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Obscure-Player ** No longer working on this project. Left unfinished. **


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Made with a good friend's boilerplate...

Used Electron-Vue. Features a sweet webpacked bundle including vuejs, vuex, router, and most importantly, Electron. Below my content you will find the attached readme for the Electron-Vue Boilerplate.


The direction of this was to mess around with electron-vue and learn. This will be my first electron project. I started programming brand-spanking-new back in mid February. I am a four-month greenhorn and needed something to do. So far, this has taken me about 3-4 days. Still much to fix, style, etc. You will find more info in the TODO section.

Don't forget to check out and star Electron-Vue here.


  • Choose folder to open all songs within folder and subfolders
  • Style Library
  • Write Next and Previous buttons based off of v-for filter or what is currently next in library
  • Increase song load times
  • Add Volume Controls
  • Placeholders and logic for songs that do not contain meta-data
  • Add dropdown Library
  • add a sweet live music graph
  • Fix text-overflow on title
  • make text-overflow auto scroll
  • Add highlight style on `````` of current song playing
  • and more...

  • The boilerplate for making electron apps built with vue (pretty much what it sounds like).


    forthebadge forthebadge forthebadge


    The aim of this project is to remove the need to setup electron apps using vue. Since vue can take advantage of module loaders like webpack, getting everything to play nicely can be a little tricky.

    Check out the documentation here.

    Things you'll find in this boilerplate...


    Wanting to submit a pull request? Make sure to read this first.