emoji prediction given a text using machine learning techniques
You'll need python3 (everything's been developed under Python 3.5.2)
$ git clone git@github.com:javierhonduco/emoji-prediction.git
$ cd emoji-prediction
- Fetch some tweets
$ cd fetch
$ script/bootstrap # to install everything
$ # fill in fetch/config.py using config_sample.py as a template
$ # you'll need: * a Twitter API token * a Sentry DSN
$ bin/benchmark # just to download tweets and see how many per second can you fetch
- Do some ๐ฌ
$ cd classify
$ script/bootstrap # to install everything
$ # once the training file is in the folder
$ python3 sk_learn_experiments.py 10000 # use 10.000 tweets. The percentage used for training is defined in the `TRAINING` variable
$ # generate statistics
$ python3 emoji_stats.py