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Adding GDataXMLNode sources.
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jaketmp authored and chrisridd committed Jan 24, 2012
1 parent 50324da commit d320666
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221 changes: 221 additions & 0 deletions epub/GDataXMLNode.h
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
/* Copyright (c) 2008 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

// These node, element, and document classes implement a subset of the methods
// provided by NSXML. While NSXML behavior is mimicked as much as possible,
// there are important differences.
// The biggest difference is that, since this is based on libxml2, there
// is no retain model for the underlying node data. Rather than copy every
// node obtained from a parse tree (which would have a substantial memory
// impact), we rely on weak references, and it is up to the code that
// created a document to retain it for as long as any
// references rely on nodes inside that document tree.

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

// libxml includes require that the target Header Search Paths contain
// /usr/include/libxml2
// and Other Linker Flags contain
// -lxml2

#import <libxml/tree.h>
#import <libxml/parser.h>
#import <libxml/xmlstring.h>
#import <libxml/xpath.h>
#import <libxml/xpathInternals.h>

// we're using target namespace macros
#import "GDataDefines.h"

#undef _EXTERN
#define _EXTERN
#define _INITIALIZE_AS(x) =x
#if defined(__cplusplus)
#define _EXTERN extern "C"
#define _EXTERN extern
#define _INITIALIZE_AS(x)

// when no namespace dictionary is supplied for XPath, the default namespace
// for the evaluated tree is registered with the prefix _def_ns
_EXTERN const char* kGDataXMLXPathDefaultNamespacePrefix _INITIALIZE_AS("_def_ns");

// Nomenclature for method names:
// Node = GData node
// XMLNode = xmlNodePtr
// So, for example:
// + (id)nodeConsumingXMLNode:(xmlNodePtr)theXMLNode;

@class NSArray, NSDictionary, NSError, NSString, NSURL;
@class GDataXMLElement, GDataXMLDocument;

enum {
GDataXMLInvalidKind = 0,

typedef NSUInteger GDataXMLNodeKind;

@interface GDataXMLNode : NSObject <NSCopying> {
// NSXMLNodes can have a namespace URI or prefix even if not part
// of a tree; xmlNodes cannot. When we create nodes apart from
// a tree, we'll store the dangling prefix or URI in the xmlNode's name,
// like
// "prefix:name"
// or
// "{http://uri}:name"
// We will fix up the node's namespace and name (and those of any children)
// later when adding the node to a tree with addChild: or addAttribute:.
// See fixUpNamespacesForNode:.

xmlNodePtr xmlNode_; // may also be an xmlAttrPtr or xmlNsPtr
BOOL shouldFreeXMLNode_; // if yes, xmlNode_ will be free'd in dealloc

// cached values
NSString *cachedName_;
NSArray *cachedChildren_;
NSArray *cachedAttributes_;

+ (GDataXMLElement *)elementWithName:(NSString *)name;
+ (GDataXMLElement *)elementWithName:(NSString *)name stringValue:(NSString *)value;
+ (GDataXMLElement *)elementWithName:(NSString *)name URI:(NSString *)value;

+ (id)attributeWithName:(NSString *)name stringValue:(NSString *)value;
+ (id)attributeWithName:(NSString *)name URI:(NSString *)attributeURI stringValue:(NSString *)value;

+ (id)namespaceWithName:(NSString *)name stringValue:(NSString *)value;

+ (id)textWithStringValue:(NSString *)value;

- (NSString *)stringValue;
- (void)setStringValue:(NSString *)str;

- (NSUInteger)childCount;
- (NSArray *)children;
- (GDataXMLNode *)childAtIndex:(unsigned)index;

- (NSString *)localName;
- (NSString *)name;
- (NSString *)prefix;
- (NSString *)URI;

- (GDataXMLNodeKind)kind;

- (NSString *)XMLString;

+ (NSString *)localNameForName:(NSString *)name;
+ (NSString *)prefixForName:(NSString *)name;

// This is the preferred entry point for nodesForXPath. This takes an explicit
// namespace dictionary (keys are prefixes, values are URIs).
- (NSArray *)nodesForXPath:(NSString *)xpath namespaces:(NSDictionary *)namespaces error:(NSError **)error;

// This implementation of nodesForXPath registers namespaces only from the
// document's root node. _def_ns may be used as a prefix for the default
// namespace, though there's no guarantee that the default namespace will
// be consistenly the same namespace in server responses.
- (NSArray *)nodesForXPath:(NSString *)xpath error:(NSError **)error;

// access to the underlying libxml node; be sure to release the cached values
// if you change the underlying tree at all
- (xmlNodePtr)XMLNode;
- (void)releaseCachedValues;


@interface GDataXMLElement : GDataXMLNode

- (id)initWithXMLString:(NSString *)str error:(NSError **)error;

- (NSArray *)namespaces;
- (void)setNamespaces:(NSArray *)namespaces;
- (void)addNamespace:(GDataXMLNode *)aNamespace;

// addChild adds a copy of the child node to the element
- (void)addChild:(GDataXMLNode *)child;
- (void)removeChild:(GDataXMLNode *)child;

- (NSArray *)elementsForName:(NSString *)name;
- (NSArray *)elementsForLocalName:(NSString *)localName URI:(NSString *)URI;

- (NSArray *)attributes;
- (GDataXMLNode *)attributeForName:(NSString *)name;
- (GDataXMLNode *)attributeForLocalName:(NSString *)name URI:(NSString *)attributeURI;
- (void)addAttribute:(GDataXMLNode *)attribute;

- (NSString *)resolvePrefixForNamespaceURI:(NSString *)namespaceURI;


@interface GDataXMLDocument : NSObject {
xmlDoc* xmlDoc_; // strong; always free'd in dealloc

- (id)initWithXMLString:(NSString *)str options:(unsigned int)mask error:(NSError **)error;
- (id)initWithData:(NSData *)data options:(unsigned int)mask error:(NSError **)error;

// initWithRootElement uses a copy of the argument as the new document's root
- (id)initWithRootElement:(GDataXMLElement *)element;

- (GDataXMLElement *)rootElement;

- (NSData *)XMLData;

- (void)setVersion:(NSString *)version;
- (void)setCharacterEncoding:(NSString *)encoding;

// This is the preferred entry point for nodesForXPath. This takes an explicit
// namespace dictionary (keys are prefixes, values are URIs).
- (NSArray *)nodesForXPath:(NSString *)xpath namespaces:(NSDictionary *)namespaces error:(NSError **)error;

// This implementation of nodesForXPath registers namespaces only from the
// document's root node. _def_ns may be used as a prefix for the default
// namespace, though there's no guarantee that the default namespace will
// be consistenly the same namespace in server responses.
- (NSArray *)nodesForXPath:(NSString *)xpath error:(NSError **)error;

- (NSString *)description;

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