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Adding unit test for new NCBI BLAST wrappers
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peterjc committed Nov 16, 2009
1 parent b3b56c6 commit 61a11fc
Showing 1 changed file with 129 additions and 0 deletions.
129 changes: 129 additions & 0 deletions Tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
# Copyright 2009 by Peter Cock. All rights reserved.
# This code is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by its
# license. Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included
# as part of this package.
# This unit test attempts to locate the blastall executable and the nr
# database, and if it finds them then do some standalone blast searches
# using Bio.Blast.NCBIStandalone to call the command line tool.

import os, sys
import subprocess
import unittest

from Bio import MissingExternalDependencyError
from Bio.Blast import Applications

# TODO - On windows, can we use the ncbi.ini file?
wanted = ["blastx", "blastp", "blastn", "tblastn", "tblastx",
"rpsblast", "rpstblastn", "psiblast"]
exe_names = {}

if sys.platform=="win32":
#This can vary depending on the Windows language.
prog_files = os.environ["PROGRAMFILES"]
except KeyError:
prog_files = r"C:\Program Files"
likely_dirs = ["", #Current dir
#TODO - Check what the installer does...
os.path.join(prog_files,"BLAST")] + sys.path
for folder in likely_dirs:
if os.path.isdir(folder):
for name in wanted :
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(folder, name+".exe")):
exe_names[name] = os.path.join(folder, name+".exe")
if muscle_exe : break
import commands
for name in wanted :
output = commands.getoutput("%s -h" % name)
#NOTE - check for "ERROR: Invalid argument: -h" to tell the old
#and new rpsblast apart
if "not found" not in output and "BLAST" in output.upper() \
and "ERROR: Invalid argument: -h" not in output:
exe_names[name] = name
if len(exe_names) < len(wanted) :
raise MissingExternalDependencyError("Install the NCBI BLAST+ command line tools "
"if you want to use the "
"Bio.Blast.Applications wrapper.")

class CheckCompleteArgList(unittest.TestCase):
def check(self, exe_name, wrapper) :
global exe_names
exe = exe_names[exe_name]
cline = wrapper(exe, h=True)

names = set(parameter.names[0] \
for parameter in cline.parameters)

child = subprocess.Popen(str(cline),
stdoutdata, stderrdata = child.communicate()
self.assertEqual(stderrdata, "",
"%s\n%s" % (str(cline), stderrdata))
names_in_tool = set()
while stdoutdata :
index = stdoutdata.find("[")
if index == -1 : break
stdoutdata = stdoutdata[index+1:]
index = stdoutdata.find("]")
assert index != -1
name = stdoutdata[:index]
if " " in name : name = name.split(None,1)[0]
stdoutdata = stdoutdata[index+1:]

extra = names.difference(names_in_tool)
missing = names_in_tool.difference(names)
if extra or missing :
print "Extra: " + ",".join(sorted(extra))
print "Missing: " + ",".join(sorted(missing))

self.assertEqual(len(extra), 0, \
"Wrapper has extra: " + ", ".join(sorted(extra)))
self.assertEqual(len(missing), 0, \
"Wrapper is missing: " + ", ".join(sorted(missing)))

def test_blastx(self):
"""Check all blastx arguments are supported"""
self.check("blastx", Applications.NcbiblastxCommandline)

def test_blastp(self):
"""Check all blastp arguments are supported"""
self.check("blastp", Applications.NcbiblastpCommandline)

def test_blastn(self):
"""Check all blastn arguments are supported"""
self.check("blastn", Applications.NcbiblastnCommandline)

def test_tblastx(self):
"""Check all tblastx arguments are supported"""
self.check("tblastx", Applications.NcbitblastxCommandline)

def test_tblastn(self):
"""Check all tblastn arguments are supported"""
self.check("tblastn", Applications.NcbitblastnCommandline)

def test_psiblast(self):
"""Check all psiblast arguments are supported"""
self.check("psiblast", Applications.NcbipsiblastCommandline)

def test_rpsblast(self):
"""Check all rpsblast arguments are supported"""
self.check("rpsblast", Applications.NcbirpsblastCommandline)

def test_rpstblastn(self):
"""Check all rpstblastn arguments are supported"""
self.check("rpstblastn", Applications.NcbirpstblastnCommandline)

if __name__ == "__main__":
runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity = 2)

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