The code and lesson outline I created to do the Hour of Code 2014 with my kids' 3rd and 4th grade classes.
- Python (obviously)
- ZoomIt
- IDLE for code editing (comes with Python)
- textblob
- nltk
- matplotlib (included with Portable Python)
- numpy (included with Portable Python)
I installed Portable Python on a USB flash drive and plugged it into the teacher's Windows desktop.
- Open IDLE and set font size 20 and bold font so class can read the text
- Run ZoomIt and accept the license agreement. Ctrl+1, then 'w' to set the screen white and 't' to type Hour of Code, just to be fancy. Could even set the countdown timer.
LiveZoom - Ctrl-4 (same to exit)
Zoom In/Out - Ctrl-Up/Ctrl-Down (in zoom mode)
Draw Mode - Ctrl-2 (Esc to exit)
Arrow - Ctrl+Shift
Ellipse - Tab
Rectangle - Ctrl
Line - Shift
Colors - r(ed), g(reen), b(lue), o(range), y(ellow), p(ink)
Text - t (Esc or mouse click to exit)
Erase all - e
Undo - Ctrl-Z
Pen width - Ctrl-Up/Ctrl-Down (or mouse wheel) in draw mode
White/black - w = white, k = black
How I got started - working through a BASIC manual that came with my family's ADAM Colecovision. Making games on my TI-85 graphing calculator.
Program = instructions for a computer, like a recipe. Software = a collection of programs
Why learn computer programming? Creativity, reasoning, and problem solving. You can create something from nothing. It's fun and the skills you learn will help in school but also in your job, even if you don't use computers. Logic, debugging, problem analysis are all essential skills.
Languages = just like English, Spanish and German, there's Python, Javascript, Java, Ruby, C++ - We won't be using it today, but try it at home
We'll be using Python, freely available at
Any questions? Ask them throughout the hour if you have them.
Run Python IDLE - we are the boss of the computer, it has to do what we say.
print "hello"
2 + 2
from math import *
They're like labels on a box
x = 2
x + 2
x = 3
x + 2
Strings too
name = raw_input("What's your name?")
print "Nice to meet you, %s"
Counting manually
print 1
print 2
print 3
print 4
print 5
(But that's a pain)
Count to 10 with loops, explaining about 0-indexing and the way range works. Show them output of just range(10), then range(1,11).
for i in range(1, 11):
print i
def count_to_ten():
for i in range(1, 11):
print i
Or more generically:
def count(n):
for i in range(1, n + 1):
print i
weekday = True
if weekday:
print "Go to school"
print "Play outside"
tired = True
while tired:
print "Sleep"
tired = False
print "Now I'm well rested"
Write a guessing game together from scratch
from random import randint
number = randint(1, 10)
guess = 0
while guess != number:
guess = int(raw_input("Guess a number from 1 to 10: "))
if guess < number:
print "Too low"
elif guess > number:
print "Too high"
print "That's right, the number was %d" % number
Start in IDLE so they can see what happens after each line
import turtle
turtle.setup(width=600, height=600, startx=0, starty=0)
wn = turtle.Screen()
t = turtle.Turtle()
t.turtlesize(5) # make the turtle larger
t.pensize(20) # make the pen easier to see
t.color("green") # make the turtle green
t.pencolor("blue") # set the pen color to blue
t.position() (have them help you fill in the shape method)
def shape(sides):
for i in range(1, sides + 1):
t.left(360 / sides)
Names of polygons
- 5 - pentagon
- 6 - hexagon
- 7 - heptagon
- 8 - octagon
- 9 - nonagon
- 10 - decagon
Fourth grade class - Parts of Speech and Name charts
Third grade class - Math quiz and times table
Programming not just for art and math - useful for language too.
from textblob import TextBlob
tb = TextBlob('The red car drove slowly down the street')
print tb.tags
Show them how simple code is, have them come up with their own sentences.
Run a few examples to show them a few plots, like, and (you can rotate it with the mouse).
Then run through code briefly, just to get a general idea of how it works.
The kids love to see their names graphed.
- Frank - huge spike in 1998
- Adolf - dropped in 1940s. Can anyone guess why?
- Walter - interesting
Graphs can be deceiving - pay attention to the scale on the left side. And popular != better. I like rare names.
Create a simple math quiz with them.
from random import randint
x = randint(1, 12)
y = randint(1, 12)
answer = x / y
your_answer = int(raw_input("What is %d / %d? " % (x, y)))
if answer == your_answer:
print "Correct!"
print "Whoops, the answer is: %d" % answer
Show them the output of and change the low and high values. Walk them through the code.