Computational Arts MA/MFA Workshop, June 2023.
Iris Colomb & Jérémie Wenger
Press the spacebar to switch between two different sine-wave text objects and the circle & text one.
(source, and don't miss the additional goodness available in this other video, 'Ilse & Pierre Garnier: Poemes mecaniques. 1965'.)
Press the spacebar to switch between three stages of implementation of the wave.
Press the spacebar to switch between the three poems.
A simple combinatorial system in three parts: A B C
. Each of the elements is taken from a separate source (prefixes, roots, suffixes), see the files in wordmaking/data/
, with options to play with multiple lists for each slot.
Press the spacebar to generate a new random word, scroll right to see all the possibilities.
Press ¬
to toggle the UI.
This app has now been moved to this repo.