This is a repository containing various solvers for the game battleship. Given "miss", "hit", and "sink" points (sink points may also specify a ship length), we assume a uniform distribution over the valid configurations of the ships, and compute the exact probability that each square on the board overlaps with a ship.
Everything should be compiled with g++ -O3 -std=c++11
for expected performance.
Below is a brief comparison of the different solvers
This currently has some issues with integer overflow, but is far too slow to be useful regardless.
- Simplest approach
- Iterate through the ships, and try each placement. Record the successful placements.
- Does not support "sink" messages.
This makes a very simple change over the brute force method. If, while trying a partial placement of the ships, an overlap is found, it skips the sub-calls.
- Faster than simple Brute Force
- Can solve 8x8 boards relatively efficiently!
This takes the approach of trying to reduce the problem to a SAT counting problem,
and generates a cnf
Shapsat solvers running on the resulting cnf appear to run slower than even the brute force solver.
This converts the placements of each ship into a set of integers, represented by a bitmask. It then runs the brute force algorithm on this representation, to lots of success. This particular version does not support "hit" or "sink" messages.
- Very fast! Even this basic version runs in around 5 minutes on a laptop.
- Non-trivial. This algorithm uses several steps of pre-computation and several steps in the branching routine.
- Uses the
implementation of arbitrary-sized bitmasks.
This is the same as the non-custom version, but it reimplements bitset
allowing for a bitscan operation.
In practice, this is slower than the non-custom version, but is important for soon-to-come solvers.
This version uses templates to unroll the branching algorithm at compile-time.
- Currently, this is the fastest solver, running at around 1m6s on the laptop this repo was written on.
- This optimization cannot be done at all if the ship lengths and count are determined dynamically.
This combines the last two modifications, and runs in about 1m16s. This will be the base for online appoaches.
This is the first full solver running. It can fully account for misses, hits, and sinks.
- Slow compared to other bitmask-based solvers. Takes over 4m to run on the empty board.
- Still not interactive.
- Removes the initial "valid state" filter on the indeces. This will allow an easier transition into the online version.
This solver is the same as the full custom solver, but it uses sink messages that specify the length of the ship sunk instead of the particular ship sunk.
- While the cases are symmetric in terms of the tiles touched, this changes the probabilities due to double-counting.
- This solver produces the same results as the previous when all ship lengths are unique.