposedRotation, mbResultFaceDectection: false V/WindowOrientationListener( 864): mSContextAutoRotationListener.getProposedRotation, Rotation: 0 D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getNetworkInfo(networkType - 1) :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] V/WindowManager( 864): rotationForOrientationLw(orient=1, last=0); user=0 USER_ROTATION_LOCKED sensorRotation=0 mLidState=-1 mDockMode=0 mHdmiPlugged=false D/SSRM:a ( 864): DeviceInfo:: 000000000000 D/SSRM:a ( 864): SettingsAirViewInfo:: 001000000 D/WindowManager( 864): showStatusBarByNotification() mOpenByNotification=false D/WallpaperManagerService( 864): getWallpaperData : 0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001iconType:101 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenIconStyle1 pointerType: 10001iconType:1 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenCustomIcon IconType is same.1 D/StatusBarManagerService( 864): manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=WindowManager.LayoutParams D/KnoxNotification( 1122): ----- inflateViews : modified publicViewLocal ----- E/SMD ( 2060): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 I/PrimesTesting( 2531): GserviceFlagsSupplier.get() D/KnoxNotification( 1122): ----- inflateViews : modified KnoxViewLocal ----- W/GAV2 ( 2531): Thread[main,5,main]: Need to call initialize() and be in fallback mode to start dispatch. D/PersonaManager( 1122): PersonaID is invalid or persona doesn't exists. : 0 D/PhoneStatusBar( 1122): tick(): knoxCustomManager = android.app.enterprise.knoxcustom.KnoxCustomManager@322c06c5 D/WallpaperManager( 1431): SEC_PRODUCT_FEATURE_COMMON_SUPPORT_TEXTURE_COMPRESSION is true D/WallpaperManagerService( 864): getWallpaperData : 0 D/WallpaperManager( 1431): SEC_PRODUCT_FEATURE_COMMON_SUPPORT_TEXTURE_COMPRESSION is true W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): updateCMASText( show = false ) W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/PanelView( 1122): There is/are notification(s) D/PanelView( 1122): kidsfalse mQsExpansionEnabled:true D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): updateCMASText( show = false ) W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/PanelView( 1122): There is/are notification(s) W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): updateCMASText( show = false ) D/InputMethodManagerService( 864): windowGainedFocus mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled-false W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/PanelView( 1122): There is/are notification(s) D/PanelView( 1122): kidsfalse mQsExpansionEnabled:true D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): updateCMASText( show = false ) D/PanelView( 1122): mClearAll.setVisibility - mIsFullyOpened : false isShade : true mHasNotification : true mIsUpwardFling : false mQsFullyExpanded : true isShadeLocked : false mClearAllVisible : false W/ContextImpl( 864): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:1699 com.android.server.InputMethodManagerService$6.run:2727 java.lang.Thread.run:818 D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/com.android.vending-2/base.apk D/PanelView( 1122): mClearAll.setVisibility - mIsFullyOpened : false isShade : true mHasNotification : true mIsUpwardFling : false mQsFullyExpanded : true isShadeLocked : false mClearAllVisible : false D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /system/app/SBrowser/SBrowser.apk W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for com.sec.android.app.sbrowser: Resource ID #0x0 W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/secsmartcard.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/twframework.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/secvision.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. D/PanelView( 1122): mClearAll.setVisibility - mIsFullyOpened : false isShade : true mHasNotification : true mIsUpwardFling : false mQsFullyExpanded : true isShadeLocked : false mClearAllVisible : false D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/CustomFrequencyManagerService( 864): releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1350000 uid : 1000 pid : 864 tag : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER@7 W/ActivityManager( 864): mDVFSHelper.release() D/CustomFrequencyManagerService( 864): acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1350000 uid : 1000 pid : 864 pkgName : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER@11 D/StatusBarManagerService( 864): manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=WindowManager.LayoutParams I/Timeline( 1431): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@34951678 time:167131433 D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/CustomFrequencyManagerService( 864): releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1350000 uid : 1000 pid : 864 tag : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER@11 I/Timeline( 864): Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{286e7e93 u0 com.nttdocomo.android.paletteui/.HomeApp t447} time:167131789 D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/com.adobe.phonegap.app-1/base.apk D/CordovaActivity( 1097): Stopped the activity. D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/tw.mobileapp.qrcode.banner-2/base.apk D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/com.google.android.gm-1/base.apk W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for com.google.android.gm: Resource ID #0x0 D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/jp.naver.line.android-2/base.apk V/ActivityThread( 1097): updateVisibility : ActivityRecord{219a8980 token=android.os.BinderProxy@217049a9 {jp.mrstepup.mrstepapp/jp.mrstepup.mrstepapp.Ukaras}} show : false W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/com.google.android.maps.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/com.facebook.orca-1/base.apk E/SMD ( 2060): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for com.facebook.orca: Resource ID #0x0 D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/com.automattic.simplenote-2/base.apk W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/com.google.android.maps.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/com.oishigohan.community-1/base.apk W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/multiwindow.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/com.pecojapan.PECOapp-1/base.apk D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/jp.creafons.cyfons-1/base.apk W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for jp.creafons.cyfons: Resource ID #0x0 D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/jp.mrstepup.mrstepapp-1/base.apk D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/jp.kinarino.kinarinoapp-1/base.apk D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /system/priv-app/StoreApp/StoreApp.apk W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for com.nttdocomo.android.store: Resource ID #0x0 D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /system/priv-app/MmbApp/MmbApp.apk W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbServiceLibrary.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbFcMp4Mw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbStCtlMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbSeMngMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbFcBrowMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbScSecClkMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbPoServiceSp.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbFcIndivdMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for jp.co.mmbi.app: Resource ID #0x0 W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbFcContMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbFcPgInfoMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbMoInfoMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbFcMfestMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbStBmlMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /system/app/MobileFeliCaMenuApp/MobileFeliCaMenuApp.apk W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for com.felicanetworks.mfm: Resource ID #0x0 D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /system/priv-app/SecSettings/SecSettings.apk W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/sec_platform_library.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/smatlib.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/sechardware.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/com.google.android.maps.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/twframework.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/com.broadcom.bt.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /system/priv-app/dmenu/dmenu.apk W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for com.nttdocomo.android.docomo_market: Resource ID #0x0 D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /system/priv-app/DcmCloudMailer/DcmCloudMailer.apk W/ResourceType( 1431): ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 1, previously 1632 W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for jp.co.nttdocomo.carriermail: Resource ID #0x0 D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): received broadcast android.intent.action.TIME_TICK D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): handleTimeUpdate V/AlarmManager( 864): waitForAlarm result :8 E/SQLiteLog( 2531): (283) recovered 74 frames from WAL file /data/data/com.google.android.gm/databases/bigTopDataDB.-344428866-wal D/DateView( 1122): regionalDateFormat = 3333/11/22 isRTLlanguage = false returnDateFormat = MMMMd日(E) D/DateView( 1122): regionalDateFormat = 3333/11/22 isRTLlanguage = false returnDateFormat = MMMMd日(E) D/KeyguardEffectViewController( 1122): onReceive action : android.intent.action.TIME_TICK I/KeyguardEffectViewController( 1122): *** don't update sliding image *** D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> U:1282 [0:0] cDayONight() ::: sunrise is null D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> U:1298 [0:0] cDayONight() ::: sunset is null D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> WCS:90 [0:0] action:androidintentactionTIME_TICK D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> WDS:73 [0:0] Act : widgetappapweathernewsjpdaemonactionCHANGE_ICON_OF_DAEMON, run:true D/comsamsunglog( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> ==================================================================================================================== D/comsamsunglog( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> daemonapp [Version : 150818761249 ] [ 1 ] D/comsamsunglog( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> Header set to : ===> "daemonapp" <=== D/comsamsunglog( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> ==================================================================================================================== I/art ( 864): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 60665(2MB) AllocSpace objects, 15(1520KB) LOS objects, 23% free, 51MB/67MB, paused 2.990ms total 189.605ms D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> WDS:1389 [0:0] PakNme size = 0 D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> WDS:123 [0:0] SerStus:false,TmpS:1,AtRfr:3, checkCurrent: 0 D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> WDS:767 [0:0] ====ACTION_SEC_CHANGE_ICON_OF_DAEMON=== D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> U:1282 [0:0] cDayONight() ::: sunrise is null D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> U:1298 [0:0] cDayONight() ::: sunset is null D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> WDS:771 [0:0] checkDay:true, UtilgetIsDay():false E/wet ( 2531): Sync is not initialized yet E/Diag_Lib( 2630): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 2 E/SMD ( 2060): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/ResourcesManager( 2531): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/com.google.android.gms-2/base.apk W/ResourcesManager( 2531): Asset path '/system/framework/com.android.media.remotedisplay.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 2531): Asset path '/system/framework/com.android.location.provider.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. V/NativeCrypto( 2531): Registering com/google/android/gms/org/conscrypt/NativeCrypto's 287 native methods... I/art ( 2531): Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class I/art ( 2531): Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class I/art ( 2531): Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class I/art ( 2531): Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class E/SMD ( 2060): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 I/ProviderInstaller( 2531): Installed default security provider GmsCore_OpenSSL W/ChimeraUtils( 2240): Non Chimera context D/EnterpriseController( 302): mIsMarkChainAdded is 0 mIsBlockChainAdded is 0 netId is 0 D/Netd ( 302): getNetworkForDns: using netid 506 for uid 10145 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/SSRM:n ( 864): SIOP:: AP = 410, CUR = 460 D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 99 99 -120 -160 -120 -1 -1 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 -1 2147483647 0x0 gsm|lte level=0 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" E/SMD ( 2060): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 V/AlarmManager( 864): waitForAlarm result :8 W/pxq ( 2531): Job(executeSyncTaskOnExecutionGuard#0.11) Change not found in pending changes. Acked change 922 wasn't logged. W/pxq ( 2531): Job(executeSyncTaskOnExecutionGuard#0.11) Change not found in pending changes. Acked change 923 wasn't logged. W/pxq ( 2531): Job(executeSyncTaskOnExecutionGuard#0.11) Change not found in pending changes. Acked change 924 wasn't logged. D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] W/twa ( 2531): Failed to find local clusters. W/vra ( 2531): sections == null. missed changes on list uss{type=SAPI_LL_TYPE_SECTIONED_INBOX_PRIMARY_UNREAD, priority=DEFAULT, pauseState=RESUMED, #elements=50} W/vra ( 2531): sections == null. missed changes on list uss{type=SAPI_LL_TYPE_SECTIONED_INBOX_PRIMARY_UNREAD, priority=DEFAULT, pauseState=RESUMED, #elements=50} W/ouv ( 2531): Job(ItemMessageListService:setItemMessageListPriority#0.21) Unrecognized ItemMessageList itemMessageList-thread-f:1616904978046489715-1. Has it already been stopped? W/ouv ( 2531): Job(ItemMessageListService:setItemMessageListPriority#0.24) Unrecognized ItemMessageList itemMessageList-thread-f:1616905293003803582-2. Has it already been stopped? W/ouv ( 2531): Job(ItemMessageListService:setItemMessageListPriority#0.27) Unrecognized ItemMessageList itemMessageList-thread-f:1616904765534380403-3. Has it already been stopped? W/ouv ( 2531): Job(ItemMessageListService:setItemMessageListPriority#0.30) Unrecognized ItemMessageList itemMessageList-thread-f:1616904696706972151-4. Has it already been stopped? D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen W/ouv ( 2531): Job(ItemMessageListService:setItemMessageListPriority#0.33) Unrecognized ItemMessageList itemMessageList-thread-f:1616864602005925533-5. Has it already been stopped? W/ouv ( 2531): Job(ItemMessageListService:setItemMessageListPriority#0.36) Unrecognized ItemMessageList itemMessageList-thread-f:1616897376983341192-6. Has it already been stopped? D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] W/ouv ( 2531): Job(ItemMessageListService:setItemMessageListPriority#0.39) Unrecognized ItemMessageList itemMessageList-thread-f:1616901904312631543-7. Has it already been stopped? W/ouv ( 2531): Job(ItemMessageListService:setItemMessageListPriority#0.42) Unrecognized ItemMessageList itemMessageList-thread-f:1616903789298819999-8. Has it already been stopped? W/ouv ( 2531): Job(ItemMessageListService:setItemMessageListPriority#0.45) Unrecognized ItemMessageList itemMessageList-thread-f:1616903710298600570-9. Has it already been stopped? W/ouv ( 2531): Job(ItemMessageListService:setItemMessageListPriority#0.48) Unrecognized ItemMessageList itemMessageList-thread-f:1616852900198190847-10. Has it already been stopped? W/ouv ( 2531): Job(ItemMessageListService:setItemMessageListPriority#0.51) Unrecognized ItemMessageList itemMessageList-thread-f:1616901129668146343-11. Has it already been stopped? W/ouv ( 2531): Job(ItemMessageListService:setItemMessageListPriority#0.54) Unrecognized ItemMessageList itemMessageList-thread-f:1616903128657434105-12. Has it already been stopped? W/ouv ( 2531): Job(ItemMessageListService:setItemMessageListPriority#0.57) Unrecognized ItemMessageList itemMessageList-thread-f:1616902777877692390-13. Has it already been stopped? W/ouv ( 2531): Job(ItemMessageListService:setItemMessageListPriority#0.60) Unrecognized ItemMessageList itemMessageList-thread-f:1616902680082508307-14. Has it already been stopped? W/ouv ( 2531): Job(ItemMessageListService:setItemMessageListPriority#0.63) Unrecognized ItemMessageList itemMessageList-thread-f:1616902641322556783-15. Has it already been stopped? W/ouv ( 2531): Job(ItemMessageListService:setItemMessageListPriority#0.66) Unrecognized ItemMessageList itemMessageList-thread-f:1616902417279535789-16. Has it already been stopped? W/ouv ( 2531): Job(ItemMessageListService:setItemMessageListPriority#0.69) Unrecognized ItemMessageList itemMessageList-thread-f:1616902254192153287-17. Has it already been stopped? W/ouv ( 2531): Job(ItemMessageListService:setItemMessageListPriority#0.72) Unrecognized ItemMessageList itemMessageList-thread-f:1616838600807603033-18. Has it already been stopped? W/ouv ( 2531): Job(ItemMessageListService:setItemMessageListPriority#0.75) Unrecognized ItemMessageList itemMessageList-thread-f:1616902080361552891-19. Has it already been stopped? W/ouv ( 2531): Job(ItemMessageListService:setItemMessageListPriority#0.78) Unrecognized ItemMessageList itemMessageList-thread-f:1616901956308313279-20. Has it already been stopped? W/ouv ( 2531): Job(ItemMessageListService:setItemMessageListPriority#0.81) Unrecognized ItemMessageList itemMessageList-thread-f:1616446828990170571-21. Has it already been stopped? W/ouv ( 2531): Job(ItemMessageListService:setItemMessageListPriority#0.84) Unrecognized ItemMessageList itemMessageList-thread-f:1616900283564059530-22. Has it already been stopped? E/Diag_Lib( 2711): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 2 W/ouv ( 2531): Job(ItemMessageListService:setItemMessageListPriority#0.87) Unrecognized ItemMessageList itemMessageList-thread-f:1616900214552159366-23. Has it already been stopped? W/ouv ( 2531): Job(ItemMessageListService:setItemMessageListPriority#0.90) Unrecognized ItemMessageList itemMessageList-thread-f:1616900160631331664-24. Has it already been stopped? W/ouv ( 2531): Job(ItemMessageListService:setItemMessageListPriority#0.93) Unrecognized ItemMessageList itemMessageList-thread-f:1616829740733731068-25. Has it already been stopped? W/ouv ( 2531): Job(ItemMessageListService:setItemMessageListPriority#0.96) Unrecognized ItemMessageList itemMessageList-thread-f:1616810650604185231-26. Has it already been stopped? D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen W/ouv ( 2531): Job(ItemMessageListService:setItemMessageListPriority#0.99) Unrecognized ItemMessageList itemMessageList-thread-f:1616897302847445545-27. Has it already been stopped? W/ouv ( 2531): Job(ItemMessageListService:setItemMessageListPriority#0.102) Unrecognized ItemMessageList itemMessageList-thread-f:1616896599225657554-28. Has it already been stopped? W/ouv ( 2531): Job(ItemMessageListService:setItemMessageListPriority#0.105) Unrecognized ItemMessageList itemMessageList-thread-f:1616896569936723366-29. Has it already been stopped? W/ouv ( 2531): Job(ItemMessageListService:setItemMessageListPriority#0.108) Unrecognized ItemMessageList itemMessageList-thread-f:1616896221909692383-30. Has it already been stopped? W/ouv ( 2531): Job(ItemMessageListService:setItemMessageListPriority#0.111) Unrecognized ItemMessageList itemMessageList-thread-f:1616895998911392829-31. Has it already been stopped? W/ouv ( 2531): Job(ItemMessageListService:setItemMessageListPriority#0.114) Unrecognized ItemMessageList itemMessageList-thread-f:1616881322151345832-32. Has it already been stopped? W/ouv ( 2531): Job(ItemMessageListService:setItemMessageListPriority#0.117) Unrecognized ItemMessageList itemMessageList-thread-f:1616895577647459855-33. Has it already been stopped? W/ouv ( 2531): Job(ItemMessageListService:setItemMessageListPriority#0.120) Unrecognized ItemMessageList itemMessageList-thread-f:1616895522313592227-34. Has it already been stopped? W/ouv ( 2531): Job(ItemMessageListService:setItemMessageListPriority#0.123) Unrecognized ItemMessageList itemMessageList-thread-f:1616875876957893951-35. Has it already been stopped? W/ouv ( 2531): Job(ItemMessageListService:setItemMessageListPriority#0.129) Unrecognized ItemMessageList itemMessageList-thread-f:1616894635258896462-37. Has it already been stopped? W/ouv ( 2531): Job(ItemMessageListService:setItemMessageListPriority#0.132) Unrecognized ItemMessageList itemMessageList-thread-f:1616894552237251122-38. Has it already been stopped? W/ouv ( 2531): Job(ItemMessageListService:setItemMessageListPriority#0.135) Unrecognized ItemMessageList itemMessageList-thread-f:1616794064975084755-39. Has it already been stopped? W/ouv ( 2531): Job(ItemMessageListService:setItemMessageListPriority#0.138) Unrecognized ItemMessageList itemMessageList-thread-f:1616894048055218239-40. Has it already been stopped? W/ouv ( 2531): Job(ItemMessageListService:setItemMessageListPriority#0.141) Unrecognized ItemMessageList itemMessageList-thread-f:1616861970232090377-41. Has it already been stopped? W/ouv ( 2531): Job(ItemMessageListService:setItemMessageListPriority#0.144) Unrecognized ItemMessageList itemMessageList-thread-f:1616891905879582296-42. Has it already been stopped? W/ouv ( 2531): Job(ItemMessageListService:setItemMessageListPriority#0.147) Unrecognized ItemMessageList itemMessageList-thread-f:1616855285067351033-43. Has it already been stopped? W/ouv ( 2531): Job(ItemMessageListService:setItemMessageListPriority#0.150) Unrecognized ItemMessageList itemMessageList-thread-f:1616878234730967945-44. Has it already been stopped? W/ouv ( 2531): Job(ItemMessageListService:setItemMessageListPriority#0.153) Unrecognized ItemMessageList itemMessageList-thread-f:1616868468596656140-45. Has it already been stopped? W/ouv ( 2531): Job(ItemMessageListService:setItemMessageListPriority#0.156) Unrecognized ItemMessageList itemMessageList-thread-f:1616890451227673466-46. Has it already been stopped? D/SecContentProvider2( 864): uri = 14 selection = getSealedState D/SecContentProvider2( 864): mCursor = null D/ApplicationPolicy( 864): isStatusBarNotificationAllowedAsUser: packageName = com.google.android.gm,userId = 0 V/ApplicationPolicy( 864): isApplicationStateBlocked userId 0 pkgname com.google.android.gm V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputsForDevice device 0002 -> 0002 I/AudioService( 864): getStreamVolume 5 index 10 I/ValidateNoPeople( 864): Validating: 0|com.google.android.gm|0|gig:-344428866:^sq_ig_i_personal|10145 I/ValidateNoPeople( 864): final affinity: 0.5 D/WindowManager( 864): showStatusBarByNotification() mOpenByNotification=false W/NotificationService( 864): Pray mode not found android.content.pm.PackageManager$NameNotFoundException: Application package com.sec.android.settings.praymodewidget not found E/MotionRecognitionService( 864): enable_sensor D/MotionEngine( 864): [MotionEngine]->Build Binary Type(user):0 D/MotionRecognitionService( 864): open api 0 D/MotionRecognitionService( 864): .registerCallback : 1, motion_sensors=3, client= D/MotionRecognitionService( 864): .isMotionEngineEnabled : true D/MotionRecognitionService( 864): .initializeMotionEngine D/MotionEngine( 864): [@@@ Motion Engine @@@] InitializeMotionManager ALL, DPS setting 1 D/MREngine( 864): [@@@@@SR Motion Engine @@@] CRM Initialize!!!!! D/MotionEngine( 864): [@@@SR Motion Engine @@@] init D/SensorService( 864): [SO] changed settle time [1] D/SensorService( 864): [SO] activate (ident=0x9f8e5760, enabled=1) D/SensorService( 864): [SO] AR_init E/Sensors ( 864): Acc old sensor_state 0, new sensor_state : 1 en : 1 D/SensorManager( 864): registerListener :: 1600221811, Screen Orientation Sensor, 66667, 0, E/MotionRecognitionService( 864): setMotionCMD 300 V/MediaPlayer-JNI( 1122): native_setup V/MediaPlayer( 1122): constructor V/MediaPlayer( 1122): setListener E/ExtMediaPlayer-JNI( 1122): QCMediaPlayer could not be located.... E/MediaPlayer-JNI( 1122): QCMediaPlayer mediaplayer NOT present D/RingtonePlayer( 1122): settings uri D/RingtoneManager( 1122): getActualDefaultRingtoneUri type :2 E/MotionRecognitionService( 864): setMotionCMD 302 I/GyroSensor( 864): GYRO & UNCAL_GYRO sensor enable(): handle(3), en(1), what(0/0:gyro,1:uncal_gyro, old enabled : 0) I/GyroSensor( 864): old sensor_state 1, new sensor_state : 3 en : 1 D/MotionRecognitionService( 864): Acquire sensors : Settings = 1101101000010000000101 D/MotionRecognitionService( 864): Acquired sensors for motion : 11 D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/RingtoneManager( 1122): checkDefaultRingtoneProperUri : InternalMediaAudio uriString not null type:2 V/MotionRecognitionManager( 864): .registerListenerEvent : success. listener count = 0->1, motion_events=1, I/NotificationService( 864): Reg. OverTurn D/LightsService( 864): [api] [SvcLED] turnOff:: id = 4 (uid: 1000 pid: 864) D/LightsService( 864): [SvcLED] setSvcLedStateLocked:: SvcLEDState : 0x0 -> 0x0 | SvcLED(id=4) set Off D/LightsService( 864): [SvcLED] Lux failed to be updated in 700ms. -> handleForcedSvcLEDTasK D/LightsService( 864): [SvcLED] setSvcLedLightLocked :: Current SvcLED(id=3) maintains its priority right W/NotificationService( 864): Pray mode not found android.content.pm.PackageManager$NameNotFoundException: Application package com.sec.android.settings.praymodewidget not found E/RingtonePlayer( 1122): : str using cursor /system/media/audio/notifications/S_Charming_bell.ogg D/SensorService( 864): [SO] currT = 175633056095650, prevT = 163090334782173, diff = 12542721313477, [-1.328 2.371 9.055] D/SensorService( 864): [SO] Reset Rotation Old [100], Init [1] D/SensorService( 864): [SO] currT = 175633076206734, prevT = 163090334782173, diff = 12542741424561, [-1.271 2.374 8.897] D/SensorService( 864): [SO] -1.271 2.374 8.897 D/SensorService( 864): [SO] [100 -> 255] V/MediaPlayer-JNI( 1122): setDataSourceFD: fd 85 V/MediaPlayer( 1122): setDataSource(85, 0, 576460752303423487) V/MediaPlayerService( 310): Create new client(38) from pid 1122, uid 10081, V/MediaPlayerService( 310): setDataSource fd=41, offset=0, length=576460752303423487 V/MediaPlayerService( 310): st_dev = 45840 V/MediaPlayerService( 310): st_mode = 33188 V/MediaPlayerService( 310): st_uid = 0 V/MediaPlayerService( 310): st_gid = 0 V/MediaPlayerService( 310): st_size = 30756 V/MediaPlayerService( 310): calculated length = 30756 V/MotionRecognitionService( 864): .updateOrientation : 28 V/MediaPlayerService( 310): player type = 3 V/AwesomePlayer( 310): setDefault V/AwesomePlayer( 310): constructor V/AwesomePlayer( 310): setDefault V/AwesomePlayer( 310): reset_l() V/AwesomePlayer( 310): notifyListner_l() msg (8-MEDIA_STOPPED), ext1 (0), ext2 (0) V/AwesomePlayer( 310): cancelPlayerEvents (keepNotifications=0) V/AwesomePlayer( 310): mAudioTrackVector clear V/AwesomePlayer( 310): reset_l() mAudioPlayer successfully deleted V/AwesomePlayer( 310): mSecCapture clear V/AwesomePlayer( 310): mSecMediaClock clear V/StagefrightPlayer( 310): StagefrightPlayer V/AwesomePlayer( 310): setListener V/StagefrightPlayer( 310): initCheck V/AwesomePlayer( 310): AwesomePlayer running on behalf of uid 10081 V/AudioSink( 310): AudioOutput(193) V/AwesomePlayer( 310): setAudioSink V/StagefrightPlayer( 310): setDataSource(41, 0, 30756) D/AwesomePlayer( 310): Before reset_l V/AwesomePlayer( 310): reset_l() V/AwesomePlayer( 310): notifyListner_l() msg (8-MEDIA_STOPPED), ext1 (0), ext2 (0) V/MediaPlayerService( 310): [38] notify (0xb0a4f680, 8, 0, 0) V/AwesomePlayer( 310): cancelPlayerEvents (keepNotifications=0) V/AwesomePlayer( 310): mAudioTrackVector clear V/AwesomePlayer( 310): reset_l() mAudioPlayer successfully deleted V/AwesomePlayer( 310): mSecCapture clear V/AwesomePlayer( 310): mSecMediaClock clear V/MediaPlayer( 1122): message received msg=8, ext1=0, ext2=0 V/MediaPlayer( 1122): notify(8, 0, 0) callback on disconnected mediaplayer V/AwesomePlayer( 310): track of type 'audio/vorbis' does not publish bitrate V/AwesomePlayer( 310): mBitrate = -1 bits/sec I/OggExtractor( 310): OggSource::OggSource() mExtractor ref count = 4 V/AwesomePlayer( 310): current audio track index (0) is added to vector V/AwesomePlayer( 310): setDataSource_l: Audio(1), Video(0) I/AwesomePlayer( 310): this is widevine, checkRightsStatus will be skip - AwesomePlayer::setDataSource_l V/MediaPlayerService( 310): [38] setParameter(1604) V/StagefrightPlayer( 310): setParameter(key=1604) V/AwesomePlayer( 310): setParameter key (1604) V/AwesomePlayer( 310): Current Contet PID : 1122 V/MediaPlayerService( 310): [38] getParameter(1700) V/MediaPlayer( 1122): setVideoSurfaceTexture V/MediaPlayerService( 310): [38] setVideoSurfaceTexture(0x0) V/MediaPlayer( 1122): prepare V/MediaPlayerService( 310): [38] setAudioStreamType(3) V/MediaPlayerService( 310): [38] prepareAsync V/AwesomePlayer( 310): prepareAsync V/AwesomePlayer( 310): onPrepareAsyncEvent I/SecMediaClock( 310): SecMediaClock constructor I/SecMediaClock( 310): reset I/SecVideoCapture( 310): SecVideoCapture constructor I/SecVideoCapture( 310): reset V/AwesomePlayer( 310): initAudioDecoder V/AwesomePlayer( 310): checkOffloadExceptions is true V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): isOffloadSupported: SR=44100, CM=0x1, Format=0x7000000, StreamType=3, BitRate=4294967295, duration=2481655 us, has_video=0 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): Offload denied by duration < default min(=40) V/AwesomePlayer( 310): nchannels 1;LPA will be skipped if nchannels is > 2 or nchannels == 0 D/AwesomePlayer( 310): Tunnel Mime Type: audio/vorbis, object alive = 0, mTunnelAliveAP = 0 I/AwesomePlayer( 310): AwesomePlayer::initAudioDecoder Sample Rate= 44100 I/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): ### curdevice : 2 D/AwesomePlayer( 310): maxPossible tunnels = 1 D/AwesomePlayer( 310): Normal Audio Playback I/OMXCodec( 310): Attempting to allocate OMX node 'OMX.google.vorbis.decoder' I/OMXCodec( 310): Successfully allocated OMX node 'OMX.google.vorbis.decoder' I/AwesomePlayer( 310): Could not offload audio decode, try pcm offload V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): isOffloadSupported: SR=44100, CM=0x1, Format=0x1, StreamType=3, BitRate=4294967295, duration=2481655 us, has_video=0 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): Offload denied by duration < default min(=40) I/OMXCodec( 310): [OMX.google.vorbis.decoder] OMXCodec::start mState=1 I/OMXCodec( 310): [OMX.google.vorbis.decoder] allocating 4 buffers of size 8192 on input port I/OMXCodec( 310): [OMX.google.vorbis.decoder] allocating 4 buffers of size 32768 on output port I/OMXCodec( 310): [OMX.google.vorbis.decoder] Now Idle. Component sends idle done Event V/AwesomePlayer( 310): finishAsyncPrepare_l V/AwesomePlayer( 310): notifyListner_l() msg (200-MEDIA_INFO), ext1 (973), ext2 (0) V/MediaPlayerService( 310): [38] notify (0xb0a4f680, 200, 973, 0) V/MediaPlayer( 1122): message received msg=200, ext1=973, ext2=0 V/AwesomePlayer( 310): notifyListner_l() msg (5-MEDIA_SET_VIDEO_SIZE), ext1 (0), ext2 (0) V/MediaPlayerService( 310): [38] notify (0xb0a4f680, 5, 0, 0) V/AwesomePlayer( 310): notifyListner_l() msg (1-MEDIA_PREPARED), ext1 (0), ext2 (0) V/MediaPlayerService( 310): [38] notify (0xb0a4f680, 1, 0, 0) W/MediaPlayer( 1122): info/warning (973, 0) V/MediaPlayer( 1122): callback application V/MediaPlayer( 1122): back from callback V/MediaPlayer( 1122): message received msg=5, ext1=0, ext2=0 V/MediaPlayer( 1122): New video size 0 x 0 V/MediaPlayer( 1122): callback application V/MediaPlayer( 1122): back from callback V/MediaPlayer( 1122): message received msg=1, ext1=0, ext2=0 V/MediaPlayer( 1122): prepared V/MediaPlayer( 1122): signal application thread V/MediaPlayer( 1122): callback application V/MediaPlayer( 1122): prepare complete - status=0 E/MediaPlayer( 1122): Should have subtitle controller already set V/MediaPlayer( 1122): back from callback D/MotionEngine( 864): [EXEC CAMERA] INIT.......... D/WVMDrmPlugIn( 309): WVMDrmPlugin::onInitialize : 4065 D/WVMDrmPlugIn( 309): WVMDrmPlugin::onSetOnInfoListener : add 4065 I/PrGenericPlugin( 309): [A] ENTER onInitialize : 0xfe1 I/PrGenericPlugin( 309): [A] LEAVE onInitialize : 0xfe1 D/KnoxNotification( 1122): ----- inflateViews : modified KnoxViewLocal ----- D/DrmPVPlugIn( 309): DrmPVPlugIn::onInitialize : 4065 E/DrmPVPlugIn( 309): DrmPVPlugIn::onSetOnInfoListener() - Not supported : 4065 V/MediaPlayer-JNI( 1122): release V/MediaPlayer( 1122): setListener V/MediaPlayer( 1122): disconnect V/MediaPlayerService( 310): disconnect(38) from pid 1122 V/StagefrightPlayer( 310): reset V/AwesomePlayer( 310): reset_l() V/AwesomePlayer( 310): notifyListner_l() msg (8-MEDIA_STOPPED), ext1 (0), ext2 (0) V/AwesomePlayer( 310): cancelPlayerEvents (keepNotifications=0) V/AwesomePlayer( 310): mAudioTrackVector clear V/AwesomePlayer( 310): reset_l() stop AudioSource since AudioPlayer not exist I/OMXCodec( 310): [OMX.google.vorbis.decoder] stop mState=4 I/OMXCodec( 310): [OMX.google.vorbis.decoder] stop() sendCommand(0x319, OMX_CommandStateSet, OMX_StateIdle) I/OMXCodec( 310): [OMX.google.vorbis.decoder] Now Idle. Component sends idle done Event I/OMXCodec( 310): [OMX.google.vorbis.decoder] stopOmxComponent_l() mstate = 1 I/OggExtractor( 310): OggSource::stop() mExtractor ref count = 1 I/OggExtractor( 310): OggSource::~OggSource() mExtractor !mStarted ref count = 1 I/OggExtractor( 310): ~OggSource -- I/OggExtractor( 310): ~OggExtractor ++ I/OggExtractor( 310): ~MyVorbisExtractor ++ I/OggExtractor( 310): ~MyVorbisExtractor -- I/OggExtractor( 310): ~OggExtractor -- V/AwesomePlayer( 310): reset_l() mAudioPlayer successfully deleted I/SecVideoCapture( 310): SecVideoCapture destructor I/SecVideoCapture( 310): reset V/AwesomePlayer( 310): mSecCapture clear I/SecMediaClock( 310): SecMediaClock destructor V/AwesomePlayer( 310): mSecMediaClock clear V/StagefrightPlayer( 310): ~StagefrightPlayer V/StagefrightPlayer( 310): reset V/AwesomePlayer( 310): reset_l() V/AwesomePlayer( 310): notifyListner_l() msg (8-MEDIA_STOPPED), ext1 (0), ext2 (0) V/AwesomePlayer( 310): cancelPlayerEvents (keepNotifications=0) V/AwesomePlayer( 310): mAudioTrackVector clear V/AwesomePlayer( 310): reset_l() mAudioPlayer successfully deleted V/AwesomePlayer( 310): mSecCapture clear V/AwesomePlayer( 310): mSecMediaClock clear V/AwesomePlayer( 310): destructor V/AwesomePlayer( 310): reset_l() V/AwesomePlayer( 310): notifyListner_l() msg (8-MEDIA_STOPPED), ext1 (0), ext2 (0) V/AwesomePlayer( 310): cancelPlayerEvents (keepNotifications=0) V/AwesomePlayer( 310): mAudioTrackVector clear V/AwesomePlayer( 310): reset_l() mAudioPlayer successfully deleted V/AwesomePlayer( 310): mSecCapture clear V/AwesomePlayer( 310): mSecMediaClock clear V/MediaPlayer( 1122): destructor V/MediaPlayer( 1122): disconnect V/MediaPlayerService( 310): Client(38) destructor pid = 1122 V/AudioSink( 310): close V/AudioSink( 310): --- close V/MediaPlayerService( 310): disconnect(38) from pid 1122 V/MediaPlayer-JNI( 1122): native_setup V/MediaPlayer( 1122): constructor V/MediaPlayer( 1122): setListener E/ExtMediaPlayer-JNI( 1122): QCMediaPlayer could not be located.... E/MediaPlayer-JNI( 1122): QCMediaPlayer mediaplayer NOT present V/MediaPlayer-JNI( 1122): setParameter: key 1400 V/MediaPlayer( 1122): MediaPlayer::setParameter(1400) V/MediaPlayer( 1122): setParameter: no active player V/MediaPlayer-JNI( 1122): setAudioStreamType: 5 V/MediaPlayer( 1122): MediaPlayer::setAudioStreamType D/RingtoneManager( 1122): getActualDefaultRingtoneUri type :2 D/RingtoneManager( 1122): checkDefaultRingtoneProperUri : InternalMediaAudio uriString not null type:2 D/PersonaManager( 1122): PersonaID is invalid or persona doesn't exists. : 0 V/MediaPlayer-JNI( 1122): setDataSourceFD: fd 91 V/MediaPlayer( 1122): setDataSource(91, 0, 576460752303423487) V/MediaPlayerService( 310): Create new client(39) from pid 1122, uid 10081, V/MediaPlayerService( 310): setDataSource fd=41, offset=0, length=576460752303423487 V/MediaPlayerService( 310): st_dev = 45840 V/MediaPlayerService( 310): st_mode = 33188 V/MediaPlayerService( 310): st_uid = 0 V/MediaPlayerService( 310): st_gid = 0 V/MediaPlayerService( 310): st_size = 30756 V/MediaPlayerService( 310): calculated length = 30756 V/MediaPlayerService( 310): player type = 3 V/AwesomePlayer( 310): setDefault V/AwesomePlayer( 310): constructor V/AwesomePlayer( 310): setDefault V/AwesomePlayer( 310): reset_l() V/AwesomePlayer( 310): notifyListner_l() msg (8-MEDIA_STOPPED), ext1 (0), ext2 (0) V/AwesomePlayer( 310): cancelPlayerEvents (keepNotifications=0) V/AwesomePlayer( 310): mAudioTrackVector clear V/AwesomePlayer( 310): reset_l() mAudioPlayer successfully deleted V/AwesomePlayer( 310): mSecCapture clear V/AwesomePlayer( 310): mSecMediaClock clear V/StagefrightPlayer( 310): StagefrightPlayer V/AwesomePlayer( 310): setListener V/StagefrightPlayer( 310): initCheck V/AwesomePlayer( 310): AwesomePlayer running on behalf of uid 10081 V/AudioSink( 310): AudioOutput(194) V/AwesomePlayer( 310): setAudioSink V/StagefrightPlayer( 310): setDataSource(41, 0, 30756) D/AwesomePlayer( 310): Before reset_l V/AwesomePlayer( 310): reset_l() V/AwesomePlayer( 310): notifyListner_l() msg (8-MEDIA_STOPPED), ext1 (0), ext2 (0) V/MediaPlayerService( 310): [39] notify (0xb2980f00, 8, 0, 0) V/AwesomePlayer( 310): cancelPlayerEvents (keepNotifications=0) V/AwesomePlayer( 310): mAudioTrackVector clear V/AwesomePlayer( 310): reset_l() mAudioPlayer successfully deleted V/AwesomePlayer( 310): mSecCapture clear V/AwesomePlayer( 310): mSecMediaClock clear V/MediaPlayer( 1122): message received msg=8, ext1=0, ext2=0 V/MediaPlayer( 1122): notify(8, 0, 0) callback on disconnected mediaplayer V/AwesomePlayer( 310): track of type 'audio/vorbis' does not publish bitrate V/AwesomePlayer( 310): mBitrate = -1 bits/sec I/OggExtractor( 310): OggSource::OggSource() mExtractor ref count = 4 V/AwesomePlayer( 310): current audio track index (0) is added to vector V/AwesomePlayer( 310): setDataSource_l: Audio(1), Video(0) I/AwesomePlayer( 310): this is widevine, checkRightsStatus will be skip - AwesomePlayer::setDataSource_l V/MediaPlayerService( 310): [39] setParameter(1604) V/StagefrightPlayer( 310): setParameter(key=1604) V/AwesomePlayer( 310): setParameter key (1604) V/AwesomePlayer( 310): Current Contet PID : 1122 D/PhoneStatusBar( 1122): tick(): knoxCustomManager = android.app.enterprise.knoxcustom.KnoxCustomManager@322c06c5 V/MediaPlayerService( 310): [39] getParameter(1700) V/MediaPlayer-JNI( 1122): setLooping: 0 V/MediaPlayer( 1122): MediaPlayer::setLooping V/MediaPlayerService( 310): [39] setLooping(0) V/StagefrightPlayer( 310): setLooping V/AwesomePlayer( 310): setLooping (0) V/MediaPlayer( 1122): setVideoSurfaceTexture V/MediaPlayerService( 310): [39] setVideoSurfaceTexture(0x0) V/MediaPlayer( 1122): prepare V/MediaPlayerService( 310): [39] setAudioStreamType(5) V/MediaPlayerService( 310): [39] prepareAsync V/AwesomePlayer( 310): prepareAsync V/AwesomePlayer( 310): onPrepareAsyncEvent I/SecMediaClock( 310): SecMediaClock constructor I/SecMediaClock( 310): reset I/SecVideoCapture( 310): SecVideoCapture constructor I/SecVideoCapture( 310): reset V/AwesomePlayer( 310): initAudioDecoder V/AwesomePlayer( 310): checkOffloadExceptions is true V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): isOffloadSupported: SR=44100, CM=0x1, Format=0x7000000, StreamType=5, BitRate=4294967295, duration=2481655 us, has_video=0 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): isOffloadSupported: stream_type != MUSIC, returning false V/AwesomePlayer( 310): nchannels 1;LPA will be skipped if nchannels is > 2 or nchannels == 0 D/AwesomePlayer( 310): Tunnel Mime Type: audio/vorbis, object alive = 0, mTunnelAliveAP = 0 I/AwesomePlayer( 310): AwesomePlayer::initAudioDecoder Sample Rate= 44100 I/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getAudioPolicyConfig: audioParam;outDevice V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): ### curdevice : 2 D/AwesomePlayer( 310): maxPossible tunnels = 1 D/AwesomePlayer( 310): Normal Audio Playback D/AwesomePlayer( 310): Use tunnel player only for AUDIO_STREAM_MUSIC I/OMXCodec( 310): Attempting to allocate OMX node 'OMX.google.vorbis.decoder' I/OMXCodec( 310): Successfully allocated OMX node 'OMX.google.vorbis.decoder' I/AwesomePlayer( 310): Could not offload audio decode, try pcm offload V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): isOffloadSupported: SR=44100, CM=0x1, Format=0x1, StreamType=5, BitRate=4294967295, duration=2481655 us, has_video=0 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): isOffloadSupported: stream_type != MUSIC, returning false I/OMXCodec( 310): [OMX.google.vorbis.decoder] OMXCodec::start mState=1 I/OMXCodec( 310): [OMX.google.vorbis.decoder] allocating 4 buffers of size 8192 on input port I/OMXCodec( 310): [OMX.google.vorbis.decoder] allocating 4 buffers of size 32768 on output port I/OMXCodec( 310): [OMX.google.vorbis.decoder] Now Idle. Component sends idle done Event V/AwesomePlayer( 310): finishAsyncPrepare_l V/AwesomePlayer( 310): notifyListner_l() msg (200-MEDIA_INFO), ext1 (973), ext2 (0) V/MediaPlayerService( 310): [39] notify (0xb2980f00, 200, 973, 0) V/AwesomePlayer( 310): notifyListner_l() msg (5-MEDIA_SET_VIDEO_SIZE), ext1 (0), ext2 (0) V/MediaPlayerService( 310): [39] notify (0xb2980f00, 5, 0, 0) V/AwesomePlayer( 310): notifyListner_l() msg (1-MEDIA_PREPARED), ext1 (0), ext2 (0) V/MediaPlayerService( 310): [39] notify (0xb2980f00, 1, 0, 0) V/MediaPlayer( 1122): message received msg=200, ext1=973, ext2=0 W/MediaPlayer( 1122): info/warning (973, 0) V/MediaPlayer( 1122): callback application V/MediaPlayer( 1122): back from callback V/MediaPlayer( 1122): message received msg=5, ext1=0, ext2=0 V/MediaPlayer( 1122): New video size 0 x 0 V/MediaPlayer( 1122): callback application W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. V/MediaPlayer( 1122): back from callback V/MediaPlayer( 1122): message received msg=1, ext1=0, ext2=0 V/MediaPlayer( 1122): prepared V/MediaPlayer( 1122): signal application thread V/MediaPlayer( 1122): callback application V/MediaPlayer( 1122): prepare complete - status=0 E/MediaPlayer( 1122): Should have subtitle controller already set V/MediaPlayer( 1122): back from callback D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): updateCMASText( show = false ) W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/PanelView( 1122): There is/are notification(s) D/PanelView( 1122): kidsfalse mQsExpansionEnabled:true D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): updateCMASText( show = false ) I/MediaFocusControl( 864): AudioFocus requestAudioFocus() from android.media.AudioManager$932c427 hint:3 W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/PanelView( 1122): There is/are notification(s) V/MediaPlayer-JNI( 1122): start V/MediaPlayer( 1122): start V/MediaPlayerService( 310): [39] setLooping(0) V/StagefrightPlayer( 310): setLooping V/AwesomePlayer( 310): setLooping (0) V/MediaPlayerService( 310): [39] setVolume(1.000000, 1.000000) V/AudioSink( 310): setVolume(1.000000, 1.000000) V/MediaPlayerService( 310): [39] setAuxEffectSendLevel(0.000000) V/AudioSink( 310): setAuxEffectSendLevel(0.000000) V/MediaPlayerService( 310): [39] start V/StagefrightPlayer( 310): setLooping V/AwesomePlayer( 310): setLooping (0) E/MediaPlayerService( 310): WFD client is not created V/StagefrightPlayer( 310): start V/AwesomePlayer( 310): play V/AwesomePlayer( 310): AwesomePlayer::play_l():: This is not a DRM content W/AwesomePlayer( 310): Trying to create tunnel player mIsTunnelAudio 0, LPAPlayer::objectsAlive 0, TunnelPlayer::mTunnelObjectsAlive = 0, (mAudioPlayer == NULL) 1 V/AwesomePlayer( 310): nchannels 1;LPA will be skipped if nchannels is > 2 or nchannels == 0 E/AwesomePlayer( 310): LPAPlayer::Clip duration setting of less than 30sec not supported, defaulting to 60sec E/AwesomePlayer( 310): LPAPlayer::Clip duration setting of less than 30sec not supported, defaulting to 60sec V/AwesomePlayer( 310): AudioPlayer created, Non-LPA mode mime audio/vorbis duration 2481655 V/AwesomePlayer( 310): startAudioPlayer_l, sendErrorNotification (0) D/AudioPlayer( 310): start of Playback, useOffload 0 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): updateCMASText( show = false ) W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/PanelView( 1122): There is/are notification(s) D/PanelView( 1122): kidsfalse mQsExpansionEnabled:true D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): updateCMASText( show = false ) I/OMXCodec( 310): [OMX.google.vorbis.decoder] 0onCmdComplete mState = 7 I/OMXCodec( 310): [OMX.google.vorbis.decoder] PORT_DISABLED(1) I/OMXCodec( 310): [OMX.google.vorbis.decoder] allocating 4 buffers of size 32768 on output port I/AudioPlayer( 310): Audio channels(1) I/AudioPlayer( 310): Audioplayer kKeyAudioPCMFormat:0, 1, 0 I/AudioPlayer( 310): Audioplayer kKeyAudioPCMFormat read fail(1, 1) V/AudioSink( 310): open(44100, 1, 0x0, 0x1, 0, 4 0xc2) V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() device 2, stream 5, samplingRate 0, format 0, channelMask 0, flags 3 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputsForDevice device 0002 -> 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() returns output 2 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() device 2, stream 5, samplingRate 0, format 0, channelMask 0, flags 3 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputsForDevice device 0002 -> 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() returns output 2 V/AudioSink( 310): no track available to recycle V/AudioSink( 310): creating new AudioTrack V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputForAttr() usage=5, content=4, tag=video-controller-check-enable flags=00000000 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputForAttr() device 2, samplingRate 44100, format 1, channelMask 1, flags 0 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputsForDevice device 0002 -> 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() returns output 2 E/AudioTrack( 310): AudioTrack::set : Exit V/AudioSink( 310): deleteRecycledTrack V/AudioSink( 310): setVolume V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputForAttr() usage=5, content=4, tag=video-controller-check-enable flags=00000000 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputForAttr() device 2, samplingRate 0, format 0, channelMask 3, flags 0 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputsForDevice device 0002 -> 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() returns output 2 D/AudioSink( 310): If this output is Tunnel output, Effects will be set in open() V/AudioSink( 310): open() DONE status 0 V/AudioSink( 310): start V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): startOutput() output 2, stream 5, session 194 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): changeRefCount() stream 5, count 1 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getNewOutputDevice() selected device 2 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() output 2 device 0002 delayMs 0 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() prevDevice 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() setting same device 0002 or null device for output 2 V/AwesomePlayer( 310): notifyListner_l() msg (6-MEDIA_STARTED), ext1 (0), ext2 (0) V/MediaPlayerService( 310): [39] notify (0xb2980f00, 6, 0, 0) V/AwesomePlayer( 310): addBatteryData V/MediaPlayer( 1122): message received msg=6, ext1=0, ext2=0 W/MediaPlayer( 1122): mediaplayer went away with unhandled events W/MediaPlayer( 1122): mediaplayer went away with unhandled events W/MediaPlayer( 1122): mediaplayer went away with unhandled events I/MediaPlayer( 1122): Don't send intent. msg.arg1 = 0, msg.arg2 = 0 E/MediaPlayer( 1122): Should have subtitle controller already set V/MediaPlayer( 1122): Received MEDIA_STARTED V/MediaPlayer( 1122): callback application V/MediaPlayer( 1122): back from callback D/ALSADevice( 310): route: devices 0x2 in mode 0 V/ALSADevice( 310): switchDevice: device 0x2 mode:0 V/ALSADevice( 310): getUCMDevice for output device: devices:2 is input device:0 V/ALSADevice( 310): getUCMDevice for input device: devices:0 is input device:1 D/ALSADevice( 310): No valid input device: 0 V/ALSADevice( 310): switchDevice,rxDev:Speaker, txDev:(null), curRxDev:Speaker, curTxDev:Main Mic D/alsa_ucm( 310): snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0xb3418510 identifier _enadev value Speaker D/ALSADevice( 310): switchDevice: mCurTxUCMDevivce Main Mic mCurRxDevDevice Speaker inCallDevSwitch = 0 V/ALSADevice( 310): switchDevice Done D/alsa_ucm( 310): snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0xb3418510 identifier _verb value HiFi D/alsa_ucm( 310): Set mixer controls for Speaker enable 1 D/alsa_ucm( 310): acdb_id 15 cap 1 enable 1 D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 15, path = 0 D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> send_adm_topology D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TOPOLOGY_ID D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> send_asm_topology D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_STREAM_TOPOLOGY_ID D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> send_audtable D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TABLE D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> send_audvoltable D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_GAIN_DEP_VOLTBL_STEP_COPP E/ACDB-LOADER( 310): Error: ACDB AudProc vol returned = -8 D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_VOL_CAL D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> send_afe_cal D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> send_hw_delay : acdb_id = 15 path = 0 D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_DEVICE_PROPERTY_SIZE D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> ACDB_AVSYNC_INFO: ACDB_CMD_GET_DEVICE_PROPERTY D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): send_hw_delay id = 15 delay_num_entries = 1 result = 0 D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: SLIM_0_RX Channels, value: Two D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: RX5 MIX1 INP1, value: RX1 I/AudioPlayer( 310): First fillBuffer call!! I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 V/MediaPlayer-JNI( 1122): getCurrentPosition: 0 (msec) I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 V/MediaPlayer-JNI( 1122): isPlaying: 1 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: RX5 MIX1 INP2, value: RX2 D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: RX6 DSM MUX, value: DSM_INV D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting multi value: LINEOUT2 Volume D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting multi value: LINEOUT4 Volume D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting multi value: RX5 Digital Volume D/alsa_ucm( 310): Set mixer controls for HiFi enable 1 D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: SLIMBUS_0_RX Audio Mixer MultiMedia1, value: 1 D/ALSADevice( 310): close: handle 0xb3457380 h 0x0 D/ALSADevice( 310): open: handle 0xb3457380, format 0x2 V/ALSADevice( 310): Music case D/ALSADevice( 310): Device value returned is hw:0,0 V/ALSADevice( 310): flags 0, devName hw:0,0 V/ALSADevice( 310): pcm_open returned fd 47 D/ALSADevice( 310): handle->format: 0x2 D/ALSADevice( 310): setHardwareParams: reqBuffSize 2048 channels 2 sampleRate 48000 D/ALSADevice( 310): setHardwareParams: buffer_size 16384, period_size 2048, period_cnt 8 D/SoundAliveResampler( 310): [SoundAliveResampler] Init+++ D/PanelView( 1122): mClearAll.setVisibility - mIsFullyOpened : false isShade : true mHasNotification : true mIsUpwardFling : false mQsFullyExpanded : true isShadeLocked : false mClearAllVisible : true I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 D/MotionEngine( 864): [MotionEngine] -> PR_MOVE -> Move Recognition Lv(3) D/MotionEngine( 864): [TURN OVER] ##### Init I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 D/MotionEngine( 864): [MotionEngine] -> PR_MOVE -> Move Recognition Lv(2) D/MotionEngine( 864): [@@@ Motion Engine @@@] Event num 71 Occured I/MotionRecognitionService( 864): send 71=FLAT ~~ I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 V/AlarmManager( 864): waitForAlarm result :8 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 D/BatteryService( 864): !@BatteryListener : batteryPropertiesChanged! D/BatteryService( 864): level:99, scale:100, status:2, health:2, present:true, voltage: 4306, temperature: 292, technology: Li-ion, AC powered:false, USB powered:true, Wireless powered:false, icon:17303687, invalid charger:0 D/BatteryService( 864): online:4, current avg:460, charge type:1, power sharing:false, high voltage charger:false, capacity:280000, current_now:460 D/BatteryService( 864): Sending ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED. I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 D/MotionEngine( 864): [@@@ Motion Engine @@@] GetMotionScenarioId -1.617283 2.338537 8.704121 0.233100 1.541750 1.166200 51 20 W/ProcessCpuTracker( 864): Skipping unknown process pid 2674 W/ProcessCpuTracker( 864): Skipping unknown process pid 2679 W/ProcessCpuTracker( 864): Skipping unknown process pid 2684 W/ProcessCpuTracker( 864): Skipping unknown process pid 2708 W/ProcessCpuTracker( 864): Skipping unknown process pid 2710 W/ProcessCpuTracker( 864): Skipping unknown process pid 2717 W/ProcessCpuTracker( 864): Skipping unknown process pid 2727 W/ProcessCpuTracker( 864): Skipping unknown process pid 2729 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): handleBatteryUpdate W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/PowerManagerService( 864): [PSM] lowPowerModeEnabled: false (mLowPowerModeSetting: false, mAutoLowPowerModeConfigured: false, mBatteryLevel: 99, mLowBatteryTriggerLevel: 0) I/MotionRecognitionService( 864): Plugged I/MotionRecognitionService( 864): setPowerConnected = true V/HeadsetService( 4939): HeadsetService - Received Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED D/HeadsetStateMachine( 4939): Disconnected process message: 10 W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getNetworkInfo(networkType - 1) :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. E/MtpServerJNI( 580): server is null in send_object_removed W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/STATUSBAR-PhoneStatusBar( 1122): mBrightnessEnablebySettings = true mBrightnessEnablebyBattery = true mBrightnessEnablebyDisableFlag = true mPmsBrightnessEnablebySettings = true D/BatteryMeterView( 1122): ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : level:99 status:2 health:2 D/BatteryMeterView( 1122): ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : level:99 status:2 health:2 D/BatteryMeterView( 1122): ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : level:99 status:2 health:2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 D/MotionEngine( 864): [@@@ Motion Engine @@@] GetMotionScenarioId -1.468244 2.523489 9.141062 0.233100 -4.478251 -1.756300 51 20 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): [OMX.google.vorbis.decoder] End Of Stream I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/OMXCodec( 310): OMXCodec::read : mch : 0, DDPoutput : 2 I/AudioPlayer( 310): getNumFramesPendingPlayout() mNumFramesPlayed (108647), numFramesPlayedOut (106294) V/AwesomePlayer( 310): postAudioEOS delayUs (262360) D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getNetworkInfo(networkType - 1) :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getNetworkInfo(networkType - 1) :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] V/AwesomePlayer( 310): onCheckAudioStatus V/AwesomePlayer( 310): onCheckAudioStatus() set AUDIO_AT_EOS flag V/AwesomePlayer( 310): onStreamDone V/AwesomePlayer( 310): MEDIA_PLAYBACK_COMPLETE V/AwesomePlayer( 310): notifyListner_l() msg (2-MEDIA_PLAYBACK_COMPLETE), ext1 (0), ext2 (0) V/MediaPlayerService( 310): [39] notify (0xb2980f00, 2, 0, 0) V/AwesomePlayer( 310): notifyListner_l() msg (7-MEDIA_PAUSED), ext1 (0), ext2 (0) V/MediaPlayerService( 310): [39] notify (0xb2980f00, 7, 0, 0) V/AwesomePlayer( 310): cancelPlayerEvents (keepNotifications=1) V/AudioSink( 310): stop V/AwesomePlayer( 310): addBatteryData V/MediaPlayer( 1122): message received msg=2, ext1=0, ext2=0 V/MediaPlayer( 1122): playback complete V/MediaPlayer( 1122): callback application V/MediaPlayer( 1122): back from callback V/MediaPlayer( 1122): message received msg=7, ext1=0, ext2=0 I/MediaFocusControl( 864): AudioFocus abandonAudioFocus() from android.media.AudioManager$932c427 V/MediaPlayer( 1122): unrecognized message: (7, 0, 0) V/MediaPlayer( 1122): callback application D/MotionRecognitionManager( 864): unregisterListener 0 D/MotionRecognitionManager( 864): @ member 0 = E/MotionRecognitionService( 864): setMotionCMD 301 E/MotionRecognitionService( 864): setMotionCMD 303 I/GyroSensor( 864): GYRO & UNCAL_GYRO sensor enable(): handle(3), en(0), what(0/0:gyro,1:uncal_gyro, old enabled : 1) I/GyroSensor( 864): old sensor_state 3, new sensor_state : 1 en : 0 D/MotionRecognitionService( 864): open api 0 D/MotionRecognitionService( 864): .unregisterCallback : 0, client= E/MotionRecognitionService( 864): disable_sensor E/MotionRecognitionService( 864): setMotionCMD 301 E/MotionRecognitionService( 864): setMotionCMD 303 E/MotionRecognitionService( 864): setMotionCMD 305 E/MotionRecognitionService( 864): setMotionCMD 309 D/MotionEngine( 864): [@@@SR Motion Engine @@@] finalize D/SensorService( 864): [SO] activate (ident=0x9f8e5760, enabled=0) E/Sensors ( 864): Acc old sensor_state 1, new sensor_state : 0 en : 0 W/MessageQueue( 1122): Handler (android.media.MediaPlayer$EventHandler) {3f8b96d4} sending message to a Handler on a dead thread W/MessageQueue( 1122): java.lang.IllegalStateException: Handler (android.media.MediaPlayer$EventHandler) {3f8b96d4} sending message to a Handler on a dead thread W/MessageQueue( 1122): at android.os.MessageQueue.enqueueMessage(MessageQueue.java:325) W/MessageQueue( 1122): at android.os.Handler.enqueueMessage(Handler.java:631) W/MessageQueue( 1122): at android.os.Handler.sendMessageAtTime(Handler.java:600) W/MessageQueue( 1122): at android.os.Handler.sendMessageDelayed(Handler.java:570) W/MessageQueue( 1122): at android.os.Handler.sendMessage(Handler.java:507) W/MessageQueue( 1122): at android.media.MediaPlayer.postEventFromNative(MediaPlayer.java:3677) V/MediaPlayer( 1122): back from callback D/SensorManager( 864): unregisterListener :: I/MotionRecognitionManager( 864): .unregisterListener : / listener count = 1->0, D/MotionRecognitionService( 864): .finalizeMotionEngine I/NotificationService( 864): UnReg. OverTurn V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): stopOutput() output 2, stream 5, session 194 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): changeRefCount() stream 5, count 0 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() output 2 device 0000 delayMs 192 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() prevDevice 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() setting same device 0000 or null device for output 2 D/BatteryMeterView( 1122): onDraw batteryColor : -1 E/Diag_Lib( 2765): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 2 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/SSRM:n ( 864): SIOP:: AP = 410, CUR = 460 D/ALSADevice( 310): standby: handle 0xb3457380 h 0x0 V/ALSADevice( 310): standby handle h 0xb3479900 E/SMD ( 2672): smd_init start E/SMD ( 2672): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/alsa_ucm( 310): snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0xb3418510 identifier _verb value Inactive D/alsa_ucm( 310): Set mixer controls for HiFi enable 0 D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: SLIMBUS_0_RX Audio Mixer MultiMedia1, value: 0 V/ALSADevice( 310): Number of modifiers 0 V/ALSADevice( 310): usecase_type is 0 D/alsa_ucm( 310): snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0xb3418510 identifier _disdev value Main Mic D/alsa_ucm( 310): disdev: device Main Mic not enabled, no need to disable D/alsa_ucm( 310): snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0xb3418510 identifier _disdev value Speaker D/alsa_ucm( 310): Set mixer controls for Speaker enable 0 D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: RX5 MIX1 INP1, value: ZERO D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: RX5 MIX1 INP2, value: ZERO D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: LINEOUT2 Volume, value: 0 D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: LINEOUT4 Volume, value: 0 D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: RX5 Digital Volume, value: 0 D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 99 99 -120 -160 -120 -1 -1 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 -1 2147483647 0x0 gsm|lte level=0 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" V/AlarmManager( 864): waitForAlarm result :8 E/Watchdog( 864): !@Sync 5570 E/SMD ( 2672): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 E/SMD ( 2672): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] E/Diag_Lib( 2773): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 2 E/SMD ( 2672): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 I/Finsky ( 9600): [17317] com.google.android.finsky.bp.am.run(6): Stats for Executor: Db-user_languages_store com.google.android.finsky.bp.an@118499ed[Running, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 1] E/SMD ( 2672): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 E/SMD ( 2672): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 V/AlarmManager( 864): waitForAlarm result :8 D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=1 D/InputReader( 864): !@notifyKey(116), action=0 D/InputManager-JNI( 864): !@interceptKeyBeforeQueueing(116), action=0 D/InputManager-JNI( 864): !@handleInterceptActions(116), action=0, wmActions=0 E/SMD ( 2672): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=0 D/InputReader( 864): !@notifyKey(116), action=1 D/InputManager-JNI( 864): !@interceptKeyBeforeQueueing(116), action=1 D/PowerManagerService( 864): [api] [s] goToSleep: 4 (uid: 1000 pid: 864) eventTime = 167151255 I/PowerManagerService( 864): !@[ps] Screen__Off - 47 : goToSleep: (uid: 1000 pid: 864) (4) I/PowerManagerService( 864): Going to sleep due to power button (uid 1000)... D/InputManager-JNI( 864): setDeviceInteractive: 0 D/InputManager-JNI( 864): !@handleInterceptActions(116), action=1, wmActions=0 D/DisplayPowerController( 864): getFinalBrightness : 255 -> 255 D/DisplayPowerController( 864): animation target = 255, rate=2000 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1) MAdj:(0, (0, 255))) D/PowerManagerService( 864): [s] DisplayPowerCallbacks : onStateChanged() D/PowerManagerService( 864): [PWL] sb acquire: PowerManagerService.Broadcasts D/PowerManagerService( 864): SecHardwareInterface.setBatteryADC : false D/PowerManagerService( 864): handleSandman : startDream() E/PowerManagerService( 864): handleSandman : startDreaming, but isDreaming false I/PowerManagerService( 864): Sleeping (uid 1000)... D/PowerManagerService( 864): [s] UserActivityState : 1 -> 0 D/PowerManagerService( 864): [input device light] setInputDeviceLightOn is called : 0 D/PowerManagerService( 864): [input device light] handleInputDeviceLightOff E/InputManager-JNI( 864): sysfs_write : Error opening /sys/class/input/event21/device/enabled: 0 E/InputManager-JNI( 864): sysfs_write : Error opening /sys/class/input/event3/device/enabled: 0 D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1122): onScreenTurnedOff(2) I/KeyguardEffectViewController( 1122): *** KeyguardEffectView getInstanceIfExists *** D/KeyguardEffectViewController( 1122): changeWallpaperByScreenOff() D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1122): notifyScreenOffLocked D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1122): isAutoUnlockEnabled in KeyguardViewMediator = true D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1122): doKeyguard: showing the lock screen D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1122): showLocked D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1122): handleNotifyScreenOff D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1122): handleShow D/KeyguardEffectViewUtil( 1122): wallpaperType :3 D/StatusBar-Window( 1122): fnf=false sanc=true, kni=false, sbf=false D/CoverUI ( 1122): applyFocusableFlag() : Remove SAMSUNG_FLAG_SVIEW_COVER W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/LightsService( 864): [api] [SvcLED] setFlashing :: id = 3, color = 0, mode = 10, onMS = 0, offMS = 0, (uid: 1000 pid: 864) D/LightsService( 864): [SvcLED] setSvcLedStateLocked:: SvcLEDState : 0x0 -> 0x10 | SvcLED(id=3) set On E/LightSensor( 864): Light old sensor_state 0, new sensor_state : 128 en : 1 D/KeyguardEffectViewUtil( 1122): wallpaperType :3 D/StatusBar-Window( 1122): fnf=false sanc=true, kni=false, sbf=false D/CoverUI ( 1122): applyFocusableFlag() : Remove SAMSUNG_FLAG_SVIEW_COVER D/PhoneStatusBar( 1122): updateKeyguardState :1 D/SensorManager( 864): registerListener :: 6, CM3323 RGB Sensor, 200000, 0, D/BatteryService( 864): turn on LED for charging W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): updateCMASText( show = false ) V/ActivityThread( 1431): updateVisibility : ActivityRecord{2c3048b6 token=android.os.BinderProxy@34951678 {com.nttdocomo.android.paletteui/com.nttdocomo.android.paletteui.HomeApp}} show : true W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/PanelView( 1122): There is/are notification(s) W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/StatusBar( 1122): LSSN:1 D/DisplayPowerController( 864): ColorFade: onAnimationStart D/DisplayPowerController( 864): getFinalBrightness : 255 -> 0 D/DisplayPowerController( 864): animation target = 0, rate=2000 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1) MAdj:(0, (0, 255))) D/lights ( 864): lcd : 248 + W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/StatusBar( 1122): fullBouncer=false D/StatusBar( 1122): SLN:S E/LSO ( 1122): LSO Service is not yet ready!!! I/CAE ( 864): handleMessage(CaPowerManager.java:182) - AP_SLEEP I/CAE ( 864): updateApPowerStatus(SensorHubParserProvider.java:421) - AP_SLEEP I/CAE ( 864): sendCmdToSensorHub(SensorHubCommManager.java:144) - -76, 13, -46, 0, D/SensorHubManager( 864): SendSensorHubData: send data = -76, 13, -46, 0 D/Sensorhubs( 314): sendContextData: -76, 13, -46, 0 I/CAE ( 864): sendCmdToSensorHub(SensorHubCommManager.java:144) - -63, 14, 5, 44, 19, D/SensorHubManager( 864): SendSensorHubData: send data = -63, 14, 5, 44, 19 D/Sensorhubs( 314): sendContextData: -63, 14, 5, 44, 19 W/ContextImpl( 864): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:1699 com.android.server.accessibility.AccessibilityManagerService$DirectAccessBrocastReceiver.onReceive:401 android.app.LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args.run:923 android.os.Handler.handleCallback:739 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:95 D/StatusBar.BrightnessController( 1122): updateMode : false D/StatusBar.BrightnessController( 1122): updateSlider : 245 D/MotionRecognitionService( 864): mReceiver.onReceive : ACTION_SCREEN_OFF D/lights ( 864): lcd : 248 - D/lights ( 864): lcd : 214 + D/SContextService( 864): .unregisterCallback : 1, client= D/StatusBar-QSPanel( 1122): setSingleLine:true D/SContextService( 864): unregisterCallback() : Listener = android.hardware.scontext.SContextService$Listener@23e5b67a, Service = Flip Cover Action, used = 1 D/StatusBar-QSPanel( 1122): updateButtonInfo mButtonWidth : 206 mColumns:5 orien: 1 displayWidth:1032 D/StatusBar-QSPanel( 1122): setSingleLine height:0 W/CAE ( 864): unregisterCallback(ContextAwareService.java:199) - [unregi 01] Mutex is locked for FLIP_COVER_ACTION V/CAE ( 864): stop(ContextProvider.java:149) V/CAE ( 864): clear(FlipCoverActionRunner.java:126) V/CAE ( 864): disable(FlipCoverActionRunner.java:115) I/CAE ( 864): sendCmdToSensorHub(SensorHubCommManager.java:144) - -78, 14, 0, 0, D/SensorHubManager( 864): SendSensorHubData: send data = -78, 14, 0, 0 D/Sensorhubs( 314): sendContextData: -78, 14, 0, 0 W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): updateCMASText( show = false ) D/STATUSBAR-PhoneStatusBar( 1122): mBrightnessEnablebySettings = true mBrightnessEnablebyBattery = true mBrightnessEnablebyDisableFlag = true mPmsBrightnessEnablebySettings = true D/CAE ( 864): getFaultDetectionResult(FlipCoverActionRunner.java:139) - true I/CAE ( 864): notifyCmdProcessResultObserver(ContextProvider.java:617) - CheckResult = 0, Cause = Success E/native ( 864): do suspend true W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/PanelView( 1122): There is/are notification(s) W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/PanelView( 1122): kidsfalse mQsExpansionEnabled:true D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): updateCMASText( show = false ) D/PhoneStatusBar( 1122): updateQSpanelHeight: 279 height:420 W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/PanelView( 1122): setQsHeight mQsMin:0 mQsMax:534 mQsEx:0.0mQsPeek:420 I/KeyguardEffectViewController( 1122): setKeyguardShowing = true D/lights ( 864): lcd : 214 - D/lights ( 864): lcd : 148 + D/KeyguardEffectViewController( 1122): show() V/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): *** register callback for com.android.keyguard.sec.KeyguardEffectViewController$2@3380b3a8 V/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): *** unregister callback for null V/AudioHardwareALSA( 310): setParameters() screen_state=off D/NotificationService( 864): ACTION_SCREEN_OFF W/NotificationService( 864): Pray mode not found android.content.pm.PackageManager$NameNotFoundException: Application package com.sec.android.settings.praymodewidget not found D/LightsService( 864): [api] [SvcLED] setFlashing :: id = 4, color = ffffffff, mode = 12, onMS = 500, offMS = 2000, (uid: 1000 pid: 864) D/LightsService( 864): [SvcLED] setSvcLedStateLocked:: SvcLEDState : 0x10 -> 0x12 | SvcLED(id=4) set On W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/KeyguardEffectViewUtil( 1122): isPowerSavingMode() :false D/KeyguardEffectViewUtil( 1122): isStrongPowerSavingMode() :false D/KeyguardEffectViewController( 1122): isZoomPanningEffectEnabled() isZoomPanningEffect = false, isPowerSavingMode = false D/KeyguardEffectViewController( 1122): isPreloadedWallpaper=true I/SecExternalDisplayIntents_Java( 864): Intent Recieved .. -android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFFBroadCast Map value - 18 D/VisualEffectCircleUnlockEffect( 1122): KeyguardEffectViewNone : show D/KeyguardEffectViewController( 1122): isFestivalActivated()false I/KeyguardEffectViewController( 1122): setFestivalKeyguardShowing = true ,:false D/KeyguardEffectViewController( 1122): isFestivalActivated()false I/BackgroundCompactionService( 864): Schedule Type1 BGCompaction W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): updateCMASText( show = false ) W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/PanelView( 1122): There is/are notification(s) W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/PanelView( 1122): kidsfalse mQsExpansionEnabled:true D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): updateCMASText( show = false ) W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/PanelView( 1122): There is/are notification(s) I/BackgroundCompactionService( 864): onIdleStop W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/lights ( 864): lcd : 148 - D/lights ( 864): lcd : 81 + W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/IpRemoteDisplayController( 864): intent received android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF D/IpRemoteDisplayController( 864): Bridge Server is not available D/CAE ( 864): doCommendProcess(ContextAwareService.java:314) - complete notify the operation result. D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): updateCMASText( show = false ) I/CAE ( 864): displayUsedCountForService(ContextAwareService.java:406) - totalCnt = 0, serviceCount = 0, subCollectionCount = 0 W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/PanelView( 1122): There is/are notification(s) D/CAE ( 864): showListenerList(ContextAwareService.java:247) - ===== Context Aware Service List ===== W/CAE ( 864): unregisterCallback(ContextAwareService.java:234) - [unregi 02] Mutex is unlocked for FLIP_COVER_ACTION D/SContextService( 864): removeSContextService() : service = Flip Cover Action D/SContextService( 864): ===== SContext Service List ===== D/SContextManager( 864): .unregisterListener : listener = com.samsung.android.motion.MotionRecognitionFlipCover$1@f0e15bb W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/PanelView( 1122): kidsfalse mQsExpansionEnabled:true D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): updateCMASText( show = false ) W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/PanelView( 1122): kidsfalse mQsExpansionEnabled:true D/PhoneStatusBar( 1122): updateKeyguardPreviousState :1 D/PhoneStatusBar( 1122): makeExpandedVisible:false E/MotionRecognitionService( 864): handler : SCREEN_OFF end D/KeyguardEffectViewUtil( 1122): wallpaperType :3 D/StatusBar-Window( 1122): fnf=false sanc=true, kni=false, sbf=true D/CoverUI ( 1122): applyFocusableFlag() : Remove SAMSUNG_FLAG_SVIEW_COVER D/SecContentProvider2( 864): uri = 14 selection = getSealedState D/SecContentProvider2( 864): mCursor = null D/PhoneStatusBar( 1122): disable: < expand ICONS* alerts SYSTEM_INFO* back home recent clock search > D/SecContentProvider2( 864): uri = 14 selection = getSealedState D/SecContentProvider2( 864): mCursor = null D/SecContentProvider2( 864): uri = 14 selection = getSealedState D/SecContentProvider2( 864): mCursor = null D/StatusBar-DoNotDistrub( 1122): isDisableAlert isDormantModeOn:false isNotificationDisabled:true D/KeyguardProperties( 1122): isIgnoreNationalRoaming() = false D/PhoneStatusBar( 1122): HomeCitySettingsDialog available = false, show = true V/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): *** register callback for com.android.keyguard.KeyguardSimpleHostView$1@1b56dcbe V/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): *** unregister callback for null D/lights ( 864): lcd : 81 - D/lights ( 864): lcd : 15 + W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/KeyguardSecurityView( 1122): AUTO_WIPE = false , IT Policy = false I/KeyguardSecurityView( 1122): addAttributionInfoViewIfNecessary W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. V/KeyguardSecurityView( 1122): showPrimarySecurityScreen(turningOff=false) D/KeyguardSecurityView( 1122): showSecurityScreen(None) D/DisplayPowerController( 864): getFinalBrightness : 255 -> 0 D/DisplayPowerController( 864): animation target = 0, rate=2000 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1) MAdj:(0, (0, 255))) W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. V/KeyguardSecurityView( 1122): inflating id = 2130968586 D/GpsLocationProvider( 864): receive broadcast intent, action: android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF V/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): *** register callback for com.android.keyguard.KeyguardMessageArea$3@e4fc235 V/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): *** unregister callback for null W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/NfcService( 1390): call the applyRouting D/lights ( 864): lcd : 15 - D/lights ( 864): lcd : 0 + D/DcmKeyguardBottomAreaView( 1122): onShowKeyguard. D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getNetworkInfo(networkType - 1) :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/DcmKeyguardBottomAreaView( 1122): KeyguardBottomAreaView.unregisterReceiver(): unregist D/lights ( 864): lcd : 0 - D/SSRM:n ( 864): SIOP:: AP = 400, CUR = 460 D/DisplayPowerState( 864): !@ ColorFade entry D/DisplayPowerController( 864): ColorFade: onAnimationEnd D/DisplayPowerController( 864): getFinalBrightness : 0 -> 0 D/DisplayPowerController( 864): animation target = 0, rate=0 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1) MAdj:(0, (0, 255))) D/DisplayPowerController( 864): getFinalBrightness : 0 -> 0 D/DisplayPowerController( 864): animation target = 0, rate=0 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1) MAdj:(0, (0, 255))) D/DisplayPowerController( 864): getFinalBrightness : 0 -> 0 D/DisplayPowerController( 864): animation target = 0, rate=0 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1) MAdj:(0, (0, 255))) D/PowerManagerService( 864): [s] DisplayPowerCallbacks : onStateChanged() D/PowerManagerService( 864): [PWL] sb release: PowerManagerService.Display I/DisplayManagerService( 864): Display device changed: DisplayDeviceInfo{"内蔵スクリーン": 1080 x 1920, 60.0 fps, supportedRefreshRates [60.0], density 480, 442.451 x 439.351 dpi, appVsyncOff 0, presDeadline 17666667, touch INTERNAL, rotation 0, type BUILT_IN, state OFF, FLAG_DEFAULT_DISPLAY, FLAG_ROTATES_WITH_CONTENT, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS} D/SurfaceFlinger( 280): Set power mode=0, type=0 flinger=0xb6962000 D/qdhwcomposer( 280): hwc_blank: Blanking display: 0 D/DcmKeyguardUnlockView( 1122): onFinishInflate() D/DcmKeyguardUnlockView( 1122): hideBouncer() V/ActivityManager( 864): Display changed displayId=0 D/KeyguardEffectViewUtil( 1122): wallpaperType :3 D/StatusBar-Window( 1122): fnf=false sanc=true, kni=false, sbf=true D/CoverUI ( 1122): applyFocusableFlag() : Remove SAMSUNG_FLAG_SVIEW_COVER E/LightSensor( 864): Light old sensor_state 128, new sensor_state : 0 en : 0 D/LightsService( 864): [SvcLED] onSensorChanged::light value = 77 D/SensorManager( 864): unregisterListener :: D/lights ( 864): led_pattern : 3 + V/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): *** register callback for com.android.keyguard.dcm.DcmKeyguardBottomAreaView$3@2f9fc596 V/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): *** unregister callback for null D/lights ( 864): led_pattern : 3 - I/SecAttributionInfoView( 1122): onAttachedToWindow D/KeyguardEffectViewUtil( 1122): isStrongPowerSavingMode() :false D/KeyguardEffectViewUtil( 1122): isStrongPowerSavingMode() :false D/KeyguardEffectViewUtil( 1122): isStrongPowerSavingMode() :false D/KeyguardEffectViewUtil( 1122): isStrongPowerSavingMode() :false D/LightsService( 864): [SvcLED] setSvcLedLightLocked :: priority changed! SvcLED(id=3) OUT; SvcLED(id=4) IN W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): sendKeyguardVisibilityChanged(true) E/ActivityManager( 864): checkUser: useridlist=null, currentuser=0 E/ActivityManager( 864): checkUser: useridlist=null, currentuser=0 E/ActivityManager( 864): checkUser: useridlist=null, currentuser=0 E/ActivityManager( 864): checkUser: useridlist=null, currentuser=0 E/Zygote ( 2792): MountEmulatedStorage() E/Zygote ( 2792): v2 I/SELinux ( 2792): Function: selinux_compare_spd_ram, SPD-policy is existed. and_ver=SEPF_SC-04E_5.0.1-1 ver=51 I/SELinux ( 2792): Function: selinux_compare_spd_ram , priority [1] , priority version is VE=SEPF_SC-04E_5.0.1-1_0051 I/libpersona( 2792): KNOX_SDCARD checking this for 10131 I/libpersona( 2792): KNOX_SDCARD not a persona I/ActivityManager( 864): Start proc com.nttdocomo.android.screenlockservice for service com.nttdocomo.android.screenlockservice/.ScreenLockService: pid=2792 uid=10131 gids={50131, 9997} abi=armeabi-v7a E/SELinux ( 2792): [DEBUG] get_category: variable seinfo: jpnnttdocomo sensitivity: NULL, cateogry: NULL D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1122): adjustStatusBarLocked: mShowing=true mOccluded=false isSecure=false --> flags=0x3200000 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() device 2, stream 1, samplingRate 0, format 0, channelMask 0, flags 3 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputsForDevice device 0002 -> 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() returns output 2 D/StatusBarManagerService( 864): manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x3200000 pkg=com.android.systemui D/PowerManagerService( 864): [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 10081 pid: 1122) eventTime = 167151777 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() device 2, stream 1, samplingRate 0, format 0, channelMask 0, flags 3 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputsForDevice device 0002 -> 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() returns output 2 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputForAttr() usage=13, content=4, tag=a flags=00000000 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputForAttr() device 2, samplingRate 44100, format 1, channelMask 3, flags 4 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputsForDevice device 0002 -> 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() returns output 2 W/AudioTrack( 1122): AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST denied by client E/AudioTrack( 1122): AudioTrack::set : Exit V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): startOutput() output 2, stream 1, session 195 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): changeRefCount() stream 1, count 1 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getNewOutputDevice() selected device 2 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() output 2 device 0002 delayMs 0 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() prevDevice 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() setting same device 0002 or null device for output 2 D/SoundAliveResampler( 310): [SoundAliveResampler] Init+++ D/ALSADevice( 310): route: devices 0x2 in mode 0 V/ALSADevice( 310): switchDevice: device 0x2 mode:0 V/ALSADevice( 310): getUCMDevice for output device: devices:2 is input device:0 V/ALSADevice( 310): getUCMDevice for input device: devices:0 is input device:1 D/ALSADevice( 310): No valid input device: 0 V/ALSADevice( 310): switchDevice,rxDev:Speaker, txDev:(null), curRxDev:Speaker, curTxDev:Main Mic D/alsa_ucm( 310): snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0xb3418510 identifier _enadev value Speaker D/ALSADevice( 310): switchDevice: mCurTxUCMDevivce Main Mic mCurRxDevDevice Speaker inCallDevSwitch = 0 V/ALSADevice( 310): switchDevice Done D/alsa_ucm( 310): snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0xb3418510 identifier _verb value HiFi D/alsa_ucm( 310): Set mixer controls for Speaker enable 1 D/alsa_ucm( 310): acdb_id 15 cap 1 enable 1 D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 15, path = 0 D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> send_adm_topology D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TOPOLOGY_ID D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> send_asm_topology D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_STREAM_TOPOLOGY_ID D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> send_audtable D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TABLE D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> send_audvoltable D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_GAIN_DEP_VOLTBL_STEP_COPP E/ACDB-LOADER( 310): Error: ACDB AudProc vol returned = -8 D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_VOL_CAL D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> send_afe_cal D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> send_hw_delay : acdb_id = 15 path = 0 D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_DEVICE_PROPERTY_SIZE D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> ACDB_AVSYNC_INFO: ACDB_CMD_GET_DEVICE_PROPERTY D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): send_hw_delay id = 15 delay_num_entries = 1 result = 0 D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: SLIM_0_RX Channels, value: Two D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: RX5 MIX1 INP1, value: RX1 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): releaseOutput() 2 D/VolumePanel( 1122): onScreenTurnedOff() D/VolumePanel( 1122): mCoverBroadcastReceiver : call onDismissSafeVolumeWarning() #1 D/VolumePanel( 1122): mCoverBroadcastReceiver: Screen OFF end D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: RX5 MIX1 INP2, value: RX2 D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: RX6 DSM MUX, value: DSM_INV D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting multi value: LINEOUT2 Volume D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting multi value: LINEOUT4 Volume D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting multi value: RX5 Digital Volume D/alsa_ucm( 310): Set mixer controls for HiFi enable 1 D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: SLIMBUS_0_RX Audio Mixer MultiMedia1, value: 1 V/KeyguardDisplayManager( 1122): show D/ALSADevice( 310): close: handle 0xb3457380 h 0x0 D/ALSADevice( 310): open: handle 0xb3457380, format 0x2 V/ALSADevice( 310): Music case D/ALSADevice( 310): Device value returned is hw:0,0 V/ALSADevice( 310): flags 0, devName hw:0,0 D/VisualEffectCircleUnlockEffect( 1122): KeyguardEffectViewNone : screenTurnedOff V/ALSADevice( 310): pcm_open returned fd 38 D/ALSADevice( 310): handle->format: 0x2 D/ALSADevice( 310): setHardwareParams: reqBuffSize 2048 channels 2 sampleRate 48000 D/ALSADevice( 310): setHardwareParams: buffer_size 16384, period_size 2048, period_cnt 8 W/KeyguardSecurityViewFlipper( 1122): onMeasure: widthSpec MeasureSpec: EXACTLY 1080 should be AT_MOST W/KeyguardSecurityViewFlipper( 1122): onMeasure: heightSpec MeasureSpec: EXACTLY 0 should be AT_MOST D/ResourcesManager( 2792): creating new AssetManager and set to /system/app/DocomoScreenLockService/DocomoScreenLockService.apk D/StatusBarManagerService( 864): manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x200000 pkg=WindowManager.LayoutParams D/Recents_RecentsActivity( 1745): dismissRecentsToHome is getting called animated=false D/Recents_RecentsActivity( 1745): dismissRecentsToHomeRaw is getting called animated=false W/ActivityManager( 864): mDVFSHelper.acquire() D/qdhwcomposer( 280): hwc_blank: Done blanking display: 0 D/SurfaceControl( 864): Excessive delay in setPowerMode(): 275ms D/MISC PowerHAL( 864): sysfs_write +: /sys/class/power_supply/battery/lcd: 0 D/MISC PowerHAL( 864): sysfs_write -: /sys/class/power_supply/battery/lcd: 0 D/PowerManagerService( 864): !@[s] blankAllDisplays() : blankAllDisplaysFromPowerManage D/PowerManagerService( 864): [api] setUserActivityTimeoutOverrideFromWindowManagerInternal: timeoutMillis: 10000 D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001iconType:101 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenIconStyle1 pointerType: 10001iconType:1 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenCustomIcon IconType is same.1 D/PowerManagerService( 864): [api] setScreenDimDurationOverrideFromWindowManagerInternal: timeoutMillis: 0 D/PowerManagerService( 864): Excessive delay in mPhotonicModulator.requestDisplayState(mRequestingState): 301ms I/PowerManagerService( 864): [PWL] Off : 0s ago I/PowerManagerService( 864): [PWL] PowerManagerService.WakeLocks: ref count=1 I/PowerManagerService( 864): [PWL] mWakeLockSummary : 0x1 I/PowerManagerService( 864): [PWL] PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK 'BackgroundMode' (uid=10261, pid=1097, ws=null) (elapsedTime=21095) I/PowerManagerService( 864): [PWL] PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK 'AudioMix' (uid=1013, pid=310, ws=WorkSource{10081}) (elapsedTime=181) I/PowerManagerService( 864): [PWL] PowerManagerService.Broadcasts: ref count=1 V/ActivityManager( 864): Display changed displayId=0 W/KeyguardSecurityViewFlipper( 1122): onMeasure: widthSpec MeasureSpec: EXACTLY 1080 should be AT_MOST W/KeyguardSecurityViewFlipper( 1122): onMeasure: heightSpec MeasureSpec: EXACTLY 1770 should be AT_MOST D/WallpaperManagerService( 864): getWallpaperData : 0 D/PowerManagerService( 864): [PWL] sb release: PowerManagerService.Broadcasts E/SMD ( 2672): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/WallpaperManager( 1431): SEC_PRODUCT_FEATURE_COMMON_SUPPORT_TEXTURE_COMPRESSION is true D/WallpaperManagerService( 864): getWallpaperData : 0 D/WallpaperManager( 1431): SEC_PRODUCT_FEATURE_COMMON_SUPPORT_TEXTURE_COMPRESSION is true I/DcmKeyguardBottomAreaView( 1122): totalWidth=1080, oneIconWidth=210, oneMargin=7 D/QSpanel ( 1122): label top:23 D/StatusBar-QSPanel( 1122): onLayout left:0 top:0 record.row:0 D/QSpanel ( 1122): label top:23 D/StatusBar-QSPanel( 1122): onLayout left:206 top:0 record.row:0 D/QSpanel ( 1122): label top:23 D/StatusBar-QSPanel( 1122): onLayout left:412 top:0 record.row:0 D/QSpanel ( 1122): label top:23 D/StatusBar-QSPanel( 1122): onLayout left:618 top:0 record.row:0 D/QSpanel ( 1122): label top:23 D/StatusBar-QSPanel( 1122): onLayout left:824 top:0 record.row:0 D/QSpanel ( 1122): label top:0 D/StatusBar-QSPanel( 1122): onLayout left:1030 top:0 record.row:0 D/QSpanel ( 1122): label top:0 D/StatusBar-QSPanel( 1122): onLayout left:1236 top:0 record.row:0 D/QSpanel ( 1122): label top:0 D/StatusBar-QSPanel( 1122): onLayout left:1442 top:0 record.row:0 D/QSpanel ( 1122): label top:0 D/StatusBar-QSPanel( 1122): onLayout left:1648 top:0 record.row:0 D/QSpanel ( 1122): label top:0 D/StatusBar-QSPanel( 1122): onLayout left:1854 top:0 record.row:0 W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. V/ActivityThread( 1431): updateVisibility : ActivityRecord{2c3048b6 token=android.os.BinderProxy@34951678 {com.nttdocomo.android.paletteui/com.nttdocomo.android.paletteui.HomeApp}} show : true V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): stopOutput() output 2, stream 1, session 195 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): changeRefCount() stream 1, count 0 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() output 2 device 0000 delayMs 192 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() prevDevice 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() setting same device 0000 or null device for output 2 W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. I/Timeline( 1431): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@34951678 time:167152096 W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/PhoneStatusBar( 1122): makeExpandedVisible:true D/ScrimController( 1122): updateScrimKeyguard() mDozing=false, mBouncerShowing=false D/SmartBondingService( 864): SmartBondingReceiver: onReceive action=com.android.systemui.statusbar.EXPANDED D/SSRM:a ( 864): DeviceInfo:: 001000000000 D/SSRM:a ( 864): SettingsAirViewInfo:: 001000000 D/BatteryMeterView( 1122): onDraw batteryColor : -1 D/PanelView( 1122): mClearAll.setVisibility - mIsFullyOpened : false isShade : false mHasNotification : true mIsUpwardFling : false mQsFullyExpanded : false isShadeLocked : false mClearAllVisible : true D/PanelView( 1122): mClearAll.setVisibility - mIsFullyOpened : false isShade : false mHasNotification : true mIsUpwardFling : false mQsFullyExpanded : false isShadeLocked : false mClearAllVisible : true D/DcmKeyguardBottomAreaView( 1122): KeyguardBottomAreaView.QueryHandler.onQueryComplete(): call log query complete.5 D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): handleKeyguardVisibilityChanged(1) W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. I/StatusBarKeyguardViewManager( 1122): StatusBarKeyguardManager.BroadcastReceiver.onReceive(): mascot is exist D/SecContentProvider2( 864): uri = 14 selection = getSealedState D/SecContentProvider2( 864): mCursor = null D/PhoneStatusBar( 1122): disable: < expand ICONS alerts SYSTEM_INFO back HOME* RECENT* clock SEARCH* > D/SecContentProvider2( 864): uri = 14 selection = getSealedState D/SecContentProvider2( 864): mCursor = null D/SecContentProvider2( 864): uri = 14 selection = getSealedState D/SecContentProvider2( 864): mCursor = null D/SecContentProvider2( 864): uri = 14 selection = getSealedState D/SecContentProvider2( 864): mCursor = null D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 99 99 -120 -160 -120 -1 -1 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 -1 2147483647 0x0 gsm|lte level=0 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar-DoNotDistrub( 1122): isDisableAlert isDormantModeOn:false isNotificationDisabled:true W/screenlockservice( 2792): ScreenLockService.IScreenLockService.Stub.getUnreadCount cursor = null I/StatusBarKeyguardViewManager( 1122): StatusBarKeyguardManager.BroadcastReceiver.onReceive(): mascot is exist D/PhoneStatusBar( 1122): notifyRecentPanelVisiblity false D/DcmKeyguardUnlockView( 1122): Window is focused W/KeyguardSecurityViewFlipper( 1122): onMeasure: widthSpec MeasureSpec: EXACTLY 1080 should be AT_MOST W/KeyguardSecurityViewFlipper( 1122): onMeasure: heightSpec MeasureSpec: EXACTLY 1770 should be AT_MOST I/DcmKeyguardBottomAreaView( 1122): totalWidth=1080, oneIconWidth=210, oneMargin=7 D/QSpanel ( 1122): label top:23 D/StatusBar-QSPanel( 1122): onLayout left:0 top:0 record.row:0 D/QSpanel ( 1122): label top:23 D/StatusBar-QSPanel( 1122): onLayout left:206 top:0 record.row:0 D/QSpanel ( 1122): label top:23 D/StatusBar-QSPanel( 1122): onLayout left:412 top:0 record.row:0 D/QSpanel ( 1122): label top:23 D/StatusBar-QSPanel( 1122): onLayout left:618 top:0 record.row:0 D/QSpanel ( 1122): label top:23 D/StatusBar-QSPanel( 1122): onLayout left:824 top:0 record.row:0 D/QSpanel ( 1122): label top:0 D/StatusBar-QSPanel( 1122): onLayout left:1030 top:0 record.row:0 D/QSpanel ( 1122): label top:0 D/StatusBar-QSPanel( 1122): onLayout left:1236 top:0 record.row:0 D/QSpanel ( 1122): label top:0 D/StatusBar-QSPanel( 1122): onLayout left:1442 top:0 record.row:0 D/QSpanel ( 1122): label top:0 D/StatusBar-QSPanel( 1122): onLayout left:1648 top:0 record.row:0 D/QSpanel ( 1122): label top:0 D/StatusBar-QSPanel( 1122): onLayout left:1854 top:0 record.row:0 W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1122): handleKeyguardDoneDrawing W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/PanelView( 1122): mClearAll.setVisibility - mIsFullyOpened : false isShade : false mHasNotification : true mIsUpwardFling : false mQsFullyExpanded : false isShadeLocked : false mClearAllVisible : true W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/ActivityManager( 864): mDVFSHelper.release() D/Recents_AlternateRecentsComponent( 1122): isRecentsTopMost is getting called W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/KeyguardSecurityViewFlipper( 1122): onMeasure: widthSpec MeasureSpec: EXACTLY 1080 should be AT_MOST W/KeyguardSecurityViewFlipper( 1122): onMeasure: heightSpec MeasureSpec: EXACTLY 1770 should be AT_MOST I/DcmKeyguardBottomAreaView( 1122): totalWidth=1080, oneIconWidth=210, oneMargin=7 W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1122): handleKeyguardDoneDrawing D/PanelView( 1122): mClearAll.setVisibility - mIsFullyOpened : false isShade : false mHasNotification : true mIsUpwardFling : false mQsFullyExpanded : false isShadeLocked : false mClearAllVisible : true W/KeyguardSecurityViewFlipper( 1122): onMeasure: widthSpec MeasureSpec: EXACTLY 1080 should be AT_MOST W/KeyguardSecurityViewFlipper( 1122): onMeasure: heightSpec MeasureSpec: EXACTLY 1770 should be AT_MOST I/DcmKeyguardBottomAreaView( 1122): totalWidth=1080, oneIconWidth=210, oneMargin=7 W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. E/ActivityThread( 864): Failed to find provider info for com.samsung.android.sm.lowpowercontext E/ActivityThread( 864): Failed to find provider info for com.samsung.android.sm.lowpowercontext W/ContextImpl( 864): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:1699 a.B.a:-1 a.B.a:-1 a.D.run:-1 android.os.Handler.handleCallback:739 E/Diag_Lib( 2816): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 2 E/SMD ( 2672): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 E/SMD ( 2672): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/ALSADevice( 310): standby: handle 0xb3457380 h 0x0 V/ALSADevice( 310): standby handle h 0xb3479900 E/SMD ( 2672): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/alsa_ucm( 310): snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0xb3418510 identifier _verb value Inactive D/alsa_ucm( 310): Set mixer controls for HiFi enable 0 D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: SLIMBUS_0_RX Audio Mixer MultiMedia1, value: 0 V/ALSADevice( 310): Number of modifiers 0 V/ALSADevice( 310): usecase_type is 0 D/alsa_ucm( 310): snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0xb3418510 identifier _disdev value Main Mic D/alsa_ucm( 310): disdev: device Main Mic not enabled, no need to disable D/alsa_ucm( 310): snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0xb3418510 identifier _disdev value Speaker D/alsa_ucm( 310): Set mixer controls for Speaker enable 0 D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: RX5 MIX1 INP1, value: ZERO D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: RX5 MIX1 INP2, value: ZERO D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: LINEOUT2 Volume, value: 0 D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: LINEOUT4 Volume, value: 0 D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: RX5 Digital Volume, value: 0 V/AlarmManager( 864): waitForAlarm result :8 E/SMD ( 2672): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/KeyguardSecurityViewFlipper( 1122): onMeasure: widthSpec MeasureSpec: EXACTLY 1080 should be AT_MOST W/KeyguardSecurityViewFlipper( 1122): onMeasure: heightSpec MeasureSpec: EXACTLY 1770 should be AT_MOST I/DcmKeyguardBottomAreaView( 1122): totalWidth=1080, oneIconWidth=210, oneMargin=7 W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. I/PowerManagerService( 864): [PWL] Off : 5s ago I/PowerManagerService( 864): [PWL] PowerManagerService.WakeLocks: ref count=1 I/PowerManagerService( 864): [PWL] mWakeLockSummary : 0x1 I/PowerManagerService( 864): [PWL] PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK 'BackgroundMode' (uid=10261, pid=1097, ws=null) (elapsedTime=26105) E/SMD ( 2672): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] E/Diag_Lib( 2820): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 2 E/SMD ( 2672): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 E/SMD ( 2672): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 V/AlarmManager( 864): waitForAlarm result :4 D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] E/SMD ( 2672): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/BatteryService( 864): !@BatteryListener : batteryPropertiesChanged! D/BatteryService( 864): level:99, scale:100, status:2, health:2, present:true, voltage: 4338, temperature: 293, technology: Li-ion, AC powered:false, USB powered:true, Wireless powered:false, icon:17303687, invalid charger:0 D/BatteryService( 864): online:4, current avg:460, charge type:1, power sharing:false, high voltage charger:false, capacity:280000, current_now:460 D/BatteryService( 864): Sending ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED. I/MotionRecognitionService( 864): Plugged I/MotionRecognitionService( 864): setPowerConnected = true D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): handleBatteryUpdate D/BatteryService( 864): stay LED for charging D/STATUSBAR-PhoneStatusBar( 1122): mBrightnessEnablebySettings = true mBrightnessEnablebyBattery = true mBrightnessEnablebyDisableFlag = true mPmsBrightnessEnablebySettings = true V/HeadsetService( 4939): HeadsetService - Received Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED D/HeadsetStateMachine( 4939): Disconnected process message: 10 W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/BatteryMeterView( 1122): ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : level:99 status:2 health:2 D/BatteryMeterView( 1122): ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : level:99 status:2 health:2 D/BatteryMeterView( 1122): ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : level:99 status:2 health:2 D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=1 D/InputReader( 864): !@notifyKey(116), action=0 D/InputManager-JNI( 864): !@interceptKeyBeforeQueueing(116), action=0 D/CustomFrequencyManagerService( 864): acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1350000 uid : 1000 pid : 864 pkgName : WAKEUP_BOOSTER@33 E/SamsungWindowManager( 864): mCoreNumLockHelper.acquire D/PowerManagerService( 864): [api] [s] wakeUpWithReason (uid: 1000 pid: 864) eventTime = 167160251 event = 1 I/PowerManagerService( 864): !@[ps] Screen__On - 48 : wakeUpWithReason: 1 (uid: 1000 pid: 864) V/KeyguardServiceDelegate( 864): onScreenTurnedOn(showListener = com.android.internal.policy.impl.PhoneWindowManager$2@33ded154) D/InputManager-JNI( 864): !@handleInterceptActions(116), action=0, wmActions=0 I/PowerManagerService( 864): Waking up from sleep (uid 1000)... D/PowerManagerService( 864): [PWL] sb acquire: PowerManagerService.Broadcasts D/PowerManagerService( 864): [s] getScreenOffTimeoutLocked: 30000 -> 10000 D/PowerManagerService( 864): [s] UserActivityState : 0 -> 1 D/PowerManagerService( 864): [PWL] sb acquire: PowerManagerService.Display I/DisplayPowerController( 864): Blocking screen on until initial contents have been drawn. D/DisplayPowerController( 864): getFinalBrightness : 255 -> 255 D/DisplayPowerController( 864): animation target = 255, rate=2000 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1) MAdj:(0, (0, 255))) D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1122): onScreenTurnedOn, seq = 49 D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1122): notifyScreenOnLocked D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1122): handleNotifyScreenOn D/KeyguardViewBase( 1122): screen on, instance ba4dbb3 D/InputManager-JNI( 864): setDeviceInteractive: 1 W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. V/KeyguardSecurityView( 1122): showPrimarySecurityScreen(turningOff=false) D/KeyguardSecurityView( 1122): showSecurityScreen(None) W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/DcmKeyguardUnlockView( 1122): onResume() E/InputManager-JNI( 864): sysfs_write : Error opening /sys/class/input/event21/device/enabled: 1 D/PowerManagerService( 864): !@[s] unblankAllDisplays() : unblankAllDisplaysFromPowerManager D/StatusBarKeyguardViewManager( 1122): onScreenTurnedOn() E/InputManager-JNI( 864): sysfs_write : Error opening /sys/class/input/event3/device/enabled: 1 D/KeyguardEffectViewController( 1122): mSlidingInterval = 0 , mSlidingWallpaperIndex:0 D/KeyguardEffectViewController( 1122): results = false , mSlidingWallpaperIndex:0 D/VisualEffectCircleUnlockEffect( 1122): KeyguardEffectViewNone : screenTurnedOn V/KeyguardServiceDelegate( 864): **** SHOWN CALLED **** W/KeyguardSecurityViewFlipper( 1122): onMeasure: widthSpec MeasureSpec: EXACTLY 1080 should be AT_MOST W/KeyguardSecurityViewFlipper( 1122): onMeasure: heightSpec MeasureSpec: EXACTLY 1770 should be AT_MOST D/StatusBarKeyguardViewManager( 1122): callback.onShown() D/LightsService( 864): [api] [SvcLED] turnOff:: id = 3 (uid: 1000 pid: 864) D/LightsService( 864): [SvcLED] setSvcLedStateLocked:: SvcLEDState : 0x12 -> 0x2 | SvcLED(id=3) set Off I/DcmKeyguardBottomAreaView( 1122): totalWidth=1080, oneIconWidth=210, oneMargin=7 D/QSpanel ( 1122): label top:23 D/StatusBar-QSPanel( 1122): onLayout left:0 top:0 record.row:0 D/QSpanel ( 1122): label top:23 D/StatusBar-QSPanel( 1122): onLayout left:206 top:0 record.row:0 D/QSpanel ( 1122): label top:23 D/StatusBar-QSPanel( 1122): onLayout left:412 top:0 record.row:0 D/QSpanel ( 1122): label top:23 D/StatusBar-QSPanel( 1122): onLayout left:618 top:0 record.row:0 D/QSpanel ( 1122): label top:23 D/StatusBar-QSPanel( 1122): onLayout left:824 top:0 record.row:0 D/QSpanel ( 1122): label top:0 D/StatusBar-QSPanel( 1122): onLayout left:1030 top:0 record.row:0 D/QSpanel ( 1122): label top:0 D/StatusBar-QSPanel( 1122): onLayout left:1236 top:0 record.row:0 D/QSpanel ( 1122): label top:0 D/StatusBar-QSPanel( 1122): onLayout left:1442 top:0 record.row:0 D/QSpanel ( 1122): label top:0 D/StatusBar-QSPanel( 1122): onLayout left:1648 top:0 record.row:0 D/QSpanel ( 1122): label top:0 D/StatusBar-QSPanel( 1122): onLayout left:1854 top:0 record.row:0 E/LightSensor( 864): Light old sensor_state 0, new sensor_state : 128 en : 1 D/SensorManager( 864): registerListener :: 6, CM3323 RGB Sensor, 200000, 0, W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/BatteryService( 864): turn off LED W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. I/CAE ( 864): handleMessage(CaPowerManager.java:188) - AP_WAKEUP I/CAE ( 864): updateApPowerStatus(SensorHubParserProvider.java:421) - AP_WAKEUP I/CAE ( 864): sendCmdToSensorHub(SensorHubCommManager.java:144) - -76, 13, -47, 0, D/SensorHubManager( 864): SendSensorHubData: send data = -76, 13, -47, 0 D/Sensorhubs( 314): sendContextData: -76, 13, -47, 0 W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/InputMethodManagerService( 864): [HARDWARE_KEYBOARD] (refreshImeWindowVisibilityLocked) mImeWindowVis= 0 inputVisible = falsehaveHardKeyboard = false hardKeyShown = false D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. E/LightSensor( 864): Light old sensor_state 128, new sensor_state : 0 en : 0 V/AudioHardwareALSA( 310): setParameters() screen_state=on D/SensorManager( 864): unregisterListener :: D/lights ( 864): led_pattern : 0 + D/MotionRecognitionService( 864): mReceiver.onReceive : ACTION_SCREEN_ON D/NotificationService( 864): ACTION_SCREEN_ON D/LightsService( 864): [api] [SvcLED] turnOff:: id = 4 (uid: 1000 pid: 864) D/LightsService( 864): [SvcLED] setSvcLedStateLocked:: SvcLEDState : 0x2 -> 0x0 | SvcLED(id=4) set Off D/LightsService( 864): [SvcLED] Lux failed to be updated in 700ms. -> handleForcedSvcLEDTasK I/SecExternalDisplayIntents_Java( 864): Intent Recieved .. -android.intent.action.SCREEN_ONBroadCast Map value - 19 D/lights ( 864): led_pattern : 0 - D/LightsService( 864): [SvcLED] setSvcLedLightLocked :: Current SvcLED(id=4) maintains its priority right E/native ( 864): do suspend false I/wpa_supplicant(30131): wlan0: Setting scan request: 0 sec 0 usec I/wpa_supplicant(30131): P2P: Current p2p state = IDLE I/wpa_supplicant(30131): Scan requested (ret=0) - scan timeout 30 seconds D/DisplayPowerController( 864): getFinalBrightness : 255 -> 255 D/DisplayPowerController( 864): animation target = 255, rate=2000 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1) MAdj:(0, (0, 255))) D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=0 D/InputReader( 864): !@notifyKey(116), action=1 D/InputManager-JNI( 864): !@interceptKeyBeforeQueueing(116), action=1 D/InputManager-JNI( 864): !@handleInterceptActions(116), action=1, wmActions=0 D/PowerManagerService-JNI( 864): Excessive delay in autosuspend_disable() while turning screen on: 339ms D/MISC PowerHAL( 864): sysfs_write +: /sys/class/power_supply/battery/lcd: 1 D/MISC PowerHAL( 864): sysfs_write -: /sys/class/power_supply/battery/lcd: 1 I/QCOM PowerHAL( 864): Perflock released. D/SContextService( 864): .registerCallback : 1, client= D/SurfaceFlinger( 280): Set power mode=2, type=0 flinger=0xb6962000 D/qdhwcomposer( 280): hwc_blank: Unblanking display: 0 D/qdhwcomposer( 280): hwc_blank: Done unblanking display: 0 E/SContext.CaeProvider( 864): setProperty() : attribute is null! D/SContextService( 864): sendAttribute() : service = Flip Cover Action W/CAE ( 864): registerCallback(ContextAwareService.java:137) - [regi 01] Mutex is locked for FLIP_COVER_ACTION D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1122): handleKeyguardDoneDrawing D/PanelView( 1122): mClearAll.setVisibility - mIsFullyOpened : false isShade : false mHasNotification : true mIsUpwardFling : false mQsFullyExpanded : false isShadeLocked : false mClearAllVisible : true D/GpsLocationProvider( 864): receive broadcast intent, action: android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON D/PowerManagerService( 864): Excessive delay in nativeSetAutoSuspend(false): 340ms D/IpRemoteDisplayController( 864): intent received android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON D/IpRemoteDisplayController( 864): Bridge Server is not available I/DisplayManagerService( 864): Display device changed: DisplayDeviceInfo{"内蔵スクリーン": 1080 x 1920, 60.0 fps, supportedRefreshRates [60.0], density 480, 442.451 x 439.351 dpi, appVsyncOff 0, presDeadline 17666667, touch INTERNAL, rotation 0, type BUILT_IN, state ON, FLAG_DEFAULT_DISPLAY, FLAG_ROTATES_WITH_CONTENT, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS} D/PowerManagerService( 864): Excessive delay in mPhotonicModulator.requestDisplayState(mRequestingState): 347ms V/CAE ( 864): start(ContextProvider.java:126) V/CAE ( 864): clear(FlipCoverActionRunner.java:126) V/CAE ( 864): enable(FlipCoverActionRunner.java:102) I/CAE ( 864): sendCmdToSensorHub(SensorHubCommManager.java:144) - -79, 14, 0, 0, D/SensorHubManager( 864): SendSensorHubData: send data = -79, 14, 0, 0 D/Sensorhubs( 314): sendContextData: -79, 14, 0, 0 D/CAE ( 864): getFaultDetectionResult(FlipCoverActionRunner.java:139) - true I/CAE ( 864): notifyCmdProcessResultObserver(ContextProvider.java:617) - CheckResult = 0, Cause = Success V/ActivityManager( 864): Display changed displayId=0 I/NfcService( 1390): When receiving ACTION_SCREEN_ON, S view cover is already opened. So screenState is ON_LOCKED by isKeyguardLocked() D/DisplayPowerController( 864): [api] WindowManagerPolicy.ScreenOnListener : Received onScreenOn(). I/DisplayPowerController( 864): Unblocked screen on after 385 ms D/DisplayPowerState( 864): !@ ColorFade exit D/lights ( 864): lcd : 255 + D/lights ( 864): lcd : 255 - D/lights ( 864): button : 1 + D/DisplayPowerController( 864): getFinalBrightness : 255 -> 255 D/DisplayPowerController( 864): animation target = 255, rate=2000 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1) MAdj:(0, (0, 255))) D/DisplayPowerController( 864): getFinalBrightness : 255 -> 255 D/DisplayPowerController( 864): animation target = 255, rate=2000 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1) MAdj:(0, (0, 255))) D/PowerManagerService( 864): [s] DisplayPowerCallbacks : onStateChanged() D/PowerManagerService( 864): SecHardwareInterface.setBatteryADC : true D/PowerManagerService( 864): [input device light] setInputDeviceLightOn is called : 1 D/PowerManagerService( 864): [input device light] handleInputDeviceLightOn D/lights ( 864): button : 1 - W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/NfcService( 1390): call the applyRouting W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for com.google.android.gm: Resource ID #0x0 W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/CAE ( 864): doCommendProcess(ContextAwareService.java:314) - complete notify the operation result. I/CAE ( 864): displayUsedCountForService(ContextAwareService.java:406) - totalCnt = 1, serviceCount = 1, subCollectionCount = 0 D/CAE ( 864): showListenerList(ContextAwareService.java:247) - ===== Context Aware Service List ===== I/CAE ( 864): showListenerList(ContextAwareService.java:256) - Listener : com.samsung.android.contextaware.manager.ContextAwareService$Listener@206bbf36, Service : FLIP_COVER_ACTION(1) W/CAE ( 864): registerCallback(ContextAwareService.java:173) - [regi 02] Mutex is unlocked for FLIP_COVER_ACTION D/SContextService( 864): addSContextService() : service = Flip Cover Action D/SContextService( 864): ===== SContext Service List ===== D/SContextService( 864): Listener : android.hardware.scontext.SContextService$Listener@3be70e37, Service : Flip Cover Action D/SContextManager( 864): .registerListener : listener = com.samsung.android.motion.MotionRecognitionFlipCover$1@f0e15bb, service=Flip Cover Action W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/SSRM:a ( 864): DeviceInfo:: 001100000000 D/SSRM:a ( 864): SettingsAirViewInfo:: 001000000 E/MotionRecognitionService( 864): handler : SCREEN_ON end D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getNetworkInfo(networkType - 1) :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for com.facebook.orca: Resource ID #0x0 D/SSRM:n ( 864): SIOP:: AP = 390, CUR = 460 D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/com.oishigohan.community-1/base.apk D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> WDS:73 [0:0] Act : comsamsungssrmSCREEN_ON, run:true D/comsamsunglog( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> ==================================================================================================================== D/comsamsunglog( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> daemonapp [Version : 150818761249 ] [ 1 ] D/comsamsunglog( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> Header set to : ===> "daemonapp" <=== D/comsamsunglog( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> ==================================================================================================================== D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/com.pecojapan.PECOapp-1/base.apk D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> WDS:1389 [0:0] PakNme size = 0 D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/com.android.vending-2/base.apk D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/jp.creafons.cyfons-1/base.apk W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for jp.creafons.cyfons: Resource ID #0x0 E/ActivityThread(32351): Failed to find provider info for com.nttdocomo.android.dhome.mascotdrawrectprovider D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/jp.mrstepup.mrstepapp-1/base.apk D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> WDS:123 [0:0] SerStus:false,TmpS:1,AtRfr:3, checkCurrent: 0 D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> WDS:713 [0:0] ==> Act: SCREEN_ON or COVER_OPEN <== D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> WDS:716 [0:0] [ASO][AUTOREFRESHKEY] --> 3 D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> WDS:717 [0:0] [ASO][NUT] = 01/01/2014 03:05 午後 D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> WDS:718 [0:0] [ASO][CT] = 11/12/2018 02:44 午後 D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/jp.kinarino.kinarinoapp-1/base.apk D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 99 99 -120 -160 -120 -1 -1 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 -1 2147483647 0x0 gsm|lte level=0 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> WDS:1389 [0:0] PakNme size = 0 D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 99 99 -120 -160 -120 -1 -1 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 -1 2147483647 0x0 gsm|lte level=0 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /system/priv-app/StoreApp/StoreApp.apk W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for com.nttdocomo.android.store: Resource ID #0x0 D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /system/priv-app/MmbApp/MmbApp.apk I/StatusBarKeyguardViewManager( 1122): StatusBarKeyguardManager.BroadcastReceiver.onReceive(): mascot is exist W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbServiceLibrary.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbFcMp4Mw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbStCtlMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbSeMngMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbFcBrowMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbScSecClkMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbPoServiceSp.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> U:1282 [0:0] cDayONight() ::: sunrise is null D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> U:1298 [0:0] cDayONight() ::: sunset is null D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> WCS:90 [0:0] action:androidintentactionSCREEN_ON W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for jp.co.mmbi.app: Resource ID #0x0 D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> WDS:73 [0:0] Act : widgetappapweathernewsjpdaemonactionCHANGE_ICON_OF_DAEMON, run:true W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbFcIndivdMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbFcContMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbFcPgInfoMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbMoInfoMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbFcMfestMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbStBmlMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. D/comsamsunglog( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> ==================================================================================================================== D/comsamsunglog( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> daemonapp [Version : 150818761249 ] [ 1 ] D/comsamsunglog( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> Header set to : ===> "daemonapp" <=== D/comsamsunglog( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> ==================================================================================================================== D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /system/app/MobileFeliCaMenuApp/MobileFeliCaMenuApp.apk W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for com.felicanetworks.mfm: Resource ID #0x0 D/PowerManagerService( 864): [PWL] sb release: PowerManagerService.Broadcasts D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> WDS:1389 [0:0] PakNme size = 0 D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /system/priv-app/SecSettings/SecSettings.apk W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/sec_platform_library.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/smatlib.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/sechardware.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/com.google.android.maps.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/twframework.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/com.broadcom.bt.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /system/priv-app/dmenu/dmenu.apk W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for com.nttdocomo.android.docomo_market: Resource ID #0x0 W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /system/priv-app/DcmCloudMailer/DcmCloudMailer.apk W/ResourceType( 1431): ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 1, previously 1632 W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for jp.co.nttdocomo.carriermail: Resource ID #0x0 W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> WDS:123 [0:0] SerStus:false,TmpS:1,AtRfr:3, checkCurrent: 0 D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> WDS:767 [0:0] ====ACTION_SEC_CHANGE_ICON_OF_DAEMON=== D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> U:1282 [0:0] cDayONight() ::: sunrise is null D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> U:1298 [0:0] cDayONight() ::: sunset is null W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> WDS:771 [0:0] checkDay:true, UtilgetIsDay():false W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /system/app/SBrowser/SBrowser.apk W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for com.sec.android.app.sbrowser: Resource ID #0x0 W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/secsmartcard.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/twframework.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/secvision.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. E/SMD ( 2672): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 I/art ( 1122): Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 246765(11MB) AllocSpace objects, 3(243KB) LOS objects, 15% free, 42MB/50MB, paused 1.647ms total 139.587ms D/WVMDrmPlugIn( 309): WVMDrmPlugin::onTerminate : 4065 I/PrGenericPlugin( 309): [A] ENTER onTerminate : 0xfe1 I/PrGenericPlugin( 309): check context leak for (0) entries in conextMap. I/PrGenericPlugin( 309): [A] LEAVE onTerminate : 0xfe1 D/DrmPVPlugIn( 309): DrmPVPlugIn::onTerminate : 4065 V/MediaPlayer-JNI( 1122): native_finalize V/MediaPlayer-JNI( 1122): release I/art ( 864): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 62166(2MB) AllocSpace objects, 13(208KB) LOS objects, 23% free, 51MB/67MB, paused 3.143ms total 223.754ms D/Sensorhubs( 314): readContextData: 1, 1, 14, 0 D/SensorHubManager( 864): onGetSensorHubDataLocked: library(4) = 1, 1, 14, 0 D/CAE ( 864): onGetSensorHubData(SensorHubParserProvider.java:87) - onGetSensorHubData Event [event buffer len :4], AP_WAKEUP I/CAE ( 864): parse(SensorHubParserProvider.java:166) - buffer size = 4 I/CAE ( 864): parse(SensorHubParserProvider.java:177) - 1, 1, 14, 0, D/CAE ( 864): display(ContextProvider.java:365) - ================= FLIP_COVER_ACTION ================= I/CAE ( 864): display(ContextProvider.java:381) - Action=[0] D/SContextService( 864): updateSContext() : event = Flip Cover Action D/InputReader( 864): setFlipCoverTouchEnabled/clearCoverOpen/adjustTouch: 1,1, 0 D/MotionRecognitionService( 864): [ FLIP_COVER_ACTION_OPEN ] D/MotionRecognitionService( 864): setFlipCoverTouchEnabled to true D/CustomFrequencyManagerService( 864): releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1350000 uid : 1000 pid : 864 tag : WAKEUP_BOOSTER@33 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen V/AlarmManager( 864): waitForAlarm result :8 D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=1 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.196 ] when=167161676496000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1122): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 D/ViewRootImpl( 1122): ViewPostImeInputStage ACTION_DOWN D/PanelView( 1122): mDispatchInitX=539.0, mDispatchInitY=1777.0 W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. V/Vibrator( 1122): Called vibrate(long) API! V/Vibrator( 1122): vibrate(long, AudioAttributes) API - PUID: 10081, PackageName: com.android.systemui, ms: 30, AudioAttr: null V/Vibrator( 1122): Called vibrate(int, String, long, AudioAttributes) API - PUID: 10081, PackageName: com.android.systemui V/Vibrator( 1122): vibrate - PUID: 10081, PackageName: com.android.systemui, ms: 30, AudioAttr: null, mag: -1 D/VibratorService( 864): Turning vibrator off - ImmVibe. V/VibratorService( 864): vibrateMagnitude - package: com.android.systemui, ms: 30, token: android.os.BinderProxy@3d4f7210, magnitude: 10000 W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=0 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=167161805006000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1122): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. V/Vibrator( 1122): Called vibrate(long) API! V/Vibrator( 1122): vibrate(long, AudioAttributes) API - PUID: 10081, PackageName: com.android.systemui, ms: 40, AudioAttr: null V/Vibrator( 1122): Called vibrate(int, String, long, AudioAttributes) API - PUID: 10081, PackageName: com.android.systemui V/Vibrator( 1122): vibrate - PUID: 10081, PackageName: com.android.systemui, ms: 40, AudioAttr: null, mag: -1 I/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getAudioPolicyConfig: situation=1;device=0 I/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getSituationVolume: isBTConnected:0 isHeadConnected:0 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): deviceInt = 0, situationInt = 1, situationVolume = 0.800000 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() device 2, stream 1, samplingRate 0, format 0, channelMask 0, flags 3 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputsForDevice device 0002 -> 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() returns output 2 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() device 2, stream 1, samplingRate 0, format 0, channelMask 0, flags 3 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputsForDevice device 0002 -> 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() returns output 2 D/VibratorService( 864): Turning vibrator off - ImmVibe. V/VibratorService( 864): vibrateMagnitude - package: com.android.systemui, ms: 40, token: android.os.BinderProxy@3d4f7210, magnitude: 10000 D/KeyguardSecurityView( 1122): showNextSecurityScreenOrFinish(true) W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputForAttr() usage=13, content=4, tag= flags=00000000 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputForAttr() device 2, samplingRate 48000, format 1, channelMask 1, flags 4 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputsForDevice device 0002 -> 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() returns output 2 D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1122): keyguardDone(true) E/AudioTrack( 864): AudioTrack::set : Exit V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): startOutput() output 2, stream 1, session 196 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): changeRefCount() stream 1, count 1 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getNewOutputDevice() selected device 2 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() output 2 device 0002 delayMs 0 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() prevDevice 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() setting same device 0002 or null device for output 2 D/ALSADevice( 310): route: devices 0x2 in mode 0 V/ALSADevice( 310): switchDevice: device 0x2 mode:0 V/ALSADevice( 310): getUCMDevice for output device: devices:2 is input device:0 V/ALSADevice( 310): getUCMDevice for input device: devices:0 is input device:1 D/ALSADevice( 310): No valid input device: 0 V/ALSADevice( 310): switchDevice,rxDev:Speaker, txDev:(null), curRxDev:Speaker, curTxDev:Main Mic D/alsa_ucm( 310): snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0xb3418510 identifier _enadev value Speaker D/ALSADevice( 310): switchDevice: mCurTxUCMDevivce Main Mic mCurRxDevDevice Speaker inCallDevSwitch = 0 V/ALSADevice( 310): switchDevice Done V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): releaseOutput() 2 D/alsa_ucm( 310): snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0xb3418510 identifier _verb value HiFi D/alsa_ucm( 310): Set mixer controls for Speaker enable 1 D/alsa_ucm( 310): acdb_id 15 cap 1 enable 1 D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 15, path = 0 D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> send_adm_topology D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TOPOLOGY_ID D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> send_asm_topology D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_STREAM_TOPOLOGY_ID D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> send_audtable D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TABLE D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> send_audvoltable D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_GAIN_DEP_VOLTBL_STEP_COPP E/ACDB-LOADER( 310): Error: ACDB AudProc vol returned = -8 D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_VOL_CAL D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> send_afe_cal D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> send_hw_delay : acdb_id = 15 path = 0 D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_DEVICE_PROPERTY_SIZE D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> ACDB_AVSYNC_INFO: ACDB_CMD_GET_DEVICE_PROPERTY D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): send_hw_delay id = 15 delay_num_entries = 1 result = 0 D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: SLIM_0_RX Channels, value: Two D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: RX5 MIX1 INP1, value: RX1 D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1122): handleKeyguardDone D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1122): handleHide D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1122): isAutoUnlockEnabled in KeyguardViewMediator = true D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: RX5 MIX1 INP2, value: RX2 D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: RX6 DSM MUX, value: DSM_INV D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting multi value: LINEOUT2 Volume D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting multi value: LINEOUT4 Volume D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting multi value: RX5 Digital Volume D/alsa_ucm( 310): Set mixer controls for HiFi enable 1 D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: SLIMBUS_0_RX Audio Mixer MultiMedia1, value: 1 D/ALSADevice( 310): close: handle 0xb3457380 h 0x0 D/ALSADevice( 310): open: handle 0xb3457380, format 0x2 V/ALSADevice( 310): Music case D/ALSADevice( 310): Device value returned is hw:0,0 V/ALSADevice( 310): flags 0, devName hw:0,0 V/ALSADevice( 310): pcm_open returned fd 45 D/ALSADevice( 310): handle->format: 0x2 D/ALSADevice( 310): setHardwareParams: reqBuffSize 2048 channels 2 sampleRate 48000 D/ALSADevice( 310): setHardwareParams: buffer_size 16384, period_size 2048, period_cnt 8 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() device 2, stream 1, samplingRate 0, format 0, channelMask 0, flags 3 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputsForDevice device 0002 -> 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() returns output 2 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() device 2, stream 1, samplingRate 0, format 0, channelMask 0, flags 3 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputsForDevice device 0002 -> 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() returns output 2 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputForAttr() usage=13, content=4, tag=> flags=00000000 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputForAttr() device 2, samplingRate 44100, format 1, channelMask 3, flags 4 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputsForDevice device 0002 -> 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() returns output 2 W/AudioTrack( 1122): AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST denied by client E/AudioTrack( 1122): AudioTrack::set : Exit V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): startOutput() output 2, stream 1, session 197 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): changeRefCount() stream 1, count 2 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): releaseOutput() 2 D/SecContentProvider2( 864): uri = 14 selection = getSealedState D/SecContentProvider2( 864): mCursor = null D/PhoneStatusBar( 1122): disable: < expand ICONS alerts SYSTEM_INFO back HOME RECENT clock SEARCH > D/SecContentProvider2( 864): uri = 14 selection = getSealedState D/SecContentProvider2( 864): mCursor = null D/SecContentProvider2( 864): uri = 14 selection = getSealedState D/SecContentProvider2( 864): mCursor = null D/SecContentProvider2( 864): uri = 14 selection = getSealedState D/SoundAliveResampler( 310): [SoundAliveResampler] Init+++ D/SecContentProvider2( 864): mCursor = null D/KeyguardEffectViewUtil( 1122): wallpaperType :3 D/StatusBar-DoNotDistrub( 1122): isDisableAlert isDormantModeOn:false isNotificationDisabled:true D/StatusBar-Window( 1122): fnf=false sanc=true, kni=false, sbf=true D/CoverUI ( 1122): applyFocusableFlag() : Remove SAMSUNG_FLAG_SVIEW_COVER W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/PhoneStatusBar( 1122): makeExpandedInvisible: mExpandedVisible=true mExpandedVisible=true D/SSRM:a ( 864): DeviceInfo:: 000100000000 W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/SSRM:a ( 864): SettingsAirViewInfo:: 001000000 W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/StatusBar-QSPanel( 1122): setSingleLine:true D/StatusBar-QSPanel( 1122): updateButtonInfo mButtonWidth : 206 mColumns:5 orien: 1 displayWidth:1032 D/StatusBar-QSPanel( 1122): setSingleLine height:0 D/PhoneStatusBar( 1122): updateQSpanelHeight: 279 height:279 D/STATUSBAR-PhoneStatusBar( 1122): mBrightnessEnablebySettings = true mBrightnessEnablebyBattery = true mBrightnessEnablebyDisableFlag = true mPmsBrightnessEnablebySettings = true W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): updateCMASText( show = false ) W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/PanelView( 1122): There is/are notification(s) W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/KeyguardEffectViewUtil( 1122): wallpaperType :3 D/StatusBar-Window( 1122): fnf=false sanc=true, kni=false, sbf=true D/CoverUI ( 1122): applyFocusableFlag() : Remove SAMSUNG_FLAG_SVIEW_COVER D/PanelView( 1122): flingSettings mQsMin:0 mQsMax:393 mQsEx:393.0mQsPeek:279 W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): updateCMASText( show = false ) W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/PanelView( 1122): There is/are notification(s) W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/PanelView( 1122): kidsfalse mQsExpansionEnabled:true D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): updateCMASText( show = false ) W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): updateCMASText( show = false ) W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/PanelView( 1122): There is/are notification(s) W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/KeyguardEffectViewUtil( 1122): wallpaperType :3 D/StatusBar-Window( 1122): fnf=false sanc=true, kni=false, sbf=true D/CoverUI ( 1122): applyFocusableFlag() : Remove SAMSUNG_FLAG_SVIEW_COVER D/KeyguardEffectViewUtil( 1122): wallpaperType :3 D/StatusBar-Window( 1122): fnf=false sanc=true, kni=false, sbf=false D/CoverUI ( 1122): applyFocusableFlag() : Remove SAMSUNG_FLAG_SVIEW_COVER D/SecContentProvider2( 864): uri = 14 selection = getSealedState D/SecContentProvider2( 864): mCursor = null D/PhoneStatusBar( 1122): disable: < expand icons* alerts system_info* back HOME RECENT clock SEARCH > D/SecContentProvider2( 864): uri = 14 selection = getSealedState D/SecContentProvider2( 864): mCursor = null D/SecContentProvider2( 864): uri = 14 selection = getSealedState D/SecContentProvider2( 864): mCursor = null D/PhoneStatusBar( 1122): updateKeyguardState :0 D/StatusBar-DoNotDistrub( 1122): isDisableAlert isDormantModeOn:false isNotificationDisabled:true W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. I/KeyguardEffectViewController( 1122): setKeyguardShowing = false D/KeyguardEffectViewController( 1122): cleanUp() D/VisualEffectCircleUnlockEffect( 1122): KeyguardEffectViewNone : cleanUp V/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): *** unregister callback for com.android.keyguard.sec.KeyguardEffectViewController$2@3380b3a8 D/KeyguardEffectViewController( 1122): isFestivalActivated()false I/KeyguardEffectViewController( 1122): setFestivalKeyguardShowing = false ,:false D/KeyguardEffectViewController( 1122): isFestivalActivated()false E/SMD ( 2672): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): updateCMASText( show = false ) W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/PanelView( 1122): There is/are notification(s) D/PanelView( 1122): kidsfalse mQsExpansionEnabled:true D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): updateCMASText( show = false ) W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/PanelView( 1122): There is/are notification(s) D/StatusBar.BrightnessController( 1122): updateMode : false D/StatusBar.BrightnessController( 1122): updateSlider : 245 W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): updateCMASText( show = false ) W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/PanelView( 1122): There is/are notification(s) D/PanelView( 1122): kidsfalse mQsExpansionEnabled:true D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): updateCMASText( show = false ) W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/PanelView( 1122): kidsfalse mQsExpansionEnabled:true D/PhoneStatusBar( 1122): updateKeyguardPreviousState :0 D/KeyguardProperties( 1122): isIgnoreNationalRoaming() = false D/PhoneStatusBar( 1122): HomeCitySettingsDialog available = false, show = false D/KeyguardEffectViewUtil( 1122): wallpaperType :3 D/StatusBar-Window( 1122): fnf=false sanc=true, kni=false, sbf=false D/CoverUI ( 1122): applyFocusableFlag() : Remove SAMSUNG_FLAG_SVIEW_COVER D/StatusBar-Window( 1122): fnf=true sanc=false, kni=false, sbf=false D/CoverUI ( 1122): applyFocusableFlag() : Remove SAMSUNG_FLAG_SVIEW_COVER W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/DcmKeyguardUnlockView( 1122): onPause() V/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): *** unregister callback for com.android.keyguard.dcm.DcmKeyguardBottomAreaView$3@2f9fc596 I/SecAttributionInfoView( 1122): onDetachedFromWindow V/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): *** unregister callback for com.android.keyguard.KeyguardSimpleHostView$1@1b56dcbe W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): sendKeyguardVisibilityChanged(false) V/ActivityManager( 864): Display changed displayId=0 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): stopOutput() output 2, stream 1, session 196 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): changeRefCount() stream 1, count 1 D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1122): adjustStatusBarLocked: mShowing=false mOccluded=false isSecure=false --> flags=0x0 D/StatusBarManagerService( 864): manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=com.android.systemui D/WallpaperManagerService( 864): getWallpaperData : 0 D/PhoneStatusBar( 1122): makeExpandedInvisible: mExpandedVisible=false mExpandedVisible=false D/ResourcesManager( 864): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/com.google.android.marvin.talkback-1/base.apk D/StatusBarManagerService( 864): manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=WindowManager.LayoutParams D/WallpaperManager( 1431): SEC_PRODUCT_FEATURE_COMMON_SUPPORT_TEXTURE_COMPRESSION is true D/WallpaperManagerService( 864): getWallpaperData : 0 D/WallpaperManager( 1431): SEC_PRODUCT_FEATURE_COMMON_SUPPORT_TEXTURE_COMPRESSION is true D/NfcService( 1390): call the applyRouting D/PowerManagerService( 864): [api] setUserActivityTimeoutOverrideFromWindowManagerInternal: timeoutMillis: -1 D/PowerManagerService( 864): [s] getScreenOffTimeoutLocked: 10000 -> 30000 E/ActivityManager( 864): checkUser: useridlist=null, currentuser=0 E/ActivityManager( 864): checkUser: useridlist=null, currentuser=0 E/ActivityManager( 864): checkUser: useridlist=null, currentuser=0 E/ActivityManager( 864): checkUser: useridlist=null, currentuser=0 D/PowerManagerService( 864): [api] setScreenDimDurationOverrideFromWindowManagerInternal: timeoutMillis: -1 D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001iconType:101 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenIconStyle1 pointerType: 10001iconType:1 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenCustomIcon IconType is same.1 E/Zygote ( 2857): MountEmulatedStorage() E/Zygote ( 2857): v2 I/ActivityManager( 864): Start proc jp.co.mmbi.app for broadcast jp.co.mmbi.app/.mmbiapplication.notification.MmbNotificationReceiver: pid=2857 uid=10040 gids={50040, 9997, 9100, 3003, 1023, 1028, 1015, 3002, 3001} abi=armeabi-v7a I/libpersona( 2857): KNOX_SDCARD checking this for 10040 I/libpersona( 2857): KNOX_SDCARD not a persona I/SELinux ( 2857): Function: selinux_compare_spd_ram, SPD-policy is existed. and_ver=SEPF_SC-04E_5.0.1-1 ver=51 D/lights ( 864): button : 0 + D/lights ( 864): button : 0 - I/SELinux ( 2857): Function: selinux_compare_spd_ram , priority [1] , priority version is VE=SEPF_SC-04E_5.0.1-1_0051 E/SELinux ( 2857): [DEBUG] get_category: variable seinfo: mmb sensitivity: NULL, cateogry: NULL V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): stopOutput() output 2, stream 1, session 197 D/PowerManagerService( 864): [input device light] handleInputDeviceLightOff V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): changeRefCount() stream 1, count 0 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() output 2 device 0000 delayMs 192 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() prevDevice 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() setting same device 0000 or null device for output 2 D/StatusBar-Window( 1122): fnf=true sanc=false, kni=false, sbf=false D/CoverUI ( 1122): applyFocusableFlag() : Remove SAMSUNG_FLAG_SVIEW_COVER D/PanelView( 1122): mClearAll.setVisibility - mIsFullyOpened : false isShade : true mHasNotification : true mIsUpwardFling : false mQsFullyExpanded : false isShadeLocked : false mClearAllVisible : true D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): handleKeyguardVisibilityChanged(0) D/PanelView( 1122): mClearAll.setVisibility - mIsFullyOpened : false isShade : true mHasNotification : true mIsUpwardFling : false mQsFullyExpanded : false isShadeLocked : false mClearAllVisible : true D/PanelView( 1122): mClearAll.setVisibility - mIsFullyOpened : false isShade : true mHasNotification : true mIsUpwardFling : false mQsFullyExpanded : false isShadeLocked : false mClearAllVisible : true D/InputMethodManagerService( 864): windowGainedFocus mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled-false W/InputMethodManagerService( 864): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@85cd4b attribute=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@10877328, token = android.os.BinderProxy@373e5fa8 D/PalmMotion( 864): 2013 - SURFACE_MOTION_ENGINE: 1 SURFACE_PALM_TOUCH: 1 D/PalmMotion( 864): SURFACE_PALM_SWIPE: 1 D/SecContentProvider2( 864): uri = 14 selection = getSealedState D/SecContentProvider2( 864): mCursor = null D/PhoneStatusBar( 1122): disable: < expand icons alerts system_info back home* recent* clock search* > E/MotionRecognitionService( 864): mReceiver.onReceive : ACTION_USER_PRESENT :: UNLOCK SCREEN D/LightsService( 864): [api] [SvcLED] turnOff:: id = 4 (uid: 1000 pid: 864) D/LightsService( 864): [SvcLED] setSvcLedStateLocked:: SvcLEDState : 0x0 -> 0x0 | SvcLED(id=4) set Off D/LightsService( 864): [SvcLED] Lux failed to be updated in 700ms. -> handleForcedSvcLEDTasK D/LightsService( 864): [SvcLED] setSvcLedLightLocked :: Current SvcLED(id=4) maintains its priority right D/SSRM:a ( 864): DeviceInfo:: 000000000000 D/SSRM:a ( 864): SettingsAirViewInfo:: 001000000 D/SecContentProvider2( 864): uri = 14 selection = getSealedState D/SecContentProvider2( 864): mCursor = null D/SecContentProvider2( 864): uri = 14 selection = getSealedState E/Diag_Lib( 2878): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 2 D/SecContentProvider2( 864): mCursor = null D/SecContentProvider2( 864): uri = 14 selection = getSealedState D/SecContentProvider2( 864): mCursor = null D/StatusBar-DoNotDistrub( 1122): isDisableAlert isDormantModeOn:false isNotificationDisabled:true D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] I/Timeline( 1431): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@34951678 time:167162310 D/ResourcesManager( 2857): creating new AssetManager and set to /system/priv-app/MmbApp/MmbApp.apk I/StatusBarKeyguardViewManager( 1122): StatusBarKeyguardManager.BroadcastReceiver.onReceive(): mascot is exist W/ResourcesManager( 2857): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbServiceLibrary.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 2857): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbFcMp4Mw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 2857): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbStCtlMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 2857): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbSeMngMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 2857): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbFcBrowMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 2857): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbScSecClkMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 2857): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbPoServiceSp.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 2857): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbFcIndivdMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 2857): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbFcContMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 2857): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbFcPgInfoMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 2857): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbMoInfoMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 2857): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbFcMfestMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 2857): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbStBmlMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getNetworkInfo(networkType - 1) :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/com.adobe.phonegap.app-1/base.apk D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/tw.mobileapp.qrcode.banner-2/base.apk D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/com.google.android.gm-1/base.apk D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for com.google.android.gm: Resource ID #0x0 D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/jp.naver.line.android-2/base.apk W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/com.google.android.maps.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/com.facebook.orca-1/base.apk W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for com.facebook.orca: Resource ID #0x0 D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/com.automattic.simplenote-2/base.apk W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/com.google.android.maps.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/com.oishigohan.community-1/base.apk W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/multiwindow.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/com.pecojapan.PECOapp-1/base.apk D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/com.android.vending-2/base.apk D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/jp.creafons.cyfons-1/base.apk W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for jp.creafons.cyfons: Resource ID #0x0 D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/jp.mrstepup.mrstepapp-1/base.apk D/PanelView( 1122): mClearAll.setVisibility - mIsFullyOpened : false isShade : true mHasNotification : true mIsUpwardFling : false mQsFullyExpanded : false isShadeLocked : false mClearAllVisible : true D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/jp.kinarino.kinarinoapp-1/base.apk D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /system/priv-app/StoreApp/StoreApp.apk W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for com.nttdocomo.android.store: Resource ID #0x0 V/KeyguardDisplayManager( 1122): hide W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for jp.co.mmbi.app: Resource ID #0x0 W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for com.felicanetworks.mfm: Resource ID #0x0 W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for com.nttdocomo.android.docomo_market: Resource ID #0x0 W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for jp.co.nttdocomo.carriermail: Resource ID #0x0 W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for com.sec.android.app.sbrowser: Resource ID #0x0 E/SMD ( 2672): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 I/Authzen (15588): [DeviceStateSyncManager] Device state fast sync is disabled D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] I/CastDatabase(15588): Opening the database E/DevicePolicyManagerService( 864): getAllowBluetoothMode - value retunrs : 2 I/SQLiteCastStore(15588): 0 CastNetworkInfo instances loaded, 0 CastDeviceInfo instances loaded, 0 paired guest mode devices loaded. W/MDM (15588): [10438] adeq.c: enableNfc W/MDM (15588): [10438] adeq.c: EnableNfc flag is true E/WifiStateMachine( 864): WifiStateMachine CMD_START_SCAN source 10030 txSuccessRate=0.90 rxSuccessRate=22.01 targetRoamBSSID=60:84:bd:7d:d5:30 RSSI=-54 D/WifiService( 864): startScan by pid=15588, uid=10030 I/DiscoveryManager(15588): WifiGuestModeDeviceScanner enabled. D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen E/SMD ( 2672): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 I/wpa_supplicant(30131): nl80211: Received scan results (15 BSSes) V/AlarmManager( 864): waitForAlarm result :8 I/BackgroundCompactionService( 864): onStart. jobID=801 I/BackgroundCompactionService( 864): onStart done. jobID=801 D/Sensorhubs( 314): readContextData: 1, 1, 14, 1 D/SensorHubManager( 864): onGetSensorHubDataLocked: library(4) = 1, 1, 14, 1 D/CAE ( 864): onGetSensorHubData(SensorHubParserProvider.java:87) - onGetSensorHubData Event [event buffer len :4], AP_WAKEUP I/CAE ( 864): parse(SensorHubParserProvider.java:166) - buffer size = 4 I/CAE ( 864): parse(SensorHubParserProvider.java:177) - 1, 1, 14, 1, D/CAE ( 864): display(ContextProvider.java:365) - ================= FLIP_COVER_ACTION ================= I/CAE ( 864): display(ContextProvider.java:381) - Action=[1] D/SContextService( 864): updateSContext() : event = Flip Cover Action D/InputReader( 864): setFlipCoverTouchEnabled/clearCoverOpen/adjustTouch: 0,1, 0 D/MotionRecognitionService( 864): [ FLIP_COVER_ACTION_CLOSE ] D/MotionRecognitionService( 864): setFlipCoverTouchEnabled to false E/SMD ( 2672): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/ALSADevice( 310): standby: handle 0xb3457380 h 0x0 V/ALSADevice( 310): standby handle h 0xb3479900 D/alsa_ucm( 310): snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0xb3418510 identifier _verb value Inactive D/alsa_ucm( 310): Set mixer controls for HiFi enable 0 D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: SLIMBUS_0_RX Audio Mixer MultiMedia1, value: 0 V/ALSADevice( 310): Number of modifiers 0 V/ALSADevice( 310): usecase_type is 0 D/alsa_ucm( 310): snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0xb3418510 identifier _disdev value Main Mic D/alsa_ucm( 310): disdev: device Main Mic not enabled, no need to disable D/alsa_ucm( 310): snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0xb3418510 identifier _disdev value Speaker D/alsa_ucm( 310): Set mixer controls for Speaker enable 0 D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: RX5 MIX1 INP1, value: ZERO D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: RX5 MIX1 INP2, value: ZERO D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: LINEOUT2 Volume, value: 0 D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: LINEOUT4 Volume, value: 0 D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: RX5 Digital Volume, value: 0 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen V/AlarmManager( 864): waitForAlarm result :8 E/SMD ( 2672): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/Sensorhubs( 314): readContextData: 1, 1, 14, 0 D/SensorHubManager( 864): onGetSensorHubDataLocked: library(4) = 1, 1, 14, 0 D/CAE ( 864): onGetSensorHubData(SensorHubParserProvider.java:87) - onGetSensorHubData Event [event buffer len :4], AP_WAKEUP I/CAE ( 864): parse(SensorHubParserProvider.java:166) - buffer size = 4 I/CAE ( 864): parse(SensorHubParserProvider.java:177) - 1, 1, 14, 0, D/CAE ( 864): display(ContextProvider.java:365) - ================= FLIP_COVER_ACTION ================= I/CAE ( 864): display(ContextProvider.java:381) - Action=[0] D/SContextService( 864): updateSContext() : event = Flip Cover Action D/MotionRecognitionService( 864): [ FLIP_COVER_ACTION_OPEN ] D/InputReader( 864): setFlipCoverTouchEnabled/clearCoverOpen/adjustTouch: 1,1, 0 D/MotionRecognitionService( 864): setFlipCoverTouchEnabled to true E/SMD ( 2672): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 E/Diag_Lib( 2923): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 2 D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] E/SMD ( 2672): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 99 99 -120 -160 -120 -1 -1 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 -1 2147483647 0x0 gsm|lte level=0 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" I/Finsky ( 9600): [17317] com.google.android.finsky.bp.am.run(6): Stats for Executor: BlockingExecutor com.google.android.finsky.bp.an@1e43750d[Running, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 6] I/Finsky ( 9600): [17317] com.google.android.finsky.bp.am.run(6): Stats for Executor: LightweightExecutor com.google.android.finsky.bp.an@570fcc2[Running, pool size = 3, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 46] I/Finsky ( 9600): [17317] com.google.android.finsky.bp.am.run(6): Stats for Executor: bgExecutor com.google.android.finsky.bp.an@3e2aead3[Running, pool size = 4, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 16] D/Sensorhubs( 314): readContextData: 1, 1, 14, 1 D/SensorHubManager( 864): onGetSensorHubDataLocked: library(4) = 1, 1, 14, 1 D/CAE ( 864): onGetSensorHubData(SensorHubParserProvider.java:87) - onGetSensorHubData Event [event buffer len :4], AP_WAKEUP I/CAE ( 864): parse(SensorHubParserProvider.java:166) - buffer size = 4 I/CAE ( 864): parse(SensorHubParserProvider.java:177) - 1, 1, 14, 1, D/CAE ( 864): display(ContextProvider.java:365) - ================= FLIP_COVER_ACTION ================= I/CAE ( 864): display(ContextProvider.java:381) - Action=[1] D/SContextService( 864): updateSContext() : event = Flip Cover Action D/MotionRecognitionService( 864): [ FLIP_COVER_ACTION_CLOSE ] D/InputReader( 864): setFlipCoverTouchEnabled/clearCoverOpen/adjustTouch: 0,1, 0 D/MotionRecognitionService( 864): setFlipCoverTouchEnabled to false I/Finsky ( 9600): [17317] com.google.android.finsky.bp.am.run(6): Stats for Executor: Db-xternal_referrer_status.db com.google.android.finsky.bp.an@3e047610[Running, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 5] I/Finsky ( 9600): [17317] com.google.android.finsky.bp.am.run(6): Stats for Executor: Db-split_install_service com.google.android.finsky.bp.an@243f5509[Running, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 2] I/Finsky ( 9600): [17317] com.google.android.finsky.bp.am.run(6): Stats for Executor: StorageAwareDownloadServiceManagerSpaceChecker com.google.android.finsky.bp.an@8d6230e[Running, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 0] I/Finsky ( 9600): [17317] com.google.android.finsky.bp.am.run(6): Stats for Executor: Db-scheduler com.google.android.finsky.bp.an@2caf612f[Running, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 52] I/Finsky ( 9600): [17317] com.google.android.finsky.bp.am.run(6): Stats for Executor: Db-frosting.db com.google.android.finsky.bp.an@fa2e33c[Running, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 4] I/Finsky ( 9600): [17317] com.google.android.finsky.bp.am.run(6): Stats for Executor: Db-notification_cache com.google.android.finsky.bp.an@5ff38c5[Running, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 7] D/Sensorhubs( 314): readContextData: 1, 1, 14, 0 D/SensorHubManager( 864): onGetSensorHubDataLocked: library(4) = 1, 1, 14, 0 D/CAE ( 864): onGetSensorHubData(SensorHubParserProvider.java:87) - onGetSensorHubData Event [event buffer len :4], AP_WAKEUP I/CAE ( 864): parse(SensorHubParserProvider.java:166) - buffer size = 4 I/CAE ( 864): parse(SensorHubParserProvider.java:177) - 1, 1, 14, 0, D/CAE ( 864): display(ContextProvider.java:365) - ================= FLIP_COVER_ACTION ================= I/CAE ( 864): display(ContextProvider.java:381) - Action=[0] D/SContextService( 864): updateSContext() : event = Flip Cover Action D/InputReader( 864): setFlipCoverTouchEnabled/clearCoverOpen/adjustTouch: 1,1, 0 D/MotionRecognitionService( 864): [ FLIP_COVER_ACTION_OPEN ] D/MotionRecognitionService( 864): setFlipCoverTouchEnabled to true I/Finsky ( 9600): [17317] com.google.android.finsky.bp.am.run(6): Stats for Executor: Db-install_service com.google.android.finsky.bp.an@3e55621a[Running, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 0] E/SMD ( 2672): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 E/SMD ( 2672): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/SSRM:n ( 864): SIOP:: AP = 400, CUR = 460 V/AlarmManager( 864): waitForAlarm result :8 D/BatteryService( 864): !@BatteryListener : batteryPropertiesChanged! D/BatteryService( 864): level:99, scale:100, status:2, health:2, present:true, voltage: 4332, temperature: 294, technology: Li-ion, AC powered:false, USB powered:true, Wireless powered:false, icon:17303687, invalid charger:0 D/BatteryService( 864): online:4, current avg:460, charge type:1, power sharing:false, high voltage charger:false, capacity:280000, current_now:460 D/BatteryService( 864): Sending ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED. D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): handleBatteryUpdate I/MotionRecognitionService( 864): Plugged I/MotionRecognitionService( 864): setPowerConnected = true V/HeadsetService( 4939): HeadsetService - Received Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED D/HeadsetStateMachine( 4939): Disconnected process message: 10 D/STATUSBAR-PhoneStatusBar( 1122): mBrightnessEnablebySettings = true mBrightnessEnablebyBattery = true mBrightnessEnablebyDisableFlag = true mPmsBrightnessEnablebySettings = true D/BatteryMeterView( 1122): ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : level:99 status:2 health:2 D/BatteryMeterView( 1122): ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : level:99 status:2 health:2 D/BatteryMeterView( 1122): ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : level:99 status:2 health:2 E/SMD ( 2672): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 E/SMD ( 2672): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 E/Diag_Lib( 2961): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 2 E/SMD ( 2672): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/Sensorhubs( 314): readContextData: 1, 1, 14, 1 D/SensorHubManager( 864): onGetSensorHubDataLocked: library(4) = 1, 1, 14, 1 D/CAE ( 864): onGetSensorHubData(SensorHubParserProvider.java:87) - onGetSensorHubData Event [event buffer len :4], AP_WAKEUP I/CAE ( 864): parse(SensorHubParserProvider.java:166) - buffer size = 4 I/CAE ( 864): parse(SensorHubParserProvider.java:177) - 1, 1, 14, 1, D/CAE ( 864): display(ContextProvider.java:365) - ================= FLIP_COVER_ACTION ================= I/CAE ( 864): display(ContextProvider.java:381) - Action=[1] D/SContextService( 864): updateSContext() : event = Flip Cover Action D/InputReader( 864): setFlipCoverTouchEnabled/clearCoverOpen/adjustTouch: 0,1, 0 D/MotionRecognitionService( 864): [ FLIP_COVER_ACTION_CLOSE ] D/MotionRecognitionService( 864): setFlipCoverTouchEnabled to false E/SMD ( 2672): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 E/SMD ( 2672): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 I/Finsky ( 9600): [17317] com.google.android.finsky.bp.am.run(6): Stats for Executor: Db-scheduler_logging_store.db com.google.android.finsky.bp.an@85ae14b[Running, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 18] D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 99 99 -120 -160 -120 -1 -1 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 -1 2147483647 0x0 gsm|lte level=0 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" E/Watchdog( 864): !@Sync 5571 V/AlarmManager( 864): waitForAlarm result :8 E/SMD ( 2672): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/Sensorhubs( 314): readContextData: 1, 1, 14, 0 D/SensorHubManager( 864): onGetSensorHubDataLocked: library(4) = 1, 1, 14, 0 D/CAE ( 864): onGetSensorHubData(SensorHubParserProvider.java:87) - onGetSensorHubData Event [event buffer len :4], AP_WAKEUP I/CAE ( 864): parse(SensorHubParserProvider.java:166) - buffer size = 4 I/CAE ( 864): parse(SensorHubParserProvider.java:177) - 1, 1, 14, 0, D/CAE ( 864): display(ContextProvider.java:365) - ================= FLIP_COVER_ACTION ================= I/CAE ( 864): display(ContextProvider.java:381) - Action=[0] D/SContextService( 864): updateSContext() : event = Flip Cover Action D/InputReader( 864): setFlipCoverTouchEnabled/clearCoverOpen/adjustTouch: 1,1, 0 D/MotionRecognitionService( 864): [ FLIP_COVER_ACTION_OPEN ] D/MotionRecognitionService( 864): setFlipCoverTouchEnabled to true E/SMD ( 2672): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] E/Diag_Lib( 2970): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 2 E/SMD ( 2672): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 E/SMD ( 2672): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 I/Finsky ( 9600): [17317] com.google.android.finsky.bp.am.run(6): Stats for Executor: Db-verify_apps.db com.google.android.finsky.bp.an@a58f728[Running, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 1] I/Finsky ( 9600): [17317] com.google.android.finsky.bp.am.run(6): Stats for Executor: InstallQueueDatabaseManager com.google.android.finsky.bp.an@141f9c41[Running, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 37] D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen E/SMD ( 2672): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/SSRM:n ( 864): SIOP:: AP = 390, CUR = 460 D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 99 99 -120 -160 -120 -1 -1 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 -1 2147483647 0x0 gsm|lte level=0 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" V/AlarmManager( 864): waitForAlarm result :8 E/SMD ( 2672): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/BatteryService( 864): !@BatteryListener : batteryPropertiesChanged! D/BatteryService( 864): level:99, scale:100, status:2, health:2, present:true, voltage: 4335, temperature: 295, technology: Li-ion, AC powered:false, USB powered:true, Wireless powered:false, icon:17303687, invalid charger:0 D/BatteryService( 864): online:4, current avg:460, charge type:1, power sharing:false, high voltage charger:false, capacity:280000, current_now:460 D/BatteryService( 864): Sending ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED. D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): handleBatteryUpdate I/MotionRecognitionService( 864): Plugged I/MotionRecognitionService( 864): setPowerConnected = true D/STATUSBAR-PhoneStatusBar( 1122): mBrightnessEnablebySettings = true mBrightnessEnablebyBattery = true mBrightnessEnablebyDisableFlag = true mPmsBrightnessEnablebySettings = true D/BatteryMeterView( 1122): ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : level:99 status:2 health:2 V/HeadsetService( 4939): HeadsetService - Received Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED D/HeadsetStateMachine( 4939): Disconnected process message: 10 D/BatteryMeterView( 1122): ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : level:99 status:2 health:2 D/BatteryMeterView( 1122): ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : level:99 status:2 health:2 E/SMD ( 2672): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 E/Diag_Lib( 2991): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 2 E/SMD ( 2672): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 E/SMD ( 2672): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/PowerManagerService( 864): [s] UserActivityState : 1 -> 2 D/DisplayPowerController( 864): getFinalBrightness : 10 -> 10 D/DisplayPowerController( 864): animation target = 10, rate=2000 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1) MAdj:(0, (0, 255))) D/PowerManagerService( 864): [s] DisplayPowerCallbacks : onStateChanged() D/lights ( 864): lcd : 237 + D/lights ( 864): lcd : 237 - D/lights ( 864): lcd : 204 + D/lights ( 864): lcd : 204 - D/lights ( 864): lcd : 104 + D/lights ( 864): lcd : 104 - D/lights ( 864): lcd : 37 + D/DisplayPowerController( 864): getFinalBrightness : 10 -> 10 D/DisplayPowerController( 864): animation target = 10, rate=2000 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1) MAdj:(0, (0, 255))) D/lights ( 864): lcd : 37 - D/lights ( 864): lcd : 10 + D/lights ( 864): lcd : 10 - D/DisplayPowerController( 864): getFinalBrightness : 10 -> 10 D/DisplayPowerController( 864): animation target = 10, rate=2000 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1) MAdj:(0, (0, 255))) E/SMD ( 2672): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 E/SMD ( 2672): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 V/AlarmManager( 864): waitForAlarm result :8 E/SMD ( 2672): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] E/Diag_Lib( 2992): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 2 E/SMD ( 2672): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen E/SMD ( 2672): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen E/SMD ( 2672): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/PowerManagerService( 864): [s] UserActivityState : 2 -> 4 I/PowerManagerService( 864): !@[ps] Screen__Off - 48 : timeout (0x4) (2) I/PowerManagerService( 864): Going to sleep due to screen timeout (uid 1000)... D/DisplayPowerController( 864): getFinalBrightness : 10 -> 10 D/DisplayPowerController( 864): animation target = 10, rate=2000 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1) MAdj:(0, (0, 255))) D/PowerManagerService( 864): [s] DisplayPowerCallbacks : onStateChanged() D/PowerManagerService( 864): [PWL] sb acquire: PowerManagerService.Broadcasts D/PowerManagerService( 864): SecHardwareInterface.setBatteryADC : false D/PowerManagerService( 864): handleSandman : startDream() E/PowerManagerService( 864): handleSandman : startDreaming, but isDreaming false I/PowerManagerService( 864): Sleeping (uid 1000)... D/PowerManagerService( 864): [s] UserActivityState : 4 -> 0 D/PowerManagerService( 864): [input device light] setInputDeviceLightOn is called : 0 D/InputManager-JNI( 864): setDeviceInteractive: 0 D/PowerManagerService( 864): [input device light] handleInputDeviceLightOff E/InputManager-JNI( 864): sysfs_write : Error opening /sys/class/input/event3/device/enabled: 0 E/InputManager-JNI( 864): sysfs_write : Error opening /sys/class/input/event21/device/enabled: 0 D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1122): onScreenTurnedOff(3) I/KeyguardEffectViewController( 1122): *** KeyguardEffectView getInstanceIfExists *** D/KeyguardEffectViewController( 1122): changeWallpaperByScreenOff() D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1122): notifyScreenOffLocked D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1122): timeout : 5000 D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1122): setting alarm to turn off keyguard, seq = 49 D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1122): handleNotifyScreenOff D/VolumePanel( 1122): onScreenTurnedOff() D/VolumePanel( 1122): mCoverBroadcastReceiver : call onDismissSafeVolumeWarning() #1 D/VolumePanel( 1122): mCoverBroadcastReceiver: Screen OFF end D/LightsService( 864): [api] [SvcLED] setFlashing :: id = 3, color = 0, mode = 10, onMS = 0, offMS = 0, (uid: 1000 pid: 864) D/LightsService( 864): [SvcLED] setSvcLedStateLocked:: SvcLEDState : 0x0 -> 0x10 | SvcLED(id=3) set On E/LightSensor( 864): Light old sensor_state 0, new sensor_state : 128 en : 1 D/SensorManager( 864): registerListener :: 6, CM3323 RGB Sensor, 200000, 0, D/BatteryService( 864): turn on LED for charging I/CAE ( 864): handleMessage(CaPowerManager.java:182) - AP_SLEEP I/CAE ( 864): updateApPowerStatus(SensorHubParserProvider.java:421) - AP_SLEEP I/CAE ( 864): sendCmdToSensorHub(SensorHubCommManager.java:144) - -76, 13, -46, 0, D/SensorHubManager( 864): SendSensorHubData: send data = -76, 13, -46, 0 D/Sensorhubs( 314): sendContextData: -76, 13, -46, 0 V/ActivityThread( 1431): updateVisibility : ActivityRecord{2c3048b6 token=android.os.BinderProxy@34951678 {com.nttdocomo.android.paletteui/com.nttdocomo.android.paletteui.HomeApp}} show : true I/CAE ( 864): sendCmdToSensorHub(SensorHubCommManager.java:144) - -63, 14, 5, 44, 58, D/SensorHubManager( 864): SendSensorHubData: send data = -63, 14, 5, 44, 58 D/Sensorhubs( 314): sendContextData: -63, 14, 5, 44, 58 W/ContextImpl( 864): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:1699 com.android.server.accessibility.AccessibilityManagerService$DirectAccessBrocastReceiver.onReceive:401 android.app.LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args.run:923 android.os.Handler.handleCallback:739 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:95 D/DisplayPowerController( 864): ColorFade: onAnimationStart D/DisplayPowerController( 864): getFinalBrightness : 255 -> 0 D/DisplayPowerController( 864): animation target = 0, rate=2000 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1) MAdj:(0, (0, 255))) D/lights ( 864): lcd : 0 + D/MotionRecognitionService( 864): mReceiver.onReceive : ACTION_SCREEN_OFF D/DisplayPowerController( 864): getFinalBrightness : 255 -> 0 D/DisplayPowerController( 864): animation target = 0, rate=2000 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1) MAdj:(0, (0, 255))) D/SContextService( 864): .unregisterCallback : 1, client= D/SContextService( 864): unregisterCallback() : Listener = android.hardware.scontext.SContextService$Listener@3be70e37, Service = Flip Cover Action, used = 1 W/CAE ( 864): unregisterCallback(ContextAwareService.java:199) - [unregi 01] Mutex is locked for FLIP_COVER_ACTION V/CAE ( 864): stop(ContextProvider.java:149) V/CAE ( 864): clear(FlipCoverActionRunner.java:126) V/CAE ( 864): disable(FlipCoverActionRunner.java:115) I/CAE ( 864): sendCmdToSensorHub(SensorHubCommManager.java:144) - -78, 14, 0, 0, D/SensorHubManager( 864): SendSensorHubData: send data = -78, 14, 0, 0 D/Sensorhubs( 314): sendContextData: -78, 14, 0, 0 D/CAE ( 864): getFaultDetectionResult(FlipCoverActionRunner.java:139) - true I/CAE ( 864): notifyCmdProcessResultObserver(ContextProvider.java:617) - CheckResult = 0, Cause = Success E/native ( 864): do suspend true V/AudioHardwareALSA( 310): setParameters() screen_state=off D/lights ( 864): lcd : 0 - D/NotificationService( 864): ACTION_SCREEN_OFF W/NotificationService( 864): Pray mode not found android.content.pm.PackageManager$NameNotFoundException: Application package com.sec.android.settings.praymodewidget not found D/LightsService( 864): [api] [SvcLED] setFlashing :: id = 4, color = ffffffff, mode = 12, onMS = 500, offMS = 2000, (uid: 1000 pid: 864) D/LightsService( 864): [SvcLED] setSvcLedStateLocked:: SvcLEDState : 0x10 -> 0x12 | SvcLED(id=4) set On I/SecExternalDisplayIntents_Java( 864): Intent Recieved .. -android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFFBroadCast Map value - 18 I/BackgroundCompactionService( 864): Schedule Type1 BGCompaction I/BackgroundCompactionService( 864): onIdleStop D/IpRemoteDisplayController( 864): intent received android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF D/IpRemoteDisplayController( 864): Bridge Server is not available D/CAE ( 864): doCommendProcess(ContextAwareService.java:314) - complete notify the operation result. I/CAE ( 864): displayUsedCountForService(ContextAwareService.java:406) - totalCnt = 0, serviceCount = 0, subCollectionCount = 0 D/CAE ( 864): showListenerList(ContextAwareService.java:247) - ===== Context Aware Service List ===== W/CAE ( 864): unregisterCallback(ContextAwareService.java:234) - [unregi 02] Mutex is unlocked for FLIP_COVER_ACTION D/SContextService( 864): removeSContextService() : service = Flip Cover Action D/SContextService( 864): ===== SContext Service List ===== D/SContextManager( 864): .unregisterListener : listener = com.samsung.android.motion.MotionRecognitionFlipCover$1@f0e15bb E/MotionRecognitionService( 864): handler : SCREEN_OFF end D/GpsLocationProvider( 864): receive broadcast intent, action: android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF D/NfcService( 1390): call the applyRouting D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getNetworkInfo(networkType - 1) :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/SSRM:n ( 864): SIOP:: AP = 390, CUR = 460 D/SurfaceFlinger( 280): Set power mode=0, type=0 flinger=0xb6962000 D/qdhwcomposer( 280): hwc_blank: Blanking display: 0 D/DisplayPowerState( 864): !@ ColorFade entry D/DisplayPowerController( 864): ColorFade: onAnimationEnd D/DisplayPowerController( 864): getFinalBrightness : 0 -> 0 D/DisplayPowerController( 864): animation target = 0, rate=0 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1) MAdj:(0, (0, 255))) D/DisplayPowerController( 864): getFinalBrightness : 0 -> 0 D/DisplayPowerController( 864): animation target = 0, rate=0 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1) MAdj:(0, (0, 255))) D/DisplayPowerController( 864): getFinalBrightness : 0 -> 0 D/DisplayPowerController( 864): animation target = 0, rate=0 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1) MAdj:(0, (0, 255))) D/PowerManagerService( 864): [s] DisplayPowerCallbacks : onStateChanged() I/DisplayManagerService( 864): Display device changed: DisplayDeviceInfo{"内蔵スクリーン": 1080 x 1920, 60.0 fps, supportedRefreshRates [60.0], density 480, 442.451 x 439.351 dpi, appVsyncOff 0, presDeadline 17666667, touch INTERNAL, rotation 0, type BUILT_IN, state OFF, FLAG_DEFAULT_DISPLAY, FLAG_ROTATES_WITH_CONTENT, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS} D/PowerManagerService( 864): [PWL] sb release: PowerManagerService.Display V/ActivityManager( 864): Display changed displayId=0 I/StatusBarKeyguardViewManager( 1122): StatusBarKeyguardManager.BroadcastReceiver.onReceive(): mascot is exist D/Recents_RecentsActivity( 1745): dismissRecentsToHome is getting called animated=false D/PowerManagerService( 864): [PWL] sb release: PowerManagerService.Broadcasts E/LightSensor( 864): Light old sensor_state 128, new sensor_state : 0 en : 0 D/SensorManager( 864): unregisterListener :: D/lights ( 864): led_pattern : 3 + D/LightsService( 864): [SvcLED] onSensorChanged::light value = 35 D/lights ( 864): led_pattern : 3 - D/LightsService( 864): [SvcLED] setSvcLedLightLocked :: Current SvcLED(id=4) maintains its priority right D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 99 99 -120 -160 -120 -1 -1 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 -1 2147483647 0x0 gsm|lte level=0 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/qdhwcomposer( 280): hwc_blank: Done blanking display: 0 D/SurfaceControl( 864): Excessive delay in setPowerMode(): 277ms D/MISC PowerHAL( 864): sysfs_write +: /sys/class/power_supply/battery/lcd: 0 D/MISC PowerHAL( 864): sysfs_write -: /sys/class/power_supply/battery/lcd: 0 D/PowerManagerService( 864): !@[s] blankAllDisplays() : blankAllDisplaysFromPowerManage D/PowerManagerService( 864): Excessive delay in mPhotonicModulator.requestDisplayState(mRequestingState): 303ms I/PowerManagerService( 864): [PWL] Off : 0s ago I/PowerManagerService( 864): [PWL] PowerManagerService.WakeLocks: ref count=1 I/PowerManagerService( 864): [PWL] mWakeLockSummary : 0x1 I/PowerManagerService( 864): [PWL] PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK 'BackgroundMode' (uid=10261, pid=1097, ws=null) (elapsedTime=60094) E/SMD ( 2672): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 E/ActivityThread( 864): Failed to find provider info for com.samsung.android.sm.lowpowercontext W/ContextImpl( 864): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:1699 a.B.a:-1 a.B.a:-1 a.D.run:-1 android.os.Handler.handleCallback:739 E/SMD ( 2672): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 V/AlarmManager( 864): waitForAlarm result :8 W/twa ( 2531): Already started: twa@1fa830f5 E/Diag_Lib( 3026): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 2 E/SMD ( 2672): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/EnterpriseController( 302): mIsMarkChainAdded is 0 mIsBlockChainAdded is 0 netId is 0 D/Netd ( 302): getNetworkForDns: using netid 506 for uid 10145 I/art ( 2240): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 76828(3MB) AllocSpace objects, 7(301KB) LOS objects, 33% free, 32MB/48MB, paused 1.800ms total 195.373ms D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=1 D/InputReader( 864): !@notifyKey(172), action=0 D/InputManager-JNI( 864): !@interceptKeyBeforeQueueing(172), action=0 D/CustomFrequencyManagerService( 864): acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1350000 uid : 1000 pid : 864 pkgName : WAKEUP_BOOSTER@33 E/SamsungWindowManager( 864): mCoreNumLockHelper.acquire D/PowerManagerService( 864): [api] [s] wakeUpWithReason (uid: 1000 pid: 864) eventTime = 167193750 event = 1 I/PowerManagerService( 864): !@[ps] Screen__On - 49 : wakeUpWithReason: 1 (uid: 1000 pid: 864) I/PowerManagerService( 864): Waking up from sleep (uid 1000)... D/PowerManagerService( 864): [PWL] sb acquire: PowerManagerService.Broadcasts V/KeyguardServiceDelegate( 864): onScreenTurnedOn(showListener = com.android.internal.policy.impl.PhoneWindowManager$2@33ded154) D/PowerManagerService( 864): [s] UserActivityState : 0 -> 1 D/PowerManagerService( 864): [PWL] sb acquire: PowerManagerService.Display I/DisplayPowerController( 864): Blocking screen on until initial contents have been drawn. D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1122): onScreenTurnedOn, seq = 50 D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1122): notifyScreenOnLocked D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1122): handleNotifyScreenOn D/InputManager-JNI( 864): !@handleInterceptActions(172), action=0, wmActions=0 D/InputManager-JNI( 864): Disable repeat for home key when device wake up D/DisplayPowerController( 864): getFinalBrightness : 255 -> 255 D/StatusBarKeyguardViewManager( 1122): onScreenTurnedOn() D/DisplayPowerController( 864): animation target = 255, rate=2000 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1) MAdj:(0, (0, 255))) D/PowerManagerService( 864): !@[s] unblankAllDisplays() : unblankAllDisplaysFromPowerManager D/StatusBarKeyguardViewManager( 1122): callback.onShown() V/KeyguardServiceDelegate( 864): **** SHOWN CALLED **** D/DisplayPowerController( 864): [api] WindowManagerPolicy.ScreenOnListener : Received onScreenOn(). I/DisplayPowerController( 864): Unblocked screen on after 8 ms D/DisplayPowerState( 864): !@ ColorFade exit D/DisplayPowerController( 864): getFinalBrightness : 255 -> 255 D/DisplayPowerController( 864): animation target = 255, rate=2000 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1) MAdj:(0, (0, 255))) D/DisplayPowerController( 864): getFinalBrightness : 255 -> 255 D/DisplayPowerController( 864): animation target = 255, rate=2000 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1) MAdj:(0, (0, 255))) D/lights ( 864): lcd : 39 + D/lights ( 864): lcd : 39 - D/DisplayPowerController( 864): getFinalBrightness : 255 -> 255 D/DisplayPowerController( 864): animation target = 255, rate=2000 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1) MAdj:(0, (0, 255))) D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=0 D/InputReader( 864): !@notifyKey(172), action=1 D/InputManager-JNI( 864): !@interceptKeyBeforeQueueing(172), action=1 D/InputManager-JNI( 864): !@handleInterceptActions(172), action=1, wmActions=0 E/SMD ( 2672): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/PowerManagerService-JNI( 864): Excessive delay in autosuspend_disable() while turning screen on: 324ms D/PowerManagerService( 864): Excessive delay in nativeSetAutoSuspend(false): 325ms D/MISC PowerHAL( 864): sysfs_write +: /sys/class/power_supply/battery/lcd: 1 D/MISC PowerHAL( 864): sysfs_write -: /sys/class/power_supply/battery/lcd: 1 I/QCOM PowerHAL( 864): Perflock released. D/PowerManagerService( 864): [s] DisplayPowerCallbacks : onStateChanged() D/PowerManagerService( 864): SecHardwareInterface.setBatteryADC : true D/PowerManagerService( 864): [input device light] setInputDeviceLightOn is called : 1 D/PowerManagerService( 864): [input device light] handleInputDeviceLightOn D/SurfaceFlinger( 280): Set power mode=2, type=0 flinger=0xb6962000 D/qdhwcomposer( 280): hwc_blank: Unblanking display: 0 D/lights ( 864): lcd : 255 + D/lights ( 864): lcd : 255 - D/lights ( 864): button : 1 + D/lights ( 864): button : 1 - D/DisplayPowerController( 864): getFinalBrightness : 255 -> 255 D/DisplayPowerController( 864): animation target = 255, rate=2000 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1) MAdj:(0, (0, 255))) D/DisplayPowerController( 864): getFinalBrightness : 255 -> 255 D/DisplayPowerController( 864): animation target = 255, rate=2000 (PSM:false, AB limit:(-1 ~ -1) MB Limit:(-1 ~ -1) MAdj:(0, (0, 255))) D/qdhwcomposer( 280): hwc_blank: Done unblanking display: 0 D/PowerManagerService( 864): Excessive delay in mPhotonicModulator.requestDisplayState(mRequestingState): 331ms I/DisplayManagerService( 864): Display device changed: DisplayDeviceInfo{"内蔵スクリーン": 1080 x 1920, 60.0 fps, supportedRefreshRates [60.0], density 480, 442.451 x 439.351 dpi, appVsyncOff 0, presDeadline 17666667, touch INTERNAL, rotation 0, type BUILT_IN, state ON, FLAG_DEFAULT_DISPLAY, FLAG_ROTATES_WITH_CONTENT, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS} V/ActivityManager( 864): Display changed displayId=0 V/ActivityManager( 864): Display changed displayId=0 D/InputManager-JNI( 864): setDeviceInteractive: 1 E/InputManager-JNI( 864): sysfs_write : Error opening /sys/class/input/event3/device/enabled: 1 D/WallpaperManagerService( 864): getWallpaperData : 0 E/InputManager-JNI( 864): sysfs_write : Error opening /sys/class/input/event21/device/enabled: 1 D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): received broadcast android.intent.action.TIME_TICK D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): handleTimeUpdate D/LightsService( 864): [api] [SvcLED] turnOff:: id = 3 (uid: 1000 pid: 864) D/LightsService( 864): [SvcLED] setSvcLedStateLocked:: SvcLEDState : 0x12 -> 0x2 | SvcLED(id=3) set Off E/LightSensor( 864): Light old sensor_state 0, new sensor_state : 128 en : 1 D/SensorManager( 864): registerListener :: 6, CM3323 RGB Sensor, 200000, 0, D/BatteryService( 864): turn off LED D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/WallpaperManager( 1431): SEC_PRODUCT_FEATURE_COMMON_SUPPORT_TEXTURE_COMPRESSION is true D/WallpaperManagerService( 864): getWallpaperData : 0 D/WallpaperManager( 1431): SEC_PRODUCT_FEATURE_COMMON_SUPPORT_TEXTURE_COMPRESSION is true I/CAE ( 864): handleMessage(CaPowerManager.java:188) - AP_WAKEUP I/CAE ( 864): updateApPowerStatus(SensorHubParserProvider.java:421) - AP_WAKEUP I/CAE ( 864): sendCmdToSensorHub(SensorHubCommManager.java:144) - -76, 13, -47, 0, D/SensorHubManager( 864): SendSensorHubData: send data = -76, 13, -47, 0 D/Sensorhubs( 314): sendContextData: -76, 13, -47, 0 D/InputMethodManagerService( 864): [HARDWARE_KEYBOARD] (refreshImeWindowVisibilityLocked) mImeWindowVis= 0 inputVisible = falsehaveHardKeyboard = false hardKeyShown = false D/MotionRecognitionService( 864): mReceiver.onReceive : ACTION_SCREEN_ON D/SContextService( 864): .registerCallback : 1, client= E/SContext.CaeProvider( 864): setProperty() : attribute is null! D/SContextService( 864): sendAttribute() : service = Flip Cover Action W/CAE ( 864): registerCallback(ContextAwareService.java:137) - [regi 01] Mutex is locked for FLIP_COVER_ACTION V/CAE ( 864): start(ContextProvider.java:126) D/DateView( 1122): regionalDateFormat = 3333/11/22 isRTLlanguage = false returnDateFormat = MMMMd日(E) V/CAE ( 864): clear(FlipCoverActionRunner.java:126) V/CAE ( 864): enable(FlipCoverActionRunner.java:102) I/CAE ( 864): sendCmdToSensorHub(SensorHubCommManager.java:144) - -79, 14, 0, 0, D/SensorHubManager( 864): SendSensorHubData: send data = -79, 14, 0, 0 D/Sensorhubs( 314): sendContextData: -79, 14, 0, 0 D/CAE ( 864): getFaultDetectionResult(FlipCoverActionRunner.java:139) - true I/CAE ( 864): notifyCmdProcessResultObserver(ContextProvider.java:617) - CheckResult = 0, Cause = Success I/Timeline( 1431): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@34951678 time:167194288 D/DateView( 1122): regionalDateFormat = 3333/11/22 isRTLlanguage = false returnDateFormat = MMMMd日(E) E/native ( 864): do suspend false I/wpa_supplicant(30131): wlan0: Setting scan request: 0 sec 0 usec I/wpa_supplicant(30131): P2P: Current p2p state = IDLE I/wpa_supplicant(30131): Scan requested (ret=0) - scan timeout 30 seconds D/NotificationService( 864): ACTION_SCREEN_ON D/LightsService( 864): [api] [SvcLED] turnOff:: id = 4 (uid: 1000 pid: 864) D/LightsService( 864): [SvcLED] setSvcLedStateLocked:: SvcLEDState : 0x2 -> 0x0 | SvcLED(id=4) set Off D/LightsService( 864): [SvcLED] Lux failed to be updated in 700ms. -> handleForcedSvcLEDTasK E/LightSensor( 864): Light old sensor_state 128, new sensor_state : 0 en : 0 D/SensorManager( 864): unregisterListener :: D/lights ( 864): led_pattern : 0 + D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 99 99 -120 -160 -120 -1 -1 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 -1 2147483647 0x0 gsm|lte level=0 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/lights ( 864): led_pattern : 0 - D/LightsService( 864): [SvcLED] setSvcLedLightLocked :: Current SvcLED(id=4) maintains its priority right V/AudioHardwareALSA( 310): setParameters() screen_state=on D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 99 99 -120 -160 -120 -1 -1 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 -1 2147483647 0x0 gsm|lte level=0 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/CAE ( 864): doCommendProcess(ContextAwareService.java:314) - complete notify the operation result. I/CAE ( 864): displayUsedCountForService(ContextAwareService.java:406) - totalCnt = 1, serviceCount = 1, subCollectionCount = 0 D/CAE ( 864): showListenerList(ContextAwareService.java:247) - ===== Context Aware Service List ===== I/CAE ( 864): showListenerList(ContextAwareService.java:256) - Listener : com.samsung.android.contextaware.manager.ContextAwareService$Listener@4a002cd, Service : FLIP_COVER_ACTION(1) W/CAE ( 864): registerCallback(ContextAwareService.java:173) - [regi 02] Mutex is unlocked for FLIP_COVER_ACTION D/SContextService( 864): addSContextService() : service = Flip Cover Action E/MotionRecognitionService( 864): handler : SCREEN_ON end D/SContextService( 864): ===== SContext Service List ===== D/SContextService( 864): Listener : android.hardware.scontext.SContextService$Listener@3089d782, Service : Flip Cover Action D/SContextManager( 864): .registerListener : listener = com.samsung.android.motion.MotionRecognitionFlipCover$1@f0e15bb, service=Flip Cover Action I/SecExternalDisplayIntents_Java( 864): Intent Recieved .. -android.intent.action.SCREEN_ONBroadCast Map value - 19 D/IpRemoteDisplayController( 864): intent received android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON D/IpRemoteDisplayController( 864): Bridge Server is not available W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for com.google.android.gm: Resource ID #0x0 D/GpsLocationProvider( 864): receive broadcast intent, action: android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for com.facebook.orca: Resource ID #0x0 I/NfcService( 1390): When receiving ACTION_SCREEN_ON, S view cover is already opened. So screenState is ON_UNLOCKED by isKeyguardLocked() W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for jp.creafons.cyfons: Resource ID #0x0 D/NfcService( 1390): call the applyRouting D/KeyguardEffectViewController( 1122): onReceive action : android.intent.action.TIME_TICK I/KeyguardEffectViewController( 1122): *** don't update sliding image *** W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for com.nttdocomo.android.store: Resource ID #0x0 W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for jp.co.mmbi.app: Resource ID #0x0 W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for com.felicanetworks.mfm: Resource ID #0x0 D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getNetworkInfo(networkType - 1) :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/SSRM:n ( 864): SIOP:: AP = 390, CUR = 460 D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for com.nttdocomo.android.docomo_market: Resource ID #0x0 D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> WDS:73 [0:0] Act : comsamsungssrmSCREEN_ON, run:true D/comsamsunglog( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> ==================================================================================================================== D/comsamsunglog( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> daemonapp [Version : 150818761249 ] [ 1 ] D/comsamsunglog( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> Header set to : ===> "daemonapp" <=== D/comsamsunglog( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> ==================================================================================================================== D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> WDS:1389 [0:0] PakNme size = 0 W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for jp.co.nttdocomo.carriermail: Resource ID #0x0 W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for com.sec.android.app.sbrowser: Resource ID #0x0 E/ActivityThread(32351): Failed to find provider info for com.nttdocomo.android.dhome.mascotdrawrectprovider D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> WDS:123 [0:0] SerStus:false,TmpS:1,AtRfr:3, checkCurrent: 0 D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> WDS:713 [0:0] ==> Act: SCREEN_ON or COVER_OPEN <== D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> WDS:716 [0:0] [ASO][AUTOREFRESHKEY] --> 3 D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> WDS:717 [0:0] [ASO][NUT] = 01/01/2014 03:05 午後 D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> WDS:718 [0:0] [ASO][CT] = 11/12/2018 02:45 午後 D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> WDS:1389 [0:0] PakNme size = 0 I/StatusBarKeyguardViewManager( 1122): StatusBarKeyguardManager.BroadcastReceiver.onReceive(): mascot is exist D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> U:1282 [0:0] cDayONight() ::: sunrise is null D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> U:1298 [0:0] cDayONight() ::: sunset is null D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> WCS:90 [0:0] action:androidintentactionSCREEN_ON D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> WDS:73 [0:0] Act : widgetappapweathernewsjpdaemonactionCHANGE_ICON_OF_DAEMON, run:true D/comsamsunglog( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> ==================================================================================================================== D/comsamsunglog( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> daemonapp [Version : 150818761249 ] [ 1 ] D/comsamsunglog( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> Header set to : ===> "daemonapp" <=== D/comsamsunglog( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> ==================================================================================================================== D/PowerManagerService( 864): [PWL] sb release: PowerManagerService.Broadcasts D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> WDS:1389 [0:0] PakNme size = 0 D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> WDS:123 [0:0] SerStus:false,TmpS:1,AtRfr:3, checkCurrent: 0 D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> WDS:767 [0:0] ====ACTION_SEC_CHANGE_ICON_OF_DAEMON=== D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> U:1282 [0:0] cDayONight() ::: sunrise is null D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> U:1298 [0:0] cDayONight() ::: sunset is null D/daemonapp( 366): [MSC_WN_Daemon]>>> WDS:771 [0:0] checkDay:true, UtilgetIsDay():false D/CustomFrequencyManagerService( 864): releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1350000 uid : 1000 pid : 864 tag : WAKEUP_BOOSTER@33 D/Sensorhubs( 314): readContextData: 1, 1, 14, 0 D/SensorHubManager( 864): onGetSensorHubDataLocked: library(4) = 1, 1, 14, 0 D/CAE ( 864): onGetSensorHubData(SensorHubParserProvider.java:87) - onGetSensorHubData Event [event buffer len :4], AP_WAKEUP I/CAE ( 864): parse(SensorHubParserProvider.java:166) - buffer size = 4 I/CAE ( 864): parse(SensorHubParserProvider.java:177) - 1, 1, 14, 0, D/CAE ( 864): display(ContextProvider.java:365) - ================= FLIP_COVER_ACTION ================= I/CAE ( 864): display(ContextProvider.java:381) - Action=[0] D/SContextService( 864): updateSContext() : event = Flip Cover Action D/MotionRecognitionService( 864): [ FLIP_COVER_ACTION_OPEN ] D/MotionRecognitionService( 864): setFlipCoverTouchEnabled to true D/InputReader( 864): setFlipCoverTouchEnabled/clearCoverOpen/adjustTouch: 1,1, 0 E/SMD ( 2672): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/SSRM:a ( 864): DeviceInfo:: 000000000000 D/SSRM:a ( 864): SettingsAirViewInfo:: 001000000 D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=1 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.197 ] when=167195302473000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1122): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1431): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1293): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 D/ViewRootImpl( 1431): ViewPostImeInputStage ACTION_DOWN D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=0 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=167195344984000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1431): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1293): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 I/Timeline( 1431): Timeline: Activity_launch_request id:jp.mrstepup.mrstepapp time:167195347 D/CustomFrequencyManagerService( 864): acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1350000 uid : 1000 pid : 864 pkgName : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER@7 W/ActivityManager( 864): mDVFSHelper.acquire() D/FocusedStackFrame( 864): Set to : 0 V/AlarmManager( 864): waitForAlarm result :4 D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001iconType:101 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenIconStyle1 pointerType: 10001iconType:1 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenCustomIcon IconType is same.1 D/KeyguardViewMediator( 1122): received DELAYED_KEYGUARD_ACTION with seq = 49, mDelayedShowingSequence = 50 D/BatteryService( 864): !@BatteryListener : batteryPropertiesChanged! D/BatteryService( 864): level:100, scale:100, status:2, health:2, present:true, voltage: 4220, temperature: 296, technology: Li-ion, AC powered:false, USB powered:true, Wireless powered:false, icon:17303687, invalid charger:0 D/BatteryService( 864): online:4, current avg:460, charge type:1, power sharing:false, high voltage charger:false, capacity:280000, current_now:460 D/BatteryService( 864): Sending ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED. D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getNetworkInfo(networkType - 1) :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/SSRM:a ( 864): DeviceInfo:: 000000000000 D/PowerManagerService( 864): [PSM] lowPowerModeEnabled: false (mLowPowerModeSetting: false, mAutoLowPowerModeConfigured: false, mBatteryLevel: 100, mLowBatteryTriggerLevel: 0) I/MotionRecognitionService( 864): Plugged I/MotionRecognitionService( 864): setPowerConnected = true D/SSRM:a ( 864): SettingsAirViewInfo:: 001000000 D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): handleBatteryUpdate W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getNetworkInfo(networkType - 1) :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] V/HeadsetService( 4939): HeadsetService - Received Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED D/HeadsetStateMachine( 4939): Disconnected process message: 10 E/MtpServerJNI( 580): server is null in send_object_removed W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. V/WindowOrientationListener( 864): mSContextAutoRotationListener.getProposedRotation, mbResultFaceDectection: false V/WindowOrientationListener( 864): mSContextAutoRotationListener.getProposedRotation, Rotation: 0 W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. V/WindowManager( 864): rotationForOrientationLw(orient=-1, last=0); user=0 USER_ROTATION_LOCKED sensorRotation=0 mLidState=-1 mDockMode=0 mHdmiPlugged=false V/WindowOrientationListener( 864): mSContextAutoRotationListener.getProposedRotation, mbResultFaceDectection: false V/WindowOrientationListener( 864): mSContextAutoRotationListener.getProposedRotation, Rotation: 0 V/ActivityManager( 864): Display changed displayId=0 W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/CordovaActivity( 1097): Started the activity. D/CordovaActivity( 1097): Resumed the activity. D/CordovaWebViewImpl( 1097): >>> loadUrl(javascript:cordova.plugins.backgroundMode._isActive=false;cordova.plugins.backgroundMode.fireEvent('deactivate',null);cordova.plugins.backgroundMode.ondeactivate(null);) W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/StatusBarManagerService( 864): manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=WindowManager.LayoutParams D/LightsService( 864): [api] [SvcLED] turnOff:: id = 4 (uid: 1000 pid: 864) D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001iconType:101 flag:0 D/LightsService( 864): [SvcLED] setSvcLedStateLocked:: SvcLEDState : 0x0 -> 0x0 | SvcLED(id=4) set Off D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenIconStyle1 pointerType: 10001iconType:1 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenCustomIcon IconType is same.1 D/LightsService( 864): [SvcLED] Lux failed to be updated in 700ms. -> handleForcedSvcLEDTasK D/LightsService( 864): [SvcLED] setSvcLedLightLocked :: Current SvcLED(id=4) maintains its priority right W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/PowerManagerService( 864): [input device light] handleInputDeviceLightOff D/lights ( 864): button : 0 + D/lights ( 864): button : 0 - W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/STATUSBAR-PhoneStatusBar( 1122): mBrightnessEnablebySettings = true mBrightnessEnablebyBattery = true mBrightnessEnablebyDisableFlag = true mPmsBrightnessEnablebySettings = true D/BatteryMeterView( 1122): ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : level:100 status:2 health:2 D/BatteryMeterView( 1122): ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : level:100 status:2 health:2 D/BatteryMeterView( 1122): ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : level:100 status:2 health:2 W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): updateCMASText( show = false ) W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/PanelView( 1122): There is/are notification(s) D/PanelView( 1122): kidsfalse mQsExpansionEnabled:true D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): updateCMASText( show = false ) W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/PanelView( 1122): There is/are notification(s) W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): updateCMASText( show = false ) W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/PanelView( 1122): There is/are notification(s) D/PanelView( 1122): kidsfalse mQsExpansionEnabled:true D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): updateCMASText( show = false ) D/BatteryMeterView( 1122): onDraw batteryColor : -1 D/PanelView( 1122): mClearAll.setVisibility - mIsFullyOpened : false isShade : true mHasNotification : true mIsUpwardFling : false mQsFullyExpanded : false isShadeLocked : false mClearAllVisible : true D/InputMethodManagerService( 864): windowGainedFocus mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled-false W/ContextImpl( 864): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:1699 com.android.server.InputMethodManagerService$6.run:2727 java.lang.Thread.run:818 D/PanelView( 1122): mClearAll.setVisibility - mIsFullyOpened : false isShade : true mHasNotification : true mIsUpwardFling : false mQsFullyExpanded : false isShadeLocked : false mClearAllVisible : true I/Timeline( 1097): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@217049a9 time:167195736 D/StatusBarManagerService( 864): manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=WindowManager.LayoutParams D/CustomFrequencyManagerService( 864): releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1350000 uid : 1000 pid : 864 tag : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER@7 W/ActivityManager( 864): mDVFSHelper.release() I/Timeline( 864): Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{54fe701 u0 jp.mrstepup.mrstepapp/.Ukaras t476} time:167195881 D/CustomFrequencyManagerService( 864): acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1350000 uid : 1000 pid : 864 pkgName : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER@11 V/ActivityThread( 1431): updateVisibility : ActivityRecord{2c3048b6 token=android.os.BinderProxy@34951678 {com.nttdocomo.android.paletteui/com.nttdocomo.android.paletteui.HomeApp}} show : false I/art ( 864): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 74869(3MB) AllocSpace objects, 16(1536KB) LOS objects, 24% free, 50MB/66MB, paused 3.479ms total 238.403ms D/CustomFrequencyManagerService( 864): releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1350000 uid : 1000 pid : 864 tag : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER@11 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getNetworkInfo(networkType - 1) :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getNetworkInfo(networkType - 1) :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] E/Diag_Lib( 3093): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 2 D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=1 D/InputReader( 864): !@notifyKey(172), action=0 D/InputManager-JNI( 864): !@interceptKeyBeforeQueueing(172), action=0 D/InputManager-JNI( 864): !@handleInterceptActions(172), action=0, wmActions=1 D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRinging()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRunningAndDeregi()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): Not exist call session I/wpa_supplicant(30131): nl80211: Received scan results (17 BSSes) D/WifiP2pService( 864): InactiveState{ what=147461 } D/WifiP2pService( 864): P2pEnabledState{ what=147461 } D/WifiP2pService( 864): DefaultState{ what=147461 } D/InputDispatcher( 864): set entryflags to AKEY_EVENT_FLAG_LONG_PRESS D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRinging()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRunningAndDeregi()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): Not exist call session D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRinging()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRunningAndDeregi()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): Not exist call session V/VibratorService( 864): hasVibrator - useVibetonz: true V/Vibrator( 864): Called vibrateImmVibe(int, MagnitudeType) API - PUID: 1000, PackageName: android V/Vibrator( 864): vibrateImmVibe - PUID: 1000, PackageName: android, type: 9, mag: 8000 D/VibratorService( 864): Turning vibrator off - ImmVibe. V/VibratorService( 864): vibrateImmVibe - package: android, type: 9, magnitude: 8000 D/Recents_AlternateRecentsComponent( 1122): onToggleRecents is getting called D/Recents_AlternateRecentsComponent( 1122): toggleRecentsActivity is getting called V/Scroll/Pause Worker( 864): onReceive: android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS W/ContextImpl( 864): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:1699 com.android.server.accessibility.AccessibilityManagerService$DirectAccessBrocastReceiver.onReceive:401 android.app.LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args.run:923 android.os.Handler.handleCallback:739 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:95 D/Recents_AlternateRecentsComponent( 1122): isRecentsTopMost is getting called D/Recents_AlternateRecentsComponent( 1122): startRecentsActivity with arg is getting called D/Recents_AlternateRecentsComponent( 1122): getThumbnailTransitionActivityOptions is getting called D/Recents_AlternateRecentsComponent( 1122): getThumbnailTransitionTransform is getting called D/Recents_RecentsTaskLoader( 1122): getTaskStack is getting called I/art (15588): Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 324817(7MB) AllocSpace objects, 2(210KB) LOS objects, 27% free, 41MB/57MB, paused 2.014ms total 209.930ms D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRinging()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRunningAndDeregi()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): Not exist call session D/ResourcesManager( 1122): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/com.adobe.phonegap.app-1/base.apk D/StautsBar-RecentsTaskLoader( 1122): getTaskStack id: 273 label:PhoneGap D/ResourcesManager( 1122): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/com.automattic.simplenote-2/base.apk D/StautsBar-RecentsTaskLoader( 1122): getTaskStack id: 469 label:Simplenote D/ResourcesManager( 1122): creating new AssetManager and set to /system/app/SBrowser/SBrowser.apk D/StautsBar-RecentsTaskLoader( 1122): getTaskStack id: 467 label:ブラウザ D/StautsBar-RecentsTaskLoader( 1122): getTaskStack id: 468 label:Google Play W/ResourceType( 1122): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1122): Failure retrieving resources for jp.mrstepup.mrstepapp: Resource ID #0x0 D/StautsBar-RecentsTaskLoader( 1122): getTaskStack id: 476 label:Ukaras D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRinging()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRunningAndDeregi()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): Not exist call session D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1122): updateMinMaxScrollForStack is getting called D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1122): updateMinMaxScroll is getting called D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1122): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_AlternateRecentsComponent( 1122): startAlternateRecentsActivity with arg is getting called D/CustomFrequencyManagerService( 864): acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1350000 uid : 1000 pid : 864 pkgName : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER@7 W/ActivityManager( 864): mDVFSHelper.acquire() D/FocusedStackFrame( 864): Set to : 0 D/CordovaActivity( 1097): Paused the activity. D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001iconType:101 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101 D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRinging()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRunningAndDeregi()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): Not exist call session D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenIconStyle1 pointerType: 10001iconType:1 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenCustomIcon IconType is same.1 D/HotspotTile( 1122): onReceive : android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS D/AirplaneModeTile( 1122): onReceive : android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS D/PhoneStatusBar( 1122): animateCollapse(): mExpandedVisible=false flags=2 D/StatusBar-Window( 1122): fnf=true sanc=false, kni=false, sbf=false D/CoverUI ( 1122): applyFocusableFlag() : Remove SAMSUNG_FLAG_SVIEW_COVER D/CordovaWebViewImpl( 1097): >>> loadUrl(javascript:cordova.plugins.backgroundMode._isActive=true;cordova.plugins.backgroundMode.fireEvent('activate',null);cordova.plugins.backgroundMode.onactivate(null);) D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getNetworkInfo(networkType - 1) :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/Recents_RecentsActivity( 1745): onStart is getting called D/STATUSBAR-LocationQuickSettingButton( 1122): onReceive : android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS D/PackageManager( 864): findPreferredActivity: No PreferredActivities set D/Recents_RecentsActivity( 1745): onResume is getting called D/StatusBarManagerService( 864): manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=WindowManager.LayoutParams D/WindowManager( 864): showStatusBarByNotification() mOpenByNotification=false D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001iconType:101 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenIconStyle1 pointerType: 10001iconType:1 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenCustomIcon IconType is same.1 D/CordovaActivity( 1097): Stopped the activity. V/ActivityThread( 1097): updateVisibility : ActivityRecord{219a8980 token=android.os.BinderProxy@217049a9 {jp.mrstepup.mrstepapp/jp.mrstepup.mrstepapp.Ukaras}} show : false D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRinging()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRunningAndDeregi()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): Not exist call session D/KnoxNotification( 1122): ----- inflateViews : modified publicViewLocal ----- D/KnoxNotification( 1122): ----- inflateViews : modified KnoxViewLocal ----- D/Recents_RecentsActivity( 1745): onPause is getting called D/Recents_RecentsActivity( 1745): onNewIntent is getting called D/Recents_RecentsActivity( 1745): updateRecentsTasks is getting called D/Recents_RecentsTaskLoader( 1745): getTaskStack is getting called D/PersonaManager( 1122): PersonaID is invalid or persona doesn't exists. : 0 D/PhoneStatusBar( 1122): tick(): knoxCustomManager = android.app.enterprise.knoxcustom.KnoxCustomManager@322c06c5 D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRinging()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRunningAndDeregi()... V/Recents_RecentsTaskLoader( 1745): Loaded bitmap for task 273 isPrivate? false PrivateSetting:false D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): Not exist call session D/StautsBar-RecentsTaskLoader( 1745): getTaskStack id: 273 label:PhoneGap V/Recents_RecentsTaskLoader( 1745): Loaded bitmap for task 469 isPrivate? false PrivateSetting:false D/StautsBar-RecentsTaskLoader( 1745): getTaskStack id: 469 label:Simplenote V/Recents_RecentsTaskLoader( 1745): Loaded bitmap for task 467 isPrivate? false PrivateSetting:false D/StautsBar-RecentsTaskLoader( 1745): getTaskStack id: 467 label:ブラウザ V/Recents_RecentsTaskLoader( 1745): Loaded bitmap for task 468 isPrivate? false PrivateSetting:false D/StautsBar-RecentsTaskLoader( 1745): getTaskStack id: 468 label:Google Play D/ResourcesManager( 1745): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/jp.mrstepup.mrstepapp-1/base.apk W/ResourceType( 1745): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1745): Failure retrieving resources for jp.mrstepup.mrstepapp: Resource ID #0x0 V/Recents_RecentsTaskLoader( 1745): Loaded bitmap for task 476 isPrivate? false PrivateSetting:false V/SystemServicesProxy( 1745): Loaded bitmap for task 476 isPrivate? false PrivateSetting:false W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): updateCMASText( show = false ) W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/PanelView( 1122): There is/are notification(s) D/PanelView( 1122): kidsfalse mQsExpansionEnabled:true D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): updateCMASText( show = false ) W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/PanelView( 1122): There is/are notification(s) W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): updateCMASText( show = false ) W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/PanelView( 1122): There is/are notification(s) D/PanelView( 1122): kidsfalse mQsExpansionEnabled:true D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): updateCMASText( show = false ) D/StautsBar-RecentsTaskLoader( 1745): getTaskStack id: 476 label:Ukaras D/PanelView( 1122): mClearAll.setVisibility - mIsFullyOpened : false isShade : true mHasNotification : true mIsUpwardFling : false mQsFullyExpanded : false isShadeLocked : false mClearAllVisible : true D/PackageManager( 864): findPreferredActivity: No PreferredActivities set D/SecContentProvider2( 864): uri = 13 selection = isTaskManagerAllowed D/SecContentProvider2( 864): mCursor = null D/PackageManager( 864): findPreferredActivity: No PreferredActivities set D/Recents_RecentsActivity( 1745): onResume is getting called D/InputMethodManagerService( 864): windowGainedFocus mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled-false W/ContextImpl( 864): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:1699 com.android.server.InputMethodManagerService$6.run:2727 java.lang.Thread.run:818 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): onMeasure is getting called D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): computeRects is called 1080windowWidth1920taskStackBoundsRect(0, 0 - 1080, 1776) D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateMinMaxScroll is getting called D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=96/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.0 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): getDim is called mDim=96 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=96/draw header:true D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRinging()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRunningAndDeregi()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): Not exist call session D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/Recents_TaskViewHeader( 1745): onFinishInflate D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): onFinishInflate D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): onTaskBound is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): animateFooterVisibility is called D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): prepareViewToLeavePool TaskView=com.android.systemui.recents.views.TaskView{118aedff VFE..... ......I. 0,0-0,0}isNewViewtrue D/Recents_RecentsTaskLoader( 1745): loadTaskData is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): onTaskDataLoaded is getting called D/Recents_TaskViewHeader( 1745): rebindToTask task=Task (476): jp.mrstepup.mrstepapp [com.android.systemui.recents.model.Task@1795230f] D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=4/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.795 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=96/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.0 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): getDim is called mDim=96 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=96/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskViewHeader( 1745): onFinishInflate D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): onFinishInflate D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): onTaskBound is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): animateFooterVisibility is called D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): prepareViewToLeavePool TaskView=com.android.systemui.recents.views.TaskView{12aa6b1b VFE..... ......I. 0,0-0,0}isNewViewtrue D/Recents_RecentsTaskLoader( 1745): loadTaskData is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): onTaskDataLoaded is getting called D/Recents_TaskViewHeader( 1745): rebindToTask task=Task (468): com.android.vending [com.android.systemui.recents.model.Task@1ee537cc] D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=11/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.6547052 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=96/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.0 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): getDim is called mDim=96 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=96/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskViewHeader( 1745): onFinishInflate D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): onFinishInflate D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): onTaskBound is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): animateFooterVisibility is called D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): prepareViewToLeavePool TaskView=com.android.systemui.recents.views.TaskView{3d464291 VFE..... ......I. 0,0-0,0}isNewViewtrue D/Recents_RecentsTaskLoader( 1745): loadTaskData is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): onTaskDataLoaded is getting called D/Recents_TaskViewHeader( 1745): rebindToTask task=Task (467): com.sec.android.app.sbrowser [com.android.systemui.recents.model.Task@111404b8] D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=22/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.51441044 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=96/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.0 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): getDim is called mDim=96 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=96/draw header:true D/PanelView( 1122): mClearAll.setVisibility - mIsFullyOpened : false isShade : true mHasNotification : true mIsUpwardFling : false mQsFullyExpanded : false isShadeLocked : false mClearAllVisible : true D/Recents_TaskViewHeader( 1745): onFinishInflate D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRinging()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRunningAndDeregi()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): Not exist call session D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): onFinishInflate D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): onTaskBound is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): animateFooterVisibility is called D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): prepareViewToLeavePool TaskView=com.android.systemui.recents.views.TaskView{3b7a9df7 VFE..... ......I. 0,0-0,0}isNewViewtrue D/Recents_RecentsTaskLoader( 1745): loadTaskData is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): onTaskDataLoaded is getting called D/Recents_TaskViewHeader( 1745): rebindToTask task=Task (469): com.automattic.simplenote [com.android.systemui.recents.model.Task@c58b5f6] D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=37/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.37411565 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=96/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.0 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): getDim is called mDim=96 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=96/draw header:true D/PanelView( 1122): mClearAll.setVisibility - mIsFullyOpened : false isShade : true mHasNotification : true mIsUpwardFling : false mQsFullyExpanded : false isShadeLocked : false mClearAllVisible : true D/Recents_TaskViewHeader( 1745): onFinishInflate D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): onFinishInflate D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): onTaskBound is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): animateFooterVisibility is called D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): prepareViewToLeavePool TaskView=com.android.systemui.recents.views.TaskView{207b76cd VFE..... ......I. 0,0-0,0}isNewViewtrue D/Recents_RecentsTaskLoader( 1745): loadTaskData is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): onTaskDataLoaded is getting called D/Recents_TaskViewHeader( 1745): rebindToTask task=Task (273): com.adobe.phonegap.app [com.android.systemui.recents.model.Task@1360b464] D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=56/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.23382086 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): onLayout is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): prepareEnterRecentsAnimation is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): getDim is called mDim=4 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=0/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): prepareEnterRecentsAnimation is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): getDim is called mDim=11 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=11/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): prepareEnterRecentsAnimation is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): getDim is called mDim=22 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=22/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): prepareEnterRecentsAnimation is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): getDim is called mDim=37 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=37/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): prepareEnterRecentsAnimation is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): getDim is called mDim=56 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=56/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtyfalse D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRinging()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRunningAndDeregi()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): Not exist call session I/Timeline( 1745): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@213749b5 time:167198682 D/StatusBarManagerService( 864): manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=WindowManager.LayoutParams D/PhoneStatusBar( 1122): animateCollapse(): mExpandedVisible=false flags=0 D/StatusBar-Window( 1122): fnf=true sanc=false, kni=false, sbf=false D/CoverUI ( 1122): applyFocusableFlag() : Remove SAMSUNG_FLAG_SVIEW_COVER D/Recents_AlternateRecentsComponent( 1122): isRecentsTopMost is getting called D/Recents_AlternateRecentsComponent( 1122): onHideRecents is getting called W/ContextImpl( 864): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:1699 com.android.internal.policy.impl.PhoneWindowManager.notifyToSSRM:5625 com.android.internal.policy.impl.PhoneWindowManager.access$600:192 com.android.internal.policy.impl.PhoneWindowManager$PolicyHandler.handleMessage:807 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:102 D/SSRM:a ( 864): DeviceInfo:: 000000000000 D/SSRM:a ( 864): SettingsAirViewInfo:: 001000000 D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getNetworkInfo(networkType - 1) :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/Recents_AlternateRecentsComponent( 1122): onAnimationStarted is getting called D/CustomFrequencyManagerService( 864): releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1350000 uid : 1000 pid : 864 tag : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER@7 W/ActivityManager( 864): mDVFSHelper.release() I/Timeline( 864): Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{312601fe u0 com.android.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity t475} time:167198713 D/CustomFrequencyManagerService( 864): acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1350000 uid : 1000 pid : 864 pkgName : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER@11 D/PhoneStatusBar( 1122): notifyRecentPanelVisiblity false D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): startEnterRecentsAnimation is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): startEnterRecentsAnimation is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): animateDimToProgress delay=275 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): getDim is called mDim=0 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): animateFooterVisibility is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): startEnterRecentsAnimation is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): startEnterRecentsAnimation is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): startEnterRecentsAnimation is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): startEnterRecentsAnimation is called D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRinging()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRunningAndDeregi()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): Not exist call session D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRinging()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRunningAndDeregi()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): Not exist call session D/PanelView( 1122): mClearAll.setVisibility - mIsFullyOpened : false isShade : true mHasNotification : true mIsUpwardFling : false mQsFullyExpanded : false isShadeLocked : false mClearAllVisible : true D/PanelView( 1122): mClearAll.setVisibility - mIsFullyOpened : false isShade : true mHasNotification : true mIsUpwardFling : false mQsFullyExpanded : false isShadeLocked : false mClearAllVisible : true D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getNetworkInfo(networkType - 1) :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRinging()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRunningAndDeregi()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): Not exist call session D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRinging()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRunningAndDeregi()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): Not exist call session D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRinging()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRunningAndDeregi()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): Not exist call session D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=0 D/InputReader( 864): !@notifyKey(172), action=1 D/InputManager-JNI( 864): !@interceptKeyBeforeQueueing(172), action=1 D/InputManager-JNI( 864): !@handleInterceptActions(172), action=1, wmActions=1 D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRinging()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRunningAndDeregi()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): Not exist call session D/CustomFrequencyManagerService( 864): releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1350000 uid : 1000 pid : 864 tag : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER@11 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): getDim is called mDim=0 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=0/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=0/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=0/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=0/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=0/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtyfalse D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=1/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=1/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=2/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=2/draw header:true D/PanelView( 1122): mClearAll.setVisibility - mIsFullyOpened : false isShade : true mHasNotification : true mIsUpwardFling : false mQsFullyExpanded : false isShadeLocked : false mClearAllVisible : true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=3/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=3/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=3/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=3/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=3/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=4/draw header:true V/AlarmManager( 864): waitForAlarm result :8 D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=1 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.198 ] when=167200195539000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1745): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1293): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 D/ViewRootImpl( 1745): ViewPostImeInputStage ACTION_DOWN D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=0 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=167200286573000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1745): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1293): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 I/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getAudioPolicyConfig: situation=1;device=0 I/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getSituationVolume: isBTConnected:0 isHeadConnected:0 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): deviceInt = 0, situationInt = 1, situationVolume = 0.800000 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() device 2, stream 1, samplingRate 0, format 0, channelMask 0, flags 3 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputsForDevice device 0002 -> 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() returns output 2 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() device 2, stream 1, samplingRate 0, format 0, channelMask 0, flags 3 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputsForDevice device 0002 -> 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() returns output 2 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputForAttr() usage=13, content=4, tag= flags=00000000 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputForAttr() device 2, samplingRate 48000, format 1, channelMask 1, flags 4 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputsForDevice device 0002 -> 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() returns output 2 E/AudioTrack( 864): AudioTrack::set : Exit V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): startOutput() output 2, stream 1, session 198 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): changeRefCount() stream 1, count 1 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getNewOutputDevice() selected device 2 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() output 2 device 0002 delayMs 0 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() prevDevice 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() setting same device 0002 or null device for output 2 D/ALSADevice( 310): route: devices 0x2 in mode 0 V/ALSADevice( 310): switchDevice: device 0x2 mode:0 V/ALSADevice( 310): getUCMDevice for output device: devices:2 is input device:0 V/ALSADevice( 310): getUCMDevice for input device: devices:0 is input device:1 D/ALSADevice( 310): No valid input device: 0 V/ALSADevice( 310): switchDevice,rxDev:Speaker, txDev:(null), curRxDev:Speaker, curTxDev:Main Mic D/alsa_ucm( 310): snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0xb3418510 identifier _enadev value Speaker D/ALSADevice( 310): switchDevice: mCurTxUCMDevivce Main Mic mCurRxDevDevice Speaker inCallDevSwitch = 0 V/ALSADevice( 310): switchDevice Done D/alsa_ucm( 310): snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0xb3418510 identifier _verb value HiFi D/alsa_ucm( 310): Set mixer controls for Speaker enable 1 D/alsa_ucm( 310): acdb_id 15 cap 1 enable 1 D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 15, path = 0 D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> send_adm_topology D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TOPOLOGY_ID D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> send_asm_topology D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_STREAM_TOPOLOGY_ID D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> send_audtable D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TABLE D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> send_audvoltable D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_GAIN_DEP_VOLTBL_STEP_COPP E/ACDB-LOADER( 310): Error: ACDB AudProc vol returned = -8 D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_VOL_CAL D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> send_afe_cal D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> send_hw_delay : acdb_id = 15 path = 0 D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_DEVICE_PROPERTY_SIZE D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> ACDB_AVSYNC_INFO: ACDB_CMD_GET_DEVICE_PROPERTY D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): send_hw_delay id = 15 delay_num_entries = 1 result = 0 D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: SLIM_0_RX Channels, value: Two D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: RX5 MIX1 INP1, value: RX1 D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: RX5 MIX1 INP2, value: RX2 D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: RX6 DSM MUX, value: DSM_INV D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting multi value: LINEOUT2 Volume D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting multi value: LINEOUT4 Volume D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting multi value: RX5 Digital Volume D/alsa_ucm( 310): Set mixer controls for HiFi enable 1 D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: SLIMBUS_0_RX Audio Mixer MultiMedia1, value: 1 D/ALSADevice( 310): close: handle 0xb3457380 h 0x0 D/ALSADevice( 310): open: handle 0xb3457380, format 0x2 V/ALSADevice( 310): Music case D/ALSADevice( 310): Device value returned is hw:0,0 V/ALSADevice( 310): flags 0, devName hw:0,0 V/ALSADevice( 310): pcm_open returned fd 47 D/ALSADevice( 310): handle->format: 0x2 D/ALSADevice( 310): setHardwareParams: reqBuffSize 2048 channels 2 sampleRate 48000 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): releaseOutput() 2 D/ALSADevice( 310): setHardwareParams: buffer_size 16384, period_size 2048, period_cnt 8 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): dismissTask is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): startDeleteTaskAnimation is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): animateFooterVisibility is called D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtyfalse V/AlarmManager( 864): waitForAlarm result :8 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): stopOutput() output 2, stream 1, session 198 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): changeRefCount() stream 1, count 0 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() output 2 device 0000 delayMs 192 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() prevDevice 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() setting same device 0000 or null device for output 2 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): onTaskViewDismissed TaskView=com.android.systemui.recents.views.TaskView{118aedff VFE...C. ........ 52,48-1028,1024} D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): onStackTaskRemoved Task=Task (no group): jp.mrstepup.mrstepapp [com.android.systemui.recents.model.Task@1795230f] D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): getChildViewForTask t=Task (no group): jp.mrstepup.mrstepapp [com.android.systemui.recents.model.Task@1795230f] D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): prepareViewToLeavePool TaskView=com.android.systemui.recents.views.TaskView{118aedff VFE...C. ........ 52,48-1028,1024} D/Recents_RecentsTaskLoader( 1745): unloadTaskData is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): onTaskDataUnloaded is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=0/draw header:true D/Recents_RecentsTaskLoader( 1745): deleteTaskData is getting called V/ApplicationPolicy( 864): isApplicationStateBlocked userId 0 pkgname jp.mrstepup.mrstepapp D/CordovaActivity( 1097): CordovaActivity.onDestroy() D/CordovaWebViewImpl( 1097): >>> loadUrl(javascript:cordova.plugins.backgroundMode._isActive=false;cordova.plugins.backgroundMode.fireEvent('deactivate',null);cordova.plugins.backgroundMode.ondeactivate(null);) D/TaskPersister( 864): removeObsoleteFile: deleting file=476_task.xml D/TaskPersister( 864): removeObsoleteFile: deleting file=476_task_thumbnail.png D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateMinMaxScroll is getting called D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=0 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): requestSynchronizeStackViewsWithModel duration=200 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): getChildViewForTask t=Task (468): com.android.vending [com.android.systemui.recents.model.Task@1ee537cc] D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): onTaskBound is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): animateFooterVisibility is called D/LightsService( 864): [api] [SvcLED] turnOff:: id = 4 (uid: 1000 pid: 864) D/LightsService( 864): [SvcLED] setSvcLedStateLocked:: SvcLEDState : 0x0 -> 0x0 | SvcLED(id=4) set Off D/LightsService( 864): [SvcLED] Lux failed to be updated in 700ms. -> handleForcedSvcLEDTasK D/LightsService( 864): [SvcLED] setSvcLedLightLocked :: Current SvcLED(id=4) maintains its priority right D/CordovaPurchase( 1097): Destroying helper. D/CordovaWebViewImpl( 1097): >>> loadUrl(about:blank) D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtytrue D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): updateStackTransforms is getting called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=11/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.6547052 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=11/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.6547052 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=22/draw header:true W/cr_AwContents( 1097): WebView.destroy() called while WebView is still attached to window. D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.51441044 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=22/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.51441044 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=37/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.37411565 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=37/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.37411565 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): updateViewPropertiesToTaskTransform is called D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=56/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.23382086 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=56/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.23382086 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=11/draw header:true W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.6547052 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=11/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.6547052 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=22/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.51441044 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=22/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.51441044 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=37/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.37411565 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=37/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.37411565 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=56/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.23382086 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=56/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.23382086 D/Recents_TaskStackView( 1745): synchronizeStackViewsWithModel is called mStackViewsDirtyfalse D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): updateCMASText( show = false ) W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/PanelView( 1122): There is/are notification(s) D/PanelView( 1122): kidsfalse mQsExpansionEnabled:true D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): updateCMASText( show = false ) W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/PanelView( 1122): There is/are notification(s) W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): updateCMASText( show = false ) W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/PanelView( 1122): There is/are notification(s) D/PanelView( 1122): kidsfalse mQsExpansionEnabled:true D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): updateCMASText( show = false ) D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=11/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.654858 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=11/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.654858 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=22/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.5145632 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=22/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.5145632 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=37/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.37426844 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=37/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.37426844 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=56/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.23397364 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=56/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.23397364 W/cr_AwContents( 1097): Application attempted to call on a destroyed WebView W/cr_AwContents( 1097): java.lang.Throwable W/cr_AwContents( 1097): at org.chromium.android_webview.AwContents.f(PG:337) W/cr_AwContents( 1097): at org.chromium.android_webview.AwContents.a(PG:311) W/cr_AwContents( 1097): at org.chromium.android_webview.AwContents.q(PG:572) W/cr_AwContents( 1097): at zT.loadingStateChanged(PG:159) W/cr_AwContents( 1097): at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native Method) W/cr_AwContents( 1097): at android.os.MessageQueue.next(MessageQueue.java:143) W/cr_AwContents( 1097): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:130) W/cr_AwContents( 1097): at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5951) W/cr_AwContents( 1097): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) W/cr_AwContents( 1097): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:372) W/cr_AwContents( 1097): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:1399) W/cr_AwContents( 1097): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1194) D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=11/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.65527153 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=11/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.65527153 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=22/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.51497674 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=22/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.51497674 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=37/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.37468195 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=37/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.37468195 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=56/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.23438716 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=56/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.23438716 D/ConnectivityService( 864): releasing NetworkRequest NetworkRequest [ id=163, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ] D/ConnectivityService( 864): sending notification RELEASED for NetworkRequest [ id=163, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ] D/ConnectivityManager.CallbackHandler( 1097): CM callback handler got msg 524296 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=11/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.65596783 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=11/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.65596783 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=22/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.51567304 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=22/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.51567304 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=37/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.37537825 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=37/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.37537825 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=56/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.23508345 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=56/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.23508345 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=11/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.6568216 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=11/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.6568216 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=22/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.5165268 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=22/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.5165268 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=37/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.37623206 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=37/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.37623206 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=56/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.23593725 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=56/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.23593725 D/PanelView( 1122): mClearAll.setVisibility - mIsFullyOpened : false isShade : true mHasNotification : true mIsUpwardFling : false mQsFullyExpanded : false isShadeLocked : false mClearAllVisible : true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=11/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.6578785 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=11/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.6578785 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=22/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.5175837 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=22/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.5175837 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=37/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.3772889 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=37/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.3772889 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=55/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.23699412 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=55/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.23699412 D/PanelView( 1122): mClearAll.setVisibility - mIsFullyOpened : false isShade : true mHasNotification : true mIsUpwardFling : false mQsFullyExpanded : false isShadeLocked : false mClearAllVisible : true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=11/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.659016 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=11/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.659016 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=22/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.5187212 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=22/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.5187212 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=37/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.3784264 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=37/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.3784264 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=55/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.23813161 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=55/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.23813161 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=11/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.660088 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=11/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.660088 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=22/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.5197932 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=22/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.5197932 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=36/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.37949845 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=36/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.37949845 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=55/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.23920365 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=55/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.23920365 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=11/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.66115177 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=11/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.66115177 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=22/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.520857 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=22/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.520857 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=36/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.38056222 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=36/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.38056222 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=55/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.24026741 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=55/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.24026741 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=10/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.6620159 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=10/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.6620159 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=21/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.5217211 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=21/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.5217211 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=36/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.3814263 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=36/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.3814263 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=55/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.24113153 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=55/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.24113153 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=10/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.6627264 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=10/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.6627264 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=21/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.5224316 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=21/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.5224316 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=36/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.38213685 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=36/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.38213685 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=55/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.24184206 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=55/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.24184206 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=10/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.663174 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=10/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.663174 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=21/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.5228792 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=21/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.5228792 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=36/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.38258436 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=36/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.38258436 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=55/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.24228959 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=55/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.24228959 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=10/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.6633262 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=10/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.6633262 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=21/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.5230314 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=21/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.5230314 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=36/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.38273662 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=36/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.38273662 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=55/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.24244183 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=55/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.24244183 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=10/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.66332674 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=10/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.66332674 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=21/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.52303195 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=21/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.52303195 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=36/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.38273716 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=36/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.38273716 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=55/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.24244237 D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setDim is called dim=55/draw header:true D/Recents_TaskView( 1745): setTaskProgress is called mTaskProgress=0.24244237 D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=1 D/InputReader( 864): !@notifyKey(172), action=0 D/InputManager-JNI( 864): !@interceptKeyBeforeQueueing(172), action=0 D/InputManager-JNI( 864): !@handleInterceptActions(172), action=0, wmActions=1 D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRinging()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRunningAndDeregi()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): Not exist call session D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 99 99 -120 -160 -120 -1 -1 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 -1 2147483647 0x0 gsm|lte level=0 D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=0 D/InputReader( 864): !@notifyKey(172), action=1 D/InputManager-JNI( 864): !@interceptKeyBeforeQueueing(172), action=1 D/InputManager-JNI( 864): !@handleInterceptActions(172), action=1, wmActions=1 D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRinging()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRunningAndDeregi()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): Not exist call session D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen I/WindowManager( 864): startDockOrHome V/Scroll/Pause Worker( 864): onReceive: android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS W/ContextImpl( 864): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:1699 com.android.server.accessibility.AccessibilityManagerService$DirectAccessBrocastReceiver.onReceive:401 android.app.LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args.run:923 android.os.Handler.handleCallback:739 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:95 D/PowerManagerService( 864): [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 1000 pid: 864) eventTime = 167201732 D/HotspotTile( 1122): onReceive : android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS D/AirplaneModeTile( 1122): onReceive : android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS D/PhoneStatusBar( 1122): animateCollapse(): mExpandedVisible=false flags=0 D/StatusBar-Window( 1122): fnf=true sanc=false, kni=false, sbf=false D/CoverUI ( 1122): applyFocusableFlag() : Remove SAMSUNG_FLAG_SVIEW_COVER D/CustomFrequencyManagerService( 864): acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1350000 uid : 1000 pid : 864 pkgName : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER@7 W/ActivityManager( 864): mDVFSHelper.acquire() D/Recents_RecentsActivity( 1745): onPause is getting called D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001iconType:101 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenIconStyle1 pointerType: 10001iconType:1 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenCustomIcon IconType is same.1 D/Recents_AlternateRecentsComponent( 1122): isRecentsTopMost is getting called D/STATUSBAR-LocationQuickSettingButton( 1122): onReceive : android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS V/WindowOrientationListener( 864): mSContextAutoRotationListener.getProposedRotation, mbResultFaceDectection: false V/WindowOrientationListener( 864): mSContextAutoRotationListener.getProposedRotation, Rotation: 0 V/WindowManager( 864): rotationForOrientationLw(orient=1, last=0); user=0 USER_ROTATION_LOCKED sensorRotation=0 mLidState=-1 mDockMode=0 mHdmiPlugged=false V/WindowOrientationListener( 864): mSContextAutoRotationListener.getProposedRotation, mbResultFaceDectection: false V/WindowOrientationListener( 864): mSContextAutoRotationListener.getProposedRotation, Rotation: 0 W/ContextImpl( 864): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:1699 com.android.internal.policy.impl.PhoneWindowManager.notifyToSSRM:5625 com.android.internal.policy.impl.PhoneWindowManager.access$600:192 com.android.internal.policy.impl.PhoneWindowManager$PolicyHandler.handleMessage:807 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:102 D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getNetworkInfo(networkType - 1) :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/SSRM:a ( 864): DeviceInfo:: 000000000000 D/SSRM:a ( 864): SettingsAirViewInfo:: 001000000 D/WallpaperManagerService( 864): getWallpaperData : 0 D/SSRM:a ( 864): DeviceInfo:: 000000000000 D/SSRM:a ( 864): SettingsAirViewInfo:: 001000000 D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getNetworkInfo(networkType - 1) :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/StatusBarManagerService( 864): manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=WindowManager.LayoutParams D/PanelView( 1122): mClearAll.setVisibility - mIsFullyOpened : false isShade : true mHasNotification : true mIsUpwardFling : false mQsFullyExpanded : false isShadeLocked : false mClearAllVisible : true D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001iconType:101 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenIconStyle1 pointerType: 10001iconType:1 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenCustomIcon IconType is same.1 D/WallpaperManager( 1431): SEC_PRODUCT_FEATURE_COMMON_SUPPORT_TEXTURE_COMPRESSION is true D/WallpaperManagerService( 864): getWallpaperData : 0 D/WallpaperManager( 1431): SEC_PRODUCT_FEATURE_COMMON_SUPPORT_TEXTURE_COMPRESSION is true D/InputMethodManagerService( 864): windowGainedFocus mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled-false W/ContextImpl( 864): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:1699 com.android.server.InputMethodManagerService$6.run:2727 java.lang.Thread.run:818 D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/com.android.vending-2/base.apk D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /system/app/SBrowser/SBrowser.apk W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/secsmartcard.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/twframework.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/secvision.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for com.sec.android.app.sbrowser: Resource ID #0x0 I/Timeline( 1431): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@34951678 time:167202115 D/CustomFrequencyManagerService( 864): releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1350000 uid : 1000 pid : 864 tag : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER@7 W/ActivityManager( 864): mDVFSHelper.release() D/CustomFrequencyManagerService( 864): acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1350000 uid : 1000 pid : 864 pkgName : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER@11 D/Recents_RecentsActivity( 1745): onStop is getting called I/Timeline( 864): Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{286e7e93 u0 com.nttdocomo.android.paletteui/.HomeApp t447} time:167202380 V/ActivityThread( 1745): updateVisibility : ActivityRecord{5ff38c5 token=android.os.BinderProxy@213749b5 {com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsActivity}} show : false D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/com.adobe.phonegap.app-1/base.apk D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/tw.mobileapp.qrcode.banner-2/base.apk D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/com.google.android.gm-1/base.apk W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for com.google.android.gm: Resource ID #0x0 D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/jp.naver.line.android-2/base.apk W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/com.google.android.maps.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/com.facebook.orca-1/base.apk W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/com.google.android.maps.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for com.facebook.orca: Resource ID #0x0 D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/com.automattic.simplenote-2/base.apk W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/multiwindow.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/com.oishigohan.community-1/base.apk D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/com.pecojapan.PECOapp-1/base.apk D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/jp.creafons.cyfons-1/base.apk W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for jp.creafons.cyfons: Resource ID #0x0 D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/jp.mrstepup.mrstepapp-1/base.apk D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/jp.kinarino.kinarinoapp-1/base.apk D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /system/priv-app/StoreApp/StoreApp.apk W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for com.nttdocomo.android.store: Resource ID #0x0 D/CustomFrequencyManagerService( 864): releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1350000 uid : 1000 pid : 864 tag : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER@11 D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /system/priv-app/MmbApp/MmbApp.apk W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbServiceLibrary.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbFcMp4Mw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbStCtlMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbSeMngMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbFcBrowMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbScSecClkMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbPoServiceSp.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbFcIndivdMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbFcContMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbFcPgInfoMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbMoInfoMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbFcMfestMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbStBmlMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for jp.co.mmbi.app: Resource ID #0x0 D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /system/app/MobileFeliCaMenuApp/MobileFeliCaMenuApp.apk W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for com.felicanetworks.mfm: Resource ID #0x0 D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /system/priv-app/SecSettings/SecSettings.apk D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/sec_platform_library.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/smatlib.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/sechardware.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/com.google.android.maps.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/twframework.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/com.broadcom.bt.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /system/priv-app/dmenu/dmenu.apk W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for com.nttdocomo.android.docomo_market: Resource ID #0x0 D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /system/priv-app/DcmCloudMailer/DcmCloudMailer.apk W/ResourceType( 1431): ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 1, previously 1632 W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for jp.co.nttdocomo.carriermail: Resource ID #0x0 E/Diag_Lib( 3176): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 2 D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=1 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.199 ] when=167203186415000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1122): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1431): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1293): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 D/ViewRootImpl( 1431): ViewPostImeInputStage ACTION_DOWN D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=0 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=167203277418000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1431): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1293): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 I/Timeline( 1431): Timeline: Activity_launch_request id:jp.mrstepup.mrstepapp time:167203288 V/ApplicationPolicy( 864): isApplicationStateBlocked userId 0 pkgname jp.mrstepup.mrstepapp D/CustomFrequencyManagerService( 864): acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1350000 uid : 1000 pid : 864 pkgName : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER@7 W/ActivityManager( 864): mDVFSHelper.acquire() D/FocusedStackFrame( 864): Set to : 0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001iconType:101 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenIconStyle1 pointerType: 10001iconType:1 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenCustomIcon IconType is same.1 V/WindowOrientationListener( 864): mSContextAutoRotationListener.getProposedRotation, mbResultFaceDectection: false V/WindowOrientationListener( 864): mSContextAutoRotationListener.getProposedRotation, Rotation: 0 V/WindowManager( 864): rotationForOrientationLw(orient=-1, last=0); user=0 USER_ROTATION_LOCKED sensorRotation=0 mLidState=-1 mDockMode=0 mHdmiPlugged=false V/WindowOrientationListener( 864): mSContextAutoRotationListener.getProposedRotation, mbResultFaceDectection: false V/WindowOrientationListener( 864): mSContextAutoRotationListener.getProposedRotation, Rotation: 0 D/StatusBarManagerService( 864): manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=WindowManager.LayoutParams D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getNetworkInfo(networkType - 1) :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/SSRM:a ( 864): DeviceInfo:: 000000000000 D/SSRM:a ( 864): SettingsAirViewInfo:: 001000000 I/CordovaLog( 1097): Changing log level to DEBUG(3) I/CordovaActivity( 1097): Apache Cordova native platform version 7.0.0 is starting D/CordovaActivity( 1097): CordovaActivity.onCreate() D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/ConnectivityService( 864): listenForNetwork for NetworkRequest [ id=164, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ] D/ConnectivityService( 864): handleRegisterNetworkRequest checking NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 506] D/ConnectivityService( 864): apparently satisfied. currentScore=60 D/ConnectivityService( 864): sending notification AVAILABLE for NetworkRequest [ id=164, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ] D/ConnectivityService( 864): handleRegisterNetworkRequest checking NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI_P2P () - 501] D/ConnectivityManager.CallbackHandler( 1097): CM callback handler got msg 524290 D/SystemWebViewEngine( 1097): CordovaWebView is running on device made by: samsung D/PluginManager( 1097): init() D/Whitelist( 1097): Failed to add origin *://*youtube.com V/AlarmManager( 864): waitForAlarm result :8 D/ALSADevice( 310): standby: handle 0xb3457380 h 0x0 V/ALSADevice( 310): standby handle h 0xb3479900 I/BackgroundCompactionService( 864): onStart. jobID=801 I/BackgroundCompactionService( 864): onStart done. jobID=801 D/FileUtils( 1097): Unrecognized extra filesystem identifier: assets D/CordovaWebViewImpl( 1097): >>> loadUrl(file:///android_asset/www/index.html) D/Activity( 1097): performCreate Call secproduct feature valuefalse D/Activity( 1097): performCreate Call debug elastic valuetrue D/CordovaActivity( 1097): Started the activity. D/CordovaActivity( 1097): Resumed the activity. D/CordovaWebViewImpl( 1097): onPageDidNavigate(file:///android_asset/www/index.html) D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001iconType:101 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenIconStyle1 pointerType: 10001iconType:1 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenCustomIcon IconType is same.1 D/EnterpriseController( 302): mIsMarkChainAdded is 0 mIsBlockChainAdded is 0 netId is 0 D/Netd ( 302): getNetworkForDns: using netid 506 for uid 10261 D/InputMethodManagerService( 864): windowGainedFocus mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled-false W/ContextImpl( 864): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:1699 com.android.server.InputMethodManagerService$6.run:2727 java.lang.Thread.run:818 I/ActivityManager( 864): Displayed Component not be shown by security: +255ms D/CustomFrequencyManagerService( 864): releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1350000 uid : 1000 pid : 864 tag : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER@7 W/ActivityManager( 864): mDVFSHelper.release() D/CustomFrequencyManagerService( 864): acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1350000 uid : 1000 pid : 864 pkgName : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER@11 I/Timeline( 864): Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{1bbe16db u0 jp.mrstepup.mrstepapp/.Ukaras t477} time:167203642 D/alsa_ucm( 310): snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0xb3418510 identifier _verb value Inactive D/alsa_ucm( 310): Set mixer controls for HiFi enable 0 D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: SLIMBUS_0_RX Audio Mixer MultiMedia1, value: 0 V/ALSADevice( 310): Number of modifiers 0 V/ALSADevice( 310): usecase_type is 0 D/alsa_ucm( 310): snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0xb3418510 identifier _disdev value Main Mic D/alsa_ucm( 310): disdev: device Main Mic not enabled, no need to disable D/alsa_ucm( 310): snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0xb3418510 identifier _disdev value Speaker D/alsa_ucm( 310): Set mixer controls for Speaker enable 0 D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: RX5 MIX1 INP1, value: ZERO D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: RX5 MIX1 INP2, value: ZERO D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: LINEOUT2 Volume, value: 0 D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: LINEOUT4 Volume, value: 0 D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: RX5 Digital Volume, value: 0 I/Timeline( 1097): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@352352b0 time:167203693 V/ActivityThread( 1431): updateVisibility : ActivityRecord{2c3048b6 token=android.os.BinderProxy@34951678 {com.nttdocomo.android.paletteui/com.nttdocomo.android.paletteui.HomeApp}} show : false D/CustomFrequencyManagerService( 864): releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1350000 uid : 1000 pid : 864 tag : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER@11 V/AlarmManager( 864): waitForAlarm result :8 D/SSRM:n ( 864): SIOP:: AP = 410, CUR = 460 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/JsMessageQueue( 1097): Set native->JS mode to EvalBridgeMode D/EnterpriseController( 302): mIsMarkChainAdded is 0 mIsBlockChainAdded is 0 netId is 0 D/Netd ( 302): getNetworkForDns: using netid 506 for uid 10261 E/SMD ( 3078): smd_init start E/SMD ( 3078): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/BatteryService( 864): !@BatteryListener : batteryPropertiesChanged! D/BatteryService( 864): level:99, scale:100, status:2, health:2, present:true, voltage: 4228, temperature: 296, technology: Li-ion, AC powered:false, USB powered:true, Wireless powered:false, icon:17303687, invalid charger:0 D/BatteryService( 864): online:4, current avg:460, charge type:1, power sharing:false, high voltage charger:false, capacity:280000, current_now:460 D/BatteryService( 864): Sending ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED. D/PowerManagerService( 864): [PSM] lowPowerModeEnabled: false (mLowPowerModeSetting: false, mAutoLowPowerModeConfigured: false, mBatteryLevel: 99, mLowBatteryTriggerLevel: 0) I/MotionRecognitionService( 864): Plugged I/MotionRecognitionService( 864): setPowerConnected = true D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): handleBatteryUpdate W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getNetworkInfo(networkType - 1) :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] V/HeadsetService( 4939): HeadsetService - Received Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED D/HeadsetStateMachine( 4939): Disconnected process message: 10 W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. E/MtpServerJNI( 580): server is null in send_object_removed W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/STATUSBAR-PhoneStatusBar( 1122): mBrightnessEnablebySettings = true mBrightnessEnablebyBattery = true mBrightnessEnablebyDisableFlag = true mPmsBrightnessEnablebySettings = true D/BatteryMeterView( 1122): ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : level:99 status:2 health:2 D/BatteryMeterView( 1122): ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : level:99 status:2 health:2 D/BatteryMeterView( 1122): ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : level:99 status:2 health:2 D/BatteryMeterView( 1122): onDraw batteryColor : -1 E/Watchdog( 864): !@Sync 5572 E/SMD ( 3078): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 99 99 -120 -160 -120 -1 -1 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 -1 2147483647 0x0 gsm|lte level=0 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getNetworkInfo(networkType - 1) :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getNetworkInfo(networkType - 1) :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] E/SMD ( 3078): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/BadgeProvider(32604): sendNotify entered. [uri] : content://com.sec.badge/apps?notify=true D/BadgeProvider(32604): sendNotify, [notify] : true D/BadgeProvider(32604): update, [uri] : content://com.sec.badge/apps?notify=true D/BadgeProvider(32604): update, [BadgeCount] : badgecount=0 D/BadgeProvider(32604): update, [UpdateCount] : 1 D/BadgeProvider(32604): sendNotify entered. [uri] : content://com.sec.badge/apps?notify=true D/BadgeProvider(32604): sendNotify, [notify] : true D/BadgeProvider(32604): update, [uri] : content://com.sec.badge/apps?notify=true D/BadgeProvider(32604): update, [BadgeCount] : badgecount=0 D/BadgeProvider(32604): update, [UpdateCount] : 1 D/CordovaWebViewImpl( 1097): onPageFinished(file:///android_asset/www/index.html) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 78 : Received Device Ready Event I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(78)] "Received Device Ready Event", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (78) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 82 : e6O1lXjW-tc:APA91bHccy6Lm4ngLFPefBgNsxD9DGqf3hTlultAoXiiM8WcZ7o_ERdQL-TUoGVPq-7xvB9FvsN_nTuM7pfvPGJA5dwUeXmSPYdQDOx4i1e250rL6AyfqyhQYRoTCGKB41wpUbZ2IdFN I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(82)] "e6O1lXjW-tc:APA91bHccy6Lm4ngLFPefBgNsxD9DGqf3hTlultAoXiiM8WcZ7o_ERdQL-TUoGVPq-7xvB9FvsN_nTuM7pfvPGJA5dwUeXmSPYdQDOx4i1e250rL6AyfqyhQYRoTCGKB41wpUbZ2IdFN", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (82) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 95 : UUID: 3610a81780144d72 I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(95)] "UUID: 3610a81780144d72", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (95) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 96 : model: SC-04E I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(96)] "model: SC-04E", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (96) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 97 : platform: Android I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(97)] "platform: Android", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (97) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 98 : version: 5.0.1 I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(98)] "version: 5.0.1", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (98) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 117 : calling setup push I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(117)] "calling setup push", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (117) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 152 : calling push init I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(152)] "calling push init", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (152) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 121 : calling badge_init I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(121)] "calling badge_init", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (121) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 450 : get_key : login_state I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(450)] "get_key : login_state", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (450) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 451 : get_data : null I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(451)] "get_data : null", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (451) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 450 : get_key : login_user_id I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(450)] "get_key : login_user_id", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (450) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 451 : get_data : 3268 I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(451)] "get_data : 3268", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (451) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 125 : calling purchase initializeStore I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(125)] "calling purchase initializeStore", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (125) D/StatusBarManagerService( 864): manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=WindowManager.LayoutParams D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001iconType:101 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenIconStyle1 pointerType: 10001iconType:1 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenCustomIcon IconType is same.1 E/Diag_Lib( 3230): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 2 D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] E/SMD ( 3078): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 I/Finsky ( 9600): [17317] com.google.android.finsky.bp.am.run(6): Stats for Executor: Db-user_languages_store com.google.android.finsky.bp.an@118499ed[Running, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 1] E/SMD ( 3078): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 V/AlarmManager( 864): waitForAlarm result :8 E/SMD ( 3078): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 E/SMD ( 3078): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=1 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.200 ] when=167211194471000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1122): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1097): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 D/ViewRootImpl( 1097): ViewPostImeInputStage ACTION_DOWN D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=0 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=167211285749000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1097): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 I/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getAudioPolicyConfig: situation=1;device=0 I/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getSituationVolume: isBTConnected:0 isHeadConnected:0 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): deviceInt = 0, situationInt = 1, situationVolume = 0.800000 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() device 2, stream 1, samplingRate 0, format 0, channelMask 0, flags 3 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputsForDevice device 0002 -> 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() returns output 2 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() device 2, stream 1, samplingRate 0, format 0, channelMask 0, flags 3 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputsForDevice device 0002 -> 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() returns output 2 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputForAttr() usage=13, content=4, tag= flags=00000000 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputForAttr() device 2, samplingRate 48000, format 1, channelMask 1, flags 4 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputsForDevice device 0002 -> 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() returns output 2 E/AudioTrack( 864): AudioTrack::set : Exit V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): startOutput() output 2, stream 1, session 199 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): changeRefCount() stream 1, count 1 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getNewOutputDevice() selected device 2 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() output 2 device 0002 delayMs 0 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() prevDevice 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() setting same device 0002 or null device for output 2 D/ALSADevice( 310): route: devices 0x2 in mode 0 V/ALSADevice( 310): switchDevice: device 0x2 mode:0 V/ALSADevice( 310): getUCMDevice for output device: devices:2 is input device:0 V/ALSADevice( 310): getUCMDevice for input device: devices:0 is input device:1 D/ALSADevice( 310): No valid input device: 0 V/ALSADevice( 310): switchDevice,rxDev:Speaker, txDev:(null), curRxDev:Speaker, curTxDev:Main Mic D/alsa_ucm( 310): snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0xb3418510 identifier _enadev value Speaker D/ALSADevice( 310): switchDevice: mCurTxUCMDevivce Main Mic mCurRxDevDevice Speaker inCallDevSwitch = 0 V/ALSADevice( 310): switchDevice Done D/alsa_ucm( 310): snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0xb3418510 identifier _verb value HiFi D/alsa_ucm( 310): Set mixer controls for Speaker enable 1 D/alsa_ucm( 310): acdb_id 15 cap 1 enable 1 D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 15, path = 0 D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> send_adm_topology D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TOPOLOGY_ID D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> send_asm_topology D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_STREAM_TOPOLOGY_ID D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> send_audtable D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_COMMON_TABLE D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> send_audvoltable D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AUDPROC_GAIN_DEP_VOLTBL_STEP_COPP E/ACDB-LOADER( 310): Error: ACDB AudProc vol returned = -8 D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_VOL_CAL D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> send_afe_cal D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> send_hw_delay : acdb_id = 15 path = 0 D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_DEVICE_PROPERTY_SIZE D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): ACDB -> ACDB_AVSYNC_INFO: ACDB_CMD_GET_DEVICE_PROPERTY D/ACDB-LOADER( 310): send_hw_delay id = 15 delay_num_entries = 1 result = 0 D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: SLIM_0_RX Channels, value: Two D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: RX5 MIX1 INP1, value: RX1 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): releaseOutput() 2 D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: RX5 MIX1 INP2, value: RX2 D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: RX6 DSM MUX, value: DSM_INV D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting multi value: LINEOUT2 Volume D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting multi value: LINEOUT4 Volume D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting multi value: RX5 Digital Volume D/alsa_ucm( 310): Set mixer controls for HiFi enable 1 D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: SLIMBUS_0_RX Audio Mixer MultiMedia1, value: 1 D/ALSADevice( 310): close: handle 0xb3457380 h 0x0 D/ALSADevice( 310): open: handle 0xb3457380, format 0x2 V/ALSADevice( 310): Music case D/ALSADevice( 310): Device value returned is hw:0,0 V/ALSADevice( 310): flags 0, devName hw:0,0 V/ALSADevice( 310): pcm_open returned fd 45 D/ALSADevice( 310): handle->format: 0x2 D/ALSADevice( 310): setHardwareParams: reqBuffSize 2048 channels 2 sampleRate 48000 D/ALSADevice( 310): setHardwareParams: buffer_size 16384, period_size 2048, period_cnt 8 D/CordovaPurchase( 1097): Num SKUs Found: 1 D/CordovaPurchase( 1097): Product SKU Added: 1 D/CordovaPurchase( 1097): init start W/ResourceType( 1097): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 E/PluginManager( 1097): Uncaught exception from plugin E/PluginManager( 1097): android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: String resource ID #0x0 E/PluginManager( 1097): at android.content.res.Resources.getText(Resources.java:1334) E/PluginManager( 1097): at android.content.res.Resources.getString(Resources.java:1428) E/PluginManager( 1097): at android.content.Context.getString(Context.java:382) E/PluginManager( 1097): at com.smartmobilesoftware.inappbilling.InAppBillingPlugin.getPublicKey(InAppBillingPlugin.java:156) E/PluginManager( 1097): at com.smartmobilesoftware.inappbilling.InAppBillingPlugin.init(InAppBillingPlugin.java:164) E/PluginManager( 1097): at com.smartmobilesoftware.inappbilling.InAppBillingPlugin.execute(InAppBillingPlugin.java:67) E/PluginManager( 1097): at org.apache.cordova.CordovaPlugin.execute(CordovaPlugin.java:98) E/PluginManager( 1097): at org.apache.cordova.PluginManager.exec(PluginManager.java:132) E/PluginManager( 1097): at org.apache.cordova.CordovaBridge.jsExec(CordovaBridge.java:59) E/PluginManager( 1097): at org.apache.cordova.engine.SystemExposedJsApi.exec(SystemExposedJsApi.java:41) E/PluginManager( 1097): at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native Method) E/PluginManager( 1097): at android.os.MessageQueue.next(MessageQueue.java:143) E/PluginManager( 1097): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:130) E/PluginManager( 1097): at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:61) I/App ( 1097): WARNING: Back Button Default Behavior will be overridden. The backbutton event will be fired! D/OpenGLRenderer( 1097): endAllStagingAnimators on 0x9fd76a00 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0x98a83850 D/StatusBarManagerService( 864): manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=WindowManager.LayoutParams D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001iconType:101 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenIconStyle1 pointerType: 10001iconType:1 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenCustomIcon IconType is same.1 D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/plugins/cc.fovea.cordova.purchase/www/store-android.js: Line 1513 : [store.js] DEBUG: store.queries !! '1 registered' I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(1513)] "[store.js] DEBUG: store.queries !! '1 registered'", source: file:///android_asset/www/plugins/cc.fovea.cordova.purchase/www/store-android.js (1513) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/plugins/cc.fovea.cordova.purchase/www/store-android.js: Line 1513 : [store.js] DEBUG: store.queries !! 'payed content registered' I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(1513)] "[store.js] DEBUG: store.queries !! 'payed content registered'", source: file:///android_asset/www/plugins/cc.fovea.cordova.purchase/www/store-android.js (1513) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/plugins/cc.fovea.cordova.purchase/www/store-android.js: Line 1513 : [store.js] DEBUG: store.queries !! 'paid subscription registered' I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(1513)] "[store.js] DEBUG: store.queries !! 'paid subscription registered'", source: file:///android_asset/www/plugins/cc.fovea.cordova.purchase/www/store-android.js (1513) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/plugins/cc.fovea.cordova.purchase/www/store-android.js: Line 1513 : [store.js] DEBUG: store.queries !! 'subscription registered' I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(1513)] "[store.js] DEBUG: store.queries !! 'subscription registered'", source: file:///android_asset/www/plugins/cc.fovea.cordova.purchase/www/store-android.js (1513) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/plugins/cc.fovea.cordova.purchase/www/store-android.js: Line 1513 : [store.js] DEBUG: store.queries !! 'registered' I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(1513)] "[store.js] DEBUG: store.queries !! 'registered'", source: file:///android_asset/www/plugins/cc.fovea.cordova.purchase/www/store-android.js (1513) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/plugins/cc.fovea.cordova.purchase/www/store-android.js: Line 1513 : [store.js] DEBUG: store.queries !! '1 updated' I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(1513)] "[store.js] DEBUG: store.queries !! '1 updated'", source: file:///android_asset/www/plugins/cc.fovea.cordova.purchase/www/store-android.js (1513) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/plugins/cc.fovea.cordova.purchase/www/store-android.js: Line 1513 : [store.js] DEBUG: store.queries !! 'payed content updated' I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(1513)] "[store.js] DEBUG: store.queries !! 'payed content updated'", source: file:///android_asset/www/plugins/cc.fovea.cordova.purchase/www/store-android.js (1513) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/plugins/cc.fovea.cordova.purchase/www/store-android.js: Line 1513 : [store.js] DEBUG: store.queries !! 'paid subscription updated' I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(1513)] "[store.js] DEBUG: store.queries !! 'paid subscription updated'", source: file:///android_asset/www/plugins/cc.fovea.cordova.purchase/www/store-android.js (1513) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/plugins/cc.fovea.cordova.purchase/www/store-android.js: Line 1513 : [store.js] DEBUG: store.queries !! 'subscription updated' I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(1513)] "[store.js] DEBUG: store.queries !! 'subscription updated'", source: file:///android_asset/www/plugins/cc.fovea.cordova.purchase/www/store-android.js (1513) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/plugins/cc.fovea.cordova.purchase/www/store-android.js: Line 1513 : [store.js] DEBUG: store.queries !! 'updated' I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(1513)] "[store.js] DEBUG: store.queries !! 'updated'", source: file:///android_asset/www/plugins/cc.fovea.cordova.purchase/www/store-android.js (1513) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/plugins/cc.fovea.cordova.purchase/www/store-android.js: Line 1513 : [store.js] DEBUG: store.trigger -> triggering action refreshed I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(1513)] "[store.js] DEBUG: store.trigger -> triggering action refreshed", source: file:///android_asset/www/plugins/cc.fovea.cordova.purchase/www/store-android.js (1513) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/plugins/cc.fovea.cordova.purchase/www/store-android.js: Line 1513 : [store.js] DEBUG: queries !! 'refreshed' I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(1513)] "[store.js] DEBUG: queries !! 'refreshed'", source: file:///android_asset/www/plugins/cc.fovea.cordova.purchase/www/store-android.js (1513) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/plugins/cc.fovea.cordova.purchase/www/store-android.js: Line 2040 : InAppBilling[js]: setup ok I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(2040)] "InAppBilling[js]: setup ok", source: file:///android_asset/www/plugins/cc.fovea.cordova.purchase/www/store-android.js (2040) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/plugins/cc.fovea.cordova.purchase/www/store-android.js: Line 2040 : InAppBilling[js]: load ["1"] I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(2040)] "InAppBilling[js]: load ["1"]", source: file:///android_asset/www/plugins/cc.fovea.cordova.purchase/www/store-android.js (2040) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js: Line 74 : login_check I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(74)] "login_check", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js (74) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 450 : get_key : login_state I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(450)] "get_key : login_state", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (450) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 451 : get_data : null I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(451)] "get_data : null", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (451) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 450 : get_key : login_user_id I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(450)] "get_key : login_user_id", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (450) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 451 : get_data : 3268 I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(451)] "get_data : 3268", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (451) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 450 : get_key : login_pay_id I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(450)] "get_key : login_pay_id", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (450) D/EnterpriseController( 302): mIsMarkChainAdded is 0 mIsBlockChainAdded is 0 netId is 0 D/Netd ( 302): getNetworkForDns: using netid 506 for uid 10261 D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 451 : get_data : null I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(451)] "get_data : null", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (451) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 450 : get_key : login_email I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(450)] "get_key : login_email", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (450) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 451 : get_data : null I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(451)] "get_data : null", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (451) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 450 : get_key : login_password I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(450)] "get_key : login_password", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (450) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 451 : get_data : null I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(451)] "get_data : null", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (451) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js: Line 97 : ------------ I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(97)] "------------", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js (97) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js: Line 98 : login_check I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(98)] "login_check", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js (98) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js: Line 99 : login I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(99)] "login", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js (99) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js: Line 100 : login_state : 0 I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(100)] "login_state : 0", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js (100) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js: Line 101 : login_user_id : 3268 I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(101)] "login_user_id : 3268", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js (101) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js: Line 102 : login_pay_id : 1 I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(102)] "login_pay_id : 1", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js (102) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js: Line 103 : email : null I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(103)] "email : null", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js (103) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js: Line 104 : password : null I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(104)] "password : null", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js (104) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js: Line 105 : uuid : 3610a81780144d72 I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(105)] "uuid : 3610a81780144d72", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js (105) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js: Line 106 : model : SC-04E I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(106)] "model : SC-04E", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js (106) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js: Line 107 : platform : Android I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(107)] "platform : Android", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js (107) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js: Line 108 : version : 5.0.1 I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(108)] "version : 5.0.1", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js (108) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js: Line 109 : device_id : e6O1lXjW-tc:APA91bHccy6Lm4ngLFPefBgNsxD9DGqf3hTlultAoXiiM8WcZ7o_ERdQL-TUoGVPq-7xvB9FvsN_nTuM7pfvPGJA5dwUeXmSPYdQDOx4i1e250rL6AyfqyhQYRoTCGKB41wpUbZ2IdFN I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(109)] "device_id : e6O1lXjW-tc:APA91bHccy6Lm4ngLFPefBgNsxD9DGqf3hTlultAoXiiM8WcZ7o_ERdQL-TUoGVPq-7xvB9FvsN_nTuM7pfvPGJA5dwUeXmSPYdQDOx4i1e250rL6AyfqyhQYRoTCGKB41wpUbZ2IdFN", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js (109) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js: Line 110 : ------------ I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(110)] "------------", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js (110) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js: Line 25 : set_nav_tabs I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(25)] "set_nav_tabs", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js (25) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/jquery-1.8.2.min.js: Line 2 : Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience. For more help, check https://xhr.spec.whatwg.org/. I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(2)] "Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience. For more help, check https://xhr.spec.whatwg.org/.", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/jquery-1.8.2.min.js (2) E/ViewRootImpl( 1097): sendUserActionEvent() mView == null D/InputMethodManagerService( 864): windowGainedFocus mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled-false W/InputMethodManagerService( 864): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@2e9feb97 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@23fe9b54 D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js: Line 345 : data.start I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(345)] "data.start", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js (345) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js: Line 346 : [object Object] I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(346)] "[object Object]", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js (346) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js: Line 355 : __subject_data I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(355)] "__subject_data", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js (355) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js: Line 356 : [object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object] I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(356)] "[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js (356) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js: Line 30 : disp_study I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(30)] "disp_study", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js (30) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/study.js: Line 67 : updatePosts : refresh I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(67)] "updatePosts : refresh", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/study.js (67) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/study.js: Line 68 : subject_id : 9 I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(68)] "subject_id : 9", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/study.js (68) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/study.js: Line 231 : 9 I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(231)] "9", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/study.js (231) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/study.js: Line 232 : 10 I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(232)] "10", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/study.js (232) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/study.js: Line 233 : 0 I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(233)] "0", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/study.js (233) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/study.js: Line 234 : 0 I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(234)] "0", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/study.js (234) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/study.js: Line 22 : __init_study_position : 0 I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(22)] "__init_study_position : 0", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/study.js (22) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/mypage.js: Line 217 : disp_mypage I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(217)] "disp_mypage", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/mypage.js (217) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/mypage.js: Line 218 : login_user_id : 3268 I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(218)] "login_user_id : 3268", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/mypage.js (218) D/StatusBarManagerService( 864): manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=WindowManager.LayoutParams D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001iconType:101 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenIconStyle1 pointerType: 10001iconType:1 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenCustomIcon IconType is same.1 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): stopOutput() output 2, stream 1, session 199 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): changeRefCount() stream 1, count 0 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() output 2 device 0000 delayMs 192 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() prevDevice 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() setting same device 0000 or null device for output 2 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen E/SMD ( 3078): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=1 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.201 ] when=167212470137000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1122): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1097): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 D/ViewRootImpl( 1097): ViewPostImeInputStage ACTION_DOWN E/Diag_Lib( 3278): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 2 D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=0 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=167212561903000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1097): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 I/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getAudioPolicyConfig: situation=1;device=0 I/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getSituationVolume: isBTConnected:0 isHeadConnected:0 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): deviceInt = 0, situationInt = 1, situationVolume = 0.800000 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() device 2, stream 1, samplingRate 0, format 0, channelMask 0, flags 3 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputsForDevice device 0002 -> 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() returns output 2 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() device 2, stream 1, samplingRate 0, format 0, channelMask 0, flags 3 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputsForDevice device 0002 -> 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() returns output 2 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputForAttr() usage=13, content=4, tag= flags=00000000 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputForAttr() device 2, samplingRate 48000, format 1, channelMask 1, flags 4 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutputsForDevice device 0002 -> 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getOutput() returns output 2 E/AudioTrack( 864): AudioTrack::set : Exit V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): startOutput() output 2, stream 1, session 200 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): changeRefCount() stream 1, count 1 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getNewOutputDevice() selected device 2 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() output 2 device 0002 delayMs 0 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() prevDevice 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() setting same device 0002 or null device for output 2 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): releaseOutput() 2 D/StatusBarManagerService( 864): manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=WindowManager.LayoutParams D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001iconType:101 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenIconStyle1 pointerType: 10001iconType:1 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenCustomIcon IconType is same.1 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/InputMethodManagerService( 864): windowGainedFocus mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled-false W/InputMethodManagerService( 864): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@17d39da2 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@23fe9b54 E/ViewRootImpl( 1097): sendUserActionEvent() mView == null D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/study.js: Line 140 : data.post refresh I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(140)] "data.post refresh", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/study.js (140) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/study.js: Line 141 : I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(141)] "", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/study.js (141) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/study.js: Line 142 : 9 I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(142)] "9", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/study.js (142) V/Push_Plugin( 1097): execute: action=init V/Push_Plugin( 1097): execute: data=[{"android":{"senderID":"109445866568"},"browser":{},"ios":{"sound":true,"vibration":true,"badge":true},"windows":{}}] V/Push_Plugin( 1097): execute: jo={"senderID":"109445866568"} V/Push_Plugin( 1097): execute: senderID=109445866568 V/Push_Plugin( 1097): onRegistered: {"registrationId":"e6O1lXjW-tc:APA91bHccy6Lm4ngLFPefBgNsxD9DGqf3hTlultAoXiiM8WcZ7o_ERdQL-TUoGVPq-7xvB9FvsN_nTuM7pfvPGJA5dwUeXmSPYdQDOx4i1e250rL6AyfqyhQYRoTCGKB41wpUbZ2IdFN"} D/Push_Plugin( 1097): no icon option D/Push_Plugin( 1097): no iconColor option D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 411 : onFileSystemSuccess I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(411)] "onFileSystemSuccess", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (411) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 412 : persistent I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(412)] "persistent", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (412) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 169 : registration event: e6O1lXjW-tc:APA91bHccy6Lm4ngLFPefBgNsxD9DGqf3hTlultAoXiiM8WcZ7o_ERdQL-TUoGVPq-7xvB9FvsN_nTuM7pfvPGJA5dwUeXmSPYdQDOx4i1e250rL6AyfqyhQYRoTCGKB41wpUbZ2IdFN I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(169)] "registration event: e6O1lXjW-tc:APA91bHccy6Lm4ngLFPefBgNsxD9DGqf3hTlultAoXiiM8WcZ7o_ERdQL-TUoGVPq-7xvB9FvsN_nTuM7pfvPGJA5dwUeXmSPYdQDOx4i1e250rL6AyfqyhQYRoTCGKB41wpUbZ2IdFN", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (169) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 175 : oldRegId : e6O1lXjW-tc:APA91bHccy6Lm4ngLFPefBgNsxD9DGqf3hTlultAoXiiM8WcZ7o_ERdQL-TUoGVPq-7xvB9FvsN_nTuM7pfvPGJA5dwUeXmSPYdQDOx4i1e250rL6AyfqyhQYRoTCGKB41wpUbZ2IdFN I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(175)] "oldRegId : e6O1lXjW-tc:APA91bHccy6Lm4ngLFPefBgNsxD9DGqf3hTlultAoXiiM8WcZ7o_ERdQL-TUoGVPq-7xvB9FvsN_nTuM7pfvPGJA5dwUeXmSPYdQDOx4i1e250rL6AyfqyhQYRoTCGKB41wpUbZ2IdFN", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (175) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 309 : post_device_info I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(309)] "post_device_info", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (309) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 450 : get_key : login_state I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(450)] "get_key : login_state", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (450) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 451 : get_data : null I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(451)] "get_data : null", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (451) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 450 : get_key : login_user_id I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(450)] "get_key : login_user_id", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (450) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 451 : get_data : 3268 I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(451)] "get_data : 3268", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (451) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 450 : get_key : login_pay_id I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(450)] "get_key : login_pay_id", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (450) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 451 : get_data : null I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(451)] "get_data : null", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (451) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 450 : get_key : login_email I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(450)] "get_key : login_email", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (450) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 451 : get_data : null I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(451)] "get_data : null", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (451) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 450 : get_key : login_password I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(450)] "get_key : login_password", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (450) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 451 : get_data : null I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(451)] "get_data : null", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (451) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 343 : ------------ I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(343)] "------------", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (343) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 344 : post_device_info I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(344)] "post_device_info", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (344) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 345 : login_state : 0 I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(345)] "login_state : 0", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (345) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 346 : login_user_id : 3268 I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(346)] "login_user_id : 3268", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (346) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 347 : login_pay_id : 1 I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(347)] "login_pay_id : 1", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (347) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 348 : email : null I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(348)] "email : null", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (348) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 349 : password : null I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(349)] "password : null", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (349) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 350 : app_version : 1.1.24 I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(350)] "app_version : 1.1.24", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (350) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 351 : uuid : 3610a81780144d72 I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(351)] "uuid : 3610a81780144d72", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (351) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 352 : model : SC-04E I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(352)] "model : SC-04E", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (352) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 353 : platform : Android I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(353)] "platform : Android", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (353) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 354 : version : 5.0.1 I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(354)] "version : 5.0.1", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (354) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 355 : device_id : e6O1lXjW-tc:APA91bHccy6Lm4ngLFPefBgNsxD9DGqf3hTlultAoXiiM8WcZ7o_ERdQL-TUoGVPq-7xvB9FvsN_nTuM7pfvPGJA5dwUeXmSPYdQDOx4i1e250rL6AyfqyhQYRoTCGKB41wpUbZ2IdFN I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(355)] "device_id : e6O1lXjW-tc:APA91bHccy6Lm4ngLFPefBgNsxD9DGqf3hTlultAoXiiM8WcZ7o_ERdQL-TUoGVPq-7xvB9FvsN_nTuM7pfvPGJA5dwUeXmSPYdQDOx4i1e250rL6AyfqyhQYRoTCGKB41wpUbZ2IdFN", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (355) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 356 : ------------ I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(356)] "------------", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (356) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 378 : success post device_id I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(378)] "success post device_id", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (378) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 434 : set_key : login_user_id I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(434)] "set_key : login_user_id", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (434) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 435 : set_data : 3268 I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(435)] "set_data : 3268", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (435) V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): stopOutput() output 2, stream 1, session 200 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): changeRefCount() stream 1, count 0 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() output 2 device 0000 delayMs 192 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() prevDevice 0002 V/AudioPolicyManager_legacy( 310): setOutputDevice() setting same device 0000 or null device for output 2 E/SMD ( 3078): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen E/SMD ( 3078): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 V/AlarmManager( 864): waitForAlarm result :8 D/SSRM:n ( 864): SIOP:: AP = 420, CUR = 460 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=1 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.202 ] when=167214657148000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1122): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1097): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 D/ViewRootImpl( 1097): ViewPostImeInputStage ACTION_DOWN D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=0 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=167214759535000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1097): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js: Line 373 : クリックしました I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(373)] "クリックしました", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js (373) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js: Line 376 : subject_id : 3 I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(376)] "subject_id : 3", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/functions.js (376) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/study.js: Line 67 : updatePosts : refresh I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(67)] "updatePosts : refresh", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/study.js (67) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/study.js: Line 68 : subject_id : 3 I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(68)] "subject_id : 3", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/study.js (68) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/study.js: Line 231 : 3 I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(231)] "3", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/study.js (231) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/study.js: Line 232 : 10 I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(232)] "10", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/study.js (232) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/study.js: Line 233 : 0 I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(233)] "0", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/study.js (233) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/study.js: Line 234 : 0 I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(234)] "0", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/study.js (234) W/ContextImpl( 864): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:1699 com.android.server.InputMethodManagerService$6.run:2727 java.lang.Thread.run:818 D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/study.js: Line 140 : data.post refresh I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(140)] "data.post refresh", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/study.js (140) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/study.js: Line 141 : [object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object] I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(141)] "[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/study.js (141) D/SystemWebChromeClient( 1097): file:///android_asset/www/js/study.js: Line 142 : 3 I/chromium( 1097): [INFO:CONSOLE(142)] "3", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/study.js (142) E/SMD ( 3078): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/BatteryService( 864): !@BatteryListener : batteryPropertiesChanged! D/BatteryService( 864): level:99, scale:100, status:2, health:2, present:true, voltage: 4147, temperature: 297, technology: Li-ion, AC powered:false, USB powered:true, Wireless powered:false, icon:17303687, invalid charger:0 D/BatteryService( 864): online:4, current avg:460, charge type:1, power sharing:false, high voltage charger:false, capacity:280000, current_now:460 D/BatteryService( 864): Sending ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED. I/MotionRecognitionService( 864): Plugged I/MotionRecognitionService( 864): setPowerConnected = true D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): handleBatteryUpdate D/STATUSBAR-PhoneStatusBar( 1122): mBrightnessEnablebySettings = true mBrightnessEnablebyBattery = true mBrightnessEnablebyDisableFlag = true mPmsBrightnessEnablebySettings = true D/BatteryMeterView( 1122): ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : level:99 status:2 health:2 D/BatteryMeterView( 1122): ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : level:99 status:2 health:2 D/BatteryMeterView( 1122): ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : level:99 status:2 health:2 V/HeadsetService( 4939): HeadsetService - Received Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED D/HeadsetStateMachine( 4939): Disconnected process message: 10 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/ALSADevice( 310): standby: handle 0xb3457380 h 0x0 V/ALSADevice( 310): standby handle h 0xb3479900 D/alsa_ucm( 310): snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0xb3418510 identifier _verb value Inactive D/alsa_ucm( 310): Set mixer controls for HiFi enable 0 D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: SLIMBUS_0_RX Audio Mixer MultiMedia1, value: 0 V/ALSADevice( 310): Number of modifiers 0 V/ALSADevice( 310): usecase_type is 0 D/alsa_ucm( 310): snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0xb3418510 identifier _disdev value Main Mic D/alsa_ucm( 310): disdev: device Main Mic not enabled, no need to disable D/alsa_ucm( 310): snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0xb3418510 identifier _disdev value Speaker D/alsa_ucm( 310): Set mixer controls for Speaker enable 0 D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: RX5 MIX1 INP1, value: ZERO D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: RX5 MIX1 INP2, value: ZERO D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: LINEOUT2 Volume, value: 0 D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: LINEOUT4 Volume, value: 0 D/alsa_ucm( 310): Setting mixer control: RX5 Digital Volume, value: 0 E/SMD ( 3078): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=1 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.203 ] when=167216529432000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1122): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1097): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 D/ViewRootImpl( 1097): ViewPostImeInputStage ACTION_DOWN D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=0 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=167216674696000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1097): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 W/ContextImpl( 864): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:1699 com.android.server.InputMethodManagerService$6.run:2727 java.lang.Thread.run:818 E/SMD ( 3078): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=1 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.204 ] when=167217192976000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1122): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1097): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 D/ViewRootImpl( 1097): ViewPostImeInputStage ACTION_DOWN D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=0 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=167217310408000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1097): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 E/Diag_Lib( 3324): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 2 D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] E/SMD ( 3078): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=1 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.205 ] when=167218541578000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1122): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1097): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 D/ViewRootImpl( 1097): ViewPostImeInputStage ACTION_DOWN D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen E/SMD ( 3078): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 V/AlarmManager( 864): waitForAlarm result :8 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen E/SMD ( 3078): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action (MT) is 0x105 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=2, s=0.205 1.206 ] when=167220609388000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1097): action: 0x105, toolType: 1 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action (MT) is 0x106 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=2, s=0.205 ] when=167220662580000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1097): action: 0x106, toolType: 1 D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=0 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=167220672560000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1097): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 E/SMD ( 3078): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=1 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.207 ] when=167221271254000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1122): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1097): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 D/ViewRootImpl( 1097): ViewPostImeInputStage ACTION_DOWN D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=0 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=167221308973000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1097): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=1 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.208 ] when=167221416609000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1122): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1097): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 D/ViewRootImpl( 1097): ViewPostImeInputStage ACTION_DOWN W/ContextImpl( 864): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:1699 com.android.server.InputMethodManagerService$6.run:2727 java.lang.Thread.run:818 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action (MT) is 0x105 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=2, s=0.208 1.209 ] when=167221545912000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1097): action: 0x105, toolType: 1 E/SMD ( 3078): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 E/Diag_Lib( 3344): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 2 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action (MT) is 0x106 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=2, s=0.208 ] when=167223016584000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1097): action: 0x106, toolType: 1 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action (MT) is 0x105 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=2, s=0.208 1.210 ] when=167223027266000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1097): action: 0x105, toolType: 1 E/SMD ( 3078): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen E/SMD ( 3078): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/SSRM:n ( 864): SIOP:: AP = 420, CUR = 460 V/AlarmManager( 864): waitForAlarm result :8 W/ProcessCpuTracker( 864): Skipping unknown process pid 3354 W/ProcessCpuTracker( 864): Skipping unknown process pid 3356 W/ProcessCpuTracker( 864): Skipping unknown process pid 3357 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen E/SMD ( 3078): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 I/Icing (15588): Indexing com.google.android.gm-internal.3p:EmailMessage from com.google.android.gm D/BatteryService( 864): !@BatteryListener : batteryPropertiesChanged! D/BatteryService( 864): level:99, scale:100, status:2, health:2, present:true, voltage: 4183, temperature: 298, technology: Li-ion, AC powered:false, USB powered:true, Wireless powered:false, icon:17303687, invalid charger:0 D/BatteryService( 864): online:4, current avg:460, charge type:1, power sharing:false, high voltage charger:false, capacity:280000, current_now:460 D/BatteryService( 864): Sending ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED. I/MotionRecognitionService( 864): Plugged I/MotionRecognitionService( 864): setPowerConnected = true D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): handleBatteryUpdate D/STATUSBAR-PhoneStatusBar( 1122): mBrightnessEnablebySettings = true mBrightnessEnablebyBattery = true mBrightnessEnablebyDisableFlag = true mPmsBrightnessEnablebySettings = true D/BatteryMeterView( 1122): ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : level:99 status:2 health:2 V/HeadsetService( 4939): HeadsetService - Received Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED D/HeadsetStateMachine( 4939): Disconnected process message: 10 D/BatteryMeterView( 1122): ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : level:99 status:2 health:2 D/BatteryMeterView( 1122): ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED : level:99 status:2 health:2 I/Icing (15588): Indexing done com.google.android.gm-internal.3p:EmailMessage D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action (MT) is 0x106 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=2, s=0.208 ] when=167225892988000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1097): action: 0x106, toolType: 1 E/SMD ( 3078): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=0 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=167226686750000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1097): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 E/SMD ( 3078): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 I/Icing (15588): Indexing com.google.android.gm-internal.3p:EmailMessage from com.google.android.gm D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=1 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.211 ] when=167227140425000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1122): action: 0x4, toolType: 1 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1097): action: 0x0, toolType: 1 D/ViewRootImpl( 1097): ViewPostImeInputStage ACTION_DOWN I/Icing (15588): Indexing done com.google.android.gm-internal.3p:EmailMessage D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=0 I/InputReader( 864): Touch event's action is 0x1 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=] when=167227268843000 I/InputDispatcher( 864): Delivering touch to (1097): action: 0x1, toolType: 1 W/ContextImpl( 864): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:1699 com.android.server.InputMethodManagerService$6.run:2727 java.lang.Thread.run:818 E/Diag_Lib( 3384): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 2 D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] E/SMD ( 3078): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 I/Finsky ( 9600): [17317] com.google.android.finsky.bp.am.run(6): Stats for Executor: BlockingExecutor com.google.android.finsky.bp.an@1e43750d[Running, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 6] I/Finsky ( 9600): [17317] com.google.android.finsky.bp.am.run(6): Stats for Executor: LightweightExecutor com.google.android.finsky.bp.an@570fcc2[Running, pool size = 3, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 46] I/Finsky ( 9600): [17317] com.google.android.finsky.bp.am.run(6): Stats for Executor: bgExecutor com.google.android.finsky.bp.an@3e2aead3[Running, pool size = 4, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 16] I/Finsky ( 9600): [17317] com.google.android.finsky.bp.am.run(6): Stats for Executor: Db-xternal_referrer_status.db com.google.android.finsky.bp.an@3e047610[Running, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 5] I/Finsky ( 9600): [17317] com.google.android.finsky.bp.am.run(6): Stats for Executor: Db-split_install_service com.google.android.finsky.bp.an@243f5509[Running, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 2] I/Finsky ( 9600): [17317] com.google.android.finsky.bp.am.run(6): Stats for Executor: StorageAwareDownloadServiceManagerSpaceChecker com.google.android.finsky.bp.an@8d6230e[Running, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 0] I/Finsky ( 9600): [17317] com.google.android.finsky.bp.am.run(6): Stats for Executor: Db-scheduler com.google.android.finsky.bp.an@2caf612f[Running, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 52] I/Finsky ( 9600): [17317] com.google.android.finsky.bp.am.run(6): Stats for Executor: Db-frosting.db com.google.android.finsky.bp.an@fa2e33c[Running, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 4] I/Finsky ( 9600): [17317] com.google.android.finsky.bp.am.run(6): Stats for Executor: Db-notification_cache com.google.android.finsky.bp.an@5ff38c5[Running, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 7] I/Finsky ( 9600): [17317] com.google.android.finsky.bp.am.run(6): Stats for Executor: Db-install_service com.google.android.finsky.bp.an@3e55621a[Running, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 0] I/Icing (15588): Indexing com.google.android.gm-internal.3p:EmailMessage from com.google.android.gm I/Icing (15588): Indexing done com.google.android.gm-internal.3p:EmailMessage E/SMD ( 3078): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=1 D/InputReader( 864): !@notifyKey(172), action=0 D/InputManager-JNI( 864): !@interceptKeyBeforeQueueing(172), action=0 D/InputManager-JNI( 864): !@handleInterceptActions(172), action=0, wmActions=1 D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRinging()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRunningAndDeregi()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): Not exist call session D/InputReader( 864): Input event: value=0 D/InputReader( 864): !@notifyKey(172), action=1 D/InputManager-JNI( 864): !@interceptKeyBeforeQueueing(172), action=1 D/InputManager-JNI( 864): !@handleInterceptActions(172), action=1, wmActions=1 D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRinging()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): isVoIPRunningAndDeregi()... D/VoIPInterfaceManager( 864): Not exist call session D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 99 99 -120 -160 -120 -1 -1 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 -1 2147483647 0x0 gsm|lte level=0 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" I/WindowManager( 864): startDockOrHome D/PowerManagerService( 864): [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 1000 pid: 864) eventTime = 167229599 V/Scroll/Pause Worker( 864): onReceive: android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS W/ContextImpl( 864): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:1699 com.android.server.accessibility.AccessibilityManagerService$DirectAccessBrocastReceiver.onReceive:401 android.app.LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args.run:923 android.os.Handler.handleCallback:739 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:95 D/HotspotTile( 1122): onReceive : android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS D/AirplaneModeTile( 1122): onReceive : android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS D/PhoneStatusBar( 1122): animateCollapse(): mExpandedVisible=false flags=0 D/StatusBar-Window( 1122): fnf=true sanc=false, kni=false, sbf=false D/CoverUI ( 1122): applyFocusableFlag() : Remove SAMSUNG_FLAG_SVIEW_COVER D/Recents_AlternateRecentsComponent( 1122): isRecentsTopMost is getting called D/CustomFrequencyManagerService( 864): acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1350000 uid : 1000 pid : 864 pkgName : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER@7 D/STATUSBAR-LocationQuickSettingButton( 1122): onReceive : android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS W/ActivityManager( 864): mDVFSHelper.acquire() D/FocusedStackFrame( 864): Set to : 0 V/AlarmManager( 864): waitForAlarm result :8 D/CordovaActivity( 1097): Paused the activity. D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001iconType:101 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenIconStyle1 pointerType: 10001iconType:1 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenCustomIcon IconType is same.1 D/CordovaWebViewImpl( 1097): >>> loadUrl(javascript:cordova.plugins.backgroundMode._isActive=true;cordova.plugins.backgroundMode.fireEvent('activate',null);cordova.plugins.backgroundMode.onactivate(null);) V/WindowOrientationListener( 864): mSContextAutoRotationListener.getProposedRotation, mbResultFaceDectection: false V/WindowOrientationListener( 864): mSContextAutoRotationListener.getProposedRotation, Rotation: 0 V/WindowManager( 864): rotationForOrientationLw(orient=1, last=0); user=0 USER_ROTATION_LOCKED sensorRotation=0 mLidState=-1 mDockMode=0 mHdmiPlugged=false V/WindowOrientationListener( 864): mSContextAutoRotationListener.getProposedRotation, mbResultFaceDectection: false V/WindowOrientationListener( 864): mSContextAutoRotationListener.getProposedRotation, Rotation: 0 D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getNetworkInfo(networkType - 1) :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/SSRM:a ( 864): DeviceInfo:: 000000000000 D/SSRM:a ( 864): SettingsAirViewInfo:: 001000000 D/WallpaperManagerService( 864): getWallpaperData : 0 D/WindowManager( 864): showStatusBarByNotification() mOpenByNotification=false D/PanelView( 1122): mClearAll.setVisibility - mIsFullyOpened : false isShade : true mHasNotification : true mIsUpwardFling : false mQsFullyExpanded : false isShadeLocked : false mClearAllVisible : true D/StatusBarManagerService( 864): manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=WindowManager.LayoutParams D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001iconType:101 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenIconStyle1 pointerType: 10001iconType:1 flag:0 D/PointerIcon( 864): setHoveringSpenCustomIcon IconType is same.1 D/KnoxNotification( 1122): ----- inflateViews : modified publicViewLocal ----- D/KnoxNotification( 1122): ----- inflateViews : modified KnoxViewLocal ----- D/PersonaManager( 1122): PersonaID is invalid or persona doesn't exists. : 0 D/PhoneStatusBar( 1122): tick(): knoxCustomManager = android.app.enterprise.knoxcustom.KnoxCustomManager@322c06c5 W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): updateCMASText( show = false ) W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/PanelView( 1122): There is/are notification(s) D/PanelView( 1122): kidsfalse mQsExpansionEnabled:true D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): updateCMASText( show = false ) W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/PanelView( 1122): There is/are notification(s) W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): updateCMASText( show = false ) W/Settings( 1122): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. D/PanelView( 1122): There is/are notification(s) D/PanelView( 1122): kidsfalse mQsExpansionEnabled:true D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1122): updateCMASText( show = false ) D/WallpaperManager( 1431): SEC_PRODUCT_FEATURE_COMMON_SUPPORT_TEXTURE_COMPRESSION is true D/WallpaperManagerService( 864): getWallpaperData : 0 D/WallpaperManager( 1431): SEC_PRODUCT_FEATURE_COMMON_SUPPORT_TEXTURE_COMPRESSION is true D/PanelView( 1122): mClearAll.setVisibility - mIsFullyOpened : false isShade : true mHasNotification : true mIsUpwardFling : false mQsFullyExpanded : false isShadeLocked : false mClearAllVisible : true D/PanelView( 1122): mClearAll.setVisibility - mIsFullyOpened : false isShade : true mHasNotification : true mIsUpwardFling : false mQsFullyExpanded : false isShadeLocked : false mClearAllVisible : true D/InputMethodManagerService( 864): windowGainedFocus mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled-false W/ContextImpl( 864): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:1699 com.android.server.InputMethodManagerService$6.run:2727 java.lang.Thread.run:818 D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/com.android.vending-2/base.apk D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /system/app/SBrowser/SBrowser.apk W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/secsmartcard.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/twframework.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/secvision.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for com.sec.android.app.sbrowser: Resource ID #0x0 E/SMD ( 3078): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/CustomFrequencyManagerService( 864): releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1350000 uid : 1000 pid : 864 tag : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER@7 W/ActivityManager( 864): mDVFSHelper.release() D/CustomFrequencyManagerService( 864): acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1350000 uid : 1000 pid : 864 pkgName : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER@11 D/ConnectivityService( 864): returning getActiveNetworkInfo :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Buffaro-GTB3F", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false] D/StatusBarManagerService( 864): manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=WindowManager.LayoutParams I/Timeline( 1431): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@34951678 time:167230402 D/CustomFrequencyManagerService( 864): releaseDVFSLockLocked : Getting Lock type frm List : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1350000 uid : 1000 pid : 864 tag : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER@11 I/Timeline( 864): Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{286e7e93 u0 com.nttdocomo.android.paletteui/.HomeApp t447} time:167230771 D/CordovaActivity( 1097): Stopped the activity. V/ActivityThread( 1097): updateVisibility : ActivityRecord{19260194 token=android.os.BinderProxy@352352b0 {jp.mrstepup.mrstepapp/jp.mrstepup.mrstepapp.Ukaras}} show : false D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/com.adobe.phonegap.app-1/base.apk D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/tw.mobileapp.qrcode.banner-2/base.apk D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/com.google.android.gm-1/base.apk W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for com.google.android.gm: Resource ID #0x0 D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/jp.naver.line.android-2/base.apk W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/com.google.android.maps.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/com.facebook.orca-1/base.apk W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/com.google.android.maps.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for com.facebook.orca: Resource ID #0x0 D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/com.automattic.simplenote-2/base.apk W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/multiwindow.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/com.oishigohan.community-1/base.apk D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/com.pecojapan.PECOapp-1/base.apk D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/jp.creafons.cyfons-1/base.apk W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for jp.creafons.cyfons: Resource ID #0x0 D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/jp.mrstepup.mrstepapp-1/base.apk D/Sensorhubs( 314): readContextData: 1, 1, 14, 1 D/SensorHubManager( 864): onGetSensorHubDataLocked: library(4) = 1, 1, 14, 1 D/CAE ( 864): onGetSensorHubData(SensorHubParserProvider.java:87) - onGetSensorHubData Event [event buffer len :4], AP_WAKEUP I/CAE ( 864): parse(SensorHubParserProvider.java:166) - buffer size = 4 I/CAE ( 864): parse(SensorHubParserProvider.java:177) - 1, 1, 14, 1, D/CAE ( 864): display(ContextProvider.java:365) - ================= FLIP_COVER_ACTION ================= I/CAE ( 864): display(ContextProvider.java:381) - Action=[1] D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /data/app/jp.kinarino.kinarinoapp-1/base.apk D/SContextService( 864): updateSContext() : event = Flip Cover Action D/MotionRecognitionService( 864): [ FLIP_COVER_ACTION_CLOSE ] D/MotionRecognitionService( 864): setFlipCoverTouchEnabled to false D/InputReader( 864): setFlipCoverTouchEnabled/clearCoverOpen/adjustTouch: 0,1, 0 D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /system/priv-app/StoreApp/StoreApp.apk W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for com.nttdocomo.android.store: Resource ID #0x0 D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /system/priv-app/MmbApp/MmbApp.apk W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbServiceLibrary.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbFcMp4Mw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbStCtlMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbSeMngMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbFcBrowMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbScSecClkMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbPoServiceSp.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbFcIndivdMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbFcContMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbFcPgInfoMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbMoInfoMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbFcMfestMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/MmbStBmlMw.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for jp.co.mmbi.app: Resource ID #0x0 D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /system/app/MobileFeliCaMenuApp/MobileFeliCaMenuApp.apk W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for com.felicanetworks.mfm: Resource ID #0x0 D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /system/priv-app/SecSettings/SecSettings.apk W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/sec_platform_library.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/smatlib.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/sechardware.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/com.google.android.maps.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/twframework.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. W/ResourcesManager( 1431): Asset path '/system/framework/com.broadcom.bt.jar' does not exist or contains no resources. D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /system/priv-app/dmenu/dmenu.apk W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for com.nttdocomo.android.docomo_market: Resource ID #0x0 I/Icing (15588): Indexing com.google.android.gm-internal.3p:EmailMessage from com.google.android.gm E/SMD ( 3078): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/ResourcesManager( 1431): creating new AssetManager and set to /system/priv-app/DcmCloudMailer/DcmCloudMailer.apk W/ResourceType( 1431): ResTable_typeSpec entry count inconsistent: given 1, previously 1632 W/ResourceType( 1431): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000 W/PackageManager( 1431): Failure retrieving resources for jp.co.nttdocomo.carriermail: Resource ID #0x0 I/Icing (15588): Indexing done com.google.android.gm-internal.3p:EmailMessage D/Sensorhubs( 314): readContextData: 1, 1, 14, 0 D/SensorHubManager( 864): onGetSensorHubDataLocked: library(4) = 1, 1, 14, 0 D/CAE ( 864): onGetSensorHubData(SensorHubParserProvider.java:87) - onGetSensorHubData Event [event buffer len :4], AP_WAKEUP I/CAE ( 864): parse(SensorHubParserProvider.java:166) - buffer size = 4 I/CAE ( 864): parse(SensorHubParserProvider.java:177) - 1, 1, 14, 0, D/CAE ( 864): display(ContextProvider.java:365) - ================= FLIP_COVER_ACTION ================= I/CAE ( 864): display(ContextProvider.java:381) - Action=[0] D/SContextService( 864): updateSContext() : event = Flip Cover Action D/MotionRecognitionService( 864): [ FLIP_COVER_ACTION_OPEN ] D/MotionRecognitionService( 864): setFlipCoverTouchEnabled to true D/InputReader( 864): setFlipCoverTouchEnabled/clearCoverOpen/adjustTouch: 1,1, 0 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen E/SMD ( 3078): smd Interface open failed errno is 2 -1 D/STATUSBAR-WifiQuickSettingButton( 1122): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"Buffaro-GTB3F" D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) E/Diag_Lib( 3428): Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 2 D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): refreshSignalCluster - setNWBoosterIndicators(false) D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 1122): applyOpen