This contains code needed to reproduce the figures in the paper:
Neubauer, Louisa, Jacob D Davidson, Ben Wild, David M Dormagen, Iain D Couzin, and Michael L Smith. “Honey Bee Drones Are Synchronously Hyperactive inside the Nest.”
Main analysis files descriptions:
- 'Drones - Figures for paper-v3.ipynb', 'Histograms + Center-periphery + Video.ipynb','Activation threshold model.ipynb': These contain all the plots and results in the paper, and can be run with the included data
- Data usage example - updated.ipynb: Contains simple, short example for reading in data
Other files:
- weatherdata: folder containing weather data used in the analysis
-,,, all_cohorts_2019.csv, summary_experiments_2019.csv: Contain functions and definitions used in the analysis
- 'Data processing - 1 - metrics and dataframes.ipynb', Data processing - 0 - database query.ipynb: Codes used to process data.
The full dataset, including x-y trajectories and behavioral metrics calculated at different timescales (per-hour,per-5 minute, per-1 minute), is available at Zenodo:
See also the associated repository that lists experimental details at