Initialize engine version: 2018.3.12f1 (8afd630d1f5b) GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=1 Direct3D: Version: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (ID=0x1b81) Vendor: (null) VRAM: 3072 MB Driver: Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly - Completed reload, in 0.187 seconds Initializing input. Input initialized. Initialized touch support. UnloadTime: 0.760100 ms WwiseUnity: Initialize sound engine ... (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug.bindings.h Line: 45) Applying Global Quality Level 3 - Ultra DETAILED LOGS: ENABLED Parsing BundleConfig Applying Global Quality Level 3 - Ultra DontDestroyOnLoad only work for root GameObjects or components on root GameObjects. (Filename: Line: 543) Fallback handler could not load library D:/Software/MTG Arena/MTGA/MTGA_Data/Mono/libc Fallback handler could not load library D:/Software/MTG Arena/MTGA/MTGA_Data/Mono/libc.dll Fallback handler could not load library D:/Software/MTG Arena/MTGA/MTGA_Data/Mono/libc Setting up 2 worker threads for Enlighten. Thread -> id: 49e8 -> priority: 1 Thread -> id: cdc -> priority: 1 EndpointHashPath = Waiting for endpoint hash response... [Accounts - Client] Attempting fast log in. [Accounts - Startup] Player has rememberMe ID (refresh token) saved. Attempting fast login. Current EndpointHash is 5d588739675426088a7ad8ca71fb6ee0 Found existing manifest with hash: 5d588739675426088a7ad8ca71fb6ee0 [Accounts - Client] Successfully logged in to account: PapaSquat#08450 Connecting to Front Door: [UnityCrossThreadLogger]FrontDoorConnection.Open(CreatedBy = "ArenaGlobals.Constructor") [UnityCrossThreadLogger]Got non-message event: TcpOpenedEvent [UnityCrossThreadLogger]10/20/2019 5:01:31 PM ==> Authenticate(0): { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Authenticate", "params": { "ticket": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjM0NmM4YTY1NTBlZGI5MDRjM2IyNWI3ODlmOTllNjU3ODA4MGJiOTUiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QifQ.eyJhdWQiOiJOOFFGRzhORUJKNVQzNUZCIiwiZXhwIjoxNTcxNjA2MjUwLCJpYXQiOjE1NzE2MDUyOTAsImlzcyI6IjRTS0hNRUQ0VEZCU0JPNzY1NU5DMlZCNUxNIiwic3ViIjoiRkNLRUlUNFRGRkJLM0xZVFQ0VkxVV1lVSVEiLCJ3b3RjLW5hbWUiOiJQYXBhU3F1YXQjMDg0NTAiLCJ3b3RjLWRvbW4iOiJ3aXphcmRzIiwid290Yy1nYW1lIjoiYXJlbmEiLCJ3b3RjLWZsZ3MiOjAsIndvdGMtcm9scyI6WyJNRE5BTFBIQSJdLCJ3b3RjLXBybXMiOltdLCJ3b3RjLXNjcHMiOlsiZmlyc3QtcGFydHkiXSwid290Yy1wZGdyIjoiSlRaRVpVSkJPTkZWUE1NRVdKNUNOUjNTNFUifQ.AEl7DKQayYqHp05b5Mj4G7Y2S70C2GaFDh2UsqZ7Fpme9qaAbQCna5-sgH7TxBmS4jE2ZA5GIw6ndbMwCJzmnsnk9BfFu2KVu0KvFNpjWUCZKlq_Mjb0P9LVa8M8Xu8q8HRXcN4JOFDyXfMM_NRht3jYI1sYSeJwNKLQ0ytV_4QtIVYjJPepd_jTpqYa3xoLdisxCm5ZRuUnHIED7ly0OVYKgmdBatOiKpyDPiHjbs2jk1yeZWMjer8gT2ey-c6yBfGYtuEl7FFYSER-35GKW7xuR_mB-H8szGud8awW8wGcfBLwS-OVFghgWhzDPpe5R8bJwcoORSBUsMIMDTx45A", "clientVersion": "1810.735881" }, "id": "0" } [UnityCrossThreadLogger]10/20/2019 5:01:31 PM <== FrontDoor.ConnectionDetails(0) { "sessionId": "cf167f6d-496a-49ba-a321-5784e974e7fa", "isQueued": "False" } [UnityCrossThreadLogger]10/20/2019 5:01:31 PM ==> Log.BI(1): { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Log.BI", "params": { "messageName": "Client.UserDeviceSpecs", "humanContext": "User Device Specs", "payloadObject": { "graphicsDeviceName": "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070", "graphicsDeviceType": "Direct3D11", "graphicsDeviceVendor": "NVIDIA", "graphicsDeviceVersion": "Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1]", "graphicsMemorySize": 3072, "graphicsMultiThreaded": true, "graphicsShaderLevel": 50, "deviceUniqueIdentifier": "ac9d9fb1097e3357842a8d841ec4e946402999f5", "deviceModel": "To Be Filled By O.E.M. 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[UnityCrossThreadLogger]10/20/2019 5:01:38 PM <== Log.Info(8) True Unloading 6 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 2) WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Standard' - Pass 'META' has no vertex shader WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Standard' - Pass 'META' has no vertex shader UnloadTime: 4.628700 ms Applying Global Quality Level 3 - Ultra MainNav load in 2793ms 10/20/2019 5:01:41 PM Coroutine_StartupSequence [UnityCrossThreadLogger]10/20/2019 5:01:41 PM ==> Mercantile.GetStoreStatus(9): { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Mercantile.GetStoreStatus", "params": {}, "id": "9" } [UnityCrossThreadLogger]10/20/2019 5:01:41 PM ==> PlayerInventory.GetCatalogStatus(10): { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "PlayerInventory.GetCatalogStatus", "params": {}, "id": "10" } [UnityCrossThreadLogger]10/20/2019 5:01:41 PM ==> Deck.GetDeckListsV3(11): { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Deck.GetDeckListsV3", "params": {}, "id": "11" } [UnityCrossThreadLogger]10/20/2019 5:01:41 PM ==> Deck.GetDeckLimit(12): { 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Consider using the SetParent method instead, with the worldPositionStays argument set to false. This will retain local orientation and scale rather than world orientation and scale, which can prevent common UI scaling issues. (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug.bindings.h Line: 45) Parent of RectTransform is being set with parent property. Consider using the SetParent method instead, with the worldPositionStays argument set to false. This will retain local orientation and scale rather than world orientation and scale, which can prevent common UI scaling issues. 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"67166": 4, "66089": 2, "66489": 1, "69332": 3, "69528": 4, "69539": 4, "69583": 4, "69639": 4, "69673": 3, "66691": 2, "69240": 2, "66441": 2, "67724": 3, "66645": 3, "68114": 3, "66011": 3, "66239": 1, "65997": 2, "67734": 1, "67710": 1, "68010": 2, "67582": 1, "66945": 2, "66885": 4, "66361": 4, "66101": 4, "66949": 4, "66723": 4, "66137": 4, "66891": 4, "66135": 2, "66377": 3, "66871": 4, "66337": 1, "66889": 1, "66719": 2, "66079": 1, "67584": 2, "67690": 3, "65971": 4, "66947": 4, "66213": 3, "65991": 3, "66407": 4, "67870": 2, "67692": 2, "67902": 2, "66647": 3, "66649": 1, "66223": 1, "67748": 1, "66205": 1, "66745": 1, "68112": 3, "67358": 4, "67250": 3, "67970": 2, "66277": 1, "66283": 1, "66071": 1, "66103": 1, "67806": 1, "67388": 4, "67824": 3, "67196": 4, "67342": 4, "67460": 4, "67482": 4, "67326": 1, "68122": 4, "67464": 3, "67316": 4, "66157": 4, "67292": 4, "67324": 4, "67478": 1, "66901": 1, "66911": 2, "67308": 1, "67320": 2, "66793": 1, "67600": 2, "67598": 2, "67586": 4, "69523": 4, "69652": 4, "69496": 4, "69526": 4, "69671": 4, "69591": 4, "66289": 2, "69175": 3, "69569": 4, "69586": 2, "69537": 3, "69689": 3, "69656": 1, "69579": 2, "69497": 4, "69659": 4, "69626": 4, "69577": 2, "69638": 1, "69563": 4, "69647": 4, "69499": 4, "69615": 3, "69468": 4, "69669": 4, "69489": 2, "69500": 3, "69195": 3, "69348": 4, "69243": 4, "69260": 4, "69163": 4, "69146": 3, "69237": 3, "67254": 2, "69212": 4, "69233": 4, "69318": 4, "69281": 4, "69138": 4, "69293": 3, "68549": 3, "68679": 4, "68581": 4, "68483": 4, "68622": 3, "68697": 4, "68738": 4, "68630": 4, "68519": 2, "68486": 4, "68610": 4, "68576": 4, "68596": 4, "68490": 4, "68466": 4, "68583": 3, "68467": 4, "68500": 1, "68604": 4, "68482": 4, "68667": 4, "68545": 2, "68719": 3, "68546": 3, "68658": 4, "68511": 4, "68559": 4, "68700": 4, "68713": 1, "69264": 3, "66187": 1, "69681": 1, "67424": 1, "66339": 1, "66497": 1, "66193": 1, "66347": 1, "66469": 1, "66349": 1, "66435": 2, "66133": 1, "66359": 1, "66463": 2, "66035": 1, "66487": 1, "66405": 1, "66169": 1, "66123": 2, "65999": 1, "66211": 1, "66021": 1, "66037": 1, "66113": 1, "66179": 2, "66077": 1, "66023": 1, "66383": 1, "65977": 1, "66395": 1, "66233": 1, "66171": 1, "66041": 2, "66019": 2, "66271": 3, "66421": 1, "66477": 1, "66291": 1, "66067": 1, "66149": 1, "66353": 1, "66303": 1, "66181": 1, "66147": 1, "66033": 1, "66321": 1, "66099": 1, "66119": 1, "66295": 1, "69581": 4, "69566": 2, "69698": 3, "69545": 4, "69665": 2, "69501": 1, "66365": 1, "66355": 1, "66105": 1, "66281": 1, "66141": 2, "66279": 1, "66215": 1, "66327": 1, "66265": 1, "66419": 1, "66093": 1, "66209": 1, "66317": 1, "66125": 3, "66247": 1, "66445": 2, "68495": 4, "68600": 3, "68694": 2, "68590": 4, "68523": 4, "68566": 4, "68598": 3, "68717": 4, "68536": 2, "68572": 4, "68562": 4, "68678": 3, "68657": 4, "68597": 4, "68534": 3, "68585": 4, "68554": 1, "66255": 2, "66017": 1, "66243": 1, "66391": 1, "66411": 1, "66393": 1, "66097": 2, "66059": 1, "66451": 1, "66331": 1, "66259": 1, "69235": 4, "68655": 1, "66931": 1, "66431": 1, "66991": 1, "66003": 3, "66659": 4, "65961": 4, "66009": 2, "66653": 4, "66495": 4, "68567": 2, "67836": 1, "68718": 3, "68607": 3, "68542": 4, "68720": 2, "68491": 2, "68479": 1, "68591": 4, "69493": 4, "69508": 4, "69524": 4, "69552": 4, "69614": 1, "69661": 2, "66447": 1, "66687": 3, "69696": 4, "69488": 3, "65979": 1, "69511": 4, "69649": 2, "69637": 3, "66245": 1, "67380": 1, "67210": 2, "67432": 4, "67314": 1, "67212": 1, "67572": 2, "67224": 2, "67148": 2, "67416": 3, "67590": 2, "67288": 1, "67162": 1, "67334": 1, "67310": 2, "67526": 1, "67194": 3, "67386": 3, "67114": 2, "67456": 2, "67268": 1, "67188": 2, "67134": 1, "67306": 1, "67198": 1, "67152": 3, "67524": 1, "67406": 1, "67258": 3, "67286": 1, "67414": 1, "67232": 1, "67466": 3, "66879": 3, "66867": 3, "66639": 2, "66853": 1, "66779": 1, "66721": 2, "67003": 4, "66747": 1, "66899": 2, "66855": 1, "66635": 1, "66835": 1, "66751": 1, "66897": 1, "66829": 2, "66727": 1, "66789": 1, "66857": 2, "66743": 1, "66795": 1, "66763": 1, "66821": 1, "66673": 1, "66881": 1, "66965": 1, "66697": 1, "66785": 2, "66667": 3, "66655": 1, "66761": 1, "66695": 1, "67001": 1, "66651": 1, "67013": 1, "66661": 1, "66703": 1, "66997": 1, "66993": 1, "66783": 1, "66623": 1, "66709": 1, "66771": 1, "66627": 1, "66631": 1, "66807": 1, "66961": 1, "66777": 2, "66983": 1, "66729": 1, "66657": 1, "66849": 1, "66713": 1, "66787": 1, "67216": 3, "68302": 4, "69663": 2, "67328": 2, "67158": 3, "67548": 2, "67350": 2, "67494": 1, "67262": 3, "67312": 2, "67184": 3, "67108": 1, "67472": 1, "67260": 1, "67278": 4, "67392": 1, "67298": 2, "67476": 1, "67226": 2, "69159": 4, "69326": 4, "69249": 3, "69277": 4, "69373": 4, "69179": 4, "69158": 3, "69140": 4, "69153": 4, "69346": 4, "69284": 4, "69130": 3, "69341": 4, "69228": 4, "69384": 4, "69132": 4, "69386": 4, "69254": 4, "69285": 2, "69633": 3, "69588": 3, "69573": 3, "69685": 2, "67168": 1, "67528": 4, "67384": 1, "67242": 1, "67562": 1, "67344": 2, "67124": 1, "67454": 2, "67284": 2, "67270": 1, "67576": 2, "67118": 3, "67274": 2, "67302": 1, "67156": 1, "67354": 2, "67420": 1, "67142": 1, "67536": 2, "67512": 3, "67450": 1, "67246": 1, "67204": 1, "67602": 2, "67484": 1, "67366": 2, "67208": 2, "67534": 2, "67178": 2, "67338": 4, "67138": 1, "67234": 1, "67592": 1, "67282": 1, "67186": 2, "67356": 3, "67264": 1, "67530": 1, "67594": 2, "67106": 1, "67352": 1, "67206": 1, "68561": 4, "68568": 2, "68539": 2, "68573": 3, "68676": 4, "68722": 2, "68731": 3, "67412": 2, "67126": 1, "67220": 1, "67382": 1, "67228": 2, "67150": 1, "67394": 1, "67294": 2, "67192": 2, "67458": 3, "67558": 1, "67556": 3, "67474": 1, "67400": 1, "69654": 4, "69540": 1, "69693": 2, "69613": 4, "69616": 4, "69608": 3, "69494": 2, "69660": 2, "69598": 2, "69457": 3, "68675": 4, "67438": 1, "67266": 3, "67402": 1, "69509": 3, "69602": 4, "69676": 3, "67492": 1, "68488": 2, "68666": 4, "69682": 3, "69666": 2, "69679": 1, "69641": 4, "66633": 1, "67372": 2, "67546": 1, "67346": 1, "67550": 1, "68556": 4, "68603": 2, "68671": 4, "68516": 4, "66189": 1, "66085": 4, "68520": 2, "68681": 3, "68714": 3, "67230": 3, "67446": 2, "67144": 2, "67444": 2, "67588": 1, "67502": 1, "67554": 1, "67190": 3, "67564": 1, "67360": 1, "67566": 1, "67176": 1, "67410": 3, "67248": 2, "67164": 1, "67154": 1, "67436": 1, "67596": 1, "67200": 2, "67426": 3, "67462": 2, "67222": 1, "67376": 1, "67318": 1, "67244": 1, "67236": 1, "69292": 3, "69241": 2, "69380": 2, "69170": 3, "69309": 3, "67442": 2, "67418": 1, "67364": 1, "67434": 1, "67007": 1, "69476": 3, "69764": 2, "69479": 1, "66319": 1, "69144": 4, "69484": 4, "69644": 4, "67490": 1, "68611": 2, "69355": 3, "69210": 4, "69265": 4, "69301": 2, "69192": 4, "69334": 3, "69370": 2, "68674": 1, "69464": 2, "68625": 1, "68594": 4, "68635": 4, "68494": 4, "68493": 3, "68645": 1, "67296": 1, "68589": 4, "67122": 1, "67522": 1, "67520": 2, "69695": 3, "68735": 2, "67378": 1, "67332": 1, "68531": 4, "68555": 4, "68580": 4, "68715": 4, "68646": 2, "68578": 1, "68512": 3, "68608": 2, "68541": 2, "68631": 4, "69345": 4, "69248": 4, "69152": 4, "69154": 4, "69238": 4, "69215": 4, "69221": 3, "69387": 1, "69166": 1, "69164": 4, "69134": 2, "69206": 4, "69225": 2, "69402": 1, "69655": 3, "69763": 3, "69572": 2, "69683": 1, "69627": 3, "69216": 4, "69388": 4, "69202": 4, "69247": 4, "69272": 4, "69219": 2, "69343": 4, "69389": 4, "68619": 4, "68703": 3, "67009": 1, "67408": 1, "69340": 4, "69276": 2, "69584": 2, "66683": 1, "69912": 4, "69887": 4, "69919": 4, "69981": 4, "69790": 4, "69904": 4, "69928": 4, "69906": 4, "70042": 4, "69871": 4, "69803": 4, "69918": 4, "69899": 4, "69832": 4, "69809": 4, "69956": 4, "69873": 4, "69953": 4, "69870": 4, "69800": 4, "69982": 4, "70034": 4, "69867": 4, "69822": 4, "69968": 4, "69865": 4, "69925": 4, "69820": 1, "69883": 3, "69903": 4, "69846": 4, "69951": 4, "69834": 4, "69999": 4, "69798": 3, "69890": 4, "69927": 4, "69966": 4, "69884": 4, "69826": 4, "70004": 4, "69802": 4, "69964": 4, "69939": 4, "69796": 4, "69863": 4, "69989": 4, "69818": 3, "69839": 4, "69792": 4, "69914": 4, "69830": 4, "69878": 4, "69801": 4, "69938": 4, "69926": 4, "69934": 4, "69858": 4, "69875": 2, "70002": 4, "69893": 4, "69894": 4, "69967": 4, "70023": 4, "69935": 3, "69915": 4, "69959": 4, "69786": 4, "69880": 4, "69789": 4, "69860": 4, "69882": 4, "69929": 4, "69994": 4, "69855": 4, "69923": 4, "69975": 4, "69947": 2, "69847": 4, "69946": 4, "69885": 4, "69888": 4, "69849": 3, "69961": 4, "69886": 4, "69971": 4, "69943": 4, "69853": 2, "69931": 4, "69958": 4, "69791": 4, "69856": 3, "70039": 4, "69815": 4, "69889": 4, "69813": 4, "70018": 4, "69840": 4, "69940": 4, "70020": 4, "70006": 4, "69804": 4, "69850": 4, "69869": 4, "69945": 4, "69787": 4, "69872": 4, "69922": 4, "70040": 4, "69799": 4, "69924": 4, "70029": 4, "69909": 4, "69808": 4, "70032": 4, "69969": 4, "69901": 4, "69797": 4, "69986": 4, "69827": 4, "69920": 4, "70014": 4, "69823": 4, "69819": 4, "69980": 4, "69963": 4, "69838": 4, "69908": 4, "69874": 4, "69814": 3, "69828": 4, "69843": 4, "69825": 4, "70041": 3, "70013": 4, "70010": 4, "69930": 4, "69992": 4, "69897": 4, "69805": 4, "69788": 4, "69829": 4, "69898": 4, "69932": 4, "70026": 4, "69983": 4, "69861": 4, "69997": 4, "69854": 4, "69833": 4, "70017": 4, "70024": 2, "69933": 2, "69942": 4, "69816": 4, "69990": 4, "69892": 4, "69970": 4, "69851": 4, "69944": 4, "70009": 2, "69916": 2, "69907": 3, "69913": 4, "69950": 4, "70025": 4, "69817": 4, "70003": 4, "69962": 4, "69812": 4, "69810": 4, "69949": 4, "69911": 4, "70016": 4, "69842": 4, "69835": 4, "69995": 4, "69988": 4, "69974": 4, "69845": 4, "69852": 4, "69806": 4, "69601": 4, "69222": 4, "69181": 3, "69156": 4, "69193": 1, "69358": 3, "69407": 4, "69299": 4, "69182": 2, "69177": 2, "69173": 3, "69337": 4, "69223": 4, "69165": 2, "69155": 2, "69635": 3, "70070": 1, "69171": 1, "69274": 4, "69190": 3, "69596": 4, "69664": 3, "69762": 2, "69631": 1, "69841": 1, "69877": 4, "69985": 3, "70008": 4, "69794": 4, "69895": 4, "69824": 4, "70022": 4, "69821": 4, "68505": 1, "68602": 4, "69157": 4, "68716": 2, "69991": 4, "69973": 4, "70000": 4, "69866": 2, "69965": 3, "69948": 4, "69250": 3, "69463": 3, "69993": 4, "68621": 1, "69244": 4, "68563": 3, "69466": 2, "69643": 2, "69543": 1, "69629": 1, "69571": 4, "69551": 1, "69697": 3, "69607": 3, "69462": 3, "69699": 1, "69621": 4, "69470": 2, "69531": 2, "70011": 3, "69876": 4, "69201": 4, "68634": 4, "69955": 4, "70012": 4, "69972": 4, "70001": 4, "69306": 4, "69329": 4, "69570": 1, "69937": 4, "70007": 2, "70021": 4, "69987": 4, "69977": 4, "69857": 1, "70015": 4, "69793": 2, "69147": 4, "69653": 4, "70037": 1, "69941": 3, "70074": 2, "69902": 3, "68569": 4, "69300": 4, "69879": 4, "69184": 2, "69213": 4, "69868": 4, "69960": 4, "69836": 4, "69978": 4, "69979": 4, "69864": 4, "69231": 3, "69302": 4, "69287": 2, "69186": 1, "70031": 4, "69807": 4, "70036": 4, "69954": 2, "70043": 2, "70078": 2, "69921": 4, "70079": 2, "70119": 2, "69917": 4, "70080": 3, "70081": 4, "69905": 4, "69217": 4, "69218": 4, "69976": 3, "69910": 3, "69234": 3, "69936": 4, "69900": 4, "69291": 3, "69310": 2, "68662": 2, "68613": 2, "69998": 3, "69811": 1, "66253": 4, "69352": 2, "70028": 4, "69148": 4, "68586": 4, "68647": 3, "69881": 2, "68478": 2, "68496": 4, "68507": 2, "69862": 3, "69379": 3, "69317": 1, "68492": 4, "68680": 3, "68544": 2, "68530": 1, "70038": 1, "70030": 4, "69483": 1, "69605": 4, "69541": 4, "69475": 1, "69848": 2, "69307": 4, "69294": 2, "69417": 1, "70019": 2, "69150": 3, "69421": 2, "68592": 3, "69517": 1, "69513": 1, "69550": 1, "68709": 4, "68465": 1, "68537": 4, "68515": 4, "69312": 3, "69255": 4, "69245": 4, "69198": 3, "69327": 1, "69347": 4, "69290": 4, "69328": 2, "69844": 3, "69185": 4, "69174": 4, "69149": 4, "69382": 2, "69145": 4, "69208": 4, "69325": 4, "69189": 1, "69333": 4, 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Loaded Objects now: 108870. 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