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*** Reason for rollback ***

I can consistently make IE8 segfault after this change

*** Original change description ***

Generalize the the special handling of HR tags in
goog.editor.range.placeCursorNextTo() to better handle IMG tags and
other no-child-allowed Element nodes. This logic now takes effect
for all browsers, rather than just IE/IE9.
The the original behavior caused scrolling issues
when inserting images or emoji in gmail, on IE.
Also change (for IE) the order

... description truncated by g4 rollback ...

DELTA=209 (18 added, 167 deleted, 24 changed)

Revision created by MOE tool push_codebase.

git-svn-id: 0b95b8e8-c90f-11de-9d4f-f947ee5921c8
  • Loading branch information committed Jan 3, 2013
1 parent 578422e commit 8b8389d
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Showing 7 changed files with 39 additions and 183 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions closure/goog/deps.js

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

18 changes: 0 additions & 18 deletions closure/goog/editor/field.js
Expand Up @@ -2330,24 +2330,6 @@ goog.editor.Field.prototype.placeCursorAtStartOrEnd_ = function(isStart) {

* Restore a saved range, and set the focus on the field.
* If no range is specified, we simply set the focus.
* @param {goog.dom.SavedRange=} opt_range A previously saved selected range.
goog.editor.Field.prototype.restoreSavedRange = function(opt_range) {
if (goog.userAgent.IE) {
if (opt_range) {
if (!goog.userAgent.IE) {

* Makes a field editable.
Expand Down
54 changes: 4 additions & 50 deletions closure/goog/editor/field_test.js
Expand Up @@ -1014,45 +1014,6 @@ function doTestPlaceCursorAtStart(opt_html, opt_parentId) {

* Verify that restoreSavedRange() restores the range and sets the focus.
function testRestoreSavedRange() {
var editableField = new FieldConstructor('testField', document);

// Create another node to take the focus later.
var doc = goog.dom.getOwnerDocument(editableField.getElement());
var otherElem = doc.createElement('div');
otherElem.tabIndex = '1'; // Make it focusable.

// Initially place selection not at the start of the editable field.
var textNode = editableField.getElement().firstChild;
var range = goog.dom.Range.createFromNodes(textNode, 1, textNode, 2);;
var savedRange = goog.editor.range.saveUsingNormalizedCarets(range);

// Change range to be a simple cursor at start, and move focus away.


// Verify that we have focus and the range is restored.
assertEquals('Field should be focused',
var newRange = editableField.getRange();
assertEquals('Range startNode', textNode, newRange.getStartNode());
assertEquals('Range startOffset', 1, newRange.getStartOffset());
assertEquals('Range endNode', textNode, newRange.getEndNode());
assertEquals('Range endOffset', 2, newRange.getEndOffset());


function testPlaceCursorAtStart() {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1101,10 +1062,8 @@ function doTestPlaceCursorAtEnd(opt_html, opt_parentId, opt_offset) {

// We check whether getAttribute exist because textNode may be an actual
// TextNode, which does not have getAttribute.

var hasBogusNode = textNode && textNode.getAttribute &&
if (hasBogusNode) {
if (textNode && textNode.getAttribute &&
textNode.getAttribute('_moz_editor_bogus_node')) {
// At least in FF >= 6, assigning '' to innerHTML of a contentEditable
// element will results in textNode being modified into:
// <br _moz_editor_bogus_node="TRUE" _moz_dirty=""> instead of nulling
Expand All @@ -1120,13 +1079,8 @@ function doTestPlaceCursorAtEnd(opt_html, opt_parentId, opt_offset) {
var offset = goog.isDefAndNotNull(opt_offset) ?
opt_offset :
textNode ? endNode.nodeValue.length : endNode.childNodes.length - 1;
if (hasBogusNode) {
assertEquals('The range should end at the ending of the bogus node ' +
'added by FF', offset + 1, range.getEndOffset());
} else {
assertEquals('The range should end at the ending of the node',
offset, range.getEndOffset());
assertEquals('The range should end at the ending of the node',
offset, range.getEndOffset());

Expand Down
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions closure/goog/editor/plugins/abstractdialogplugin.js
Expand Up @@ -240,8 +240,11 @@ goog.editor.plugins.AbstractDialogPlugin.prototype.handleAfterHide = function(
goog.editor.plugins.AbstractDialogPlugin.prototype.restoreOriginalSelection =
function() {
this.savedRange_ = null;
if (this.savedRange_) {
this.savedRange_ = null;

Expand Down
47 changes: 14 additions & 33 deletions closure/goog/editor/range.js
Expand Up @@ -187,7 +187,17 @@ goog.editor.range.placeCursorNextTo = function(node, toLeft) {
var offset = goog.array.indexOf(parent.childNodes, node) +
(toLeft ? 0 : 1);
var point = goog.editor.range.Point.createDeepestPoint(
parent, offset, toLeft, true);
parent, offset, toLeft);
// NOTE: It's for fixing bug that selecting HR tag breaks
// the cursor position In IE9. See http://b/6040468.
if (goog.userAgent.IE && goog.userAgent.isVersion('9') &&
point.node.nodeType == goog.dom.NodeType.ELEMENT &&
point.node.tagName == goog.dom.TagName.HR) {
var hr = point.node;
point.node = hr.parentNode;
point.offset = goog.array.indexOf(point.node.childNodes, hr) +
(toLeft ? 0 : 1);
var range = goog.dom.Range.createCaret(point.node, point.offset);;
return range;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -503,39 +513,25 @@ goog.editor.range.Point.prototype.getParentPoint = function() {
* By default, we trend rightward. If this parameter is true, then we
* trend leftward. The tendency to fall rightward by default is for
* consistency with other range APIs (like placeCursorNextTo).
* @param {boolean=} opt_stopOnChildlessElement If true, and we encounter
* a Node which is an Element that cannot have children, we return a Point
* based on its parent rather than that Node itself.
* @return {goog.editor.range.Point} A new point.
goog.editor.range.Point.createDeepestPoint =
function(node, offset, opt_trendLeft, opt_stopOnChildlessElement) {
function(node, offset, opt_trendLeft) {
while (node.nodeType == goog.dom.NodeType.ELEMENT) {
var child = node.childNodes[offset];
if (!child && !node.lastChild) {
} else if (child) {
if (child) {
var prevSibling = child.previousSibling;
if (opt_trendLeft && prevSibling) {
if (opt_stopOnChildlessElement &&
goog.editor.range.Point.isTerminalElement_(prevSibling)) {
node = prevSibling;
offset = goog.editor.node.getLength(node);
} else {
if (opt_stopOnChildlessElement &&
goog.editor.range.Point.isTerminalElement_(child)) {
node = child;
offset = 0;
} else {
if (opt_stopOnChildlessElement &&
goog.editor.range.Point.isTerminalElement_(node.lastChild)) {
node = node.lastChild;
offset = goog.editor.node.getLength(node);
Expand All @@ -545,21 +541,6 @@ goog.editor.range.Point.createDeepestPoint =

* Return true if the specified node is an Element that is not expected to have
* children. The createDeepestPoint() method should not traverse into
* such elements.
* @param {Node} node .
* @return {boolean} True if the node is an Element that does not contain
* child nodes (e.g. BR, IMG).
* @private
goog.editor.range.Point.isTerminalElement_ = function(node) {
return (node.nodeType == goog.dom.NodeType.ELEMENT &&

* Construct a point at the very end of the given node.
* @param {Node} node The node to create a point for.
Expand Down
83 changes: 14 additions & 69 deletions closure/goog/editor/range_test.html
Expand Up @@ -379,9 +379,13 @@
assertEquals(2, children.length);
var node = children[0];
var range = goog.editor.range.placeCursorNextTo(node, true);

assertEquals(div, range.getStartNode());
assertEquals(0, range.getStartOffset());
if (goog.userAgent.IE && goog.userAgent.isVersion('9')) {
assertEquals(div, range.getStartNode());
assertEquals(0, range.getStartOffset());
} else {
assertEquals(children[0], range.getStartNode());
assertEquals(0, range.getStartOffset());

function testPlaceCursorNextTo_rightOfHr() {
Expand All @@ -391,72 +395,13 @@
assertEquals(2, children.length);
var node = children[1];
var range = goog.editor.range.placeCursorNextTo(node, false);

assertEquals(div, range.getStartNode());
assertEquals(2, range.getStartOffset());

function testPlaceCursorNextTo_rightOfImg() {
var div = $('parentNode');
div.innerHTML =
'aaa<img src="">bbb';
var children = div.childNodes;
assertEquals(3, children.length);
var imgNode = children[1];
var range = goog.editor.range.placeCursorNextTo(imgNode, false);

assertEquals('range node should be the right sibling of img tag',
children[2], range.getStartNode());
assertEquals(0, range.getStartOffset());


function testPlaceCursorNextTo_rightOfImgAtEnd() {
var div = $('parentNode');
div.innerHTML =
'aaa<img src="">';
var children = div.childNodes;
assertEquals(2, children.length);
var imgNode = children[1];
var range = goog.editor.range.placeCursorNextTo(imgNode, false);

assertEquals('range node should be the parent of img',
div, range.getStartNode());
assertEquals('offset should be right after the img tag',
2, range.getStartOffset());


function testPlaceCursorNextTo_leftOfImg() {
var div = $('parentNode');
div.innerHTML =
'<img src="">xxx';
var children = div.childNodes;
assertEquals(2, children.length);
var imgNode = children[0];
var range = goog.editor.range.placeCursorNextTo(imgNode, true);

assertEquals('range node should be the parent of img',
div, range.getStartNode());
assertEquals('offset should point to the img tag',
0, range.getStartOffset());

function testPlaceCursorNextTo_rightOfFirstOfTwoImgTags() {
var div = $('parentNode');
div.innerHTML =
'aaa<img src="">' +
'<img src="">';
var children = div.childNodes;
assertEquals(3, children.length);
var imgNode = children[1]; // First of two IMG nodes
var range = goog.editor.range.placeCursorNextTo(imgNode, false);

assertEquals('range node should be the parent of img instead of ' +
'node with innerHTML=' + range.getStartNode().innerHTML,
div, range.getStartNode());
assertEquals('offset should be right after the img tag',
2, range.getStartOffset());
if (goog.userAgent.IE && goog.userAgent.isVersion('9')) {
assertEquals(div, range.getStartNode());
assertEquals(1, range.getStartOffset());
} else {
assertEquals(children[1], range.getStartNode());
assertEquals(0, range.getStartOffset());

function testGetDeepEndPoint() {
Expand Down
9 changes: 0 additions & 9 deletions closure/goog/testing/editor/fieldmock.js
Expand Up @@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ goog.require('goog.dom');

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -69,14 +68,6 @@ goog.testing.editor.FieldMock =

this.$does(function(range) {
if (range) {

// These methods cannot be set on the prototype, because the prototype
// gets stepped on by the mock framework.
Expand Down

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