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This is an API used to interact with my Northcoders News application. The application contains a number of tables for different topics, users, articles, and comments. There are also a number of endpoints available to interact with these tables. The database is built through PSQL and interactions with the database are made with Knex.js.

Hosted version

A hosted version of the app can be found here.

Cloning and installing

  • First you will need to clone the repo

git clone cd be-nc-news

  • The following dependencies are provided for you: cors ^2.8.5 express ^4.17.1 knex ^0.19.1 loadash ^4.17.15 pg ^7.12.0

So run npm install to install the dependencies

npm install

  • In order to create and seed the database, however, there is one other file that is necessary to create. Please create a new file in the root directory called precisely 'knexfile.js'. The contents should be set out like this:
const { DB_URL } = process.env;
const ENV = process.env.NODE_ENV || "development";
const baseConfig = {
  client: "pg",
  migrations: {
    directory: "./db/migrations"
  seeds: {
    directory: "./db/seeds"

const customConfig = {
  production: {
    connection: `${DB_URL}?ssl=true`
  development: {
    connection: {
      database: "nc_news",
      password: '<YOUR-PG-PASSWORD-HERE>' // LINUX ONLY
  test: { 
  connection: { database: 
      password: '<YOUR-PG-PASSWORD-HERE>' // LINUX ONLY}
module.exports = { ...customConfig[ENV], ...baseConfig };

Seeding databases

  • We can now set up our databases
npm run setup-dbs
  • This will have given us both development and test databases. In order to add our tables in both our development and test databases respectively, please run:
npm run migrate-latest
npm run migrate-latest-test
  • There are two sets of data in the data folder, in order to populate the respective databases, please run:
npm run seed
npm run seed-test
  • You should now have two complete databases with tables and data.


  • If you want to run the existing test, you will need to install the following dev dependencies:

    • chai ^4.2.0 chai-sorted ^0.2.0 mocha ^6.2.0 nodemon ^1.19.1 sorted ^0.1.1 supertest ^4.0.2
  • In order to run the tests, the following scripts are necessary:

  • To run app.js tests:

npm test
  • To run utility function tests:
npm run test-utils
  • For visual testing you can also install nodemon:
npm install nodemon -D
  • then run it with:
npm run dev

Other scripts

If you make any changes and need to rollback the migrations there are the following scripts available:

npm run migrate-rollback
npm run migrate-rollback-test


There are two scripts, previously unlisted, that allow hosting if needed:

To start your server:

npm start

To seed a production database:

npm run seed:prod

Please see for instructions on hosting the app and database on heroku.

Current endpoints

  • /api

    • GET
      • Serves up a json representation of all the available endpoints of the api.
  • /api/topics

    • GET

      • Serves an array of all topics:

      [ { "slug": "football", "description": "Footie!" } ]

  • /api/artciles

    • GET

      • Serves an array of all articles and can take queries of author, topic, sort_by and order:

      [ { "title": "Seafood substitutions are increasing", "topic": "cooking", "author": "weegembump", "body": "Text from the article..", "created_at": 1527695953341 } ]

  • /api/users/:username

  • /api/articles/:article_id

    • GET

      • A parametric endpoint of article_id serves a corresponding article object:

      { "article_id": 1, "title": "Running a Node App", "body": "This is part two of a series on how to get up and running with Systemd and Node.js. This part dives deeper into how to successfully run your app with systemd long-term, and how to set it up in a production environment.", "votes": 44, "topic": "coding", "author": "jessjelly", "created_at": "2016-08-18T12:07:52.389Z", "comment_count": "8" }


    • A parametric endpoint of article_id used for altering votes of specified article. Returns patched article:

      // example request body: { "inc_votes": 1 } // example response: { "article_id": 1, "title": "Running a Node App", "body": "This is part two of a series on how to get up and running with Systemd and Node.js. This part dives deeper into how to successfully run your app with systemd long-term, and how to set it up in a production environment.", "votes": 46, "topic": "coding", "author": "jessjelly", "created_at": "2016-08-18T12:07:52.389Z" }

  • /api/articles/:article_id/comments

    • GET

      • A parametric endpoint with an article_id serving an array of all comments relating to referenced article:

      [ { "votes": 4, "author": "grumpy19", "created_at": "2017-11-20T08:58:48.322Z", "comment_id": 44, "body": "Error est qui id corrupti et quod enim accusantium minus. Deleniti quae ea magni officiis et qui suscipit non." }, { "votes": 10, "author": "jessjelly", "created_at": "2017-07-31T08:14:13.076Z", "comment_id": 52, "body": "Consectetur deleniti sed. Omnis et dolore omnis aspernatur. Et porro accusantium. Tempora ullam voluptatum et rerum." } ]

  • POST

    • A parametric endpoint enabling posting of comments relating to specific articles. Responds with the posted comment object

      // example request body { "username": "butter_bridge", "body": "hello this is my first comment woop" } // example response "comment": { "comment_id": 301, "author": "tickle122", "article_id": 1, "votes": 0, "created_at": "2019-07-17T15:48:30.049Z", "body": "hello this is my first comment woop" }

  • /api/comments/comments_id:

    • PATCH

      • A parametric endpoint for changing comment vote count. Responds with updated comment object:

        // example request body: { "inv_votes": 4 } // example response { "comment_id": 1, "author": "tickle122", "article_id": 18, "votes": 9, "created_at": "2016-07-09T18:07:18.932Z", "body": "Itaque quisquam est similique et est perspiciatis reprehenderit voluptatem autem. Voluptatem accusantium eius error adipisci quibusdam doloribus." }


    • A parametric endpoint for deleting comments by their id. Responds 204 no content upon succefful deletion.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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