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Release: Jekyll 4.2.0 (#8466)
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* chore(release): 4.2.0 💎

Co-authored-by: Ashwin Maroli <>
  • Loading branch information
DirtyF and ashmaroli committed Dec 14, 2020
1 parent 1e2d72a commit 98d0686
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Showing 6 changed files with 146 additions and 4 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion History.markdown
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
## 4.2.0 / 2020-12-14

### Minor Enhancements

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/_config.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
version: 4.1.1
version: 4.2.0
name: Jekyll • Simple, blog-aware, static sites
description: Transform your plain text into static websites and blogs
Expand Down
111 changes: 111 additions & 0 deletions docs/_docs/
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,117 @@ permalink: "/docs/history/"
note: This file is autogenerated. Edit /History.markdown instead.

## 4.2.0 / 2020-12-14
{: #v4-2-0}

### Minor Enhancements
{: #minor-enhancements-v4-2-0}

- Warn on command-line with permalink conflict ([#8342]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8342))
- Supress warning issued for redirect pages ([#8347]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8347))
- Enhance detection of conflicting destination URLs ([#8459]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8459))
- Add `:post_convert` hook to modify HTML content before layout ([#8368]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8368))
- Allow triggering `:post_convert` events atomically ([#8465]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8465))
- Debug reading Page and Layout objects ([#8100]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8100))
- Do not reset `site.url` to `http://localhost:4000` by default ([#7253]({{ site.repository }}/issues/7253))
- Add custom debug strings for Jekyll objects ([#8473]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8473))
- Debug reading data files in a site ([#8481]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8481))

### Bug Fixes
{: #bug-fixes-v4-2-0}

- Replace nested conditional with guard clauses ([#8294]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8294))
- Fix: security bump ([#8349]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8349))
- Fix path matching regex in post_url Liquid tag ([#8375]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8375))
- Enable `Performance/ChainArrayAllocation` cop ([#8404]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8404))
- Enable Lint/NoReturnInBeginEndBlocks Cop ([#8457]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8457))
- Generate items from `site.include` list only once ([#8463]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8463))
- Explicitly return nil after site process phase ([#8472]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8472))

### Optimization Fixes
{: #optimization-fixes-v4-2-0}

- Implement custom delegators for drop methods ([#8183]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8183))
- Handle `nil` argument to `Jekyll.sanitized_path` ([#8415]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8415))
- Cache `Jekyll.sanitized_path` ([#8424]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8424))
- Memoize array of drop getter method names ([#8421]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8421))
- Reduce string allocations from the `link` tag ([#8387]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8387))
- Optimize parsing of parameters in `include` tag ([#8192]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8192))
- Stash documents `write?` attribute in a variable ([#8389]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8389))
- Reduce string allocations from generating doc URLs ([#8392]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8392))
- Check if site is in incremental mode optimally ([#8401]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8401))
- Utilize flexibility of `Site#in_dest_dir` ([#8403]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8403))
- Reduce allocations from rendering item as liquid ([#8406]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8406))
- Compute relative_path of pages using PathManager ([#8408]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8408))
- Reduce allocation from `normalize_whitespace` filter ([#8400]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8400))
- Use `Regexp#match?` when `MatchData` is not required ([#8427]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8427))
- Check default front matter scope against symbols ([#8393]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8393))
- Stash frequently used `Drop` setter keys for reuse ([#8394]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8394))
- Memoize defaults computed for Convertibles ([#8451]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8451))
- Reduce array allocations from merging categories ([#8453]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8453))
- Memoize destination of pages, documents and staticfiles ([#8458]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8458))
- Reduce allocations from computing item property ([#8485]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8485))
- Optimize `Page#dir` with a private method ([#8489]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8489))
- Stash attribute hash for Liquid computed for pages ([#8497]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8497))

### Development Fixes
{: #development-fixes-v4-2-0}

- Update cucumber gem to version 4.1 ([#8278]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8278))
- Move permalink styles data to constant ([#8282]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8282))
- Update rubocop gem to 0.87.1 ([#8287]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8287))
- Update RuboCop to-do file ([#8296]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8296))
- Fix `rake console` generating LoadError ([#8312]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8312))
- Configure Performance cops ([#8369]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8369))
- Update rubocop gem to 0.90.0 ([#8313]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8313))
- Refactor `Jekyll::Utils::Platforms` ([#7236]({{ site.repository }}/issues/7236))
- Bump RuboCop to v0.91.x ([#8391]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8391))
- Add workflow to build and profile third-party repo ([#8398]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8398))
- Bump RuboCop to v0.92.x
- Update cucumber gem version to 5.1.2 ([#8413]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8413))
- Fix test suite compatibility with JRuby ([#8418]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8418))
- chore(deps): bump Rubocop to 0.93.0 ([#8430]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8430))
- Use Ruby 2.7.1 in GitHub Actions ([#8444]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8444))
- Test that Liquid expressions are not deeply evaled ([#8292]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8292))
- Test rendering arbitrary Liquid variables by default ([#7414]({{ site.repository }}/issues/7414))
- Migrate TravisCI jobs to GitHub Actions ([#8492]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8492))

### Documentation

- Update pointer to special permalink variables for collections ([#8274]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8274))
- Fix special treatment for &#39;page 1&#39; in docs of pagination ([#8230]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8230))
- Add Formcake to forms section ([#8283]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8283))
- Add a note on the rendering process in the docs ([#8291]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8291))
- Add refactoring type to PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE ([#8297]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8297))
- Update ([#7864]({{ site.repository }}/issues/7864))
- Extra apostrophes in an URL ([#8319]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8319))
- Clarify target of subordinate clause ([#8320]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8320))
- Cherry-pick commits from conflicting branch `docs-40`
- Update documentation on third party site ([#8352]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8352))
- Update with info requested in [#8314]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8314) ([#8353]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8353))
- Clarify description of `safe` option ([#8354]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8354))
- Simplifying the Git post-receive hook-example ([#8358]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8358))
- Add missing doc for build and serve commands ([#8365]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8365))
- Docs Review: Getting Started ([#8372]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8372))
- Add note about rebooting system after installation ([#8359]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8359))
- Use data file to render table at `/docs/configuration/options/#global-configuration` ([#8377]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8377))
- Use data file(s) to render table(s) at `/docs/configuration/options/` ([#8380]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8380))
- Improve maintainability of config option data ([#8383]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8383))
- Remove CircleCI v1 docs ([#8410]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8410))
- Remove `NOKOGIRI_USE_SYSTEM_LIBRARIES` from Travis CI docs ([#8409]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8409))
- Add links to all Jekyll themes on GitHub tagged with #jekyll-theme ([#8447]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8447))
- Document initializing project Gemfile from scratch ([#8450]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8450))
- Document installation of additional dependencies for installing Jekyll on Fedora ([#8456]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8456))
- Improve documentation on Hooks in Jekyll ([#8467]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8467))
- Build docs site with GitHub Actions ([#8201]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8201))
- Add link to Assets page from `_sass` section in `_docs/` ([#8486]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8486))

### Site Enhancements
{: #site-enhancements-v4-2-0}

- Fix rendering of *showcase* images ([#8504]({{ site.repository }}/issues/8504))

## 4.1.1 / 2020-06-24
{: #v4-1-1}

Expand Down
31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions docs/_posts/2020-12-14-jekyll-4-2-0-released.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
title: "Jekyll 4.2.0 Released"
date: 2020-12-14 14:12:20 +0530
author: ashmaroli
version: 4.2.0
category: release

Greetings Jekyllers! Jekyll v4.2.0 is out!

This release gives you a new hook named `:post_convert` that allows modifying rendered HTML contents before they are
placed into the designated layout(s).

Detecting files that get written into the same destination path has been a part of the diagnostics from `jekyll doctor`
for quite some time now. However, v4.2 has integrated that feature into the build process itself.

On the topic of log output, the `--verbose` output got a bit more verbose. Instead of just showing *documents* that are
being read, the output will now also show *pages* and *layouts* that are being read into the site.

Additionally, we have stopped overriding the `site.url` to `http://localhost:4000` in absolute URLs while developing
via `jekyll serve`.

As always, you can go through [the full list of changes](/docs/history/#v4-2-0) if you are interested in the various
memory-allocation optimizations made to Jekyll.

Special thanks to our community members who helped improving Jekyll codebase and documentation from v4.1.1:
Adam Alton, Alex Malaszkiewicz, Alexey Pelykh, Brittany Joiner, bytecode1024, Christopher Brown, Chuck Houpt,
Corey Megown, Dan Nemenyi, Enrico Tolotto, fauno, Felix Breidenstein, Francesco Bianco, Frank Taillandier,
Gabriel Staples, iBug, Jacobo Vidal, jaybe@jekyll, jesuslerma, jnozsc, joelkennedy, Joe Marshall, Liam Cooke,
Lou Rectoret, Malathi, m-naumann, Nicholas Paxford, Nikita Skalkin, Parker Moore, Pratyaksh Gautam, Rachel Cheyfitz,
SaintMalik, Seeker, Shannon Kularathna, Steven Xu, Takuya N, Thelonius Kort and Toby Glei.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/latest_version.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lib/jekyll/version.rb
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true

module Jekyll
VERSION = "4.1.1"
VERSION = "4.2.0"

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