Cosmopolitan v3.5.0
Cosmopolitan Libc makes C a build-once run-anywhere language, like Java, except it doesn't need an interpreter or virtual machine. Instead, it reconfigures stock GCC and Clang to output a POSIX-approved polyglot format that runs natively on Linux + Mac + Windows + FreeBSD + OpenBSD + NetBSD + BIOS with the best possible performance and the tiniest footprint imaginable. For further details, read Cosmopolitan Third Edition, the Cosmo README, and the Cosmopolitan Toolchain README.
We now have a higher quality memory map implementation.
- 6ffed14 Rewrite memory manager
- 0dbf01b Bring Lua to 5.4.6. (#1214)
- 7f6d0b8 Support -x LANG flag in cosmocc
- f2c8ddb Fix --strace use-after-free in pthread_join()
- d1d4388 Delete ASAN
We've made a lot of progress reinventing the C++ STL.
- 8b3e368 ctl::string small-string optimization (#1199)
- c4c812c Introduce ctl::set and ctl::map
- f9dd568 Implement ctl::unique_ptr (#1216)
- 118db71 Provide a minimal new.h for CTL (#1205)
- a795017 Fix _Atomic define for C++ (#1231)
- d7b1919 ctl::unique_ptr improvements and cleanup (#1221)
- 7e780e5 More ctl::string optimization (#1232)
- 9a5a138 CTL: utility.h, use ctl::swap in string (#1227)
- e38a6e7 ctl string const/value tweaks (#1218)
- d44a7dc Fix bugs in in ctl::optional (#1203)
- 2ba6b01 Fix some memory issues with ctl::string (#1201)
- f86e6f8 Make definitions weak (#1233)
- 03b476f Minor small-string errata from #1199
- f3effcb One more SSO erratum from #1199
- 32643e9 Decouple swap from std (#1211)
- a0410f0 Make big_string pod (#1204)
We've been making improvements to our GitHub development process.