A generator for daily scavenger hunt puzzles
Geo-Locate Objects Before Enemies!
The name is unfortunately more adventurous than the game-play. Each turn, you can guess which country that you're looking for. You will be told how far away the center of your guess is from the center of the target country, as well as the direction to travel.
The version in my head---which may potentially become part of the game, someday---is that you must find your target country before the "enemy" can do so, probably measured in total miles traveled.
Depending on how you prefer to run your software, G.L.O.B.E. provides two choices.
- Run
to create a one-off game that can be loaded into a browser with---other than a common CSS and JavaScript file---a standalone gameplay.html
that a player can run in a browser with no changes to the game between runs. - Load
in a browser, which generates a different game per day. This will work for any day, but needs the player to load it from a web server to please the browser's CORS rules.
The latter version also takes arguments in the URL allowing players to configure the target date.
At this time, the game is in English. However, if you set the lang
variable to the two-letter ISO code for your language/country (br, cn, de, en, es, fa, fr, hr, it, ja, kr, nl, or pt, at this time) in your browser's JavaScript console, the game will accept and print country names in that language.
Eventually, the game will get a drop-down menu for languages---and probably units of distance, too, so metric people aren't stuck wondering what a "mile" is---but translating should change the title of the game and any additional verbiage that appears, too.
This game couldn't work without the countries.json
file from Countries States Cities Database under the terms of the OdBL 1.0, or the somewhat-stale Maps Icons with its custom attribution license.