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File metadata and controls

360 lines (236 loc) · 10.3 KB

General Features

Feature Description
Default Listening Port 5566
Protocol Ordinairy socket, UTF-8 encoded
Encoding UTF-8
Message Format JSON objects formatted onto a single line
Message Structure
  • Every packet must contain a "method" field
  • Every packet can also optionally contain a "data" field


You can test that the server is up by using telnet.

telnet 5566

Copy and paste the examples below to see how it works


1. Client -> Server Methods:


1.1 "logon" Method

You need to do this before anything else.

Defined in config.js - authMode

Has three possible options (defaults to 'optional'):

    'none'     - Will not attempt to authenticate users, 

                 anyone can connect with any unused userId.

    'optional' - Anyone can connect, but if userId has been registered

                 a password must be provided.

    'required' - Only users with userids and passwords are allowed to connect.

Client -> Server Message Example:

This is an example of a message to logon with if the userId "LL" has not been registered:

{"method":"logon","data":{"userId":"LL", "version":"23.4","roomId":"345678354764987457"}}

Real example from JanusVR 40.3


This is an example of a message to logon with if the userId "LL" HAS been registered and therefore requires a password (recommend that this is not used until security tightened up in release):

{"method":"logon","data":{"userId":"LL", "version":"23.4","roomId":"345678354764987457","password":"MyPassword"}}

version = the client version

roomId = MD5 hash of the room's URL

password = password associated with userId

Server -> Client Response Example:

If everything is OK and you logged in then you will receive:


If no roomId was found in the logon request:

{"method":"error", "data":{"message":"Missing roomId in data packet"}}

If no userId was found in the logon request:

{"method":"okay"} if everything was okay or a {"method":"error", "data":{"message": "Some error string"}}
{"method":"error", "data":{"message": "Missing userId in data packet"}}

If the userId is already in use:

{"method":"error", "data":{"message": "User name is already in use"}}

TODO: Reject incompatable clients

1.2 "enter_room" Method

When you pass through a portal:

{"method":"enter_room", "data": { "roomId": "345678354764987457" }}

Real example from JanusVR 40.3:

{"method":"enter_room", "data": {"roomId":"e562b2e1339fc08d635d28481121857c"}}

1.3 "move" Method

When the user position has moved:

{"method":"move", "data": [0,0,0,0,0,0,0] }

Data can be anything you like, it will be passed to observers without validation

Real example from JanusVR 40.3:

JanusVR submits extra information in first move call and every so often after the first call. This is an example of a move call with extra information:

{"method":"move", "data":{"pos":"8.38889 -0.267704 -5.83333","dir":"-1 -1.33e-06 9.42e-07","view_dir":"-1 -1.33e-06 9.42e-07","up_dir":"-1.33e-06 1 1.25e-12","head_pos":"0 0 0","avatar":"<FireBoxRoom><Assets><AssetObject id=^head^ src=^^ mtl=^^ /><AssetObject id=^body^ src=^^ mtl=^^ /></Assets><Room><Ghost id=^ProudMinna333^ js_id=^3^ scale=^1.700000 1.700000 1.700000^ head_id=^head^ head_pos=^0.000000 0.750000 0.000000^ body_id=^body^ /></Room></FireBoxRoom>"}}

Most JanusVR calls only provide a limited data set:

{"method":"move", "data":{"pos":"8.38889 -0.267704 -5.83333","dir":"-1 -1.33e-06 9.42e-07","view_dir":"-1 -1.33e-06 9.42e-07","up_dir":"-1.33e-06 1 1.25e-12","head_pos":"0 0 0"}}

1.4 "chat" Method

When the user wants to send a text message:

{"method":"chat", "data": "The message"}

You can pass anything through the data field and it will be sent to all clients subscribed to the current room.

Real example from JanusVR 40.3:

{"method":"chat", "data": "hello!"}

1.5 "subscribe" Method

When you wish to start receiving events about a room (you are in that room or looking through a portal)

{"method":"subscribe", "data": { "roomId": "345678354764987457" }}

Real example from JanusVR 40.3:

The first "subscribe" call provides extra information:

{"method":"subscribe", "data":{"userId":"ProudMinna333","version":"40.3","roomId":"e562b2e1339fc08d635d28481121857c"}}

Subsequent "subscribe" calls provide less information:

{"method":"subscribe", "data":{"roomId":"69de79e1077103cb59d1a890e96c7ef2"}}

Will receive the following if everything is OK.


1.6 "unsubscribe" Method

When you no longer wish to receive messages from that room because none of its portals are visible

{"method":"unsubscribe", "data": { "roomId": "345678354764987457" }}

Real example from JanusVR 40.3:

TODO: Grab real example

Will receive the following if everything is OK.


1.7 "portal" Method

When a user creates a new portal:

{"method":"portal", "data":{"url":"http://...", "pos":[1,2,4], "fwd":[0,1,0]}}

Real example from JanusVR 40.3:

{"method":"portal", "data":{"url":"","pos":"-7.16883 -0.267702 -6.57243","fwd":"0.967686 0 -0.234104"}}

Will receive the following if everything is OK.

Will receive: {"method":"okay"}

1.8 "users_online" Method

Get list of connected users.

Defined in config.js: config.maxUserResults = 100.

{"method": "users_online"} 
List all users online up to config.maxUserResults.
{"method": "users_online", "data": {"maxResults": 50}}
List all users online up to ‘maxResults’  or config.maxUserResults, whichever is smaller.
{"method": "users_online", "data": {"roomId": "xyz"}}
List all users in ‘roomId’ up to config.maxUserResults.
{"method": "users_online", "data": {"maxResults": 50, "roomId": "xyz"}}
List all users in ‘roomId’ up to ‘maxResults’  or config.maxUserResults, whichever is smaller.


{"method": "users_online", "data": {"results": 3, "roomId": "xyz", "users": ["Arthur Dent", "Data", "Lore"]}


2. Server -> Client Notifications:


2.1 "user_moved" notification

When a user moves in any room that you are subscribed too, will recive notification about your own movement.


Real example from interaction with JanusVR 40.3:

Some user_moved notifications will contain extra information:

{"method":"user_moved","data":{"roomId":"e562b2e1339fc08d635d28481121857c","userId":"ProudMinna333","position":{"pos":"8.38889 -0.267704 -5.83333","dir":"-1 -1.33e-06 9.42e-07","view_dir":"-1 -1.33e-06 9.42e-07","up_dir":"-1.33e-06 1 1.25e-12","head_pos":"0 0 0","avatar":"<FireBoxRoom><Assets><AssetObject id=^head^ src=^^ mtl=^^ /><AssetObject id=^body^ src=^^ mtl=^^ /></Assets><Room><Ghost id=^ProudMinna333^ js_id=^3^ scale=^1.700000 1.700000 1.700000^ head_id=^head^ head_pos=^0.000000 0.750000 0.000000^ body_id=^body^ /></Room></FireBoxRoom>"}}}

However, most will only contain something like the following:

{"method":"user_moved","data":{"roomId":"e562b2e1339fc08d635d28481121857c","userId":"ProudMinna333","position":{"pos":"8.38889 -0.267704 -5.83333","dir":"-1 -1.33e-06 9.42e-07","view_dir":"-1 -1.33e-06 9.42e-07","up_dir":"-1.33e-06 1 1.25e-12","head_pos":"0 0 0"}}}

2.2 "user_chat" notification

When a user says something in text chat.

{"method":"user_chat", "data":{"message":"The message", "userId":"LL"}}

Real example from interaction with JanusVR 40.3:

{"method":"user_chat", "data":{"roomId":"69de79e1077103cb59d1a890e96c7ef2","userId":"ProudMinna333","message":"hello!"}}

2.3 "user_leave"/"user_enter" notification

When a user changes room:

{"method":"user_leave", "data":{"userId":"LL","roomId":"oldRoomId"}}
{"method":"user_enter", "data":{"userId":"LL","roomId":"newRoomId"}}

The followed up with a move "user_moved" event

Real example from interaction with JanusVR 40.3:

TODO: Grab example of "user_leave"

TODO: Grab example of "user_enter"

2.4 "user_portal" notification

When a user creates a portal:

{"method":"user_portal", "data":{"userId":"LL","roomId":"345678354764987457","url":"http://...", "pos":[0,0,0], "fwd":[0,1,0]}}

Real example from interaction with JanusVR 40.3:

{"method":"user_portal", "data":{"roomId":"e562b2e1339fc08d635d28481121857c","userId":"ProudMinna333","url":"","pos":"-7.16883 -0.267702 -6.57243","fwd":"0.967686 0 -0.234104"}}

2.4 "user_disconnected" notification

When a user disconnects:
