A new Worpdress Theme for the InlineSkating Comittee of Seine Saint Denis
Worpdress theme based on wp-bootstrap-starter
- I wanted to create a theme based on the latest version of Bootstrap
- actually Bootstrap4 Beta2
- I didn't want to start it from scratch
- So I searched for a starter Themejpmena@jpmena-P34:~/CDRS/wordpress/wp-content/themes/inlineskatingcomitee93/scripts/dev$ source ~/.bashrc && nvm use --delete-prefix 8.9.3 Now using node v8.9.3 (npm v5.5.1)
- https://fr.wordpress.org/themes/wp-bootstrap-starter/ seems to be well rated !!!
- a professional (but free) theme using Bootstrap is Newspaper x
- It will be the target to reach starting from wp-bootstrap-starter!!!
- I don't want to write css from scratch
- I also wanted to use an analogous SASS Grunt tooling
- Analogeous to the put into place for My Personal Portal
- For installing the nodejs and compiling SASS to css see: Node.js page
- create a .gitignore ...
- The menu / Burger does not appear clearly when using one's mobile
- I don't know how to make logos disappear when entering mobile mode
- The purple font on the banner is not OK ...
- Can I change the banner for a Bootstrap 4 accordion or an OWL Carousel