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Add Export/Import scripts (tested, but need self-review/review)
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Jan Schejbal committed May 24, 2012
1 parent fe1f3d0 commit 6766163
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Showing 3 changed files with 279 additions and 87 deletions.
163 changes: 163 additions & 0 deletions export/piratenid-export.php
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@

// TODO: Self-review, Fremd-review

// This file needs to be placed on the system doing the export and requires piratenid-verify.php
// Remember to update the secret in both this file and piratenid-import.php on the server receiving the import!

// The encryption is an additional security feature. It does NOT prevent against replay attacks!
// (i.e. if an attacker get a copy of a valid request, AND can send data to the import script,
// he can send the same data again and the importer will import the old data)

/// CONFIG ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

// Shared secret for encrypting and authenticating token imports - needs to match secret in piratenid-import.php
// If compromised, replace with new random value in export and import file and re-import token table
$SECRET = "7EbkyTL7N0npJhc4Gv2oXvm4mhDyYXk8cTMg2fa1bcOiiun3Xh7l5YsNNqw0";

// Source Excel file for export data (full path, remember that backslashes need to be doubled)
$SOURCEFILE = 'C:\\Users\\Jan\\Documents\\Projekte\\piratenpartei\\piratenid\\export\\piratenidtest.xlsx';

// maximum age of the source file in seconds
$MAXAGE = 10*60*60;

// URL of the piratenid-import.php script that should receive the export data (internal network only!)

/// END OF CONFIG ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

$statLVs = PiratenIDImport_getLVs();

// make sure errors are fatal
error_reporting(E_ALL & E_STRICT);
function fatalErrors($errno, $errstr) { PiratenIDImport_err("Fehler $errno:\n$errstr\n"); }

// check source file
if (!is_file($SOURCEFILE)) PiratenIDImport_err('missing source file');
if (filemtime($SOURCEFILE) < (time() - $MAXAGE)) PiratenIDImport_err('source data too old');

// Fetch table name
$odbc = odbc_connect("Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls, *.xlsx, *.xlsm, *.xlsb)};DBQ=".$SOURCEFILE, "", "") or PiratenIDImport_err("Could not open data source");
$tablelist = odbc_tables($odbc) or PiratenIDImport_err("Could not query tables");
$tablearr = odbc_fetch_array($tablelist) or PiratenIDImport_err("Could not get table info");
if (empty($tablearr['TABLE_NAME'])) PiratenIDImport_err("Table name not found");
$tablename = $tablearr['TABLE_NAME'];

// Fetch data
$pdo = new PDO("odbc:Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls, *.xlsx, *.xlsm, *.xlsb)};DBQ=".$SOURCEFILE) or PiratenIDImport_err("Could not connect to data source");
// String concatenation in SQL and no way around it... strict checking of the table name first!
if (!preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,28}\\$$/D', $tablename)) PiratenIDImport_err("Invalid table name");
$statement = $pdo->prepare('SELECT * FROM ['.$tablename.'] ORDER BY user_token') or PiratenIDImport_err("Could not prepare query");
if ($statement->execute()) {
$input_data = $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
} else {
$err = $statement->errorInfo();
PiratenIDImport_err("Could not fetch data: " . $err[2]);

if (empty($input_data)) PiratenIDImport_err("Could not fetch data - empty data set received");
if (empty($input_data)) PiratenIDImport_err("Could not fetch data - empty data set received");
if (count($input_data) < 2) die("Invalid data: less than 2 entries");

// Convert data
$output_data = array();
$count_total = array();
$count_stimmberechtigt = array();

foreach ($statLVs as $lv) {
$count_total[$lv] = 0;
$count_stimmberechtigt[$lv] = 0;

foreach ($input_data as $entry) {
if (empty($entry['user_token'])) PiratenIDImport_err("Missing field: user_token");
if (empty($entry['USER_LV'])) PiratenIDImport_err("Missing field: USER_LV");
if (empty($entry['USER_Stimmberechtigt'])) PiratenIDImport_err("Missing field: USER_Stimmberechtigt");

$token = $entry['user_token'];
$mitgliedschaft_bund = 'ja';
$mitgliedschaft_land = $entry['USER_LV'];
$mitgliedschaft_kreis = '';
$mitgliedschaft_bezirk = '';
$mitgliedschaft_ort = '';
$stimmberechtigt = (($entry['USER_Stimmberechtigt'] == -1) ? 'ja' : 'nein');
$out_entry = array($token, $mitgliedschaft_bund, $mitgliedschaft_land, $mitgliedschaft_kreis, $mitgliedschaft_bezirk, $mitgliedschaft_ort, $stimmberechtigt);
$output_data[] = $out_entry;

if ($stimmberechtigt === 'ja') $count_stimmberechtigt[$mitgliedschaft_land]++;

unset($input_data); // conserve memory

$json = json_encode($output_data);
unset($output_data); // conserve memory

// Derive keys
$key_crypto_raw = hash('sha256', 'crypto|'.$SECRET, true); // encryption key
$key_hmac_raw = hash('sha256', 'hmac|'.$SECRET, true); // HMAC integrity key
$key_auth_raw = hash('sha256', 'auth|'.$SECRET, true); // Auth token
if (strlen($key_crypto_raw) != 32 || strlen($key_hmac_raw) != 32 || strlen($key_auth_raw) != 32 ) PiratenIDImport_err("Key derivation failed");

// generate secure IV
$strong = false;
$iv_raw = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(16, $strong);
if (strlen($iv_raw) != 16 || !$strong) PiratenIDImport_err("IV generation failed");

// Calculate HMAC
$hmac_hex = hash_hmac('sha256', $json, $key_hmac_raw, false);
if (strlen($hmac_hex) != 64) PiratenIDImport_err("HMAC calculation failed");

// Encrypt
$encrypted = openssl_encrypt($hmac_hex.$json, 'aes-256-cbc' , $key_crypto_raw, true, $iv_raw);
if ($encrypted === false) PiratenIDImport_err("Encryption failed");
unset($json); // conserve memory

// Send

$context = stream_context_create(
'http' =>
'method' => 'POST',
'ignore_errors' => true,
'header' => 'Content-type: application/octet-stream',
'content' => $key_auth_raw.$iv_raw.$encrypted,
'timeout' => 30

$result = file_get_contents($TARGETURL, false, $context);

echo "Server response:\n-------------------------------\n";
echo $result;
echo "\n-------------------------------\n";

if ($result === "Import successful") {
echo "Looks like the import was successful!\n\n";
echo "Stats:\n";
foreach ($statLVs as $lv) {
$statLVstr = $lv;
if ($statLVstr === '') $statLVstr = 'XX';
printf(" | $statLVstr = %6d | $statLVstr-stimmberechtigt = %6d\n", $count_total[$lv], $count_stimmberechtigt[$lv]);
} else {
echo "Looks like the import failed!";
167 changes: 80 additions & 87 deletions server/includes/ → export/piratenid-import.php
@@ -1,45 +1,63 @@

die("DO NOT USE - contains totally untested functions. import will probably have to be done differently anyways");
// TODO: Self-review, Fremd-review

// This file needs to be placed on the PiratenID server and requires piratenid-verify.php
// It should be reachable only from the server doing the export
// Suggestion: Deploy as a separate site, listening on a separate port

/// CONFIG ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

This code needs the following additions to - WARNING, CSV/POST IMPORT UNTESTED!
// SHA256 hash of key required to perform token imports.
// If key is compromised, replace with new random value and re-import token table
$tokenimport_key = "6b1382dd00b77cd2dd40688f03f7093753be09ab88ad5f23171fe867144bdf97"; // Jzbj8CfJ1nGLZxAByRca
// Key for authenticating token imports using HMAC
// If key is compromised, replace with new random value and re-import token table
$tokenimport_hmac_key = "adhzbxHFTInvMM7zn8jBxfI9VR5moVRzX6Yj5tpIB3piBNHPy3adIeUq1Cq7";
// Shared secret for encrypting and authenticating token imports - needs to match secret in piratenid-export.php
// If compromised, replace with new random value in export and import file and re-import token table
$SECRET = "7EbkyTL7N0npJhc4Gv2oXvm4mhDyYXk8cTMg2fa1bcOiiun3Xh7l5YsNNqw0";

// IP from which tokens will be imported. Only this IP will be allowed to request token imports
$tokenimport_ip = "";
$ALLOWED_IP = ''; // IP from which tokens will be imported. Only this IP will be allowed to request token imports

// Database login data for token import - change if regular DB user has insufficient permissions
function getDatabaseImportPDO() {
return getDatabasePDO();
function getDatabaseImportPDO() { // Database login data for token import
return new PDO('mysql:dbname=piratenid;host=', "root", "");

/// END OF CONFIG ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////


error_reporting(E_ALL & E_STRICT);
function fatalErrors($errno, $errstr) { die("Fehler $errno:\n$errstr\n"); }

Diese Datei bietet eine Funktion "PiratenIDImport_import" für den Datenimport in PiratenID.
// verifies an entry (single row)
// function "err($errormessage)" needs to be defined!
function PiratenIDImport_verifyEntry($entry) {
if (!is_array($entry)) die("Invalid data: entry not an array");
if (count($entry) != 7) die("Invalid data: wrong number of values");
for ($i = 0; $i<7; $i++) {
if (!is_string($entry[$i])) die("Invalid data: value not a string");
if (strlen($entry[$i]) > 100) die("Invalid data: value too long");
if (strpos($entry[$i], "\xC3\x83") !== false) die("Invalid data: looks like double UTF-8 encoding");
if (!mb_detect_encoding($entry[$i], 'UTF-8', true)) die("Invalid data: value not UTF-8");
if (!mb_check_encoding($entry[$i], 'UTF-8')) die("Invalid data: invalid UTF-8 sequence");


if (!preg_match('/^[a-f0-9]{64}$/D', $entry[0])) die("Invalid data: invalid token value");
if ($entry[0] == 'e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855') die("Invalid data: Token is hash of empty string");

if ($entry[1] !== 'ja' && $entry[1] !== 'nein') die("Invalid data: mitgliedschaft-bund must be either 'ja' or 'nein'");
if (!in_array($entry[2], array('', 'BW', 'BY', 'BE', 'BB', 'HB', 'HH', 'HE', 'MV', 'NI', 'NW', 'RP', 'SL', 'SN', 'ST', 'SH', 'TH') ,true)) {
die("Invalid data: value for mitgliedschaft-land is not in whitelist");
if ($entry[6] !== 'ja' && $entry[6] !== 'nein' && $entry[6] !== '') die("Invalid data: stimmberechtigt must be 'ja', 'nein' or empty string");

PiratenIDImport_import($db, $dataarray, $ignorelength = false): Importiert Token-Daten in PiratenID
$db: Datenbank-PDO mit ausreichenden Zugriffsrechten
$dataarray: Die zu importierenden Daten als array von arrays. Jedes sub-array hat folgendes Format:
Expand All @@ -65,32 +83,11 @@ function getDatabaseImportPDO() {
Ist dieser Wert false oder nicht gesetzt, wird ein Import abgelehnt, wenn weniger als 1000 Datensätze geliefert werden.
Dies soll verhindern, dass durch einen defekten Import die Token-Datenbank gelöscht wird.

// verifies an entry (single row)
function PiratenIDImport_verifyEntry($entry) {
if (!is_array($entry)) die("Invalid data: entry not an array");
if (count($entry) != 7) die("Invalid data: wrong number of values");
for ($i = 0; $i<7; $i++) {
if (!is_string($entry[$i])) die("Invalid data: value not a string");
if (strlen($entry[$i]) > 100) die("Invalid data: value too long");
if (strpos($entry[$i], "\xC3\x83") !== false) die("Invalid data: looks like double UTF-8 encoding");
if (!mb_detect_encoding($entry[$i], 'UTF-8', true)) die("Invalid data: value not UTF-8");
if (!mb_check_encoding($entry[$i], 'UTF-8')) die("Invalid data: invalid UTF-8 sequence");


if (!preg_match('/^[a-f0-9]{64}$/D', $entry[0])) die("Invalid data: invalid token value");
if ($entry[0] == 'e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855') die("Invalid data: Token is hash of empty string");

if ($entry[1] !== 'ja' && $entry[1] !== 'nein') die("Invalid data: mitgliedschaft-bund must be either 'ja' or 'nein'");
if ($entry[6] !== 'ja' && $entry[6] !== 'nein' && $entry[6] !== '') die("Invalid data: stimmberechtigt must be 'ja', 'nein' or empty string");

// see top for doc
function PiratenIDImport_import($db, $dataarray, $ignorelength = false) {
if (!$db) die("No database connection");
if (!is_array($dataarray)) die("Invalid data: data not an array");
if (empty($dataarray)) die("Invalid data: data is empty");
if (count($dataarray) < 2) die("Invalid data: less than 2 entries");
if (!$ignorelength && count($dataarray) < 1000) die("Invalid data: less than 1000 entries, data probably incomplete");

$seenTokens = array();
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -121,54 +118,50 @@ function PiratenIDImport_import($db, $dataarray, $ignorelength = false) {
} catch (PDOException $e) {
die('Database error: ' . $e->getMessage()); // automatic rollback


// completely untested and abandoned for now, as this is probably not a realistic way to do imports
function PiratenIDImport_importCSV($csv) {
die("abandoned function");
$csv = str_replace("\r\n","\n",$csv); // normalize line endings
$lines = explode("\n", $csv);
$data = array();
foreach ($lines as $line) {
if (empty($line)) continue;
$cells = explode("\t", $line);
$data[] = $cells;

// completely untested and abandoned for now, as this is probably not a realistic way to do imports
function PiratenIDImport_importFromPost() {
die("abandoned function");
global $tokenimport_key;
global $tokenimport_hmac_key;
global $tokenimport_ip;
if (empty($tokenimport_key)) die("Server misconfiguration: Token import key not set");
if (empty($tokenimport_hmac_key)) die("Server misconfiguration: Token import HMAC key not set");
if (empty($tokenimport_ip)) die("Server misconfiguration: Token import IP not set");
function PiratenIDImport_importFromPost($db, $ignorelength = false) {
global $SECRET;
global $ALLOWED_IP;
if (empty($SECRET)) die("Server misconfiguration: Token import secret not set");
if (empty($ALLOWED_IP)) die("Server misconfiguration: Token import IP not set");

if (empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'])) die("Cannot be used from command line");
if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] !== "POST") die("Must use POST");
if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] !== $tokenimport_ip) die("IP not authorized for import");
if (empty($_POST['key'])) die("No import key provided");
if (empty($_POST['data'])) die("No import data provided");
if (empty($_POST['hmac'])) die("No import HMAC provided");
$keyhash = hash('sha256',$_POST['key']);
if (strlen($keyhash) != 64) die("Hash function failed");
if ($keyhash === $tokenimport_key) {
$hmac = hash_hmac('sha256', $_POST['data'], $tokenimport_hmac_key);
if (strlen($hmac) != 64) die("Hash function (HMAC) failed");
if ($_POST['hmac'] === $hmac) {
} else {
die("HMAC authentication incorrect");
} else {
die("Incorrect import key");
if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] !== $ALLOWED_IP) die("IP not authorized for import");

$postdata = file_get_contents('php://input');
if (strlen($postdata) < 50) die("Invalid data (too short)");

$auth = substr($postdata, 0,32);
$iv = substr($postdata, 32,16);
$encrypted = substr($postdata, 48);

$key_crypto_raw = hash('sha256', 'crypto|'.$SECRET, true); // encryption key
$key_hmac_raw = hash('sha256', 'hmac|'.$SECRET, true); // HMAC integrity key
$key_auth_raw = hash('sha256', 'auth|'.$SECRET, true); // Authentication token
if (strlen($key_crypto_raw) != 32 || strlen($key_hmac_raw) != 32 || strlen($key_auth_raw) != 32 ) die("Key derivation failed");

if ($key_auth_raw !== $auth) die("Invalid authorization");

$decrypted = openssl_decrypt($encrypted, 'aes-256-cbc' , $key_crypto_raw, true, $iv);
if ($decrypted === false) die("Decryption failed");
unset($encrypted); // conserve memory

$hmac = substr($decrypted, 0, 64);
$json = substr($decrypted, 64);
if (!$json) die("Parsing failed");
unset($decrypted); // conserve memory

if ($hmac != hash_hmac('sha256', $json, $key_hmac_raw)) die("Wrong HMAC authentication value");

$data = json_decode($json);
PiratenIDImport_import($db, $data, $ignorelength);
echo "Import successful";

PiratenIDImport_importFromPost(getDatabaseImportPDO(), true); // TODO Remove "true" for production use!

/* Example:
Expand Down

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