A clone-themed game for the Github Game-Off 2012
Make your way through 20 puzzlicious levels using only your power of cloning.
Play it here! It's played best on Chrome, but is slow/mute on Firefox. Also, if you're not hearing the music or if anything looks missing, try refreshing a few times (sorry!). Also, if you clone yourself a bunch of times in a small space and things get too cramped, it may freeze (sorry again!). If that happens, close the tab/window and try again.
Note for judges: I'll keep updating this game at the above url, so in fairness, here is the original version of the game as submitted midnight for GGO: Original
Pietnastka (Piotr Kurek) - Website - [FreeMusicArchive.org] (http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Pietnastka/)
Bart from OpenGameArt.org - Texture Pack
box2dweb for physics engine
requirejs for code organization
jQuery for convenient DOM manipulation
jPlayer for playing music
Inkscape as a handy level editor
Guard as an automated build tool
coffeescript for programmer happiness
Haml for programmer happiness
Sass for programmer happiness
Rack as a minimalist webserver
You'll need Ruby to use Guard, and node if you want to minify/uglify the javascript.
git clone git@github.com:jamesgary/The-Lone-Clone.git
cd The-Lone-Clone
bundle install
I like to have 2 tiny console windows up, one for Guard and the other for rack. So in one console:
bundle exec guard
and in another
Now go to localhost:9292/public/dev/index.html to see the game!
To minify and build for production, run the following:
This will use r.js
to concatenate and uglify your javascript files. You can then open localhost:9292/public/prod/index.html to make sure it all still works.