This produces videos simulating collisions between marbles. This was just a prototype to validate alogirhtms for Collide.
Demo on YouTube:
Questions, remarks, suggestions? Open an issue!
Main properties:
- we never accumulate lots of small floating point numbers in a larger one, to avoid floating point precision issues
- the precision of the simulation doesn't depend on the frame rate
- we don't use any O(n²) algorithm after initialization, so we can simulate a rather large number of marbles. The main issue is writing the frames to the hard drive.
Run-time to simulate marbles with random initial velocities during 1 minute:
- 125 marbles: 1s
- 241 marbles: 3s
- 455 marbles: 17s
- 704 marbles: 60s
- generate a log of the events simulation
- display the log of events on the video
- read initial positions from a file
- generate video in main program instead of writing each frame to disk and calling avconv (see
- separate the frame generators from the video creator
- read command-line options to know what kind of output must be generated, in which resolution, etc.
- create an ouptut with velocity vectors (long as speed, thick as mass)
- create a demo output combining the different types of outputs on different areas of the video
- add sound on collision... "Spouich spouich" or "tick-tick-tick" :)
- generate videos with two frame rates and compare them (visually) to prove the simulation doesn't depend on the frame rate