A sample repository testing an integration between:
- AWS CDK to define serverless applications with .NET
- A CRUD API build with ASP.NET for a web application
- xUnit along with TestContainers to test with emulation
Test Containers is an open source framework for providing throwaway, lightweight instances of databases, message brokers, web browsers, or just about anything that can run in a Docker container.
In this example, the CDK code is defined under the /infra
folder. A separate library named Infrastructure.Definitions
defines the TableProps
for the DynamoDB Table
The unit tests, defined under tests/ProductAPI.Tests
reference the Infrastructure.Definitions
project and use the properties to execute a CreateTableRequest
against an emulated DynamoDB table using the DynamoDBLocal project. The DynamoDBLocal container is started up using TestContainers.
The actual application code, defined under /src/ProductsAPI
also references the Infrastructure.Definitions
library to ensure the ProductRepository
uses the correct table names for the partition key.
Combining all these references, means a breaking change to the Table
definition in the CDK code would fail the unit tests.
To see this in action, first run the below command which will run the DynamoDBLocal container and run unit tests. Ensure you have Docker running first.
dotnet test tests/ProductAPI.Tests/
Now, open up the Database definition and update the PartitionKey property from id
to be broken
Now re-run the tests:
dotnet test tests/ProductAPI.Tests/
And they will fail. Updating your CDK definition to not match what your application code expects fails the unit tests.