diff --git a/microsoft-365/admin/TOC.yml b/microsoft-365/admin/TOC.yml index a3954ce9f30..7a90fd716f1 100644 --- a/microsoft-365/admin/TOC.yml +++ b/microsoft-365/admin/TOC.yml @@ -11,7 +11,15 @@ - name: Plan your setup href: setup/plan-your-setup.md - name: Set up your organization with the guided setup - href: setup/setup.md + items: + - name: Microsoft 365 Business Basic + href: setup/setup-business-basic.md + - name: Microsoft 365 Business Standard + href: setup/setup-business-standard.md + - name: Microsoft Business Premium + href: ../business/set-up.md + - name: Microsoft 365 Apps for business + href: setup/setup-apps-for-business.md - name: Explore the Setup page and wizard href: setup/o365-setup-wizard-and-setup-page.md - name: Migrate your data @@ -21,7 +29,7 @@ - name: Roll out Teams href: https://docs.microsoft.com/microsoftteams/how-to-roll-out-teams?toc=/office365/admin/toc.json&bc=/office365/admin/breadcrumb/toc.json - name: App training for everyone - href: https://support.office.com/en-us/office-training-center + href: https://support.office.com/office-training-center - name: What subscription do I have? href: admin-overview/what-subscription-do-i-have.md - name: Customize Sign-in page @@ -240,10 +248,42 @@ href: security-and-compliance/set-up-multi-factor-authentication.md - name: Enable Modern Authentication for Office 2013 href: security-and-compliance/enable-modern-authentication.md + - name: Secure Microsoft Business Premium + items: + - name: Pre-requisites for data protection + href: ../business/pre-requisites-for-data-protection.md + - name: Security features + href: ../business/security-features.md + - name: Increase threat protection + href: ../business/increase-threat-protection.md + - name: Set up compliance features + href: ../business/set-up-compliance.md - name: Secure score href: https://docs.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/security/mtp/microsoft-secure-score-new - name: A guide to GDPR compliance href: security-and-compliance/gdpr-compliance.md + - name: Manage devices + items: + - name: View and edit policies and devices + href: ../business/view-policies-and-devices.md + - name: Remove company data + href: ../business/remove-company-data.md + - name: Reset devices to factory settings + href: ../business/reset-devices-to-factory-settings.md + - name: Map protection features to Intune settings + href: ../business/map-protection-features-to-intune-settings.md + - name: App protection settings for Android and iOS + href: ../business/app-protection-settings-for-android-and-ios.md + items: + - name: Validate settings on Android or iOS + href: ../business/validate-settings-on-android-or-ios.md + - name: Device protection settings for Windows 10 PCs + href: ../business/protection-settings-for-windows-10-pcs.md + items: + - name: Validate settings on Windows 10 PCs + href: ../business/validate-settings-on-windows-10-pcs.md + - name: App protection settings for Windows 10 PCs + href: ../business/protection-settings-for-windows-10-devices.md - name: Work with customers href: work-with-customers/index.yml items: diff --git a/microsoft-365/admin/setup/index.yml b/microsoft-365/admin/setup/index.yml index 85c4c3ffb25..4d8904080a4 100644 --- a/microsoft-365/admin/setup/index.yml +++ b/microsoft-365/admin/setup/index.yml @@ -43,10 +43,14 @@ landingContent: url: plan-your-setup.md - linkListType: how-to-guide links: + - text: Set up Microsoft Business Basic + url: setup-business-basic.md - text: Set up Microsoft Business Standard - url: setup.md + url: setup-business-standard.md - text: Set up Microsoft Business Premium url: ../../business/set-up.md + - text: Set up Microsoft Apps for Business + url: setup-apps-for-business.md # Card (optional) - title: Finish setting up linkLists: diff --git a/microsoft-365/admin/setup/setup-apps-for-business.md b/microsoft-365/admin/setup/setup-apps-for-business.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..dae86ee4a9c --- /dev/null +++ b/microsoft-365/admin/setup/setup-apps-for-business.md @@ -0,0 +1,114 @@ +--- +title: "Set up Microsoft 365 Apps for business" +f1.keywords: +- NOCSH +ms.author: sirkkuw +author: sirkkuw +manager: mnirkhe +audience: Admin +ms.topic: article +ms.service: o365-administration +localization_priority: Priority +ms.collection: +- M365-subscription-management +- Adm_O365 +- Adm_TOC +- Adm_O365_Setup +- TRN_SMB +ms.custom: +- TRN_M365B +- OKR_SMB_Videos +- okr_smb +- AdminSurgePortfolio +search.appverid: +- MET150 +- MOE150 +- BEA160 +description: "Learn how to set up your Microsoft 365 Apps for business subscription." +--- + +# Set up Microsoft 365 Apps for business + +## Add users and assign licenses + +You can add users in the wizard, but you can also [add users later](../add-users/add-users.md) in the admin center. + + ::: moniker range="o365-worldwide" + +1. Go to the admin center at https://admin.microsoft.com. + +::: moniker-end + +::: moniker range="o365-germany" + +1. If you're using Office 365 Germany, go to [this admin center](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=848041). + +::: moniker-end + +::: moniker range="o365-21vianet" + +1. If you're using Office 365 operated by 21Vianet, go to [this admin center.](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=850627). + +::: moniker-end + +2. Choose **Go to setup** to start the wizard. + +3. On the first page you will get the option to install Office apps on your computer. You can also do this later. + +3. On the next page you can add users and they will automatically get assigned the Microsoft Apps for business license. After you've added the users, you'll also get an option to share credentials with the new users you added. You can choose to print them out, email them, or download them. + + When the sign-up process is complete, you'll be directed to the admin center, where you can add users, and assign licenses. + +## Install Office + +Once you've created accounts for other people in your business, you and your team members will be able to install the full desktop version of Office (Word, Excel, Outlook, etc.). Each person can install Office on up to 5 PCs or Macs. + +::: moniker range="o365-worldwide" + +Go to [https://admin.microsoft.com/OLS/MySoftware.aspx](https://admin.microsoft.com/OLS/MySoftware.aspx). + +::: moniker-end + +::: moniker range="o365-germany" + +If you're using Office 365 Germany, go to [https://portal.office.de/OLS/MySoftware.aspx](https://portal.office.de/OLS/MySoftware.aspx). + +::: moniker-end + +::: moniker range="o365-21vianet" + +If you're using Office 365 operated by 21Vianet, go to [https://portal.partner.microsoftonline.cn/OLS/MySoftware.aspx](https://portal.partner.microsoftonline.cn/OLS/MySoftware.aspx). + +::: moniker-end + +1. Sign in with your work or school account. + +2. Select **Install**. + +Need more detailed steps or want to install the 64-bit version of Office? See [Step-by-step installation instructions](https://support.office.com/article/4414eaaf-0478-48be-9c42-23adc4716658.aspx#BKMK_InstallSteps). + +## Set up mobile + +Install Office on your mobile device, and set up Outlook to work with your new Microsoft mailbox. Everyone on your team will need to do this step. Each person can install the Office mobile apps on up to 5 phones and 5 tablets. + +Get the steps for your device: [Android](https://support.office.com/article/6ef2ebf2-fc2d-474a-be4a-5a801365c87f.aspx) | [iOS](https://support.office.com/article/0402b37e-49c4-4419-a030-f34c2013041f.aspx) | [Windows Phone](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/set-up-office-apps-and-email-on-windows-phone-9bccc8b8-a321-4d0d-a45e-6e06a3438e43) + +## Store files online + +Microsoft makes online file storage easy. To learn which storage locations are best for your business, see [Where you can store files in Office 365](https://support.office.com/article/c7c20284-bc94-47f4-9728-d28e9daf0790.aspx). + +Everyone gets a **OneDrive** cloud storage location automatically when you create Microsoft accounts for them. With OneDrive, you can access files across your computers, phones, and tablets. + +1. On your computer, use File Explorer to open OneDrive. Or, from [Office 365](https://www.office.com), open **OneDrive** from the app launcher. + +2. View and upload personal files, or share documents or folders by selecting **Share** and then either inviting others to view the documents or sending them a link. To learn more, see [Share OneDrive files and folders](https://support.office.com/article/9fcc2f7d-de0c-4cec-93b0-a82024800c07.aspx#OS_Type=OneDrive_-_Business). + +More at [Upload files to a library](https://support.office.com/article/da549fb1-1fcb-4167-87d0-4693e93cb7a0.aspx). + +## Get started using Office + +To take a tour of Microsoft 365 and learn how to use all the Office mobile apps, see [Get started](../admin-overview/get-started-with-office-365.md). + +## Add a custom domain + +During the sign-up you chose an .onmicrosoft domain. You can also add a custom domain, like *contoso.com*, to your account to personalize the emails. For more information, see [add a domain](add-domain.md). \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/microsoft-365/admin/setup/setup-business-basic.md b/microsoft-365/admin/setup/setup-business-basic.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..8ccb380f369 --- /dev/null +++ b/microsoft-365/admin/setup/setup-business-basic.md @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +--- +title: "Set up Microsoft 365 Business Basic" +f1.keywords: +- NOCSH +ms.author: sirkkuw +author: sirkkuw +manager: mnirkhe +audience: Admin +ms.topic: article +ms.service: o365-administration +localization_priority: Priority +ms.collection: +- M365-subscription-management +- Adm_O365 +- Adm_TOC +- Adm_O365_Setup +- TRN_SMB +ms.custom: +- TRN_M365B +- OKR_SMB_Videos +- okr_smb +- AdminSurgePortfolio +search.appverid: +- MET150 +- MOE150 +- BEA160 +description: "Learn how to set up your Microsoft 365 Business Basic subscription." +--- + +# Set up Microsoft 365 Business Basic + + Watch a short video about setting up Microsoft 365 Business Basic.

+ +> [!VIDEO https://www.microsoft.com/videoplayer/embed/RE4vk3W] + +If you found this video helpful, check out the [complete training series for small businesses and those new to Microsoft 365](https://support.office.com/article/6ab4bbcd-79cf-4000-a0bd-d42ce4d12816). + +## Add your domain to personalize sign-in + +When you purchase Microsoft 365 Business Basic, you have the option of using a domain you own, or buying one during the sign-up. + +- If you purchased a new domain when you signed up, your domain is all set up and you can move to [Add users and assign licenses](#add-users-and-assign-licenses). + + ::: moniker range="o365-worldwide" + +1. Go to the admin center at https://admin.microsoft.com. + +::: moniker-end + +::: moniker range="o365-germany" + +1. If you're using Office 365 Germany, go to [this admin center](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=848041). + +::: moniker-end + +::: moniker range="o365-21vianet" + +1. If you're using Office 365 operated by 21Vianet, go to [this admin center.](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=850627). + +::: moniker-end + +2. Choose **Go to setup** to start the wizard. + +3. In the **Add domain** step, enter the domain name you want to use (like contoso.com). + + > [!IMPORTANT] + > If you purchased a domain during the sign-up, you will not see **Add a domain** step here. Go to [Add users](#add-users-and-assign-licenses) instead. + + +4. Follow the steps in the wizard to [Create DNS records at any DNS hosting provider for Office 365](https://docs.microsoft.com/office365/admin/get-help-with-domains/create-dns-records-at-any-dns-hosting-provider) that verifies you own the domain. If you know your domain host, see also the [host specific instructions](https://docs.microsoft.com/office365/admin/get-help-with-domains/set-up-your-domain-host-specific-instructions). + + If your hosting provider is GoDaddy or another host enabled with [domain connect](https://docs.microsoft.com/office365/admin/get-help-with-domains/domain-connect), the process is easy and you'll be automatically asked to sign in and let Microsoft authenticate on your behalf. + + ![On GoDaddy Confirm Access page, select Authorize.](../../media/godaddyauth.png) + +## Add users and assign licenses + +You can add users in the wizard, but you can also [add users later](../add-users/add-users.md) in the admin center. Additionally, if you have a local domain controller, you can add users with [Azure AD Connect](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/active-directory/hybrid/how-to-connect-install-express). + +## Add users in the wizard + +Any users you add in the wizard get automatically assigned a Microsoft 365 Business Basic license. + +1. If your Microsoft 365 Business Basic subscription has existing users (for example, if you used Azure AD Connect), you get an option to assign licenses to them now. Go ahead and add licenses to them as well. + +2. After you've added the users, you'll also get an option to share credentials with the new users you added. You can choose to print them out, email them, or download them. + +## Connect your domain + +> [!NOTE] +> If you chose to use the .onmicrosoft domain, or used Azure AD Connect to set up users, you will not see this step. + +To set up services, you have to update some records at your DNS host or domain registrar. + +1. The setup wizard typically detects your registrar and gives you a link to step-by-step instructions for updating your NS records at the registrar website. If it doesn't, [Change nameservers to set up Office 365 with any domain registrar](https://docs.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/admin/get-help-with-domains/change-nameservers-at-any-domain-registrar). + + - If you have existing DNS records, for example an existing web site, but your DNS host is enabled for [domain connect](https://docs.microsoft.com/office365/admin/get-help-with-domains/domain-connect), choose **Add records for me**. On the **Choose your online services** page, accept all the defaults, and choose **Next**, and choose **Authorize** on your DNS host's page. + - If you have existing DNS records with other DNS hosts (not enabled for domain connect), you'll want to manage your own DNS records to make sure the existing services stay connected. See [domain basics](https://docs.microsoft.com/office365/admin/get-help-with-domains/dns-basics) for more info. + +2. Follow the steps in the wizard and email and other services will be set up for you. + + When the signup process is complete, you'll be directed to the admin center, where you can add users, and assign licenses. After you complete the initial setup, you can use the **Setup** page in the admin center to continue setting up and configuring the services that come with your subscriptions. + + For more information about the setup wizard and the admin center **Setup** page, see [Difference between the setup wizard and the Setup page](o365-setup-wizard-and-setup-page.md). \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/microsoft-365/admin/setup/setup-business-standard.md b/microsoft-365/admin/setup/setup-business-standard.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..5394e4fda06 --- /dev/null +++ b/microsoft-365/admin/setup/setup-business-standard.md @@ -0,0 +1,144 @@ +--- +title: "Set up Microsoft 365 Business Standard" +f1.keywords: +- NOCSH +ms.author: sirkkuw +author: sirkkuw +manager: mnirkhe +audience: Admin +ms.topic: article +ms.service: o365-administration +localization_priority: Priority +ms.collection: +- M365-subscription-management +- Adm_O365 +- Adm_TOC +- Adm_O365_Setup +- TRN_SMB +ms.custom: +- TRN_M365B +- OKR_SMB_Videos +- okr_smb +- AdminSurgePortfolio +search.appverid: +- MET150 +- MOE150 +- BEA160 +description: "Learn how to set up your Microsoft 365 Business Standard subscription." +--- + +# Set up Microsoft Business Standard + + *These steps are for businesses and [nonprofits](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=627221) that have the **[Microsoft 365 Business Standard plan.](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=627220)*** + +Watch a short video about setting up Microsoft 365 Business Standard (formerly known as Office 365 Business Premium).

+ +> [!VIDEO https://www.microsoft.com/videoplayer/embed/913be1ad-bae1-40c0-9ded-15bb477b828b] + +If you found this video helpful, check out the [complete training series for small businesses and those new to Microsoft 365](https://support.office.com/article/6ab4bbcd-79cf-4000-a0bd-d42ce4d12816). + +## Add your domain to personalize sign-in + +When you purchase Microsoft 365 Business Standard, you have the option of using a domain you own, or buying one during the sign-up. + +- If you purchased a new domain when you signed up, your domain is all set up and you can move to [Add users and assign licenses](#add-users-and-assign-licenses). + +1. Sign in to [Microsoft 365 admin center](https://admin.microsoft.com) by using your global admin credentials. + +2. Choose **Go to setup** to start the wizard. + +3. On the **Install your Office apps** page, you can optionally install the apps on your own computer. + +4. In the **Add domain** step, enter the domain name you want to use (like contoso.com). + + > [!IMPORTANT] + > If you purchased a domain during the sign-up, you will not see **Add a domain** step here. Go to [Add users](#add-users-and-assign-licenses) instead. + + +4. Follow the steps in the wizard to [Create DNS records at any DNS hosting provider for Office 365](https://docs.microsoft.com/office365/admin/get-help-with-domains/create-dns-records-at-any-dns-hosting-provider) that verifies you own the domain. If you know your domain host, see also the [host specific instructions](https://docs.microsoft.com/office365/admin/get-help-with-domains/set-up-your-domain-host-specific-instructions). + + If your hosting provider is GoDaddy or another host enabled with [domain connect](https://docs.microsoft.com/office365/admin/get-help-with-domains/domain-connect), the process is easy and you'll be automatically asked to sign in and let Microsoft authenticate on your behalf. + + ![On GoDaddy Confirm Access page, select Authorize.](../../media/godaddyauth.png) + +## Add users and assign licenses + +You can add users in the wizard, but you can also [add users later](../add-users/add-users.md) in the admin center. Additionally, if you have a local domain controller, you can add users with [Azure AD Connect](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/active-directory/hybrid/how-to-connect-install-express). + +## Add users in the wizard + +Any users you add in the wizard get automatically assigned a Microsoft 365 Business Standard license. + +1. If your Microsoft 365 Business Standard subscription has existing users (for example, if you used Azure AD Connect), you get an option to assign licenses to them now. Go ahead and add licenses to them as well. + +2. After you've added the users, you'll also get an option to share credentials with the new users you added. You can choose to print them out, email them, or download them. + +## Connect your domain + +> [!NOTE] +> If you chose to use the .onmicrosoft domain, or used Azure AD Connect to set up users, you will not see this step. + +To set up services, you have to update some records at your DNS host or domain registrar. + +1. The setup wizard typically detects your registrar and gives you a link to step-by-step instructions for updating your NS records at the registrar website. If it doesn't, [Change nameservers to set up Office 365 with any domain registrar](https://docs.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/admin/get-help-with-domains/change-nameservers-at-any-domain-registrar). + + - If you have existing DNS records, for example an existing web site, but your DNS host is enabled for [domain connect](https://docs.microsoft.com/office365/admin/get-help-with-domains/domain-connect), choose **Add records for me**. On the **Choose your online services** page, accept all the defaults, and choose **Next**, and choose **Authorize** on your DNS host's page. + - If you have existing DNS records with other DNS hosts (not enabled for domain connect), you'll want to manage your own DNS records to make sure the existing services stay connected. See [domain basics](https://docs.microsoft.com/office365/admin/get-help-with-domains/dns-basics) for more info. + +2. Follow the steps in the wizard and email and other services will be set up for you. + + When the signup process is complete, you'll be directed to the admin center, where you'll follow a wizard to install Office apps, add your domain, add users, and assign licenses. After you complete the initial setup, you can use the **Setup** page in the admin center to continue setting up and configuring the services that come with your subscriptions. + + For more information about the setup wizard and the admin center **Setup** page, see [Difference between the setup wizard and the Setup page](o365-setup-wizard-and-setup-page.md). + +## Finish setting up + +### Set up Outlook for email + +1. On the Windows Start menu, search for Outlook, and select it. + + (If you're using a Mac, open Outlook from the toolbar or locate it using the Finder.) + + If you've just installed Outlook, on the Welcome page, select **Next**. + +2. Choose **File** \> **Info** \> **Add Account**. + +3. Enter your Microsoft email address and select **Connect**. + +> [!VIDEO https://www.microsoft.com/videoplayer/embed/9fe86884-8a83-42cc-bca9-61a12e6dad31?autoplay=false] + +More at [Set up Outlook for email](https://support.office.com/article/f5bf0cd1-e1f3-4b0d-a022-ecab17efe86f.aspx). + +### Import email + +If you were using Outlook with another email account, you can import your previous email, calendar, and contacts into your new Microsoft account. + +1. **Export your old email** + + In Outlook, choose **File** \> **Open & Export** \> **Import/Export**. + + Select **Export to a File** and then follow the steps to export your Outlook Data File (.pst) and any subfolders. + +2. **Import your old email** + + In Outlook, choose **File** \> **Open & Export** \> **Import/Export** again. + + This time, select **Import from another program or file** and follow the steps to import the backup file you created when you exported your old email. + +> [!VIDEO https://www.microsoft.com/videoplayer/embed/40f7df36-9e24-44e5-8791-e9ed0dd8fd21?autoplay=false] + +More at [Import email with Outlook](https://support.office.com/article/6a3771d4-4c1d-4a25-92a6-0b8e476335de.aspx). + +You can also use Exchange admin center to import everyone's email. For more information, see [migrate multiple email accounts](https://docs.microsoft.com/Exchange/mailbox-migration/mailbox-migration). + +### Use a public website + +Microsoft 365 doesn't include a public website for your business. If you want to set one up, consider using a Microsoft partner, such as GoDaddy or WIX. + +1. From the admin center, go to **Resources**, and then select **Public website**. + +2. Select **Learn more** under one of the options, and then sign up with a website partner and use their tools to set up and design your site. + +> [!VIDEO https://www.microsoft.com/videoplayer/embed/4839abc6-9323-4cbf-a79d-2907235f9ebb] + +More at [Use a public website](https://support.office.com/article/3325d50e-d131-403c-a278-7f3296fe33a9.aspx). \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/microsoft-365/admin/setup/setup.md b/microsoft-365/admin/setup/setup.md index 62cff5c1e52..eeb60965e29 100644 --- a/microsoft-365/admin/setup/setup.md +++ b/microsoft-365/admin/setup/setup.md @@ -25,356 +25,16 @@ search.appverid: - MOE150 - BEA160 ms.assetid: 6a3a29a0-e616-4713-99d1-15eda62d04fa -description: "Learn how to set up your Microsoft 365 Business Standard, Microsoft 365 Business Basic, Microsoft 365 Apps for business, or Office 365 Education subscription." +description: "Learn how to set up your Microsoft Business Premium, Microsoft 365 Business Standard, Microsoft 365 Business Basic, Microsoft 365 Apps for business, or Office 365 Education subscription." --- # Set up Microsoft 365 for business -Follow these steps to get your business or [nonprofit](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=627221) up and running with [Microsoft 365 Business Standard](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=627220), Microsoft 365 Business Basic, Microsoft 365 Apps for business, or Office 365 Education. +See the following links to get your business or [nonprofit](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=627221) up and running with [Microsoft 365 Business Standard](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=627220), Microsoft 365 Business Basic, Microsoft 365 Apps for business, or Office 365 Education. Not a business? See [Set up for Microsoft 365 Family or Microsoft 365 Personal](https://support.office.com/article/65415a24-3cbf-4f30-901d-9bf9eba7fce2.aspx). -## Business Premium - - *These steps are for businesses and [nonprofits](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=627221) that have the **[Microsoft 365 Business Standard plan.](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=627220)*** - -Watch a short video about setting up Microsoft 365 Business Standard.

- -> [!VIDEO https://www.microsoft.com/videoplayer/embed/913be1ad-bae1-40c0-9ded-15bb477b828b] - -If you found this video helpful, check out the [complete training series for small businesses and those new to Microsoft 365](https://support.office.com/article/6ab4bbcd-79cf-4000-a0bd-d42ce4d12816). - -### 1. Sign up and set up - -1. To sign up for a Microsoft 365 for business plan, go to the [Office Products site](https://www.aka.ms/office365signup) and select **Buy now**. - -2. Choose the plan you want to sign up for, such as **Microsoft 365 Business Standard**. - -3. Follow the steps to sign up for an Microsoft 365 for business plan. - - When the signup process is complete, you'll be directed to the admin center, where you'll follow a wizard to install Office apps, add your domain, add users, and assign licenses. After you complete the initial setup, you can use the **Setup** page in the admin center to continue setting up and configuring the services that come with your subscriptions. - - For more information about the setup wizard and the admin center **Setup** page, see [Difference between the setup wizard and the Setup page](o365-setup-wizard-and-setup-page.md). - -### 2. Set up Outlook for email - -1. On the Windows Start menu, search for Outlook, and select it. - - (If you're using a Mac, open Outlook from the toolbar or locate it using the Finder.) - - If you've just installed Outlook, on the Welcome page, select **Next**. - -2. Choose **File** \> **Info** \> **Add Account**. - -3. Enter your Microsoft email address and select **Connect**. - -> [!VIDEO https://www.microsoft.com/videoplayer/embed/9fe86884-8a83-42cc-bca9-61a12e6dad31?autoplay=false] - -More at [Set up Outlook for email](https://support.office.com/article/f5bf0cd1-e1f3-4b0d-a022-ecab17efe86f.aspx). - -### 3. Import email - -If you were using Outlook with another email account, you can import your previous email, calendar, and contacts into your new Microsoft account. - -1. **Export your old email** - - In Outlook, choose **File** \> **Open & Export** \> **Import/Export**. - - Select **Export to a File** and then follow the steps to export your Outlook Data File (.pst) and any subfolders. - -2. **Import your old email** - - In Outlook, choose **File** \> **Open & Export** \> **Import/Export** again. - - This time, select **Import from another program or file** and follow the steps to import the backup file you created when you exported your old email. - -> [!VIDEO https://www.microsoft.com/videoplayer/embed/40f7df36-9e24-44e5-8791-e9ed0dd8fd21?autoplay=false] - -More at [Import email with Outlook](https://support.office.com/article/6a3771d4-4c1d-4a25-92a6-0b8e476335de.aspx). - -### 4. Use a public website - -Microsoft 365 doesn't include a public website for your business. If you want to set one up, consider using a Microsoft partner, such as GoDaddy or WIX. - -1. From the admin center, go to **Resources**, and then select **Public website**. - -2. Select **Learn more** under one of the options, and then sign up with a website partner and use their tools to set up and design your site. - -> [!VIDEO https://www.microsoft.com/videoplayer/embed/4839abc6-9323-4cbf-a79d-2907235f9ebb] - -More at [Use a public website](https://support.office.com/article/3325d50e-d131-403c-a278-7f3296fe33a9.aspx). - -## Business Essentials - -*Use these steps to set up your **[Microsoft 365 Business Basic](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=627218)** subscription. With this plan, you connect to Office 365 online. You don't install the Office apps.* - -### 1. Create Microsoft 365 accounts and add your domain - -In this step, you use the Setup wizard to create Microsoft 365 accounts for your users and add your own domain. The wizard lets you personalize everyone's user ID and email for your business, like rob@contoso.com. - -::: moniker range="o365-worldwide" - -Go to the admin center at https://admin.microsoft.com. - -::: moniker-end - -::: moniker range="o365-germany" - -If you're using Office 365 Germany, go to [this admin center](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=848041). - -::: moniker-end - -::: moniker range="o365-21vianet" - -If you're using Office 365 operated by 21Vianet, go to [this admin center.](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=850627). - -::: moniker-end - -To start the wizard, select **Go to setup**. - - To learn more, see [Add users and domain to Office 365](add-domain.md). - -### 2. Import email - -Move your existing email and contacts from other email systems to your Microsoft mailbox so you can see it all in one place. - -For migration options, see [Migrate email and contacts](migrate-email-and-contacts-admin.md). - -### 3. Connect email accounts - -In addition to managing your Microsoft email in Outlook, you can connect other email accounts to Outlook, too, such as your Gmail and Yahoo accounts. This lets you manage all of your email in one place. You can connect up to 5 email accounts to Outlook. - -::: moniker range="o365-worldwide" - -Sign in to Microsoft 365 with your work or school account at [https://www.office.com/signin](https://www.office.com/signin). - -::: moniker-end - -::: moniker range="o365-germany" - -If you're using Office 365 Germany, sign in at [https://portal.office.de](https://portal.office.de). - -::: moniker-end - -::: moniker range="o365-21vianet" - -If you're using Office 365 operated by 21Vianet, sign in at [https://portal.partner.microsoftonline.cn](https://portal.partner.microsoftonline.cn). - -::: moniker-end - -1. Select **Mail**. - -2. On the Outlook navigation bar, select **Settings**![Settings: update your profile, install software and connect it to the cloud](../../media/4b83e9cb-c7e4-46c8-b3d1-cfee017123ae.png) \> **Options**. - -3. In the left pane, select **Mail**, and under **Accounts**, select **Connected accounts**. - - Not all features are available in every region. If you don't see the **Connected accounts** option, this feature may not be available for your account. - -4. On the **Connect your email account** page, enter your full email address, such as rob@contoso.com, and the password of the email account you want to connect to Outlook. - -5. Select **OK**. - - > [!IMPORTANT] - > If you get a message that Outlook couldn't connect to the server for your other account, select **Back** and make sure you entered the correct email address and password for your account. **Typos are really common!** - -Need more detailed steps or help? See [Connect email accounts in Outlook on the web (Office 365)](https://support.office.com/article/d7012ff0-924f-4f78-8aca-c3912d886c4d.aspx). - -### 4. Install Skype for Business - -You and your team members can [download and install Skype for Business](https://support.office.com/article/8a0d4da8-9d58-44f9-9759-5c8f340cb3fb.aspx) on all of your PCs, Macs, tablets, and phones. Then you'll be able to see the online status of your coworkers, start chats from other Office applications, and host video meetings with up to 250 people. - -::: moniker range="o365-worldwide" - -Go to [https://admin.microsoft.com/OLS/MySoftware.aspx](https://admin.microsoft.com/OLS/MySoftware.aspx). - -::: moniker-end - -::: moniker range="o365-germany" - -If you're using Office 365 Germany, go to [https://portal.office.de/OLS/MySoftware.aspx](https://portal.office.de/OLS/MySoftware.aspx). - -::: moniker-end - -::: moniker range="o365-21vianet" - -If you're using Office 365 operated by 21Vianet, go to [https://portal.partner.microsoftonline.cn/OLS/MySoftware.aspx](https://portal.partner.microsoftonline.cn/OLS/MySoftware.aspx). - -::: moniker-end - -1. Sign in with your work or school account. - -2. Select **Skype for Business** and select **Install**. - -### 5. Store files online - -Microsoft makes online file storage easy. To learn which storage locations are best for your business, see [Where you can store files](https://support.office.com/article/c7c20284-bc94-47f4-9728-d28e9daf0790.aspx). - -Everyone gets a **OneDrive** cloud storage location automatically when you create Microsoft accounts for them. With OneDrive, you can access files across your computers, phones, and tablets. - -1. On your computer, use File Explorer to open OneDrive. Or, from [Microsoft 365](https://www.office.com), open **OneDrive** from the app launcher. - -2. View and upload personal files, or share documents or folders by selecting **Share** and then either inviting others to view the documents or sending them a link. To learn more, see [Share OneDrive files and folders](https://support.office.com/article/9fcc2f7d-de0c-4cec-93b0-a82024800c07.aspx#OS_Type=OneDrive_-_Business). - -More at [Upload files to a library](https://support.office.com/article/da549fb1-1fcb-4167-87d0-4693e93cb7a0.aspx). - -### Get started using Office - -To take a tour of Microsoft 365 and learn how to use all the Office mobile apps, see [Get started](../admin-overview/get-started-with-office-365.md). - -## Business - -*The **[Microsoft 365 Apps for business plan](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=627219)** plan does not include Microsoft email or Skype for Business. In these setup steps, we show you how to add your existing email account (such as Gmail) to Outlook.* - -### 1. Add users - -In this step, you use the Setup wizard to create accounts and add your own domain. The wizard lets you personalize everyone's user ID and email for your business, like rob@contoso.com. - -::: moniker range="o365-worldwide" - -Go to the admin center at https://admin.microsoft.com. - -::: moniker-end - -::: moniker range="o365-germany" - -If you're using Office 365 Germany, go to [this admin center](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=848041). - -::: moniker-end - -::: moniker range="o365-21vianet" - -If you're using Office 365 operated by 21Vianet, go to [this admin center.](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=850627). - -::: moniker-end - -To start the wizard, select **Go to setup**. - -### 2. Install Office - -Once you've created accounts for other people in your business, you and your team members will be able to install the full desktop version of Office (Word, Excel, Outlook, etc.). Each person can install Office on up to 5 PCs or Macs. - -::: moniker range="o365-worldwide" - -Go to [https://admin.microsoft.com/OLS/MySoftware.aspx](https://admin.microsoft.com/OLS/MySoftware.aspx). - -::: moniker-end - -::: moniker range="o365-germany" - -If you're using Office 365 Germany, go to [https://portal.office.de/OLS/MySoftware.aspx](https://portal.office.de/OLS/MySoftware.aspx). - -::: moniker-end - -::: moniker range="o365-21vianet" - -If you're using Office 365 operated by 21Vianet, go to [https://portal.partner.microsoftonline.cn/OLS/MySoftware.aspx](https://portal.partner.microsoftonline.cn/OLS/MySoftware.aspx). - -::: moniker-end - -1. Sign in with your work or school account. - -2. Select **Install**. - -Need more detailed steps or want to install the 64-bit version of Office? See [Step-by-step installation instructions](https://support.office.com/article/4414eaaf-0478-48be-9c42-23adc4716658.aspx#BKMK_InstallSteps). - -### 3. Set up mobile - -Install Office on your mobile device, and set up Outlook to work with your new Microsoft mailbox. Everyone on your team will need to do this step. Each person can install the Office mobile apps on up to 5 phones and 5 tablets. - -Get the steps for your device: [Android](https://support.office.com/article/6ef2ebf2-fc2d-474a-be4a-5a801365c87f.aspx) | [iOS](https://support.office.com/article/0402b37e-49c4-4419-a030-f34c2013041f.aspx) | [Windows Phone](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/set-up-office-apps-and-email-on-windows-phone-9bccc8b8-a321-4d0d-a45e-6e06a3438e43) - -### 4. Store files online - -Microsoft makes online file storage easy. To learn which storage locations are best for your business, see [Where you can store files in Office 365](https://support.office.com/article/c7c20284-bc94-47f4-9728-d28e9daf0790.aspx). - -Everyone gets a **OneDrive** cloud storage location automatically when you create Microsoft accounts for them. With OneDrive, you can access files across your computers, phones, and tablets. - -1. On your computer, use File Explorer to open OneDrive. Or, from [Office 365](https://www.office.com), open **OneDrive** from the app launcher. - -2. View and upload personal files, or share documents or folders by selecting **Share** and then either inviting others to view the documents or sending them a link. To learn more, see [Share OneDrive files and folders](https://support.office.com/article/9fcc2f7d-de0c-4cec-93b0-a82024800c07.aspx#OS_Type=OneDrive_-_Business). - -More at [Upload files to a library](https://support.office.com/article/da549fb1-1fcb-4167-87d0-4693e93cb7a0.aspx). - -### Get started using Office - -To take a tour of Microsoft 365 and learn how to use all the Office mobile apps, see [Get started](../admin-overview/get-started-with-office-365.md). - -## Education - -*These steps are for schools that want to start with the **[Office 365 Education plan](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=717778)** that's set up with the default features.* - -### Get ready for Office 365 - -- **First, verify that you qualify for an education subscription** Follow the steps to [Verify your domain to prove ownership, nonprofit or education status, or to activate Yammer](https://docs.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/admin/setup/domains-faq), so Microsoft can give you the go-ahead for using an education plan. Then you can get Office 365 set up for your school by following the guidance in this article. - -- **Get help?** If you want help with a more advanced deployment, **[FastTrack](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/fasttrack/microsoft-365/office-365)** is a great place to start. You can also [find a partner](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=391089) to help you. - -- **Plan** These tools and resources will help you get your network, directory, and users ready for Office 365: [Get your organization ready for Office 365 Enterprise](https://docs.microsoft.com/office365/enterprise/get-your-organization-ready-for-office-365). - -### 1. Add your school domain or connect your directory - -In this step, you sign in to the Microsoft 365 admin center and add your school domain to your subscription. This will verify to Microsoft that you qualify for an education subscription. - -::: moniker range="o365-worldwide" - -Go to the admin center at https://admin.microsoft.com. - -::: moniker-end - -::: moniker range="o365-germany" - -If you're using Office 365 Germany, go to [this admin center](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=848041). - -::: moniker-end - -::: moniker range="o365-21vianet" - -If you're using Office 365 operated by 21Vianet, go to [this admin center.](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=850627). - -::: moniker-end - -To start the wizard, select **Go to setup**. - -For a walkthrough of what happens when you run the wizard, see [Using the setup wizard](https://docs.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/admin/setup/plan-your-setup). - -If you want to synchronize your users from an on-premises directory or use Single Sign-On, **do not use the setup wizard to add users**. Instead, read this guide to understand your options: [Understanding Office 365 identity and Azure Active Directory](https://docs.microsoft.com/office365/enterprise/about-office-365-identity). You'll either set up: - -- [Understanding Office 365 identity and Azure Active Directory](https://docs.microsoft.com/office365/enterprise/about-office-365-identity#BK_Sync). Synchronizes with an on-premises directory. You manage your users on-premises. You can also synchronize passwords so that the users have the same password on-premises and in the cloud, but they will have to sign in again to use Office 365. - -- [Understanding Office 365 identity and Azure Active Directory](https://docs.microsoft.com/office365/enterprise/about-office-365-identity#BK_Federated). Synchronizes with an on-premises directory. You manage your users on-premises. Users can have the same password on-premises and in the cloud, and they do not have to sign in again to use Office 365. This is often referred to as single sign-on. - -### 2. Set up services - -Set up email, file sharing, instant messaging, and other Office 365 services and applications: [Configure Office 365 Enterprise services and applications](https://docs.microsoft.com/office365/enterprise/configure-services-and-applications). - -In this step, you can install Office 365 on up to 5 PCs and laptops per person. - -### 3. Migrate data - -Once the services are configured, you can start migrating data, like email and files: [Migrate your organization data to Office 365 Enterprise](https://docs.microsoft.com/office365/enterprise/migrate-data-to-office-365). - -If you use Student Information System (SIS) for your students and staff, learn about [setting up SIS integration](https://docs.microsoft.com/schooldatasync/overview-of-school-data-sync). - -### Train your users - -Check out these resources to help people in your organization build confidence using Office 365: - -- [Get people using Office 365](https://support.office.com/article/91a4ec74-67fe-4a84-a268-f6bdf3da1804.aspx) - -- [Get started with Class Notebook](https://support.office.com/article/ee70aff9-52e8-449f-be6a-7cbc1d65eaea.aspx) - ---- - -## Need help? We're here for you! - -Admins, have your account details ready when you call Microsoft Support. - -||| -|:-----|:-----| -|In the United States, call 1 800 865 9408.
In Australia, call 1 800 197 503.
|In Canada, call 1 800 865 9408.
In the United Kingdom, call 0800 032 6417.
| - -For other countries, see [Contact support for business products - Admin Help](../contact-support-for-business-products.md). - -## See also - -[Microsoft 365 for business training videos](https://support.office.com/article/6ab4bbcd-79cf-4000-a0bd-d42ce4d12816) \ No newline at end of file +- [Set up Microsoft 365 Business Basic](setup-business-basic.md) +- [Set up Microsoft Business Standard](setup-business-standard.md) +- [Set up Microsoft 365 Business Premium](../../business/set-up.md) +- [Set up Microsoft 365 Apps for business](setup-apps-for-business.md) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/microsoft-365/business/access-resources.md b/microsoft-365/business/access-resources.md index 493b4cb634a..f52ae27c636 100644 --- a/microsoft-365/business/access-resources.md +++ b/microsoft-365/business/access-resources.md @@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ description: "Learn how to get access to on-premises resources like line of busi # Access on-premises resources from an Azure AD-joined device in Microsoft 365 Business Premium +This article applies to Microsoft 365 Business Premium. + Any Windows 10 device that is Azure Active Directory joined has access to all cloud-based resources, such as your Microsoft 365 apps, and can be protected by Microsoft 365 Business Premium. You can also allow access to on-premises resources like line of business (LOB) apps, file shares, and printers. To allow access, use [Azure AD Connect](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/active-directory/connect/active-directory-aadconnect) to synchronize your on-premises Active Directory with Azure Active Directory. To learn more, see [Introduction to device management in Azure Active Directory](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/active-directory/device-management-introduction). diff --git a/microsoft-365/business/add-users-m365b.md b/microsoft-365/business/add-users-m365b.md index ae2ddb29954..271b4b53188 100644 --- a/microsoft-365/business/add-users-m365b.md +++ b/microsoft-365/business/add-users-m365b.md @@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ description: "Learn the steps to easily add new users, secure their devices, and # Add more users +This article applies to Microsoft 365 Business Premium. + ## Add new users Watch a short video about adding a user.

diff --git a/microsoft-365/business/app-protection-settings-for-android-and-ios.md b/microsoft-365/business/app-protection-settings-for-android-and-ios.md index 87acf6aa35a..db0d900a864 100644 --- a/microsoft-365/business/app-protection-settings-for-android-and-ios.md +++ b/microsoft-365/business/app-protection-settings-for-android-and-ios.md @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ description: "Learn how to create, edit, or delete an app management policy, and # Set app protection settings for Android or iOS devices -![Banner that point to https://aka.ms/aboutM365preview.](../media/m365admincenterchanging.png) +This article applies to Microsoft 365 Business Premium. ## Create an app management policy diff --git a/microsoft-365/business/device-states.md b/microsoft-365/business/device-states.md index a1ddac5d6d4..ef6a6a51851 100644 --- a/microsoft-365/business/device-states.md +++ b/microsoft-365/business/device-states.md @@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ description: "Learn about the various device states in the Device actions list i # Device states +This article applies to Microsoft 365 Business Premium. + Devices in the **Device actions** list (Admin home \> **Device actions**) can have the following states. ![In the Device actions list, you can see the Devices states.](../media/a621c47e-45d9-4e1a-beb9-c03254d40c1d.png) diff --git a/microsoft-365/business/how-policies-protect-company-data.md b/microsoft-365/business/how-policies-protect-company-data.md index 1878db2a239..124cd11a6b1 100644 --- a/microsoft-365/business/how-policies-protect-company-data.md +++ b/microsoft-365/business/how-policies-protect-company-data.md @@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ description: "To protect company data on users' personal devices, use policies t # How policies in Microsoft 365 for business protect company data +This article applies to Microsoft 365 Business Premium. + The policies that you create are specific to the device type and can be applied to specific groups of users. This means that you could create one policy that applies to your executives, and another that applies to everyone else. For Android and iOS devices, you can add or edit application policies that protect Office apps and work files used by Office apps. We're able to control Windows 10 devices a bit more, so application policies can include more settings, like encryption and protection for network and cloud locations. You can also create device policies for Windows 10 devices that enforce settings like virus protection and automatic updates. We recommend that you stick with the policies created during setup, but if you'd like to fine-tune your policies or add more, see these articles: diff --git a/microsoft-365/business/manage-protected-devices.md b/microsoft-365/business/manage-protected-devices.md index 304923b948b..d28ced59a32 100644 --- a/microsoft-365/business/manage-protected-devices.md +++ b/microsoft-365/business/manage-protected-devices.md @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ ms.assetid: 018a2a96-3811-4b5d-b751-3b6330b34256 description: "Learn to remove company data from devices managed through protection policies as well as reset Windows 10 devices to their factory settings." --- -# Manage protected devices with Microsoft 365 for business +# Manage protected devices with Microsoft 365 Business Premium After a user connects their device to your organization by signing in with their work account to the device or to Office apps on the device, you can protect the device with the policies you set up. Connected devices are listed on the **Devices** page. If a device is lost or stolen, you can manage it from this page to remove any company data. You can also reset Windows 10 devices to their factory settings to wipe out any custom settings. diff --git a/microsoft-365/business/manage-user-access-on-mobile-devices.md b/microsoft-365/business/manage-user-access-on-mobile-devices.md index 3da30919a8a..93482665644 100644 --- a/microsoft-365/business/manage-user-access-on-mobile-devices.md +++ b/microsoft-365/business/manage-user-access-on-mobile-devices.md @@ -31,7 +31,9 @@ description: "Learn about protection policies that allow you to manage how users # Manage how users access Office documents on mobile devices - Policy settings that control how users access Office files from their mobile devices are **Off** by default. We recommend that you accept the default values during setup to create application policies for Android, iOS, and Windows 10 that apply to all users. You can create more policies after setup completes. +This article applies to Microsoft 365 Business Premium. + +Policy settings that control how users access Office files from their mobile devices are **Off** by default. We recommend that you accept the default values during setup to create application policies for Android, iOS, and Windows 10 that apply to all users. You can create more policies after setup completes. ## Settings that control how users access Office files on mobile devices diff --git a/microsoft-365/business/manage-windows-devices.md b/microsoft-365/business/manage-windows-devices.md index 08643378ae3..b1e1bcd556e 100644 --- a/microsoft-365/business/manage-windows-devices.md +++ b/microsoft-365/business/manage-windows-devices.md @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ ms.assetid: 9b4de218-f1ad-41fa-a61b-e9e8ac0cf993 description: "Learn how to enable Microsoft 365 to protect local Active-Directory-joined Windows 10 devices in just a few steps." --- -# Enable domain-joined Windows 10 devices to be managed by Microsoft 365 for business +# Enable domain-joined Windows 10 devices to be managed by Microsoft 365 Business Premium -If your organization uses Windows Server Active Directory on-premises, you can set up Microsoft 365 for business to protect your Windows 10 devices, while still maintaining access to on-premises resources that require local authentication. +If your organization uses Windows Server Active Directory on-premises, you can set up Microsoft 365 Business Premium to protect your Windows 10 devices, while still maintaining access to on-premises resources that require local authentication. To set up this protection, you can implement **Hybrid Azure AD joined devices**. These devices are joined to both your on-premises Active Directory and your Azure Active Directory. This video describes the steps for how to set this up for the most common scenario, which is also detailed in the steps that follow. diff --git a/microsoft-365/business/pre-requisites-for-data-protection.md b/microsoft-365/business/pre-requisites-for-data-protection.md index f5c530daa67..af938bb6fee 100644 --- a/microsoft-365/business/pre-requisites-for-data-protection.md +++ b/microsoft-365/business/pre-requisites-for-data-protection.md @@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ description: "Learn about the requirements for setting up your organization with # Prerequisites for protecting data on devices with Microsoft 365 for business +This article applies to Microsoft 365 Business Premium. + The first step in setting up your organization with Microsoft 365 for business is to make sure you can meet the prerequisites. ## Requirements for setting up your organization with Microsoft 365 for business diff --git a/microsoft-365/business/prepare-for-office-client-deployment.md b/microsoft-365/business/prepare-for-office-client-deployment.md index a0d4f490bdb..a913cefd614 100644 --- a/microsoft-365/business/prepare-for-office-client-deployment.md +++ b/microsoft-365/business/prepare-for-office-client-deployment.md @@ -26,9 +26,11 @@ description: "Learn how to automatically install the 32-bit Office apps on Windo # Prepare for Office client deployment by Microsoft 365 for business +This article applies to Microsoft 365 Business Premium. + ## Prepare to automatically install Office apps to client computers -You can use Microsoft 365 for business to automatically install the 32-bit Office apps on Windows 10 computers and keep them current with updates. +You can use Microsoft 365 Business Premium to automatically install the 32-bit Office apps on Windows 10 computers and keep them current with updates. Automatic installation works best if the end user's computer is on Windows 10 Business and: diff --git a/microsoft-365/business/protect-data-with-windows-defender-exploit-guard-settings.md b/microsoft-365/business/protect-data-with-windows-defender-exploit-guard-settings.md index d3d88eafdc9..0915d117028 100644 --- a/microsoft-365/business/protect-data-with-windows-defender-exploit-guard-settings.md +++ b/microsoft-365/business/protect-data-with-windows-defender-exploit-guard-settings.md @@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ description: "Learn how to protect the Windows 10 devices in your organization f # Protect your data with Windows Defender Exploit Guard settings +This article applies to Microsoft 365 Business Premium. + You can set up policies to help protect the Windows 10 devices in your organization from malware attacks, ransomware, and malicious content on the internet. ## Reduce the attack surface of devices diff --git a/microsoft-365/business/protect-work-files-on-devices.md b/microsoft-365/business/protect-work-files-on-devices.md index 2bf2adb7d19..e6da77f02e2 100644 --- a/microsoft-365/business/protect-work-files-on-devices.md +++ b/microsoft-365/business/protect-work-files-on-devices.md @@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ description: "Learn about default configuration and adding application managemen # Protect work files on devices +This article applies to Microsoft 365 Business Premium. + In today's world, users are tied to their devices, and as personal and work life collide, your company data can end up on an employee's personal device. The settings that you configure here can help you take back control and provide protection for work files, without affecting any of the user's personal settings or data. ## Configuring policies during setup diff --git a/microsoft-365/business/protection-settings-for-windows-10-devices.md b/microsoft-365/business/protection-settings-for-windows-10-devices.md index f71d5fbc29b..86f5e1c2cc4 100644 --- a/microsoft-365/business/protection-settings-for-windows-10-devices.md +++ b/microsoft-365/business/protection-settings-for-windows-10-devices.md @@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ description: "Learn how to create an app management policy and protect work file # Set application protection settings for Windows 10 devices +This article applies to Microsoft 365 Business Premium. + ## Create an app management policy for Windows 10 If your users have personal Windows 10 devices on which they perform work tasks, you can protect your data on those devices as well. diff --git a/microsoft-365/business/protection-settings-for-windows-10-pcs.md b/microsoft-365/business/protection-settings-for-windows-10-pcs.md index c1a604de9aa..9d1599d9bd9 100644 --- a/microsoft-365/business/protection-settings-for-windows-10-pcs.md +++ b/microsoft-365/business/protection-settings-for-windows-10-pcs.md @@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ description: "Learn about default and other settings available in Microsoft 365 # Set device protection settings for Windows 10 PCs +This article applies to Microsoft 365 Business Premium. + ## Secure Windows 10 devices View a video on how to secure Windows 10 devices with Microsoft 365 for business: diff --git a/microsoft-365/business/remove-company-data.md b/microsoft-365/business/remove-company-data.md index cc6ceecad16..06eb9173f17 100644 --- a/microsoft-365/business/remove-company-data.md +++ b/microsoft-365/business/remove-company-data.md @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ description: "Discover how to use Microsoft 365 for business to remove company d # Remove company data from devices -[![Label to let you know the admin center is changing and you can find more details at aka.ms/aboutM365preview.](../media/m365admincenterchanging.png)](https://docs.microsoft.com/office365/admin/microsoft-365-admin-center-preview) +This article applies to Microsoft 365 Business Premium. ## Remove company data diff --git a/microsoft-365/business/reset-devices-to-factory-settings.md b/microsoft-365/business/reset-devices-to-factory-settings.md index a2dbf1dce5c..ef17dc53eba 100644 --- a/microsoft-365/business/reset-devices-to-factory-settings.md +++ b/microsoft-365/business/reset-devices-to-factory-settings.md @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ description: "Learn how to use Microsoft 365 for business to factory reset Windo # Reset Windows 10 devices to their factory settings -[![Label to let you know the admin center is changing and you can find more details at aka.ms/aboutM365preview.](../media/m365admincenterchanging.png)](https://docs.microsoft.com/office365/admin/microsoft-365-admin-center-preview) +This article applies to Microsoft 365 Business Premium. A factory reset reverts a device to the original settings it had when the device was purchased. All apps and data on the device that were installed after purchase are removed. You can use Microsoft 365 for business to factory reset Windows 10 devices you manage. diff --git a/microsoft-365/business/secure-win-10-pcs.md b/microsoft-365/business/secure-win-10-pcs.md index e5d8f9bff6a..d8572bd283c 100644 --- a/microsoft-365/business/secure-win-10-pcs.md +++ b/microsoft-365/business/secure-win-10-pcs.md @@ -22,12 +22,14 @@ ms.custom: search.appverid: - BCS160 - MET150 -description: "Learn how to secure Windows 10 PCs after you have set up Microsoft 365 for business." +description: "Learn how to secure Windows 10 PCs after you have set up Microsoft 365 Business Premium." --- # Secure Windows 10 computers -After you have [set up](set-up.md) Microsoft 365 for business, it is time to protect the Windows 10 computers in your org from theft, and malicious threats like viruses and malware. +This article applies to Microsoft 365 Business Premium. + +After you have [set up](set-up.md) Microsoft 365 Business Premium, it is time to protect the Windows 10 computers in your org from theft, and malicious threats like viruses and malware. Watch this video for an overview of how to set up policies to secure your Windows 10 computers.

> [!VIDEO https://www.microsoft.com/videoplayer/embed/RE4kcAF] diff --git a/microsoft-365/business/secure-windows-10-devices.md b/microsoft-365/business/secure-windows-10-devices.md index 7ade8b99801..62012ea641e 100644 --- a/microsoft-365/business/secure-windows-10-devices.md +++ b/microsoft-365/business/secure-windows-10-devices.md @@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ description: "Learn about configuring the settings of the default device policy # Secure Windows 10 devices +This article applies to Microsoft 365 Business Premium. + The settings that you configure here are part of the default device policy for Windows 10. All users who connect a Windows 10 device, including mobile devices and PCs, by signing in with their work account will automatically receive these settings. We recommend that you accept the default policy during setup and add policies later that target specific groups of users. ## Settings to secure Windows 10 devices diff --git a/microsoft-365/business/set-up-conditional-access-policies.md b/microsoft-365/business/set-up-conditional-access-policies.md index 724ba5e53d8..f2c07f3b6c1 100644 --- a/microsoft-365/business/set-up-conditional-access-policies.md +++ b/microsoft-365/business/set-up-conditional-access-policies.md @@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ description: "Learn how to set up conditional access policies for Microsoft 365 # Set up conditional access policies +This article applies to Microsoft 365 Business Premium. + [Conditional access](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/active-directory/conditional-access/overview) policies add substantial additional security. Microsoft provides a set of baseline conditional access policies that are recommended for all customers. Baseline policies are a set of predefined policies that help protect organizations against many common attacks. These common attacks can include password spray, replay, and phishing. These policies require admins and users to enter a second form of authentication (called multifactor authentication, or MFA) when certain conditions are met. For example, if a user is signing in from a different country, the sign-in might be considered risky and the user must provide an additional form of authentication. diff --git a/microsoft-365/business/set-up-overview.md b/microsoft-365/business/set-up-overview.md index f020ac445fb..3e8af276740 100644 --- a/microsoft-365/business/set-up-overview.md +++ b/microsoft-365/business/set-up-overview.md @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ Most of the setup steps can be done in the setup wizard, but the other options a - **[Add your domain](set-up.md#add-your-domain-to-personalize-sign-in)** (if you bought your domain during [sign up](sign-up.md), this step is already done.) - - **Add users**. You can add users in any of the three ways: + - **Add users**. You can add users in any of the three ways: - In the [wizard](set-up.md#add-users-in-the-wizard). - Use directory synchronization to [add users by using Azure AD Connect](https://docs.microsoft.com/office365/enterprise/set-up-directory-synchronization) if you have an on-premises Active directory. - You can also [add users later](add-users-m365b.md) in the admin center. diff --git a/microsoft-365/business/view-policies-and-devices.md b/microsoft-365/business/view-policies-and-devices.md index 1a77a8ffaf6..e1c019692a9 100644 --- a/microsoft-365/business/view-policies-and-devices.md +++ b/microsoft-365/business/view-policies-and-devices.md @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ description: "View device policies and actions by signing in to Microsoft 365 fo # View and manage policies and devices -[![Label to let you know the admin center is changing and you can find more details at aka.ms/aboutM365preview.](../media/m365admincenterchanging.png)](https://docs.microsoft.com/office365/admin/microsoft-365-admin-center-preview) +This article applies to Microsoft 365 Business Premium. ## View and edit device policies diff --git a/microsoft-365/compliance/apply-sensitivity-label-automatically.md b/microsoft-365/compliance/apply-sensitivity-label-automatically.md index 16c2db5087e..f3605a2f169 100644 --- a/microsoft-365/compliance/apply-sensitivity-label-automatically.md +++ b/microsoft-365/compliance/apply-sensitivity-label-automatically.md @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ Make sure you're aware of the prerequisites before you configure auto-labeling p - To view file contents in the source view (not supported for emails), you must have the **Content Explorer Content viewer** role if you're not a global admin. If you don't have this permission, you don't see the previewer pane when you select an item from the **Matched Items** tab. - To auto-label files in SharePoint and OneDrive: - - You have [enabled sensitivity labels for Office files in SharePoint and OneDrive (public preview)](sensitivity-labels-sharepoint-onedrive-files.md). + - You have [enabled sensitivity labels for Office files in SharePoint and OneDrive](sensitivity-labels-sharepoint-onedrive-files.md). - At the time the auto-labeling policy runs, the file mustn't be open by another process or user. - If you plan to use [custom sensitive information types](custom-sensitive-info-types.md) rather than the built-in sensitivity types: diff --git a/microsoft-365/compliance/encryption-sensitivity-labels.md b/microsoft-365/compliance/encryption-sensitivity-labels.md index a519055d281..d39a38a6ecc 100644 --- a/microsoft-365/compliance/encryption-sensitivity-labels.md +++ b/microsoft-365/compliance/encryption-sensitivity-labels.md @@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ Use this configuration only when you do not need to restrict who can open the pr Encrypting your most sensitive documents and emails helps to ensure that only authorized people can access this data. However, there are some considerations to take into account: -- If your organization hasn't [enabled sensitivity labels for Office files in SharePoint and OneDrive (public preview)](sensitivity-labels-sharepoint-onedrive-files.md): +- If your organization hasn't [enabled sensitivity labels for Office files in SharePoint and OneDrive](sensitivity-labels-sharepoint-onedrive-files.md): - Search, eDiscovery, and Delve will not work for encrypted files. - DLP policies work for the metadata of these encrypted files (including retention label information) but not the content of these files (such as credit card numbers within files). diff --git a/microsoft-365/compliance/records.md b/microsoft-365/compliance/records.md index 1871e26194e..b45bb5df4d9 100644 --- a/microsoft-365/compliance/records.md +++ b/microsoft-365/compliance/records.md @@ -91,9 +91,9 @@ Here's what this looks like when a record label is applied to a document on a Sh ## Record versioning -An essential part of records management is the ability to declare a document as a record and have that record be immutable. At the same time, record immutability prevents collaboration on the document if people need to create subsequent versions. For example, you might declare a sales contract as a record, but then need to update the contract with new terms and declare the latest version as a new record while still retaining the previous record version. For these types of scenarios, SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business now support *record versioning*. OneNote notebook folders are not supported. +An essential part of records management is the ability to declare a document as a record and have that record be immutable. At the same time, record immutability prevents collaboration on the document if people need to create subsequent versions. For example, you might declare a sales contract as a record, but then need to update the contract with new terms and declare the latest version as a new record while still retaining the previous record version. For these types of scenarios, SharePoint and OneDrive support *record versioning*. OneNote notebook folders don't support record versioning. -To use record versioning, the first step is to use the Microsoft 365 compliance center to create and publish retention labels that declare records to all SharePoint sites and/or OneDrive accounts, or publish them to specific SharePoint sites and/or OneDrive accounts. The next step is to apply a published retention record label to a document. When this is done, a document property, called *Record status* is displayed next to the retention label, and the initial record status will be **Locked**. At this point, you can do the following things: +To use record versioning, the first step is to use the Microsoft 365 compliance center to create retention labels that declare records and and publish them to all SharePoint sites and OneDrive accounts, or publish them to specific SharePoint sites or OneDrive accounts. The next step is to apply a published retention record label to a document. When this happens, a document property, called *Record status* is displayed next to the retention label, and the initial record status will be **Locked**. At this point, you can do the following things: - **Continually edit and declare individual versions of the document as records, by unlocking and locking the Record status property.** Only the versions declared as records are retained when the **Record status** property is set to **Locked**. This reduces the risk of retaining unnecessary versions and copies of the document. @@ -101,14 +101,13 @@ To use record versioning, the first step is to use the Microsoft 365 compliance - **Maintain an evergreen document that contains all versions.** By default, each SharePoint and OneDrive document has a version history available on the item menu. In this version history, you can easily see which versions are records and view those documents. -Record versioning is automatically available for any document that has a retention label that declares the item as a record. When a user views the document properties through the details pane, they toggle the **Record status** from **Locked** to **Unlocked**. This single click creates a record in the Records folder in the Preservation Hold library, where it resides for the remainder of its retention period. While the document is unlocked, any user with permissions can edit the file. However, users can't delete the file, because it's considered a declared record. After the necessary changes are made, the user can then toggle the **Record status** from **Unlocked** to **Locked**, so that the document is again declared a record and can't be edited. +Record versioning is automatically available for any document that has a retention label that declares the item as a record. When a user views the document properties through the details pane, they toggle the **Record status** from **Locked** to **Unlocked**. This single click creates a record in the Records folder in the Preservation Hold library, where it resides for the remainder of its retention period. + +While the document is unlocked, any user with permissions can edit the file. However, users can't delete the file, because it's considered a record. After the necessary changes are made, the user can then toggle the **Record status** from **Unlocked** to **Locked**, so that the document is again declared a record and can't be edited.

![Record status property on document tagged as a record](../media/recordversioning8.png) -> [!NOTE] -> Record versioning requires an Office 365 Enterprise E5 license for each user who has permissions to edit content that's been declared a record in a SharePoint site or OneDrive account. Users who have read-only access don't require this license. - ### Locking and unlocking a record After a record label is assigned to a document, any user with Contribute permissions or a narrower permission level can unlock a record or lock an unlocked record. diff --git a/microsoft-365/managed-desktop/service-description/security.md b/microsoft-365/managed-desktop/service-description/security.md index a4d334a5484..df68d51c12a 100644 --- a/microsoft-365/managed-desktop/service-description/security.md +++ b/microsoft-365/managed-desktop/service-description/security.md @@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ Microsoft Managed Desktop uses several Microsoft technologies to help secure man For information about data storage, usage, and security practices used by Microsoft Managed Desktop, please download our white paper at [https://aka.ms/mmd-data](https://aka.ms/mmd-data). -For more about the Security Operations team at Microsoft Managed Desktop and how they work to provide security for your devices, see the video [Microsoft Managed Desktop Security Operations](https://www.microsoft.com/videoplayer/embed/RE4q6nP). ## Device security