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verilator fixes
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jameshegarty committed Feb 9, 2017
1 parent 4f168da commit c57f7fd
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Showing 3 changed files with 77 additions and 4 deletions.
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions examples/makefile
Expand Up @@ -145,9 +145,10 @@ out/%.raw out/%_half.raw out/%.sim.v out/%_half.sim.v out/%.axi.v out/%.verilato
# verilator -cc -Mdir out/$*_verilator /opt/Xilinx/14.5/ISE_DS/ISE/verilog/src/unisims/RAMB16_S36_S36.v out/$*.verilator.v
out/%.verilator: out/%.verilator.v
verilator -cc -Mdir out/$*_verilator out/$*.verilator.v ../platform/verilator/RAMB16_S36_S36.v
$(eval $@_TOP := $(shell terra ../misc/extractMetadata.t out/$*.metadata.lua topModule))
verilator -cc -Mdir out/$*_verilator out/$*.verilator.v ../platform/verilator/RAMB16_S36_S36.v ../platform/verilator/RAMB16_S9_S9.v --top-module $($@_TOP)
terra ../platform/verilator/makeHarness.lua out/$*.metadata.lua $* > out/$*.verilator.cpp
g++ -I${VERPATH} out/$*_verilator/V$*.cpp out/$*_verilator/V$*__Syms.cpp ${VERPATH}verilated.cpp out/$*.verilator.cpp -o $@
g++ -I${VERPATH} out/$*_verilator/V$($@_TOP).cpp out/$*_verilator/V$($@_TOP)__Syms.cpp ${VERPATH}verilated.cpp out/$*.verilator.cpp -o $@

out/%.verilator.raw: out/%.verilator
Expand Down
72 changes: 72 additions & 0 deletions platform/verilator/RAMB16_S9_S9.v
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
module RAMB16_S9_S9(
input WEA,
input ENA,
input SSRA,
input CLKA,
input [10:0] ADDRA,
input [7:0] DIA,
input DIPA,
// output [3:0] DOPA,
output [7:0] DOA,
input WEB,
input ENB,
input SSRB,
input CLKB,
input [10:0] ADDRB,
input [7:0] DIB,
input DIPB,
// output [3:0] DOPB,
output [7:0] DOB);
parameter WRITE_MODE_A = "write_first";
parameter WRITE_MODE_B = "write_first";

reg [7:0] ram [1024:0];
reg [7:0] bufferA;
reg [7:0] bufferB;

assign DOA = bufferA;
assign DOB = bufferB;

// assign DOPA = 4'b0;
// assign DOPB = 4'b0;

always @(posedge CLKA or posedge CLKB) begin

if( CLKA && CLKB && ENA && ENB && WEA && WEB ) begin
if(ADDRA==ADDRB) begin
$display("ERROR: write to some address on both ports");
end else begin
// different address: OK
bufferA <= ram[ADDRA];
bufferB <= ram[ADDRB];
ram[ADDRA] <= DIA;
ram[ADDRB] <= DIB;
end else begin
// not writing on both ports: can treat A/B differently

if (CLKA && ENA) begin
if (WEA) begin
ram[ADDRA] <= DIA;
bufferA <= ram[ADDRA];
end else begin
bufferA <= ram[ADDRA];

if (CLKB && ENB) begin
if (WEB) begin
ram[ADDRB] <= DIB;
bufferB <= ram[ADDRB];
end else begin
bufferB <= ram[ADDRB];



4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions platform/verilator/makeHarness.lua
Expand Up @@ -6,14 +6,14 @@ local outpackets = outbytes/8 -- axi bus

print([=[#include <verilated.h>
#include <iostream>
#include "]=]..outmodule..[=[_verilator/V]=]..outmodule..[=[.h"
#include "]=]..outmodule..[=[_verilator/V]=]..metadata.topModule..[=[.h"
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
Verilated::commandArgs(argc, argv);
V]=]..outmodule..[=[* top = new V]=]..outmodule..[=[;
V]=]..metadata.topModule..[=[* top = new V]=]..metadata.topModule..[=[;
//vluint64_t cycle = 0;
bool CLK = false;
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