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DSL Descriptor for use with latest groovy-eclipse plugin.
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Provides inline documentation and code assist for the builder.
Still rudimentary, but already quite useful.
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jkuipers committed May 25, 2011
1 parent 68df5f9 commit 52b204c
Showing 1 changed file with 89 additions and 0 deletions.
89 changes: 89 additions & 0 deletions src/main/groovy/rabbitmq.dsld
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.DynamicVariable;

import groovy.lang.Closure;

import java.util.Map;

registerPointcut("mqVarName", { it instanceof DynamicVariable && == 'mq' })

def mq = mqVarName() | currentType('com.jbrisbin.groovy.mqdsl.RabbitMQBuilder')

mq.accept {
provider = "RabbitMQBuilder DSL"

method name: "exchange",
type: "org.springframework.amqp.core.Exchange",
useNamedArgs: true,
params: [name: String, type: String, durable: Boolean, autoDelete: Boolean, arguments: Map],
doc: """
Declares an exchange.
<b>name</b> should be specified, all other parameters are optional.
<b>type</b> is typically one of "direct", "fanout", "topic" or "header" and defaults to "direct".
<b>durable</b> and <b>auto-delete</b> default to "false".

method name: "on",
doc: """
Registers event handlers using given Map with event names as keys and Closures as values.
Valid event names with Closure arguments are:
<li><b>error</b>, passes Exception </li>
<li><b>beforePublish</b>, passes exchange, routingKey and message</li>
<li><b>afterPublish</b>, passes exchange, routingKey and message</li>
<li>custom event names passed to consume()'s 'onmessage', passes message</li>
messages are of type org.springframework.amqp.core.Message.

(mq | enclosingCallName("exchange")).accept {
provider = "RabbitMQBuilder DSL"

method name: "queue",
type: "org.springframework.amqp.core.Queue",
useNamedArgs: true,
params: [name: String, routingKey: String, durable: Boolean, autoDelete: Boolean, exclusive: Boolean, arguments: Map],
doc: """
Declares a queue. When defined within an exchange, the queue will be bound to that exchange.
All parameters are optional.
<b>durable</b> and <b>exclusive</b> default to "false", <b>auto-delete</b> defaults to "true".

(mq | enclosingCallName("exchange") | enclosingCallName("queue") | enclosingCallName("consume")).accept {
provider = "RabbitMQBuilder DSL"

method name: "publish",
doc: """
Publishes a message.
Supported named parameters are both standard and custom AMQP headers,
<b>routingKey</b> and <b>exchange</b>. Uses outer exchange by default when defined in one.
Last routing key is remembered, so it's optional for subsequent publish calls needing the same key.
Pass in a Closure that returns the message payload or accepts a <b>ByteArrayOutputStream</b>
as a parameter and writes the payload to that. Returned payload will be converted to bytes automatically.
Standard headers that are recognized:

enclosingCallName("queue").accept {
provider = "RabbitMQBuilder DSL"

method name: "consume",
params: [onmessage: String, ack: String],
useNamedArgs: true,
doc: """
Register a message consumer for the outer queue by calling a passed in Closure
with a org.springframework.amqp.core.Message.
Closure can be passed is as-is as the single parameter, or as the value of a
named <b>onmessage</b> parameter: this parameter accepts an event name as value
as an alternative to a closure, in which case you'll need to register an event
handler using 'on'.
The other valid named parameter is <b>ack</b> (one of 'NONE', 'MANUAL' or 'AUTO' where 'AUTO is the default').

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