Set of scripts, configurations and steps to use a Raspberry Pi 4 as a Python/Web/Database/etc server.
- wpa_supplicant and ssh files (For wifi headless config)
- Run shell script on boot to send a pushbullet (More info here: with general status, private and public ip address, environment variables, tool versions, etc.
- Hostname setup (raspi-config)
- Update
- Upgrade
- Java (Open JDK)
- virtualenv
- avahi-daemon
- rmate
- screen
- docker
- X windows (X11) support (To eneable the use of tools like XQuartz or XMing)
- (ngrok)
- Custom Raspberry configs (fix HDMI issue, splash screen, avoid Raspberry go to sleep)
- Create custom users (handling permissions) in addition to pi user.
- Set up my projects folder (Python, Web, R, Commons, 0.Config)
- Create folders
- Git clone to my repositories
- Deploy (call script)
- Set Aliases (call script)
- Set CronJobs (call script)
- Django webapps
- Http server (static wepages)
- Modem automated config
- Raspbian custom image to run a shell script on first boot:
- Pushbullet API: