This is a neat little tool to register your computers on the Mines network. Requires Python 3 and requests.
usage: netregcli [-h] [-u USERNAME] [-f AUTHFILE] [-o OS] [-s STATUS]
macs [macs ...]
positional arguments:
macs A list of MAC addresses to parse (in pretty much any
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
MultiPass Username (if no credential file)
-f AUTHFILE, --authfile AUTHFILE
MultiPass Credential File (if no username)
-o OS, --os OS Operating System (default is "yes")
-s STATUS, --status STATUS
Status (default is "undergraduate")
If you choose to make use of the authfile
, format it like so, and obviously
make sure only you can read it.
username = myusername
password = verysecretpassword
If your pasword starts with a spacebar, put two spaces after the =