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Multidimensional scaling of antibody escape profiles

This Python Jupyter notebook performs multi-dimensional scaling of escape profiles to project the antibodies into two dimensions based on similarity of their escape profiles.

Set up analysis

Import Python modules:

import itertools
import os

import adjustText

from dms_variants.constants import CBPALETTE

from IPython.display import display, HTML

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import numpy

import pandas as pd

import seaborn

import sklearn.manifold
from sklearn.metrics import euclidean_distances

import yaml

Read the configuration file:

with open('config.yaml') as f:
    config = yaml.safe_load(f)

Create output directory:

os.makedirs(config['mds_dir'], exist_ok=True)

Extract from configuration what we will use as the site- and mutation-level metrics:

site_metric = config['site_metric']
mut_metric = config['mut_metric']

print(f"At site level, quantifying selection by {site_metric}")
print(f"At mutation level, quantify selection by {mut_metric}")
At site level, quantifying selection by site_total_escape_frac_epistasis_model
At mutation level, quantify selection by mut_escape_frac_epistasis_model

Read samples and escape fractions

Read the escape fractions. We only retain the average of the libraries for plotting here, not the individual libraries. Also, we work in the full-Spike rather than RBD numbering, which means we use label_site as site (and so rename as such below):

print(f"Reading escape fractions from {config['escape_fracs']}")
escape_fracs = (pd.read_csv(config['escape_fracs'])
                .query('library == "average"')
                .drop(columns=['site', 'selection', 'library'])
                .rename(columns={'label_site': 'site'})
Reading escape fractions from results/escape_scores/escape_fracs.csv

Get antibody sets for each multidimensional scaling

We have manually specified configurations for the MDS plots in a YAML file. We will do multi-dimensional scaling for each antibody/sera set specified in this file:

print(f"Reading MDS configuration from {config['mds_config']}")
with open(config['mds_config']) as f:
    mds_config = yaml.safe_load(f)
print(f"Reading the site color schemes from {config['site_color_schemes']}")
site_color_schemes = pd.read_csv(config['site_color_schemes'])
Reading MDS configuration from data/mds_config.yaml
Reading the site color schemes from data/site_color_schemes.csv

Multidimensional scaling

Note that there are three main steps here:

  1. Calculate similarities between profiles of each antibody.
  2. Convert similarities to dissimilarities.
  3. Do multi-dimensional scaling and plot the results.

First, define a function to compute the similarity between all pairs of escape profiles in a data frame. We calculate similarity as the dot product of the escape profiles for each pair of conditions, using the site-level metric and normalizing each profile so it's dot product with itself is one. Importantly, we raise the site-level metric to the $p$ power in order to emphasize sites with large values (essentially a p-norm):

def escape_similarity(df, p=1):
    """Compute similarity between all pairs of conditions in `df`."""
    df = df[['condition', 'site', site_metric]].drop_duplicates()
    assert not df.isnull().any().any()
    conditions = df['condition'].unique()
    similarities = []
    pivoted_df = (
        .assign(metric=lambda x: x[site_metric]**p)
        .pivot_table(index='site', columns='condition', values='metric', fill_value=0)
        # for normalization:
        # to get norm:
        .transform(lambda x: x / numpy.linalg.norm(x, axis=0))
    for cond1, cond2 in itertools.product(conditions, conditions):
        similarity = (
            .assign(similarity=lambda x: x[cond1] * x[cond2])
        assert similarity.notnull().all()  # make sure no sites have null values
        similarities.append(similarity.sum())  # sum of similarities over sites
    return pd.DataFrame(numpy.array(similarities).reshape(len(conditions), len(conditions)),
                        columns=conditions, index=conditions)

Define function to compute dissimilarity $d$ from the similarity $s$. Options are:

  • one_minus: $d = 1 - s$
  • minus_log: $d = -\ln s$
def dissimilarity(similarity, method='one_minus'):
    if method == 'one_minus':
        return 1 - similarity
    elif method == 'minus_log':
        return -numpy.log(similarity)
        raise ValueError(f"invalid `method` {method}")

Now compute the similarities and dissimilarities, and do the multidimensional scaling as described here. We do this just for the antibody combinations for which such a plot is specified in the escape profiles configuration file. We then plot the multidimensional scaling, using adjustTexts to repel the labels and following here to draw pie charts that color the points according to the site-coloring scheme if specified in configuration. These pie charts color by the fraction of the squared site escape apportioned to each site category.

# which method do we use to compute dissimilarity?
dissimilarity_method = 'one_minus'

# do we also plot similarity / dissimilarity matrices?
plot_similarity = False

# function to draw colored pie for each point.
def draw_pie(dist, xpos, ypos, size, ax, colors, alpha, circle_color):
    """Based on this:"""
    # for incremental pie slices
    cumsum = numpy.cumsum(dist)
    cumsum = cumsum / cumsum[-1]
    pie = [0] + cumsum.tolist()

    assert len(colors) == len(dist)
    for r1, r2, color in zip(pie[:-1], pie[1:], colors):
        angles = numpy.linspace(2 * numpy.pi * r1, 2 * numpy.pi * r2)
        x = [0] + numpy.cos(angles).tolist()
        y = [0] + numpy.sin(angles).tolist()

        xy = numpy.column_stack([x, y])

        ax.scatter([xpos], [ypos], marker=xy, s=size, facecolors=color, alpha=alpha, edgecolors='none')
        ax.scatter(xpos, ypos, marker='o', s=size, edgecolors=circle_color,
                   facecolors='none', alpha=alpha)

    return ax

# loop over combinations to plot
for name, specs in mds_config.items():
    # get data frame with just the conditions we want to plot, also re-naming them
    conditions_to_plot = list(specs['conditions'].keys())
    print(f"\nMaking plot {name}, which has the following antibodies:\n{conditions_to_plot}")
    assert len(conditions_to_plot) == len(set(specs['conditions'].values()))
    assert set(conditions_to_plot).issubset(set(escape_fracs['condition']))
    df = (escape_fracs
          .query('condition in @conditions_to_plot')
          .assign(condition=lambda x: x['condition'].map(specs['conditions']))
    # compute similarities and dissimilarities
    similarities = escape_similarity(df)
    dissimilarities = similarities.applymap(lambda x: dissimilarity(x, method=dissimilarity_method))
    conditions = df['condition'].unique()
    assert all(conditions == similarities.columns) and all(conditions == similarities.index)
    n = len(conditions)
    # plot similarities
    if plot_similarity:
        for title, data in [('Similarities', similarities), ('Dissimilarities', dissimilarities)]:
            fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(0.8 * n, 0.7 * n))
            _ = seaborn.heatmap(data, annot=True, ax=ax)
            plt.title(f"{title} for {name}", size=16)
    # use multidimensional scaling to get locations of antibodies
    mds = sklearn.manifold.MDS(n_components=2,
                               random_state=1 if 'random_state' not in specs else specs['random_state'],
    locs = mds.fit_transform(dissimilarities)
    print(f"stress = {getattr(mds,'stress_')} from iteration {getattr(mds,'n_iter_')}")
    # the `sklearn` stress is not scaled, so we manually calculate a scaled Kruskal stress
    # as shown here:
    # manually calculate stress (unscaled)
    points = mds.embedding_
    DE = euclidean_distances(points)
    stress = 0.5 * numpy.sum((DE - dissimilarities.values)**2)
    print(f"Manual calculus of sklearn stress : {stress}")
    ## Kruskal's stress (or stress formula 1)
    stress1 = numpy.sqrt(stress / (0.5 * numpy.sum(dissimilarities.values**2)))
    print(f"Kruskal's Stress : {stress1}")
    print("[Poor > 0.2 > Fair > 0.1 > Good > 0.05 > Excellent > 0.025 > Perfect > 0.0]")

    # get the colors for each point if relevant
    color_scheme = specs['color_scheme']
    if isinstance(color_scheme, list):
        color_csv, color_col = color_scheme
        print(f"Using condition-level color scheme in column {color_col} of {color_csv}")
        dists = [[1] for condition in conditions]
        condition_to_color = pd.read_csv(color_csv).set_index('condition')[color_col].to_dict()
        if not set(conditions).issubset(set(condition_to_color)):
            raise ValueError(f"{color_scheme} doesn't have colors for all conditions: {conditions}")
        colors = [[condition_to_color[condition]] for condition in conditions]
    elif color_scheme in site_color_schemes.columns:
        print(f"Using the {color_scheme} site color scheme")
        site_colors = site_color_schemes.set_index('site')[color_scheme].to_dict()
        df = df.assign(color=lambda x: x['site'].map(site_colors))
        dists = []
        colors = []
        for condition, condition_df in (
                [['condition', 'color', 'site', site_metric]]
                .assign(site_metric2=lambda x: x[site_metric]**2)  # color in proportion to **square** of site escape
                .groupby(['condition', 'color'])
                .aggregate(tot_escape=pd.NamedAgg('site_metric2', 'sum'))
                .sort_values('tot_escape', ascending=False)
                .assign(condition=lambda x: pd.Categorical(x['condition'], conditions, ordered=True))
                .groupby('condition', sort=True)
        print(f"Coloring all points {color_scheme}")
        dists = [[1] for conditition in conditions]
        colors = [[color_scheme] for condition in conditions]
    # get circle / label colors
    if 'default_circle_color' in specs:
        default_circle_color = specs['default_circle_color']
        default_circle_color = 'none'
    if 'default_label_color' in specs:
        default_label_color = specs['default_label_color']
        default_label_color = 'black'
    circle_colors = []
    label_colors = []
    for condition in conditions:
        if 'circle_colors' in specs and condition in specs['circle_colors']:
        if 'label_colors' in specs and condition in specs['label_colors']:
    # plot the multidimensional scaling result
    plot_size = 4 if 'plot_size' not in specs else specs['plot_size']
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(plot_size, plot_size))
    xs = locs[:, 0]
    ys = locs[:, 1]
    for x, y, dist, color, circle_color in zip(xs, ys, dists, colors, circle_colors):
        draw_pie(dist, x, y,
                 size=300 if 'pie_size' not in specs else specs['pie_size'],
                 alpha=0.7 if 'pie_alpha' not in specs else specs['pie_alpha'],
    ax.set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box')  # same distance on both axes
    ax.set_xticks([])  # no x-ticks
    ax.set_yticks([])  # no y-ticks
    ax.margins(0.09)  # increase padding from axes
    if 'no_labels' not in specs or not specs['no_labels']:
        texts = [plt.text(x, y, label, color=color) for x, y, label, color
                 in zip(xs, ys, conditions, label_colors)]
                               expand_points=(1.2, 1.6) if 'expand_points' not in specs
                                             else specs['expand_points'],
    plotfile = os.path.join(config['mds_dir'], f"{name}_mds.pdf")
    print(f"Saving plot to {plotfile}")
    fig.savefig(plotfile, bbox_inches='tight')
Making plot Rockefeller_v_pub, which has the following antibodies:
['CB6_400', 'LY-CoV555_400', 'REGN10933_400', 'REGN10987_400', 'CR3022_400', 'COV2-2677_400', 'COV2-2082_400', 'COV2-2094_400', 'COV2-2165_400', 'COV2-2832_400', 'COV2-2479_400', 'COV2-2050_400', 'COV2-2096_400', 'COV2-2499_400', 'C105_400', 'C144_400', 'C002_400', 'C121_400', 'C135_400', 'C110_400', 'COV2-2196_400', 'COV2-2130_400']
stress = 7.34678692156969 from iteration 108
Manual calculus of sklearn stress : 7.346671980447377
Kruskal's Stress : 0.212431547939723
[Poor > 0.2 > Fair > 0.1 > Good > 0.05 > Excellent > 0.025 > Perfect > 0.0]
Using the barnes_classes site color scheme
Saving plot to results/multidimensional_scaling/Rockefeller_v_pub_mds.pdf


Making plot NY_sera_all_mAbs, which has the following antibodies:
['CB6_400', 'LY-CoV555_400', 'REGN10933_400', 'REGN10987_400', 'CR3022_400', 'COV2-2677_400', 'COV2-2082_400', 'COV2-2094_400', 'COV2-2165_400', 'COV2-2832_400', 'COV2-2479_400', 'COV2-2050_400', 'COV2-2096_400', 'COV2-2499_400', 'C105_400', 'C144_400', 'C002_400', 'C121_400', 'C135_400', 'C110_400', 'COV2-2196_400', 'COV2-2130_400', 'COV-021_500', 'COV-047_200', 'COV-057_50', 'COV-072_200', 'COV-107_80', '23_d21_1250', '23_d45_1250', '23_d120_500', '1C_d26_200', '1C_d113_200', '24C_d32_200', '24C_d104_200', '6C_d33_500', '6C_d76_500', '22C_d28_200', '22C_d104_200', '25C_d48_200', '25C_d115_80', '25_d18_500', '25_d94_200', '12C_d61_160', '12C_d152_80', '23C_d26_80', '23C_d102_80', '13_d15_200', '13_d121_1250', '7C_d29_500', '7C_d103_200']
stress = 17.957137694572022 from iteration 172
Manual calculus of sklearn stress : 17.957113444309027
Kruskal's Stress : 0.18617653670534465
[Poor > 0.2 > Fair > 0.1 > Good > 0.05 > Excellent > 0.025 > Perfect > 0.0]
Using condition-level color scheme in column class_color of data/mds_color_schemes_new.csv
Saving plot to results/multidimensional_scaling/NY_sera_all_mAbs_mds.pdf
