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Understanding : The scene trigger position

Dennis Gaebel edited this page Mar 30, 2015 · 5 revisions

If you're wondering how to set a scene's trigger position or in other words, the point of execution, then you're in the right place. The trigger position is basically the specific scroll offset where the respective scene takes effect.

There are three parameters that in combination make up this "starting position": offset, triggerElement and triggerHook.

Let's go through them one by one.

To begin we create a variable called “scene” and initiate a new ScrollMagic.Scene() class.

var scene = new ScrollMagic.Scene();

Inside this ScrollMagic.Scene class we can pass an object of key/value pairs that are provided to us per the docs.

var scene = new ScrollMagic.Scene({
  triggerElement: '#scroll-trigger' // point of execution

As you can see in the example above we've used the triggerElement property option provided by ScrollMagic. The value for triggerElement will be a selector, DOM object or jQuery Object that defines the start of the scene. If undefined the scene will start right at the start of the page (unless an offset is set). In our case we use the id value of a DOM node.

[NOTE: incomplete article]

To learn more about this subject have a look at this great article:


Troubleshooting Guide

Getting Started

First Steps
How to use ScrollMagic
Using AMD (i.e. requirejs)


What are Tweens (and their projected duration)
What are Pins
Scene trigger position


basic pin w/multiple scenes
basic tween w/multiple scenes
anchor navigation
using ScrollMagic with OnePageScroll
using ScrollMagic with Tween.js

Getting Started (v2)

  1. Setup
  2. First Tween
  3. First Pin
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